/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { BaseElement, element } from '../../base-ui/BaseElement.js'; import { querySelectTraceStats, querySystemCalls, queryTraceMemory, queryTraceMemoryTop, queryTraceMemoryUnAgg, queryTraceMetaData, queryTraceTaskName, } from '../database/SqlLite.js'; import '../../base-ui/table/lit-table.js'; import { initMemoryAggStrategy } from './metrics/MemAggStrategy.js'; import { initMemoryStrategy } from './metrics/MemStrategy.js'; import { initTraceStateStrategy } from './metrics/TraceStatsStrategy.js'; import { initTraceTaskStrategy } from './metrics/TraceTaskStrategy.js'; import { initMetaDataStrategy } from './metrics/MetaDataStrategy.js'; import { PluginConvertUtils } from './setting/utils/PluginConvertUtils.js'; import { info } from '../../log/Log.js'; import { LitProgressBar } from '../../base-ui/progress-bar/LitProgressBar.js'; import { SpStatisticsHttpUtil } from '../../statistics/util/SpStatisticsHttpUtil.js'; import { initSysCallsStrategy } from './metrics/SysCallsStrategy.js'; @element('sp-metrics') export class SpMetrics extends BaseElement { private _metric?: string; private _metricResult?: string; private selectMetricEl: HTMLSelectElement | undefined; private runButtonEl: HTMLButtonElement | undefined | null; private responseJson: HTMLPreElement | undefined | null; private metricOptionalSelects: Array | undefined; private metricProgressLoad: LitProgressBar | undefined; static get observedAttributes(): string[] { return ['metric', 'metricResult']; } get metric(): string { return this.getAttribute('metric') || ''; } set metric(value: string) { this._metric = value; } get metricResult(): string { return this.getAttribute('metricResult') || ''; } set metricResult(value: string) { this._metricResult = value; this.setAttribute('metricResult', value); } reset(): void { this.selectMetricEl!.selectedIndex = 0; this.responseJson!.textContent = ''; } initElements(): void { this.metricProgressLoad = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.sp-load-metric') as LitProgressBar; this.selectMetricEl = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.sql-select') as HTMLSelectElement; this.runButtonEl = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.sql-select-button') as HTMLButtonElement; this.responseJson = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.response-json') as HTMLPreElement; if (this.selectMetricEl) { this.selectMetricEl.addEventListener('selectionchange', () => { if (this.selectMetricEl) { this.selectMetricEl.textContent = ''; } }); } this.initMetricDataHandle(); this.initMetricSelectOption(); } initMetric(queryItem: MetricQueryItem): void { this.initMetricData(queryItem).then(() => { this.metricProgressLoad!.loading = false; }); } async initMetricData(queryItem: MetricQueryItem): Promise { let spacesNumber = 4; let metricQuery = queryItem.metricQuery; let queryList = await metricQuery(); info('current Metric Data size is: ', queryList!.length); let metric = queryItem.metricResultHandle; let resultData = metric(queryList); this.responseJson!.textContent = PluginConvertUtils.BeanToCmdTxtWithObjName(resultData, true, queryItem.metricName, spacesNumber); } attributeChangedCallback(name: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string): void { switch (name) { case 'metric': if (this.selectMetricEl) { this.selectMetricEl.textContent = newValue; } break; case 'metricResult': if (this.selectMetricEl) { this.selectMetricEl.textContent = newValue; } break; } } runClickListener = (): void => { SpStatisticsHttpUtil.addOrdinaryVisitAction({ event: 'metrics', action: 'metrics', }); this.metricProgressLoad!.loading = true; let selectedIndex = this.selectMetricEl!.selectedIndex; let value = this.selectMetricEl!.options[selectedIndex].value; let resultQuery = this.metricOptionalSelects?.filter((item) => { return item.metricName === value; }); if (!resultQuery || resultQuery.length === 0) { return; } this.initMetric(resultQuery[0]); }; connectedCallback(): void { // Run metric button to add listener this.runButtonEl?.addEventListener('click', this.runClickListener); } disconnectedCallback(): void { this.runButtonEl?.removeEventListener('click', this.runClickListener); } initMetricSelectOption(): void { for (let index = 0 ; index < this.metricOptionalSelects!.length ; index++) { let htmlElement = document.createElement('option'); if (this.metricOptionalSelects) { htmlElement.textContent = this.metricOptionalSelects[index].metricName; this.selectMetricEl?.appendChild(htmlElement); } } } initMetricDataHandle(): void { this.metricOptionalSelects = [ { metricName: 'trace_mem', metricQuery: queryTraceMemory, metricResultHandle: initMemoryStrategy, }, { metricName: 'trace_mem_top10', metricQuery: queryTraceMemoryTop, metricResultHandle: initMemoryStrategy, }, { metricName: 'trace_mem_unagg', metricQuery: queryTraceMemoryUnAgg, metricResultHandle: initMemoryAggStrategy, }, { metricName: 'trace_task_names', metricQuery: queryTraceTaskName, metricResultHandle: initTraceTaskStrategy, }, { metricName: 'trace_stats', metricQuery: querySelectTraceStats, metricResultHandle: initTraceStateStrategy, }, { metricName: 'trace_metadata', metricQuery: queryTraceMetaData, metricResultHandle: initMetaDataStrategy, }, { metricName: 'sys_calls', metricQuery: querySystemCalls, metricResultHandle: initSysCallsStrategy, }, ]; } initHtml(): string { return `

Select a metric

`; } } export interface MetricQueryItem { metricName: string; metricQuery: Function; metricResultHandle: Function; }