/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { BaseElement, element } from '../../../base-ui/BaseElement.js'; import { log } from '../../../log/Log.js'; import { HdcDeviceManager } from '../../../hdc/HdcDeviceManager.js'; import { LitAllocationSelect } from '../../../base-ui/select/LitAllocationSelect.js'; import '../../../base-ui/select/LitAllocationSelect.js'; import { SpApplication } from '../../SpApplication.js'; import { LitSearch } from '../trace/search/Search.js'; import { SpRecordTrace } from '../SpRecordTrace.js'; import { Cmd } from '../../../command/Cmd.js'; import { CmdConstant } from '../../../command/CmdConstant.js'; import LitSwitch from '../../../base-ui/switch/lit-switch.js'; import { LitSlider } from '../../../base-ui/slider/LitSlider'; @element('sp-allocations') export class SpAllocations extends BaseElement { private processId: LitAllocationSelect | null | undefined; private unwindEL: HTMLInputElement | null | undefined; private shareMemory: HTMLInputElement | null | undefined; private shareMemoryUnit: HTMLSelectElement | null | undefined; private filterMemory: HTMLInputElement | null | undefined; private filterMemoryUnit: HTMLSelectElement | null | undefined; private fpUnWind: LitSwitch | null | undefined; private recordAccurately: LitSwitch | null | undefined; private offlineSymbol: LitSwitch | null | undefined; private startupMode: LitSwitch | null | undefined; private recordStatisticsResult: HTMLDivElement | null | undefined; get appProcess(): string { return this.processId!.value || ''; } get unwind(): number { log('unwind value is :' + this.unwindEL!.value); return Number(this.unwindEL!.value); } get shared(): number { let value = this.shareMemory?.value || ''; log('shareMemory value is :' + value); if (value != '') { let unit = Number(this.shareMemory?.value) || 16384; return unit; } return 16384; } get filter(): number { let value = this.filterMemory?.value || ''; log('filter value is :' + value); if (value != '') { return Number(value); } return 4096; } get fp_unwind(): boolean { let value = this.fpUnWind?.checked; if (value != undefined) { return value; } return true; } get record_accurately(): boolean { let value = this.recordAccurately?.checked; if (value != undefined) { return value; } return true; } get offline_symbolization(): boolean { let value = this.offlineSymbol?.checked; if (value != undefined) { return value; } return true; } get record_statistics(): boolean { if (this.recordStatisticsResult?.hasAttribute('percent')) { let value = Number(this.recordStatisticsResult?.getAttribute('percent')); return value > 0; } return true; } get statistics_interval(): number { if (this.recordStatisticsResult?.hasAttribute('percentValue')) { return Number(this.recordStatisticsResult?.getAttribute('percentValue')); } return 3600; } get startup_mode(): boolean { let value = this.startupMode?.checked; if (value != undefined) { return value; } return false; } initElements(): void { this.processId = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('pid') as LitAllocationSelect; let input = this.processId.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.multipleSelect') as HTMLDivElement; let sp = document.querySelector('sp-application') as SpApplication; let litSearch = sp?.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#lit-record-search') as LitSearch; let allocationProcessData: Array = []; input.addEventListener('mousedown', (ev) => { if (SpRecordTrace.serialNumber == '') { this.processId!.processData = []; } }); input.addEventListener('valuable', (ev) => { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('addProbe', {})); }); input.addEventListener('inputClick', () => { allocationProcessData = []; if (SpRecordTrace.serialNumber != '') { Cmd.getProcess().then((processList) => { this.processId!.processData = processList; this.processId!.initData(); }); } }); this.unwindEL = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('unwind') as HTMLInputElement; this.shareMemory = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('shareMemory') as HTMLInputElement; this.shareMemoryUnit = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('shareMemoryUnit') as HTMLSelectElement; this.filterMemory = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('filterSized') as HTMLInputElement; this.filterMemoryUnit = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('filterSizedUnit') as HTMLSelectElement; this.fpUnWind = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('use_fp_unwind') as LitSwitch; this.recordAccurately = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('use_record_accurately') as LitSwitch; this.offlineSymbol = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('use_offline_symbolization') as LitSwitch; this.startupMode = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('use_startup_mode') as LitSwitch; let stepValue = [0, 1, 10, 30, 60, 300, 600, 1800, 3600]; let statisticsSlider = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#interval-slider') as LitSlider; this.recordStatisticsResult = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector( '.record-statistics-result' ) as HTMLDivElement; statisticsSlider.sliderStyle = { minRange: 0, maxRange: 3600, defaultValue: '3600', resultUnit: 'S', stepSize: 450, lineColor: 'var(--dark-color3,#46B1E3)', buttonColor: '#999999', }; let parentElement = statisticsSlider!.parentNode as Element; let intervalResultInput = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.interval-result') as HTMLInputElement; intervalResultInput.value = statisticsSlider.sliderStyle.defaultValue; statisticsSlider.addEventListener('input', (evt) => { statisticsSlider!.sliderStyle = { minRange: 0, maxRange: 3600, defaultValue: this.recordStatisticsResult!.getAttribute('percent') + '', resultUnit: 'S', stepSize: 450, lineColor: 'var(--dark-color3,#46B1E3)', buttonColor: '#999999', }; intervalResultInput.style.color = 'var(--dark-color1,#000000)'; if (this.recordStatisticsResult!.hasAttribute('percent')) { let step = Number(this.recordStatisticsResult!.getAttribute('percent')) / 450; this.recordStatisticsResult!.setAttribute('percentValue', stepValue[step] + ''); intervalResultInput.value = stepValue[step] + ''; } }); parentElement.setAttribute('percent', '3600'); intervalResultInput.style.color = 'var(--dark-color1,#000000)'; intervalResultInput.addEventListener('input', (ev) => { if (this.recordStatisticsResult!.hasAttribute('percent')) { this.recordStatisticsResult!.removeAttribute('percent'); } intervalResultInput.style.color = 'var(--dark-color1,#000000)'; intervalResultInput.parentElement!.style.backgroundColor = 'var(--dark-background5,#F2F2F2)'; intervalResultInput.style.backgroundColor = 'var(--dark-background5,#F2F2F2)'; if (intervalResultInput.value.trim() == '') { intervalResultInput.style.color = 'red'; parentElement.setAttribute('percent', '3600'); return; } let memorySize = Number(intervalResultInput.value); if (memorySize < statisticsSlider!.sliderStyle.minRange || memorySize > statisticsSlider!.sliderStyle.maxRange) { intervalResultInput.style.color = 'red'; parentElement.setAttribute('percent', '3600'); } else { statisticsSlider!.percent = intervalResultInput.value; let htmlInputElement = statisticsSlider!.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#slider') as HTMLInputElement; htmlInputElement.value = intervalResultInput.value; statisticsSlider!.sliderStyle = { minRange: 0, maxRange: 3600, defaultValue: intervalResultInput.value, resultUnit: 'S', stepSize: 1, lineColor: 'var(--dark-color3,#46B1E3)', buttonColor: '#999999', }; parentElement.setAttribute('percent', intervalResultInput.value); parentElement.setAttribute('percentValue', intervalResultInput.value); } }); intervalResultInput.addEventListener('focusout', (ev) => { if (intervalResultInput.value.trim() == '') { parentElement.setAttribute('percent', '3600'); intervalResultInput.value = '3600'; intervalResultInput.style.color = 'var(--dark-color,#6a6f77)'; parentElement.setAttribute('percent', intervalResultInput.value); parentElement.setAttribute('percentValue', intervalResultInput.value); statisticsSlider!.percent = intervalResultInput.value; let htmlInputElement = statisticsSlider!.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#slider') as HTMLInputElement; htmlInputElement.value = intervalResultInput.value; } }); statisticsSlider.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#slider')!.addEventListener('mouseup', (ev) => { setTimeout(() => { let percentValue = this.recordStatisticsResult!.getAttribute('percent'); let index = Number(percentValue) / 450; index = index < 1 ? 0 : index; intervalResultInput.value = stepValue[index] + ''; this.recordStatisticsResult!.setAttribute('percentValue', stepValue[index] + ''); }); }); } initHtml(): string { return `
Native Memory
ProcessId or ProcessName Record process
Max unwind level Max Unwind Level Rang is 0 - 512, default 10
Shared Memory Size (One page equals 4 KB) Shared Memory Size Range is 0 - 131072 page, default 16384 page
Filter Memory Size Filter size Range is 0 - 65535 byte, default 4096 byte
Use Fp Unwind
Use Record Accurately (Available on recent OpenHarmony 4.0)
Use Offline Symbolization (Available on recent OpenHarmony 4.0)
Use Startup Mode (Available on recent OpenHarmony 4.0)
Use Record Statistics (Available on recent OpenHarmony 4.0) Time between following interval (0 = disabled)
`; } private convertToValue(input: string, unit: string): number { let value: number; switch (unit) { case 'MB': value = Number(input) * 1024 * 1024; break; case 'KB': value = Number(input) * 1024; break; default: value = 0; } let number = value / 4096; if (number > 0 && number < 1) { return 16384; } return parseInt(String(number)); } }