/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecmascript/builtins/builtins_reflect.h" #include "ecmascript/interpreter/interpreter.h" #include "ecmascript/js_tagged_value-inl.h" namespace panda::ecmascript::builtins { // ecma 26.1.1 Reflect.apply (target, thisArgument, argumentsList) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectApply(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, Apply); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If IsCallable(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsCallable()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.apply target is not callable", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let args be ? CreateListFromArrayLike(argumentsList). JSHandle thisArgument = GetCallArg(argv, 1); JSHandle argumentsList = GetCallArg(argv, BuiltinsBase::ArgsPosition::THIRD); JSHandle argOrAbrupt = JSObject::CreateListFromArrayLike(thread, argumentsList); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); JSHandle args = JSHandle::Cast(argOrAbrupt); // 3. Perform PrepareForTailCall(). // 4. Return ? Call(target, thisArgument, args). const uint32_t argsLength = args->GetLength(); JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *info = EcmaInterpreter::NewRuntimeCallInfo(thread, target, thisArgument, undefined, argsLength); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); info->SetCallArg(argsLength, args); return JSFunction::Call(info); } // ecma 26.1.2 Reflect.construct (target, argumentsList [ , newTarget]) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectConstruct(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, Constructor); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If IsConstructor(target) is false, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsConstructor()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.construct target is not constructor", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. If newTarget is not present, set newTarget to target. JSHandle newTarget = argv->GetArgsNumber() > 2 ? GetCallArg(argv, BuiltinsBase::ArgsPosition::THIRD) : target; // 2: num args // 3. Else if IsConstructor(newTarget) is false, throw a TypeError exception. if (!newTarget->IsConstructor()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.construct newTarget is present, but not constructor", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 4. Let args be ? CreateListFromArrayLike(argumentsList). JSHandle argumentsList = GetCallArg(argv, 1); JSHandle argOrAbrupt = JSObject::CreateListFromArrayLike(thread, argumentsList); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); JSHandle args = JSHandle::Cast(argOrAbrupt); // 5. Return ? Construct(target, args, newTarget). const uint32_t argsLength = args->GetLength(); JSHandle undefined = thread->GlobalConstants()->GetHandledUndefined(); EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *info = EcmaInterpreter::NewRuntimeCallInfo(thread, target, undefined, newTarget, argsLength); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); info->SetCallArg(argsLength, args); return JSFunction::Construct(info); } // ecma 26.1.3 Reflect.defineProperty (target, propertyKey, attributes) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectDefineProperty(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, DefineProperty); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.defineProperty target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. Let desc be ? ToPropertyDescriptor(attributes). JSHandle attributes = GetCallArg(argv, BuiltinsBase::ArgsPosition::THIRD); PropertyDescriptor desc(thread); JSObject::ToPropertyDescriptor(thread, attributes, desc); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 4. Return ? target.[[DefineOwnProperty]](key, desc). return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::DefineOwnProperty(thread, target, key, desc)); } // ecma 21.1.4 Reflect.deleteProperty (target, propertyKey) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectDeleteProperty(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, DeleteProperty); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.deleteProperty target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. Return ? target.[[Delete]](key). return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::DeleteProperty(thread, target, key)); } // ecma 26.1.5 Reflect.get (target, propertyKey [ , receiver]) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectGet(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, Get); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle val = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!val->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.get target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } JSHandle target = JSHandle::Cast(val); // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. If receiver is not present, then // a. Set receiver to target. // 4. Return ? target.[[Get]](key, receiver). if (argv->GetArgsNumber() == 2) { // 2: 2 means that there are 2 args in total return JSObject::GetProperty(thread, target, key).GetValue().GetTaggedValue(); } JSHandle receiver = GetCallArg(argv, BuiltinsBase::ArgsPosition::THIRD); return JSObject::GetProperty(thread, val, key, receiver).GetValue().GetTaggedValue(); } // ecma 26.1.6 Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( target, propertyKey ) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, GetOwnPropertyDescriptor); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. Let desc be ? target.[[GetOwnProperty]](key). PropertyDescriptor desc(thread); if (!JSTaggedValue::GetOwnProperty(thread, target, key, desc)) { RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); } // 4. Return FromPropertyDescriptor(desc). JSHandle res = JSObject::FromPropertyDescriptor(thread, desc); return res.GetTaggedValue(); } // ecma 21.1.7 Reflect.getPrototypeOf (target) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectGetPrototypeOf(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, GetPrototypeOf); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle val = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!val->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.getPrototypeOf target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Return ? target.[[GetPrototypeOf]](). return JSTaggedValue::GetPrototype(thread, val); } // ecma 26.1.8 Reflect.has (target, propertyKey) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectHas(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, Has); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.has target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. Return ? target.[[HasProperty]](key). return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::HasProperty(thread, target, key)); } // ecma 26.1.9 Reflect.isExtensible (target) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectIsExtensible(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.isExtensible target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Return ? target.[[IsExtensible]](). return GetTaggedBoolean(target->IsExtensible(thread)); } // ecma 26.1.10 Reflect.ownKeys (target) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectOwnKeys(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, OwnKeys); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.ownKeys target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let keys be ? target.[[OwnPropertyKeys]](). JSHandle keys = JSTaggedValue::GetOwnPropertyKeys(thread, target); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); // 3. Return CreateArrayFromList(keys). JSHandle result = JSArray::CreateArrayFromList(thread, keys); return result.GetTaggedValue(); } // ecma 26.1.11 Reflect.preventExtensions (target) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectPreventExtensions(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, PreventExtensions); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.preventExtensions target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Return ? target.[[PreventExtensions]](). return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::PreventExtensions(thread, target)); } // ecma 26.1.12 Reflect.set (target, propertyKey, V [ , receiver]) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectSet(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, Set); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle targetVal = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!targetVal->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.get target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. Let key be ? ToPropertyKey(propertyKey). JSHandle key = JSTaggedValue::ToPropertyKey(thread, GetCallArg(argv, 1)); RETURN_EXCEPTION_IF_ABRUPT_COMPLETION(thread); JSHandle value = GetCallArg(argv, BuiltinsBase::ArgsPosition::THIRD); // 3. If receiver is not present, then // a. Set receiver to target. // 4. Return ? target.[[Set]](key, receiver). if (argv->GetArgsNumber() == 3) { // 3: 3 means that there are three args in total return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::SetProperty(thread, targetVal, key, value)); } JSHandle receiver = GetCallArg(argv, 3); // 3: 3 means the third arg return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::SetProperty(thread, targetVal, key, value, receiver)); } // ecma 26.1.13 Reflect.setPrototypeOf (target, proto) JSTaggedValue BuiltinsReflect::ReflectSetPrototypeOf(EcmaRuntimeCallInfo *argv) { ASSERT(argv); BUILTINS_API_TRACE(argv->GetThread(), Reflect, SetPrototypeOf); JSThread *thread = argv->GetThread(); [[maybe_unused]] EcmaHandleScope handleScope(thread); // 1. If Type(target) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle target = GetCallArg(argv, 0); if (!target->IsECMAObject()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "Reflect.setPrototypeOf target is not object", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 2. If Type(proto) is not Object and proto is not null, throw a TypeError exception. JSHandle proto = GetCallArg(argv, 1); if (!proto->IsECMAObject() && !proto->IsNull()) { THROW_TYPE_ERROR_AND_RETURN(thread, "SetPrototypeOf: proto is neither Object nor Null", JSTaggedValue::Exception()); } // 3. Return ? target.[[SetPrototypeOf]](proto). return GetTaggedBoolean(JSTaggedValue::SetPrototype(thread, target, proto)); } } // namespace panda::ecmascript::builtins