/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "hal_sys_param.h" static const char OHOS_ABI_LIST[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_BOOTLOADER_VERSION[] = {"bootloader"}; static const char OHOS_BRAND[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_DEVICE_TYPE[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_DISPLAY_VERSION[] = {"OpenHarmony 3.1"}; static const char OHOS_HARDWARE_MODEL[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_HARDWARE_PROFILE[] = {"aout:true,display:true"}; static const char OHOS_MARKET_NAME[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_MANUFACTURE[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_PRODUCT_MODEL[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_PRODUCT_SERIES[] = {"****"}; static const char OHOS_SERIAL[] = {"****"}; // provided by OEM. static const char OHOS_SOFTWARE_MODEL[] = {"****"}; static const int OHOS_FIRST_API_VERSION = 1; __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetDeviceType(void) { return OHOS_DEVICE_TYPE; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetManufacture(void) { return OHOS_MANUFACTURE; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBrand(void) { return OHOS_BRAND; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetMarketName(void) { return OHOS_MARKET_NAME; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetProductSeries(void) { return OHOS_PRODUCT_SERIES; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetProductModel(void) { return OHOS_PRODUCT_MODEL; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetSoftwareModel(void) { return OHOS_SOFTWARE_MODEL; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetHardwareModel(void) { return OHOS_HARDWARE_MODEL; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetHardwareProfile(void) { return OHOS_HARDWARE_PROFILE; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetSerial(void) { return OHOS_SERIAL; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBootloaderVersion(void) { return OHOS_BOOTLOADER_VERSION; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetAbiList(void) { return OHOS_ABI_LIST; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetDisplayVersion(void) { return OHOS_DISPLAY_VERSION; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetIncrementalVersion(void) { return INCREMENTAL_VERSION; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBuildType(void) { return BUILD_TYPE; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBuildUser(void) { return BUILD_USER; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBuildHost(void) { return BUILD_HOST; } __attribute__((weak)) const char* HalGetBuildTime(void) { return BUILD_TIME; } __attribute__((weak)) int HalGetFirstApiVersion(void) { return OHOS_FIRST_API_VERSION; }