/* * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "gsm_sms_message.h" #include "securec.h" #include "sms_common_utils.h" #include "string_utils.h" #include "telephony_log_wrapper.h" #include "text_coder.h" namespace OHOS { namespace Telephony { using namespace std; template inline void UniquePtrDeleterOneDimension(T **(&ptr)) { if (ptr && *ptr) { delete[] *ptr; *ptr = nullptr; } } uint8_t GsmSmsMessage::CalcReplyEncodeAddress(const std::string &replyAddress) { std::string encodedAddr; if (replyAddress.length() > 0) { struct AddressNumber replyAddr = {}; replyAddr.ton = TYPE_NATIONAL; replyAddr.npi = SMS_NPI_ISDN; int ret = memset_s(replyAddr.address, sizeof(replyAddr.address), 0x00, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN + 1); if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("CalcReplyEncodeAddress memset_s error!"); return 0; } ret = memcpy_s(replyAddr.address, sizeof(replyAddr.address), replyAddress.c_str(), MAX_ADDRESS_LEN); if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("CalcReplyEncodeAddress memory_s error!"); return 0; } GsmSmsParamCodec codec; codec.EncodeAddressPdu(&replyAddr, encodedAddr); } return encodedAddr.size(); } int GsmSmsMessage::SetSmsTpduDestAddress(std::shared_ptr &tPdu, const std::string &desAddr) { int ret = 0; int addLen = 0; if (tPdu == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("TPdu is null."); return addLen; } addLen = static_cast(desAddr.length()); tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.ton = TYPE_UNKNOWN; tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.npi = SMS_NPI_ISDN; if (addLen < MAX_ADDRESS_LEN) { ret = memcpy_s(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address, sizeof(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address), desAddr.c_str(), addLen); if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("SetSmsTpduDestAddress memcpy_s error!"); return addLen; } tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address[addLen] = '\0'; } else { if (desAddr[0] == '+') { ret = memcpy_s(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address, sizeof(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address), desAddr.c_str(), MAX_ADDRESS_LEN); } else { ret = memcpy_s(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address, sizeof(tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address), desAddr.c_str(), MAX_ADDRESS_LEN - 1); } if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("SetSmsTpduDestAddress memcpy_s error!"); return addLen; } tPdu->data.submit.destAddress.address[MAX_ADDRESS_LEN] = '\0'; } return addLen; } int GsmSmsMessage::SetHeaderLang(int index, const DataCodingScheme codingType, const MSG_LANGUAGE_ID_T langId) { int ret = 0; if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("TPdu is null."); return ret; } switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: if (codingType == DATA_CODING_7BIT && langId != MSG_ID_RESERVED_LANG) { smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udhType = UDH_SINGLE_SHIFT; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.singleShift.langId = langId; ret++; } break; default: break; } return ret; } int GsmSmsMessage::SetHeaderConcat(int index, const SmsConcat &concat) { int ret = 0; if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("TPdu is null."); return ret; } switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: if (concat.is8Bits) { smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udhType = UDH_CONCAT_8BIT; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat8bit.msgRef = concat.msgRef; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat8bit.totalSeg = concat.totalSeg; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat8bit.seqNum = concat.seqNum; } else { smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udhType = UDH_CONCAT_16BIT; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat16bit.msgRef = concat.msgRef; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat16bit.totalSeg = concat.totalSeg; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.concat16bit.seqNum = concat.seqNum; } ret++; break; default: break; } return ret; } int GsmSmsMessage::SetHeaderReply(int index) { int ret = 0; std::string reply = GetReplyAddress(); if (reply.length() == 0) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("address is null."); return ret; } if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("smsTpdu_ is null."); return ret; } switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: { smsTpdu_->data.submit.bReplyPath = true; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udhType = UDH_ALTERNATE_REPLY_ADDRESS; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.ton = TYPE_NATIONAL; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.npi = SMS_NPI_ISDN; ret = memset_s(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.address, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.address), 0x00, MAX_ADDRESS_LEN + 1); if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("SetHeaderReply memset_s error!"); return ret; } if (sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.address) < reply.length()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("reply length exceed maxinum"); return ret; } ret = memcpy_s(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.address, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.header[index].udh.alternateAddress.address), reply.c_str(), reply.length()); if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("SetHeaderReply memcpy_s error!"); return ret; } break; } default: break; } return ret; } void GsmSmsMessage::CreateDefaultSubmit(bool bStatusReport, const DataCodingScheme codingScheme) { smsTpdu_ = std::make_shared(); if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make tPdu is fail."); return; } smsTpdu_->tpduType = SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT; smsTpdu_->data.submit.bHeaderInd = false; smsTpdu_->data.submit.bRejectDup = false; smsTpdu_->data.submit.bStatusReport = bStatusReport; smsTpdu_->data.submit.bReplyPath = false; smsTpdu_->data.submit.msgRef = 0; smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.bCompressed = false; smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.msgClass = SmsMessageClass::SMS_CLASS_UNKNOWN; smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.codingGroup = CODING_GENERAL_GROUP; smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.codingScheme = codingScheme; smsTpdu_->data.submit.pid = SMS_NORMAL_PID; smsTpdu_->data.submit.vpf = SMS_VPF_NOT_PRESENT; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateDefaultSubmitSmsTpdu(const std::string &dest, const std::string &sc, const std::string &text, bool bStatusReport, const DataCodingScheme codingScheme = DATA_CODING_7BIT) { SetFullText(text); SetSmscAddr(sc); SetDestAddress(dest); CreateDefaultSubmit(bStatusReport, codingScheme); SetSmsTpduDestAddress(smsTpdu_, dest); return smsTpdu_; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateDataSubmitSmsTpdu(const std::string &desAddr, const std::string &scAddr, int32_t port, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen, uint8_t msgRef8bit, bool bStatusReport) { SetSmscAddr(scAddr); SetDestAddress(desAddr); CreateDefaultSubmit(bStatusReport, DATA_CODING_7BIT); SetSmsTpduDestAddress(smsTpdu_, desAddr); int endcodeLen = 0; MSG_LANGUAGE_ID_T langId = MSG_ID_RESERVED_LANG; uint8_t encodeData[(MAX_GSM_7BIT_DATA_LEN * MAX_SEGMENT_NUM) + 1]; if (memset_s(encodeData, sizeof(encodeData), 0x00, sizeof(encodeData)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("failed to initialize!"); return nullptr; } const uint8_t *pMsgText = data; uint8_t *pDestText = encodeData; endcodeLen = TextCoder::Instance().Utf8ToGsm7bit( pDestText, ((MAX_GSM_7BIT_DATA_LEN * MAX_SEGMENT_NUM) + 1), pMsgText, static_cast(dataLen), langId); if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("smsTpdu_ is nullptr!"); return nullptr; } if (memset_s(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data), 0x00, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memset_s is error!"); return nullptr; } if ((unsigned int)endcodeLen > sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data)) { if (memcpy_s(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data), encodeData, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memcpy_s is error!"); return nullptr; } } else { if (memcpy_s(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data, sizeof(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data), encodeData, endcodeLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memcpy_s is error!"); return nullptr; } } smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.data[endcodeLen] = 0; smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.length = (int)dataLen; smsTpdu_->data.submit.msgRef = msgRef8bit; return smsTpdu_; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::GetSubmitEncodeInfo(const std::string &sc, bool bMore) { uint8_t encodeSmscAddr[MAX_SMSC_LEN]; if (memset_s(encodeSmscAddr, sizeof(encodeSmscAddr), 0x00, sizeof(encodeSmscAddr)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memset_s error."); return nullptr; } uint8_t encodeSmscLen = 0; if ((!sc.empty()) && (sc.length() < MAX_SMSC_LEN)) { struct AddressNumber pAddress; if (memset_s(&pAddress.address, sizeof(pAddress.address), 0x00, sizeof(pAddress.address)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GetSubmitEncodeInfo memset_s error!"); return nullptr; } if (sc.length() > sizeof(pAddress.address)) { return nullptr; } if (memcpy_s(&pAddress.address, sizeof(pAddress.address), sc.data(), sc.length()) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GetSubmitEncodeInfo memcpy_s error!"); return nullptr; } pAddress.address[sc.length()] = '\0'; if (sc[0] == '+') { pAddress.ton = TYPE_INTERNATIONAL; } else { pAddress.ton = TYPE_NATIONAL; } pAddress.npi = SMS_NPI_ISDN; /* app cannot set this value */ GsmSmsParamCodec codec; encodeSmscLen = codec.EncodeSmscPdu(&pAddress, encodeSmscAddr, sizeof(encodeSmscAddr)); } return GetSubmitEncodeInfoPartData(encodeSmscAddr, encodeSmscLen, bMore); } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::GetSubmitEncodeInfoPartData( uint8_t *encodeSmscAddr, uint8_t encodeSmscLen, bool bMore) { std::shared_ptr info = std::make_shared(); auto tpduCodec = std::make_shared(); if (tpduCodec == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("tpduCodec nullptr."); return nullptr; } char tpduBuf[MAX_TPDU_DATA_LEN]; if (memset_s(tpduBuf, sizeof(tpduBuf), 0x00, sizeof(tpduBuf)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memset_s error."); return nullptr; } uint16_t bufLen = 0; bool ret = tpduCodec->EncodeSmsPdu(smsTpdu_, tpduBuf, sizeof(tpduBuf), bufLen); if (ret && bufLen > 0 && info != nullptr) { if (encodeSmscLen > sizeof(info->smcaData_)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GetSubmitEncodeInfo data length invalid."); return nullptr; } if (memcpy_s(info->smcaData_, sizeof(info->smcaData_), encodeSmscAddr, encodeSmscLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GetSubmitEncodeInfo encodeSmscAddr memcpy_s error!"); return nullptr; } if (memcpy_s(info->tpduData_, sizeof(info->tpduData_), tpduBuf, bufLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GetSubmitEncodeInfo memcpy_s error!"); return nullptr; } info->smcaLen = encodeSmscLen; info->tpduLen = bufLen; info->isMore_ = bMore; } return info; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateDeliverSmsTpdu() { smsTpdu_ = std::make_shared(); if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make smsTpdu fail."); return smsTpdu_; } smsTpdu_->tpduType = SMS_TPDU_DELIVER; smsTpdu_->data.deliver.bHeaderInd = false; return smsTpdu_; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateDeliverReportSmsTpdu() { smsTpdu_ = std::make_shared(); if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make smsTpdu fail."); return smsTpdu_; } smsTpdu_->tpduType = SMS_TPDU_DELIVER_REP; smsTpdu_->data.deliverRep.bHeaderInd = false; smsTpdu_->data.deliverRep.paramInd = 0x00; return smsTpdu_; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateStatusReportSmsTpdu() { smsTpdu_ = std::make_shared(); if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make smsTpdu fail."); return smsTpdu_; } smsTpdu_->tpduType = SMS_TPDU_STATUS_REP; return smsTpdu_; } std::shared_ptr GsmSmsMessage::CreateMessage(const std::string &pdu) { std::shared_ptr message = std::make_shared(); if (message == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make message fail."); return message; } message->smsTpdu_ = std::make_shared(); if (message->smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Make smsTpdu fail."); return message; } (void)memset_s(message->smsTpdu_.get(), sizeof(struct SmsTpdu), 0x00, sizeof(struct SmsTpdu)); std::string pduData = StringUtils::HexToString(pdu); message->rawPdu_ = StringUtils::HexToByteVector(pdu); if (message->PduAnalysis(pduData)) { return message; } return nullptr; } bool GsmSmsMessage::PduAnalysis(const string &pdu) { if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr || pdu.empty() || pdu.length() > MAX_TPDU_DATA_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GsmSmsMessage::PduAnalysis smsTpdu is null"); return false; } struct AddressNumber smsc; if (memset_s(&smsc, sizeof(struct AddressNumber), 0x00, sizeof(struct AddressNumber)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("PduAnalysis memset_s error!"); return false; } GsmSmsParamCodec codec; uint8_t smscLen = codec.DecodeSmscPdu(reinterpret_cast(pdu.c_str()), pdu.length(), smsc); if (smscLen > 0) { scAddress_ = smsc.address; } if (smscLen >= pdu.length()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("PduAnalysis pdu is invalid!"); return false; } uint8_t tempPdu[TAPI_TEXT_SIZE_MAX + 1] = { 0 }; if (sizeof(tempPdu) + smscLen < pdu.length()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("pdu length exceed maxinum"); return false; } if (memcpy_s(tempPdu, sizeof(tempPdu), (pdu.c_str() + smscLen), pdu.length() - smscLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("PduAnalysis memset_s error!"); return false; } auto tpduCodec = std::make_shared(); if (!tpduCodec->DecodeSmsPdu(tempPdu, pdu.length() - smscLen, smsTpdu_.get())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("DecodeSmsPdu fail"); return false; } bool result = true; switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_DELIVER: AnalysisMsgDeliver(smsTpdu_->data.deliver); break; case SMS_TPDU_STATUS_REP: AnalysisMsgStatusReport(smsTpdu_->data.statusRep); break; case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: AnalysisMsgSubmit(smsTpdu_->data.submit); break; default: TELEPHONY_LOGE("tpduType is unknown."); result = false; break; } return result; } void GsmSmsMessage::AnalysisMsgDeliver(const SmsDeliver &deliver) { protocolId_ = (int)(deliver.pid); hasReplyPath_ = deliver.bReplyPath; bStatusReportMessage_ = deliver.bStatusReport; bMoreMsg_ = deliver.bMoreMsg; bHeaderInd_ = deliver.bHeaderInd; originatingAddress_ = deliver.originAddress.address; headerCnt_ = deliver.userData.headerCnt; ConvertMsgTimeStamp(deliver.timeStamp); ConvertMessageDcs(); ConvertUserData(); } void GsmSmsMessage::AnalysisMsgStatusReport(const SmsStatusReport &statusRep) { protocolId_ = (int)(statusRep.pid); msgRef_ = statusRep.msgRef; bMoreMsg_ = statusRep.bMoreMsg; bStatusReportMessage_ = statusRep.bStatusReport; bHeaderInd_ = statusRep.bHeaderInd; status_ = statusRep.status; ConvertMsgTimeStamp(statusRep.timeStamp); ConvertMessageDcs(); ConvertUserData(); } void GsmSmsMessage::AnalysisMsgSubmit(const SmsSubmit &submit) { protocolId_ = static_cast(submit.pid); hasReplyPath_ = submit.bReplyPath; msgRef_ = submit.msgRef; bStatusReportMessage_ = submit.bStatusReport; bHeaderInd_ = submit.bHeaderInd; ConvertMsgTimeStamp(submit.validityPeriod); ConvertMessageDcs(); ConvertUserData(); } void GsmSmsMessage::ConvertMessageDcs() { if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("GsmSmsMessage::ConvertMessageDcs smsTpdu is null"); return; } switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_DELIVER: bCompressed_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.bCompressed; codingScheme_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.codingScheme; codingGroup_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.codingGroup; bIndActive_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.bIndActive; bMwi_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.bMWI; bMwiSense_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.bIndActive; /* Indicates vmail notification set/clear */ ConvertMessageClass(smsTpdu_->data.deliver.dcs.msgClass); break; case SMS_TPDU_STATUS_REP: bCompressed_ = smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.dcs.bCompressed; codingScheme_ = smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.dcs.codingScheme; codingGroup_ = smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.dcs.codingGroup; bIndActive_ = smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.dcs.bIndActive; ConvertMessageClass(smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.dcs.msgClass); break; case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: bCompressed_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.bCompressed; codingScheme_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.codingScheme; codingGroup_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.codingGroup; bIndActive_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.bIndActive; bMwi_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.bMWI; bMwiSense_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.bIndActive; ConvertMessageClass(smsTpdu_->data.submit.dcs.msgClass); break; default: break; } } void GsmSmsMessage::ConvertUserData() { int ret = 0; if (smsTpdu_ == nullptr || (memset_s(&smsUserData_, sizeof(struct SmsUDPackage), 0x00, sizeof(struct SmsUDPackage)) != EOK)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("nullptr or memset_s error."); return; } size_t udLen = sizeof(SmsUDPackage); size_t tpduLen = sizeof(SmsTpud); switch (smsTpdu_->tpduType) { case SMS_TPDU_DELIVER: headerDataLen_ = smsTpdu_->data.deliver.userData.length; ret = memcpy_s(&smsUserData_, udLen, &(smsTpdu_->data.deliver.userData), udLen); ret = ret && memcpy_s(&smsWapPushUserData_, tpduLen, &(smsTpdu_->data.deliver.udData), tpduLen); break; case SMS_TPDU_STATUS_REP: headerDataLen_ = smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.userData.length; ret = memcpy_s(&smsUserData_, udLen, &(smsTpdu_->data.statusRep.userData), udLen); break; case SMS_TPDU_SUBMIT: headerDataLen_ = smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData.length; ret = memcpy_s(&smsUserData_, udLen, &(smsTpdu_->data.submit.userData), udLen); break; default: break; } if (ret != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("memset_s error."); return; } if (smsUserData_.length > 0) { uint8_t buff[MAX_MSG_TEXT_LEN + 1] = { 0 }; if (codingScheme_ == DATA_CODING_7BIT) { MsgLangInfo langInfo; langInfo.bSingleShift = false; langInfo.bLockingShift = false; int dataSize = TextCoder::Instance().Gsm7bitToUtf8( buff, MAX_MSG_TEXT_LEN, reinterpret_cast(smsUserData_.data), smsUserData_.length, langInfo); visibleMessageBody_.insert(0, reinterpret_cast(buff), dataSize); } else if (codingScheme_ == DATA_CODING_UCS2) { int dataSize = TextCoder::Instance().Ucs2ToUtf8( buff, MAX_MSG_TEXT_LEN, reinterpret_cast(smsUserData_.data), smsUserData_.length); visibleMessageBody_.insert(0, reinterpret_cast(buff), dataSize); } else if (codingScheme_ == DATA_CODING_8BIT) { visibleMessageBody_.insert(0, static_cast(smsUserData_.data), smsUserData_.length); } rawUserData_.insert(0, static_cast(smsUserData_.data), smsUserData_.length); rawWapPushUserData_.insert(0, smsWapPushUserData_.ud, smsWapPushUserData_.udl); } } void GsmSmsMessage::SetFullText(const std::string &text) { fullText_ = text; } void GsmSmsMessage::SetDestAddress(const std::string &address) { destAddress_ = address; } void GsmSmsMessage::SetDestPort(uint32_t port) { destPort_ = port; } std::string GsmSmsMessage::GetFullText() const { return fullText_; } std::string GsmSmsMessage::GetReplyAddress() const { return replyAddress_; } std::string GsmSmsMessage::GetDestAddress() const { return destAddress_; } uint16_t GsmSmsMessage::GetDestPort() { std::shared_ptr portAddress = GetPortAddress(); if (portAddress == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("PortAddress is null!"); return DEFAULT_PORT; } destPort_ = static_cast(portAddress->destPort); return destPort_; } bool GsmSmsMessage::GetIsSmsText() const { return bSmsText_; } bool GsmSmsMessage::GetGsm() const { return true; } bool GsmSmsMessage::GetIsTypeZeroInd() const { return (GetProtocolId() == 0x40); } bool GsmSmsMessage::GetIsSIMDataTypeDownload() const { int protocolId = GetProtocolId(); return GetMessageClass() == SMS_SIM_MESSAGE && (protocolId == 0x7f || protocolId == 0x7c); } void GsmSmsMessage::ConvertMsgTimeStamp(const struct SmsTimeStamp ×) { if (times.format == SMS_TIME_ABSOLUTE) { scTimestamp_ = SmsCommonUtils::ConvertTime(times.time.absolute); } else { scTimestamp_ = time(nullptr); } } // from 3GPP TS 23.040 V5.1.0 Special SMS Message Indication bool GsmSmsMessage::IsSpecialMessage() const { bool result = false; if (GetIsTypeZeroInd()) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("GsmSmsMessage:: IsTypeZeroInd"); result = true; } // TP Protocol Identifier (TP PID) if (GetIsSIMDataTypeDownload()) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("GsmSmsMessage:: GetIsSIMDataTypeDownload"); result = true; } if (IsMwiSet() || IsMwiClear()) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("GsmSmsMessage::Mwi Message"); result = true; } return result; } int GsmSmsMessage::DecodeMessage(uint8_t *decodeData, unsigned int len, DataCodingScheme &codingType, const std::string &msgText, bool &bAbnormal, MSG_LANGUAGE_ID_T &langId) { int decodeLen = 0; int dataLen = static_cast(msgText.length()); const unsigned int maxDecodeLen = len; const uint8_t *pMsgText = reinterpret_cast(msgText.c_str()); if (msgText.empty()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("msgText empty."); return decodeLen; } switch (codingType) { case DATA_CODING_7BIT: { decodeLen = TextCoder::Instance().Utf8ToGsm7bit( decodeData, maxDecodeLen, const_cast(pMsgText), dataLen, langId); break; } case DATA_CODING_8BIT: { if (static_cast(dataLen) > maxDecodeLen) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("DecodeMessage data length invalid."); return decodeLen; } if (memcpy_s(decodeData, maxDecodeLen, pMsgText, dataLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("SplitMessage SMS_CHARSET_8BIT memcpy_s error!"); return decodeLen; } decodeLen = dataLen; break; } case DATA_CODING_UCS2: { decodeLen = TextCoder::Instance().Utf8ToUcs2(decodeData, maxDecodeLen, pMsgText, dataLen); break; } case DATA_CODING_AUTO: default: { DataCodingScheme encodeType = DATA_CODING_AUTO; decodeLen = TextCoder::Instance().GsmUtf8ToAuto(decodeData, maxDecodeLen, pMsgText, dataLen, encodeType); codingType = encodeType; break; } } return decodeLen; } } // namespace Telephony } // namespace OHOS