/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <hwext/gtest-ext.h> #include <hwext/gtest-tag.h> #include "rpc/rpc_server.h" #include "print_event_parser.h" using namespace testing::ext; namespace SysTuning { namespace TraceStreamer { class RpcServerTest : public ::testing::Test { public: void SetUp() { stream_.InitFilter(); } void TearDown() {} public: TraceStreamerSelector stream_ = {}; }; std::string g_result; void res(const std::string result, int32_t finish) { TS_LOGI("%s", result.c_str()); g_result = result; } /** * @tc.name: CorrectTraceData * @tc.desc: Upload correct trace file data * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(RpcServerTest, CorrectTraceData, TestSize.Level1) { TS_LOGI("test27-1"); std::string PARSERDATA("sugov:0-178 ( 178) [001] .... 28462.257501: cpu_frequency: state=816000 cpu_id=0 \n"); std::string SQLQUERY("select * from measure;"); RpcServer rpcServer; auto ret = rpcServer.ParseData((const uint8_t*)PARSERDATA.c_str(), PARSERDATA.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(res); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); ret = rpcServer.ParseDataOver((const uint8_t*)PARSERDATA.c_str(), PARSERDATA.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(res); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); ret = rpcServer.SqlQuery((const uint8_t*)SQLQUERY.c_str(), SQLQUERY.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(res); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); } /** * @tc.name: WrongTraceData * @tc.desc: Upload wrong tracking file data * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(RpcServerTest, WrongTraceData, TestSize.Level1) { TS_LOGI("test27-2"); std::string PARSERDATA("sugov:0-178 ( 178) [001] .... 28462.277458: cpu_frequency: state=600000 cpu_id=2 \n"); std::string SQLQUERY("select * from measure_e;"); RpcServer rpcServer; auto ret = rpcServer.ParseData((const uint8_t*)PARSERDATA.c_str(), PARSERDATA.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(res); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); ret = rpcServer.ParseDataOver((const uint8_t*)PARSERDATA.c_str(), PARSERDATA.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(res); EXPECT_TRUE(ret); ret = rpcServer.SqlQuery((const uint8_t*)SQLQUERY.c_str(), SQLQUERY.length(), res); EXPECT_TRUE(g_result == "dberror\r\n"); EXPECT_FALSE(ret); } /** * @tc.name: ParserConfig * @tc.desc: Test the ParserConfig method * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(RpcServerTest, ParserConfig, TestSize.Level1) { TS_LOGI("test27-3"); std::string comm("e.myapplication"); uint64_t ts = 89227707307481; uint32_t pid = 16502; std::string event("B|16502|H:Task Allocation: taskId : 1, executeId : 9, priority : 9, executeState : 1"); BytraceLine line; std::string json("{\"config\": {\"TaskPool\": 1,\"AnimationAnalysis\": 0,\"AppStartup\": 0}}"); RpcServer rpcServer; auto ret = rpcServer.ParserConfig(json); EXPECT_EQ(rpcServer.ts_->traceDataCache_->taskPoolTraceEnabled_, true); PrintEventParser printEvent(rpcServer.ts_->traceDataCache_.get(), rpcServer.ts_->streamFilters_.get()); printEvent.ParsePrintEvent(comm, ts, pid, event, line); auto res = rpcServer.ts_->traceDataCache_->GetConstTaskPoolData().prioritys_[0]; EXPECT_EQ(res, 9); } } // namespace TraceStreamer } // namespace SysTuning