# Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import("//foundation/arkui/napi/napi.gni") config("ace_napi_config") { include_dirs = [ "../../../foundation/arkui/napi/native_engine", "//foundation/arkui/napi", "//foundation/arkui/napi/interfaces/inner_api", "//foundation/arkui/napi/interfaces/kits", "//third_party/libuv/include", "//third_party/node/src", ] } config("module_manager_config") { include_dirs = [ "../../../foundation/arkui/napi/module_manager" ] } import("//build/ohos.gni") import("//foundation/arkui/ace_engine/ace_config.gni") ohos_source_set("ace_napi_static") { defines = [] public_configs = [ ":ace_napi_config" ] deps = [] include_dirs = [ "../../../napi", "../../../napi/interfaces/inner_api", "../../../napi/interfaces/kits", "//third_party/libuv/include", "//third_party/node/src", "../../../base/include", ] sources = napi_sources if (current_cpu == "arm64") { defines += [ "_ARM64_" ] } if (current_os == "ohos" && current_cpu == "x86_64") { defines += [ "SIMULATOR" ] } if (use_mingw_win || use_mac || use_linux) { defines += [ "PREVIEW" ] } if (use_mingw_win) { defines += [ "WINDOWS_PLATFORM" ] } else if (use_mac) { defines += [ "MAC_PLATFORM" ] } else if (use_linux) { defines += [ "LINUX_PLATFORM" ] } else if (is_cross_platform_build && target_os == "ios") { defines += [ "IOS_PLATFORM" ] if (napi_enable_container_scope) { deps += [ ":ace_container_scope_static" ] defines += [ "ENABLE_CONTAINER_SCOPE" ] } } else if (is_cross_platform_build && target_os == "android") { defines += [ "ANDROID_PLATFORM" ] if (napi_enable_container_scope) { deps += [ ":ace_container_scope_static" ] defines += [ "ENABLE_CONTAINER_SCOPE" ] } libs = [ "log" ] } else { if (is_standard_system) { external_deps = [ "hilog:libhilog", "hitrace:hitrace_meter", "hitrace:libhitracechain", "init:libbegetutil", ] defines += [ "ENABLE_HITRACE" ] if (product_name != "ohos-sdk") { if (napi_enable_container_scope) { if (target_os == "ios") { deps += [ ":ace_container_scope_static" ] } else { deps += [ ":ace_container_scope" ] } defines += [ "ENABLE_CONTAINER_SCOPE" ] } } } else { external_deps = [ "hilog:libhilog" ] } } deps += [ "//third_party/bounds_checking_function:libsec_static", "//third_party/libuv:uv", ] # Use static libuv for cross build if (is_cross_platform_build) { deps -= [ "//third_party/libuv:uv" ] deps += [ "//third_party/libuv:uv_static" ] } cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-missing-braces" ] subsystem_name = "arkui" part_name = "napi" } if (is_cross_platform_build) { ohos_source_set("ace_napi") { deps = [ ":ace_napi_static" ] public_configs = [ ":ace_napi_config" ] subsystem_name = "arkui" part_name = "napi" } } else { ohos_shared_library("ace_napi") { deps = [ ":ace_napi_static" ] public_configs = [ ":ace_napi_config", ":module_manager_config", ] if (!is_cross_platform_build) { public_deps = [ "//third_party/libuv:uv" ] } subsystem_name = "arkui" innerapi_tags = [ "platformsdk" ] part_name = "napi" } } config("container_scope_config") { visibility = [ ":*" ] include_dirs = [ "$ace_root/frameworks" ] } ohos_shared_library("ace_container_scope") { public_configs = [ ":container_scope_config" ] configs = [ "$ace_root:ace_config" ] sources = [ "$ace_root/frameworks/core/common/container_scope.cpp" ] subsystem_name = "arkui" innerapi_tags = [ "platformsdk_indirect" ] part_name = "napi" } ohos_source_set("ace_container_scope_static") { public_configs = [ ":container_scope_config" ] configs = [ "$ace_root:ace_config" ] sources = [ "$ace_root/frameworks/core/common/container_scope.cpp" ] } template("ace_napi_lib") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") if (defined(use_js_debug) && use_js_debug) { deps_ = [ "native_engine/impl/${engine_path}:ace_napi_impl_${engine_path}_debug", ] } else { deps_ = [ "native_engine/impl/${engine_path}:ace_napi_impl_${engine_path}" ] } if (is_cross_platform_build) { ohos_source_set(target_name) { public_configs = [ "native_engine/impl/${engine_path}:ace_napi_${engine_path}_config" ] deps = deps_ if (defined(use_icu) && use_icu) { deps += [ "//third_party/icu/icu4c:static_icui18n", "//third_party/icu/icu4c:static_icuuc", ] } subsystem_name = "arkui" part_name = "napi" } } else { ohos_shared_library(target_name) { public_configs = [ "native_engine/impl/${engine_path}:ace_napi_${engine_path}_config" ] deps = deps_ if (defined(use_icu) && use_icu) { deps += [ "//third_party/icu/icu4c:shared_icuuc" ] } if (target_name == "ark" || target_name == "quickjs") { deps -= [ "//third_party/libuv:uv" ] } subsystem_name = "arkui" part_name = "napi" } } } napi_libs = [] foreach(item, ace_platforms) { if (item.name == "ohos" || is_cross_platform_build) { engine_config = { } support_engines = { } engine_config = item.config support_engines = engine_config.js_engines foreach(engine, support_engines) { if (engine.engine_name != "ark") { ace_napi_lib("ace_napi_${engine.engine_path}") { engine_path = engine.engine_path } napi_libs += [ ":ace_napi_${engine.engine_path}" ] if (defined(engine.have_debug) && engine.have_debug) { ace_napi_lib("ace_napi_${engine.engine_path}_debug") { engine_path = engine.engine_path use_js_debug = true } napi_libs += [ ":ace_napi_${engine.engine_path}_debug" ] } } else if (engine.engine_name == "ark") { ace_napi_lib("ace_napi_${engine.engine_name}") { engine_path = engine.engine_name use_icu = true } napi_libs += [ ":ace_napi_${engine.engine_name}" ] } } } } group("napi_packages") { deps = [ ":ace_napi" ] deps += napi_libs } ohos_ndk_library("libnapi_ndk") { ndk_description_file = "./libnapi.ndk.json" min_compact_version = "1" output_name = "ace_napi" } ohos_ndk_headers("napi_header") { dest_dir = "$ndk_headers_out_dir/napi" sources = [ "interfaces/kits/napi/common.h", "interfaces/kits/napi/native_api.h", ] } group("napi_packages_ndk") { deps = [ ":libnapi_ndk" ] } if (!build_ohos_ndk && !is_cross_platform_build) { group("napi_packages_test") { testonly = true deps = [ "sample/native_module_calc:calc", "sample/native_module_calc:number", "sample/native_module_callback:callback", "sample/native_module_demo:demo", "sample/native_module_netserver:netserver", "sample/native_module_storage:storage", "test/fuzztest:fuzztest", "test/unittest:unittest", ] } }