/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "common/text.h" #include "common/typed_text.h" #include "draw/draw_label.h" #include "font/ui_font.h" #include "font/ui_font_adaptor.h" #include "font/ui_font_builder.h" #include "gfx_utils/graphic_log.h" #include "securec.h" namespace OHOS { Text::TextLine Text::textLine_[MAX_LINE_COUNT] = {{0}}; Text::Text() : text_(nullptr), fontId_(0), fontSize_(0), textSize_({0, 0}), needRefresh_(false), expandWidth_(false), expandHeight_(false), baseLine_(true), direct_(TEXT_DIRECT_LTR), sizeSpans_(nullptr), characterSize_(0), horizontalAlign_(TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT), verticalAlign_(TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP), eliminateTrailingSpaces_(false) { #if defined(ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING) && ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING textStyles_ = nullptr; #endif SetFont(DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_FILENAME, DEFAULT_VECTOR_FONT_SIZE); } Text::~Text() { if (text_ != nullptr) { UIFree(text_); text_ = nullptr; } #if defined(ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING) && ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING if (textStyles_ != nullptr) { UIFree(textStyles_); textStyles_ = nullptr; } #endif if (backgroundColor_.Size() > 0) { backgroundColor_.Clear(); } if (linebackgroundColor_.Size() > 0) { linebackgroundColor_.Clear(); } if (foregroundColor_.Size() > 0) { foregroundColor_.Clear(); } if (sizeSpans_ != nullptr) { UIFree(sizeSpans_); sizeSpans_ = nullptr; } } #if defined(ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING) && ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING void Text::SetSpannableString(const SpannableString* spannableString) { SetText(spannableString->text_); if (textStyles_ != nullptr) { UIFree(textStyles_); textStyles_ = nullptr; } if (spannableString->spanList_.IsEmpty()) { return; } uint32_t textLen = TypedText::GetUTF8CharacterSize(text_, GetTextStrLen()); if (textLen == 0 || textLen > MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { return; } textStyles_ = static_cast<TextStyle*>(UIMalloc(textLen)); if (textStyles_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("Text::SetSpannableString invalid parameter"); return; } ListNode<StyleSpan*>* node = spannableString->spanList_.Begin(); while (node != spannableString->spanList_.End()) { for (uint32_t i = node->data_->start_; i < node->data_->end_; i++) { if (textLen > i) { textStyles_[i] = node->data_->textStyle_; } } node = node->next_; } needRefresh_ = true; } #endif void Text::SetText(const char* text) { if (text == nullptr) { return; } uint32_t textLen = static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(text)); if (textLen > MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { textLen = MAX_TEXT_LENGTH; } if (text_ != nullptr) { if (strcmp(text, text_) == 0) { return; } UIFree(text_); text_ = nullptr; } text_ = static_cast<char*>(UIMalloc(textLen + 1)); if (text_ == nullptr) { return; } if (strncpy_s(text_, textLen + 1, text, textLen) != EOK) { UIFree(text_); text_ = nullptr; return; } #if defined(ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING) && ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING if (textStyles_ != nullptr) { UIFree(textStyles_); textStyles_ = nullptr; } #endif needRefresh_ = true; if (sizeSpans_ != nullptr) { UIFree(sizeSpans_); sizeSpans_ = nullptr; } } void Text::SetFont(const char* name, uint8_t size) { if (name == nullptr) { return; } UIFont* font = UIFont::GetInstance(); if (font->IsVectorFont()) { uint16_t fontId = font->GetFontId(name); if ((fontId != UIFontBuilder::GetInstance()->GetTotalFontId()) && ((fontId_ != fontId) || (fontSize_ != size))) { fontId_ = fontId; fontSize_ = size; needRefresh_ = true; } } else { uint16_t fontId = font->GetFontId(name, size); SetFontId(fontId); } } void Text::SetFont(const char* name, uint8_t size, char*& destName, uint8_t& destSize) { if (name == nullptr) { return; } uint32_t nameLen = static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(name)); if (nameLen > MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) { return; } if (destName != nullptr) { if (strcmp(destName, name) == 0) { destSize = size; return; } UIFree(destName); destName = nullptr; } if (nameLen != 0) { /* one more to store '\0' */ destName = static_cast<char*>(UIMalloc(++nameLen)); if (destName == nullptr) { return; } if (memcpy_s(destName, nameLen, name, nameLen) != EOK) { UIFree(destName); destName = nullptr; return; } destSize = size; } } void Text::SetFontId(uint16_t fontId) { UIFontBuilder* fontBuilder = UIFontBuilder::GetInstance(); if (fontId >= fontBuilder->GetTotalFontId()) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("Text::SetFontId invalid fontId(%hhd)", fontId); return; } UIFont* font = UIFont::GetInstance(); if ((fontId_ == fontId) && (fontSize_ != 0) && !font->IsVectorFont()) { GRAPHIC_LOGD("Text::SetFontId same font has already set"); return; } UITextLanguageFontParam* fontParam = fontBuilder->GetTextLangFontsTable(fontId); if (fontParam == nullptr) { return; } if (font->IsVectorFont()) { uint16_t fontId = font->GetFontId(fontParam->ttfName); if ((fontId != fontBuilder->GetTotalFontId()) && ((fontId_ != fontId) || (fontSize_ != fontParam->size))) { fontId_ = fontId; fontSize_ = fontParam->size; needRefresh_ = true; } } else { fontId_ = fontId; fontSize_ = fontParam->size; needRefresh_ = true; } } void Text::ReMeasureTextSize(const Rect& textRect, const Style& style) { if (fontSize_ == 0) { return; } int16_t maxWidth = (expandWidth_ ? COORD_MAX : textRect.GetWidth()); if (maxWidth > 0) { textSize_ = TypedText::GetTextSize(text_, fontId_, fontSize_, style.letterSpace_, style.lineHeight_, maxWidth, style.lineSpace_, sizeSpans_, IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()); if (baseLine_) { FontHeader head; if (UIFont::GetInstance()->GetFontHeader(head, fontId_, fontSize_) != 0) { return; } textSize_.y += fontSize_ - head.ascender; } } } void Text::ReMeasureTextWidthInEllipsisMode(const Rect& textRect, const Style& style, uint16_t ellipsisIndex) { if (ellipsisIndex != TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV) { int16_t lineMaxWidth = expandWidth_ ? textSize_.x : textRect.GetWidth(); uint32_t maxLineBytes = 0; uint16_t lineCount = GetLine(lineMaxWidth, style.letterSpace_, ellipsisIndex, maxLineBytes); if ((lineCount > 0) && (textSize_.x < textLine_[lineCount - 1].linePixelWidth)) { textSize_.x = textLine_[lineCount - 1].linePixelWidth; } } } void Text::DrawEllipsis(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, LabelLineInfo& labelLine, uint16_t& letterIndex) { labelLine.offset.x = 0; labelLine.text = TEXT_ELLIPSIS; labelLine.lineLength = 1; labelLine.length = 1; DrawLabel::DrawTextOneLine(gfxDstBuffer, labelLine, letterIndex); } void Text::OnDraw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& invalidatedArea, const Rect& viewOrigRect, const Rect& textRect, int16_t offsetX, const Style& style, uint16_t ellipsisIndex, OpacityType opaScale) { if ((text_ == nullptr) || (strlen(text_) == 0) || (fontSize_ == 0)) { return; } Rect mask = invalidatedArea; if (mask.Intersect(mask, textRect)) { Draw(gfxDstBuffer, mask, textRect, style, offsetX, ellipsisIndex, opaScale); } } void Text::Draw(BufferInfo& gfxDstBuffer, const Rect& mask, const Rect& coords, const Style& style, int16_t offsetX, uint16_t ellipsisIndex, OpacityType opaScale) { Point offset = {offsetX, 0}; int16_t lineMaxWidth = expandWidth_ ? textSize_.x : coords.GetWidth(); uint16_t lineBegin = 0; uint32_t maxLineBytes = 0; uint16_t lineCount = GetLine(lineMaxWidth, style.letterSpace_, ellipsisIndex, maxLineBytes); int16_t lineHeight = style.lineHeight_; int16_t curLineHeight; UIFont* font = UIFont::GetInstance(); if (lineHeight <= 0) { lineHeight = font->GetHeight(fontId_, fontSize_); lineHeight += style.lineSpace_; } if ((style.lineSpace_ == 0) && (sizeSpans_ != nullptr)) { uint16_t letterIndex = 0; curLineHeight = font->GetLineMaxHeight(text_, textLine_[0].lineBytes, fontId_, fontSize_, letterIndex, sizeSpans_); curLineHeight += style.lineSpace_; } else { curLineHeight = lineHeight; } Point pos; if (lineHeight == style.lineHeight_) { pos.y = TextPositionY(coords, (lineCount * lineHeight)); } else { pos.y = TextPositionY(coords, (lineCount * lineHeight - style.lineSpace_)); } OpacityType opa = DrawUtils::GetMixOpacity(opaScale, style.textOpa_); uint16_t letterIndex = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { if (pos.y > mask.GetBottom()) { return; } int16_t nextLine = pos.y + curLineHeight; if (lineHeight != style.lineHeight_) { nextLine -= style.lineSpace_; } int16_t tempLetterIndex = letterIndex; uint16_t lineBytes = textLine_[i].lineBytes; #if defined(ENABLE_ICU) && ENABLE_ICU if (this->IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()) { int j = lineBytes - 1; while (j >= 0 && text_[lineBegin + j] == ' ') { --j; } lineBytes = j + 1; } #endif if (nextLine >= mask.GetTop()) { pos.x = LineStartPos(coords, textLine_[i].linePixelWidth); LabelLineInfo labelLine {pos, offset, mask, curLineHeight, lineBytes, 0, opa, style, &text_[lineBegin], lineBytes, lineBegin, fontId_, fontSize_, 0, static_cast<UITextLanguageDirect>(direct_), nullptr, baseLine_, #if defined(ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING) && ENABLE_SPANNABLE_STRING textStyles_, #endif &backgroundColor_, &foregroundColor_, &linebackgroundColor_, sizeSpans_, 0}; uint16_t ellipsisOssetY = DrawLabel::DrawTextOneLine(gfxDstBuffer, labelLine, letterIndex); if ((i == (lineCount - 1)) && (ellipsisIndex != TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV)) { labelLine.ellipsisOssetY = ellipsisOssetY; DrawEllipsis(gfxDstBuffer, labelLine, letterIndex); } } else { letterIndex = TypedText::GetUTF8CharacterSize(text_, lineBegin + lineBytes); } if ((style.lineSpace_ == 0) && (sizeSpans_ != nullptr)) { curLineHeight = font->GetLineMaxHeight(&text_[lineBegin], textLine_[i].lineBytes, fontId_, fontSize_, tempLetterIndex, sizeSpans_); curLineHeight += style.lineSpace_; } else { curLineHeight = lineHeight; } lineBegin += textLine_[i].lineBytes; pos.y += curLineHeight; } } int16_t Text::TextPositionY(const Rect& textRect, int16_t textHeight) { int16_t yOffset = 0; if (!expandHeight_ && (verticalAlign_ != TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TOP) && (textRect.GetHeight() > textHeight)) { if (verticalAlign_ == TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) { yOffset = (textRect.GetHeight() - textHeight) >> 1; } else if (verticalAlign_ == TEXT_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM) { yOffset = textRect.GetHeight() - textHeight; } } return textRect.GetY() + yOffset; } int16_t Text::LineStartPos(const Rect& textRect, uint16_t lineWidth) { int16_t xOffset = 0; int16_t rectWidth = textRect.GetWidth(); if (horizontalAlign_ == TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) { xOffset = (direct_ == TEXT_DIRECT_RTL) ? ((rectWidth + lineWidth + 1) >> 1) : ((rectWidth - lineWidth) >> 1); } else if (horizontalAlign_ == TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT) { xOffset = (direct_ == TEXT_DIRECT_RTL) ? rectWidth : (rectWidth - lineWidth); } else { xOffset = (direct_ == TEXT_DIRECT_RTL) ? rectWidth : 0; } return textRect.GetX() + xOffset; } uint16_t Text::GetLine(int16_t width, uint8_t letterSpace, uint16_t ellipsisIndex, uint32_t& maxLineBytes) { if (text_ == nullptr) { return 0; } uint16_t lineNum = 0; uint32_t textLen = GetTextStrLen(); if ((ellipsisIndex != TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV) && (ellipsisIndex < textLen)) { textLen = ellipsisIndex; } uint32_t begin = 0; uint16_t letterIndex = 0; while ((begin < textLen) && (text_[begin] != '\0') && (lineNum < MAX_LINE_COUNT)) { begin += GetTextLine(begin, textLen, width, lineNum, letterSpace, letterIndex, sizeSpans_, textLine_[lineNum]); if (maxLineBytes < textLine_[lineNum].lineBytes) { maxLineBytes = textLine_[lineNum].lineBytes; } lineNum++; } if ((lineNum != 0) && (ellipsisIndex != TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV)) { uint16_t ellipsisWidth = UIFont::GetInstance()->GetWidth(TEXT_ELLIPSIS_UNICODE, fontId_, fontSize_, 0) + letterSpace; textLine_[lineNum - 1].linePixelWidth += ellipsisWidth; if (textLine_[lineNum - 1].linePixelWidth > width) { int16_t newWidth = width - ellipsisWidth; maxLineBytes = CalculateLineWithEllipsis(begin, textLen, newWidth, letterSpace, lineNum, letterIndex, sizeSpans_); textLine_[lineNum - 1].linePixelWidth += ellipsisWidth; } } return lineNum; } uint32_t Text::CalculateLineWithEllipsis(uint32_t begin, uint32_t textLen, int16_t width, uint8_t letterSpace, uint16_t& lineNum, uint16_t& letterIndex, SizeSpan* sizeSpans) { begin -= textLine_[lineNum - 1].lineBytes; lineNum--; while ((begin < textLen) && (text_[begin] != '\0') && (lineNum < MAX_LINE_COUNT)) { begin += GetTextLine(begin, textLen, width, lineNum, letterSpace, letterIndex, sizeSpans, textLine_[lineNum]); lineNum++; } uint32_t maxLineBytes = 0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < lineNum; i++) { if (maxLineBytes < textLine_[i].lineBytes) { maxLineBytes = textLine_[i].lineBytes; } } return maxLineBytes; } uint32_t Text::GetTextStrLen() { return (text_ != nullptr) ? (strlen(text_)) : 0; } uint32_t Text::GetTextLine(uint32_t begin, uint32_t textLen, int16_t width, uint16_t lineNum, uint8_t letterSpace, uint16_t& letterIndex, SizeSpan* sizeSpans, TextLine& textLine) { int16_t lineWidth = width; int16_t lineHeight = 0; uint16_t nextLineBytes = UIFontAdaptor::GetNextLineAndWidth(&text_[begin], fontId_, fontSize_, letterSpace, lineWidth, lineHeight, letterIndex, sizeSpans, false, textLen - begin, IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()); if (nextLineBytes + begin > textLen) { nextLineBytes = textLen - begin; } textLine.lineBytes = nextLineBytes; textLine.linePixelWidth = lineWidth; return nextLineBytes; } uint16_t Text::GetEllipsisIndex(const Rect& textRect, const Style& style) { if (textSize_.y <= textRect.GetHeight()) { return TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV; } UIFont* fontEngine = UIFont::GetInstance(); int16_t letterWidth = fontEngine->GetWidth(TEXT_ELLIPSIS_UNICODE, fontId_, fontSize_, 0) + style.letterSpace_; Point p; p.x = textRect.GetWidth() - letterWidth; p.y = textRect.GetHeight(); int16_t height = style.lineHeight_; if (height == 0) { height = fontEngine->GetHeight(fontId_, fontSize_) + style.lineSpace_; } if (height) { p.y -= p.y % height; } if (height != style.lineHeight_) { p.y -= style.lineSpace_; } return GetLetterIndexByPosition(textRect, style, p); } uint16_t Text::GetLetterIndexByLinePosition(const Style& style, int16_t contentWidth, const int16_t& posX, int16_t offsetX) { uint16_t letterIndex = 0; int16_t width = 0; if (direct_ == UITextLanguageDirect::TEXT_DIRECT_LTR) { width = posX - offsetX; } int16_t lineHeight = style.lineHeight_; UIFontAdaptor::GetNextLineAndWidth(text_, fontId_, fontSize_, style.letterSpace_, width, lineHeight, letterIndex, sizeSpans_, false, 0xFFFF, IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()); return letterIndex; } uint16_t Text::GetPosXByLetterIndex(const Rect &textRect, const Style &style, uint16_t beginIndex, uint16_t count) { if (count == 0) { return 0; } int16_t maxWidth = (expandWidth_ ? COORD_MAX : textRect.GetWidth()); int16_t textWidth = TypedText::GetTextWidth(text_, fontId_, fontSize_, GetTextStrLen(), style.letterSpace_, beginIndex, count); return static_cast<uint16_t>(textWidth > maxWidth ? maxWidth : textWidth); } uint16_t Text::GetLetterIndexByPosition(const Rect& textRect, const Style& style, const Point& pos) { if (text_ == nullptr) { return 0; } uint32_t lineStart = 0; uint32_t nextLineStart = 0; int16_t lineHeight = style.lineHeight_; uint16_t letterHeight = UIFont::GetInstance()->GetHeight(fontId_, fontSize_); if (lineHeight == 0) { lineHeight = letterHeight + style.lineSpace_; } uint16_t height = 0; if (lineHeight != style.lineHeight_) { height = letterHeight; } else { height = lineHeight; } int16_t y = 0; uint32_t textLen = static_cast<uint32_t>(strlen(text_)); int16_t width = 0; uint16_t letterIndex = 0; while ((lineStart < textLen) && (text_[lineStart] != '\0')) { width = textRect.GetWidth(); nextLineStart += UIFontAdaptor::GetNextLineAndWidth(&text_[lineStart], fontId_, fontSize_, style.letterSpace_, width, lineHeight, letterIndex, sizeSpans_, false, 0xFFFF, IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()); if (nextLineStart == 0) { break; } if (pos.y <= y + height) { break; } y += lineHeight; lineStart = nextLineStart; } if (nextLineStart == textLen) { return TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV; } /* Calculate the x coordinate */ width = pos.x; lineStart += UIFontAdaptor::GetNextLineAndWidth(&text_[lineStart], fontId_, fontSize_, style.letterSpace_, width, lineHeight, letterIndex, sizeSpans_, true, 0xFFFF, IsEliminateTrailingSpaces()); return (lineStart < textLen) ? lineStart : TEXT_ELLIPSIS_END_INV; } void Text::SetAbsoluteSizeSpan(uint16_t start, uint16_t end, uint8_t size) { #if defined(ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT) && ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT if (fontId_ == FONT_ID_MAX) { return; } #else if (fontId_ == UIFontBuilder::GetInstance()->GetBitmapFontIdMax()) { return; } #endif uint16_t fontId = GetSpanFontIdBySize(size); #if defined(ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT) && !ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT if (fontId == fontId_) { return; } #endif if (text_ != nullptr && sizeSpans_ == nullptr) { characterSize_ = TypedText::GetUTF8CharacterSize(text_, GetTextStrLen()); sizeSpans_ = static_cast<SizeSpan*>(UIMalloc(characterSize_ * sizeof(SizeSpan))); if (sizeSpans_ == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("Text::SetAbsoluteSizeSpan invalid parameter"); return; } InitSizeSpans(); } if (sizeSpans_ != nullptr && start <= characterSize_) { for (uint16_t i = start; i < end && i < characterSize_; i++) { sizeSpans_[i].fontId = fontId; sizeSpans_[i].size = size; sizeSpans_[i].isSizeSpan = true; } } } void Text::SetRelativeSizeSpan(uint16_t start, uint16_t end, float size) { uint8_t absoluteSize = 0; #if defined(ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT) && ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT absoluteSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(size * fontSize_); #else UITextLanguageFontParam* fontParam = UIFontBuilder::GetInstance()->GetTextLangFontsTable(fontId_); if (fontParam == nullptr) { GRAPHIC_LOGE("Text::SetRelativeSizeSpan invalid parameter"); return; } absoluteSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(size * fontParam->size); #endif SetAbsoluteSizeSpan(start, end, absoluteSize); } uint16_t Text::GetSpanFontIdBySize(uint8_t size) { #if defined(ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT) && ENABLE_VECTOR_FONT return fontId_; #else UIFontBuilder* fontBuilder = UIFontBuilder::GetInstance(); UITextLanguageFontParam* fontParam = fontBuilder->GetTextLangFontsTable(fontId_); if (fontParam == nullptr) { return fontId_; } uint8_t ttfId = fontParam->ttfId; for (uint16_t fontId = 0; fontId < fontBuilder->GetTotalFontId(); fontId++) { UITextLanguageFontParam* tempFontParam = fontBuilder->GetTextLangFontsTable(fontId); if (tempFontParam == nullptr) { continue; } if (ttfId == tempFontParam->ttfId && size == tempFontParam->size) { return fontId; } } return fontId_; #endif } void Text::InitSizeSpans() { if (sizeSpans_ != nullptr) { for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < TypedText::GetUTF8CharacterSize(text_, GetTextStrLen()); i++) { sizeSpans_[i].isSizeSpan = false; sizeSpans_[i].height = 0; } } } uint16_t Text::GetNextCharacterFullDispalyOffset(const Rect& textRect, const Style& style, uint16_t beginIndex, uint16_t num) { return GetPosXByLetterIndex(textRect, style, beginIndex, num); } } // namespace OHOS