1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 #include "napi_inner_print.h"
18 #include "napi_print_utils.h"
19 #include "print_callback.h"
20 #include "print_extension_info_helper.h"
21 #include "print_job_helper.h"
22 #include "print_log.h"
23 #include "print_manager_client.h"
24 #include "print_task.h"
26 namespace OHOS::Print {
27 const std::string PRINTER_EVENT_TYPE = "printerStateChange";
28 const std::string PRINTJOB_EVENT_TYPE = "jobStateChange";
29 const std::string EXTINFO_EVENT_TYPE = "extInfoChange";
QueryExtensionInfo(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)31 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::QueryExtensionInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
32 {
33 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter ---->");
34 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
35 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
36 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ZERO, " should 0 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
37 return napi_ok;
38 };
39 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
40 PRINT_HILOGD("ouput enter---->");
41 napi_status status = napi_create_array(env, result);
42 uint32_t index = 0;
43 for (auto extInfo : context->allExtensionInfos) {
44 PRINT_HILOGD("ExtensionId = %{public}s", extInfo.GetExtensionId().c_str());
45 PRINT_HILOGD("VendorId = %{public}s", extInfo.GetVendorId().c_str());
46 PRINT_HILOGD("VendorName = %{public}s", extInfo.GetVendorName().c_str());
47 PRINT_HILOGD("VendorIcon = %{public}d", extInfo.GetVendorIcon());
48 PRINT_HILOGD("Version = %{public}s", extInfo.GetVersion().c_str());
49 status = napi_set_element(env, *result, index++, PrintExtensionInfoHelper::MakeJsObject(env, extInfo));
50 }
51 return napi_ok;
52 };
53 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
54 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->QueryAllExtension(context->allExtensionInfos);
55 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
56 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
57 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to query all ext info");
58 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
59 }
60 };
61 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
62 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
63 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
64 }
StartDiscovery(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)66 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::StartDiscovery(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
67 {
68 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter StartDiscovery---->");
69 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
70 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
71 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
72 bool isArray = false;
73 napi_is_array(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &isArray);
74 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, isArray, " is not array!", napi_array_expected);
76 uint32_t len = 0;
77 napi_get_array_length(env, argv[0], &len);
79 for (uint32_t index = 0; index < len; index++) {
80 napi_value value;
81 napi_get_element(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], index, &value);
82 std::string extensionId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, value);
83 PRINT_HILOGD("output for :---- extensionList value is :[%{public}s]", extensionId.c_str());
84 if (extensionId != "") {
85 context->extensionList.emplace_back(extensionId);
86 }
87 }
88 return napi_ok;
89 };
90 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
91 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
92 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
93 return status;
94 };
95 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
96 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->StartDiscoverPrinter(context->extensionList);
97 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
98 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
99 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to start discover printer");
100 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
101 }
102 };
103 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
104 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
105 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
106 }
StopDiscovery(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)108 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::StopDiscovery(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
109 {
110 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter StopDiscovery---->");
111 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
112 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
113 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ZERO, " should 0 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
114 return napi_ok;
115 };
116 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
117 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
118 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
119 return status;
120 };
121 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
122 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->StopDiscoverPrinter();
123 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
124 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
125 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to stop discover printer");
126 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
127 }
128 };
129 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
130 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
131 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
132 }
ConnectPrinter(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)134 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::ConnectPrinter(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
135 {
136 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter ConnectPrinter---->");
137 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
138 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
139 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
140 napi_valuetype valuetype;
141 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
142 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "printerId is not a string", napi_string_expected);
143 std::string printerId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
144 PRINT_HILOGD("printerId : %{private}s", printerId.c_str());
145 context->printerId = printerId;
146 return napi_ok;
147 };
148 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
149 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
150 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
151 return status;
152 };
153 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
154 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->ConnectPrinter(context->printerId);
155 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
156 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
157 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to connect the printer");
158 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
159 }
160 };
161 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
162 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
163 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
164 }
DisconnectPrinter(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)166 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::DisconnectPrinter(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
167 {
168 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter DisconnectPrinter---->");
169 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
170 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
171 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
172 napi_valuetype valuetype;
173 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
174 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "printerId is not a string", napi_string_expected);
175 std::string printerId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
176 PRINT_HILOGD("printerId : %{private}s", printerId.c_str());
177 context->printerId = printerId;
178 return napi_ok;
179 };
180 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
181 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
182 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
183 return status;
184 };
185 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
186 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->DisconnectPrinter(context->printerId);
187 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
188 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
189 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to connect the printer");
190 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
191 }
192 };
193 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
194 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
195 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
196 }
StartPrintJob(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)198 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::StartPrintJob(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
199 {
200 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter StartPrintJob---->");
201 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
202 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
203 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
204 auto printJobPtr = PrintJobHelper::BuildFromJs(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
205 if (printJobPtr == nullptr) {
206 PRINT_HILOGE("ParseJob type error!");
207 context->SetErrorIndex(E_PRINT_INVALID_PARAMETER);
208 return napi_invalid_arg;
209 }
210 context->printJob = *printJobPtr;
211 return napi_ok;
212 };
213 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
214 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
215 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
216 return status;
217 };
218 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
219 context->printJob.Dump();
220 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->StartPrintJob(context->printJob);
221 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
222 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
223 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to start print job");
224 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
225 }
226 };
227 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
228 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
229 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
230 }
CancelPrintJob(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)232 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::CancelPrintJob(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
233 {
234 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter CancelPrintJob---->");
235 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
236 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
237 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
238 napi_valuetype valuetype;
239 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
240 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "jobId is not a string", napi_string_expected);
241 std::string jobId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
242 if (jobId == "") {
243 PRINT_HILOGE("Parse JobId error!");
244 context->SetErrorIndex(E_PRINT_INVALID_PARAMETER);
245 return napi_invalid_arg;
246 }
247 context->jobId = jobId;
248 return napi_ok;
249 };
250 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
251 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
252 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
253 return status;
254 };
255 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
256 context->printJob.Dump();
257 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->CancelPrintJob(context->jobId);
258 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
259 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
260 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to start print job");
261 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
262 }
263 };
264 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
265 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
266 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
267 }
RequestPreview(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)269 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::RequestPreview(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
270 {
271 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter ---->");
272 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
273 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
274 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
275 auto printJobPtr = PrintJobHelper::BuildFromJs(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
276 if (printJobPtr == nullptr) {
277 PRINT_HILOGE("ParseJob type error!");
278 context->SetErrorIndex(E_PRINT_INVALID_PARAMETER);
279 return napi_invalid_arg;
280 }
281 context->printJob = *printJobPtr;
282 return napi_ok;
283 };
284 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
285 napi_status status = napi_create_string_utf8(env, context->previewResult.c_str(), NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH, result);
286 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
287 return status;
288 };
289 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
290 PRINT_HILOGD("exec----");
291 context->printJob.Dump();
292 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->RequestPreview(context->printJob, context->previewResult);
293 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
294 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
295 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to request preview of print job");
296 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
297 }
298 };
299 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
300 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
301 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
302 }
QueryCapability(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)304 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::QueryCapability(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
305 {
306 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter QueryCapability---->");
307 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
308 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
309 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
310 napi_valuetype valuetype;
311 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
312 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "printerId number is not a string", napi_string_expected);
313 std::string printerId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
314 PRINT_HILOGD("printerId : %{private}s", printerId.c_str());
315 context->printerId = printerId;
316 return napi_ok;
317 };
318 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
319 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
320 PRINT_HILOGD("output ---- [%{public}s], status[%{public}d]", context->result ? "true" : "false", status);
321 return status;
322 };
323 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
324 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->QueryPrinterCapability(context->printerId);
325 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
326 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
327 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to query capability of printer");
328 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
329 }
330 };
331 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
332 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
333 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
334 }
QueryAllPrintJob(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)336 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::QueryAllPrintJob(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
337 {
338 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter QueryAllPrintJob---->");
339 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
340 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
341 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ZERO, " should 0 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
342 return napi_ok;
343 };
344 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
345 PRINT_HILOGD("ouput enter---->");
346 napi_status status = napi_create_array(env, result);
347 uint32_t index = 0;
348 for (auto printJob : context->allPrintJobs) {
349 PRINT_HILOGD("PrinterId = %{public}s", printJob.GetPrinterId().c_str());
350 PRINT_HILOGD("JobId = %{public}s", printJob.GetJobId().c_str());
351 status = napi_set_element(env, *result, index++, PrintJobHelper::MakeJsObject(env, printJob));
352 }
353 return napi_ok;
354 };
355 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
356 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->QueryAllPrintJob(context->allPrintJobs);
357 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
358 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
359 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to query printJobList");
360 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
361 }
362 };
363 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
364 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
365 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
366 }
QueryPrintJobById(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)368 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::QueryPrintJobById(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
369 {
370 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter QueryPrintJobById---->");
371 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
372 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
373 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
374 napi_valuetype valuetype;
375 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
376 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "printerId number is not a string", napi_string_expected);
377 std::string printerId = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
378 PRINT_HILOGD("printerId : %{private}s", printerId.c_str());
379 context->printerId = printerId;
380 return napi_ok;
381 };
382 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
383 PRINT_HILOGD("ouput enter---->");
384 *result = PrintJobHelper::MakeJsObject(env, context->printJob);
385 return napi_ok;
386 };
387 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
388 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->QueryPrintJobById(context->printerId, context->printJob);
389 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
390 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
391 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to query printJob from printList");
392 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
393 }
394 };
395 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
396 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
397 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
398 }
On(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)400 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::On(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
401 {
402 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter ---->");
403 size_t argc = NapiPrintUtils::MAX_ARGC;
404 napi_value argv[NapiPrintUtils::MAX_ARGC] = { nullptr };
405 napi_value thisVal = nullptr;
406 void *data = nullptr;
407 PRINT_CALL(env, napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, &thisVal, &data));
408 PRINT_ASSERT(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_TWO, "need 2 parameter!");
410 napi_valuetype valuetype;
411 PRINT_CALL(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[0], &valuetype));
412 PRINT_ASSERT(env, valuetype == napi_string, "type is not a string");
413 std::string type = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[0]);
414 PRINT_HILOGD("type : %{public}s", type.c_str());
416 if (!NapiInnerPrint::IsSupportType(type)) {
417 PRINT_HILOGE("Event On type : %{public}s not support", type.c_str());
418 return nullptr;
419 }
421 valuetype = napi_undefined;
422 napi_typeof(env, argv[1], &valuetype);
423 PRINT_ASSERT(env, valuetype == napi_function, "callback is not a function");
425 napi_ref callbackRef = NapiPrintUtils::CreateReference(env, argv[1]);
426 sptr<IPrintCallback> callback = new (std::nothrow) PrintCallback(env, callbackRef);
427 if (callback == nullptr) {
428 PRINT_HILOGE("create print callback object fail");
429 return nullptr;
430 }
431 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->On("", type, callback);
432 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
433 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to register event");
434 return nullptr;
435 }
436 return nullptr;
437 }
Off(napi_env env,napi_callback_info info)439 napi_value NapiInnerPrint::Off(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
440 {
441 PRINT_HILOGD("Enter ---->");
442 auto context = std::make_shared<InnerPrintContext>();
443 auto input = [context](napi_env env, size_t argc, napi_value *argv, napi_value self) -> napi_status {
444 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, argc == NapiPrintUtils::ARGC_ONE, " should 1 parameter!", napi_invalid_arg);
445 napi_valuetype valuetype;
446 PRINT_CALL_BASE(env, napi_typeof(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO], &valuetype), napi_invalid_arg);
447 PRINT_ASSERT_BASE(env, valuetype == napi_string, "type is not a string", napi_string_expected);
448 std::string type = NapiPrintUtils::GetStringFromValueUtf8(env, argv[NapiPrintUtils::INDEX_ZERO]);
449 if (!NapiInnerPrint::IsSupportType(type)) {
450 PRINT_HILOGE("Event Off type : %{public}s not support", context->type.c_str());
451 context->SetErrorIndex(E_PRINT_INVALID_PARAMETER);
452 return napi_invalid_arg;
453 }
454 context->type = type;
455 PRINT_HILOGD("event type : %{public}s", context->type.c_str());
456 return napi_ok;
457 };
458 auto output = [context](napi_env env, napi_value *result) -> napi_status {
459 napi_status status = napi_get_boolean(env, context->result, result);
460 PRINT_HILOGD("context->result = %{public}d", context->result);
461 return status;
462 };
463 auto exec = [context](PrintAsyncCall::Context *ctx) {
464 int32_t ret = PrintManagerClient::GetInstance()->Off("", context->type);
465 context->result = ret == E_PRINT_NONE;
466 if (ret != E_PRINT_NONE) {
467 PRINT_HILOGE("Failed to unregister event");
468 context->SetErrorIndex(ret);
469 }
470 };
471 context->SetAction(std::move(input), std::move(output));
472 PrintAsyncCall asyncCall(env, info, std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PrintAsyncCall::Context>(context));
473 return asyncCall.Call(env, exec);
474 }
IsSupportType(const std::string & type)476 bool NapiInnerPrint::IsSupportType(const std::string& type)
477 {
478 if (type == PRINTER_EVENT_TYPE || type == PRINTJOB_EVENT_TYPE || type == EXTINFO_EVENT_TYPE) {
479 return true;
480 }
481 return false;
482 }
483 } // namespace OHOS::Print