1 // Copyright 2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 // limitations under the License. 14 15 #ifndef __EMAC_MAC_STRUCT_H__ 16 #define __EMAC_MAC_STRUCT_H__ 17 18 #pragma once 19 20 #include <stdint.h> 21 22 #ifdef __cplusplus 23 extern "C" { 24 #endif /* __cplusplus */ 25 26 typedef volatile struct { 27 union { 28 struct { 29 uint32_t pltf : 2; /*These bits control the number of preamble bytes that are added to the beginning of every Transmit frame. The preamble reduction occurs only when the MAC is operating in the full-duplex mode.2'b00: 7 bytes of preamble. 2'b01: 5 bytes of preamble. 2'b10: 3 bytes of preamble.*/ 30 uint32_t rx : 1; /*When this bit is set the receiver state machine of the MAC is enabled for receiving frames from the MII. When this bit is reset the MAC receive state machine is disabled after the completion of the reception of the current frame and does not receive any further frames from the MII.*/ 31 uint32_t tx : 1; /*When this bit is set the transmit state machine of the MAC is enabled for transmission on the MII. When this bit is reset the MAC transmit state machine is disabled after the completion of the transmission of the current frame and does not transmit any further frames.*/ 32 uint32_t deferralcheck : 1; /*Deferral Check.*/ 33 uint32_t backofflimit : 2; /*The Back-Off limit determines the random integer number (r) of slot time delays (512 bit times for 10/100 Mbps) for which the MAC waits before rescheduling a transmission attempt during retries after a collision. This bit is applicable only in the half-duplex mode. 00: k= min (n 10). 01: k = min (n 8). 10: k = min (n 4). 11: k = min (n 1) n = retransmission attempt. The random integer r takes the value in the Range 0 ~ 2000.*/ 34 uint32_t padcrcstrip : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC strips the Pad or FCS field on the incoming frames only if the value of the length field is less than 1 536 bytes. All received frames with length field greater than or equal to 1 536 bytes are passed to the application without stripping the Pad or FCS field. When this bit is reset the MAC passes all incoming frames without modifying them to the Host.*/ 35 uint32_t reserved8 : 1; 36 uint32_t retry : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC attempts only one transmission. When a collision occurs on the MII interface the MAC ignores the current frame transmission and reports a Frame Abort with excessive collision error in the transmit frame status. When this bit is reset the MAC attempts retries based on the settings of the BL field (Bits [6:5]). This bit is applicable only in the half-duplex Mode.*/ 37 uint32_t rxipcoffload : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC calculates the 16-bit one's complement of the one's complement sum of all received Ethernet frame payloads. It also checks whether the IPv4 Header checksum (assumed to be bytes 25/26 or 29/30 (VLAN-tagged) of the received Ethernet frame) is correct for the received frame and gives the status in the receive status word. The MAC also appends the 16-bit checksum calculated for the IP header datagram payload (bytes after the IPv4 header) and appends it to the Ethernet frame transferred to the application (when Type 2 COE is deselected). When this bit is reset this function is disabled.*/ 38 uint32_t duplex : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC operates in the full-duplex mode where it can transmit and receive simultaneously. This bit is read only with default value of 1'b1 in the full-duplex-mode.*/ 39 uint32_t loopback : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC operates in the loopback mode MII. The MII Receive clock input (CLK_RX) is required for the loopback to work properly because the transmit clock is not looped-back internally.*/ 40 uint32_t rxown : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC disables the reception of frames when the TX_EN is asserted in the half-duplex mode. When this bit is reset the MAC receives all packets that are given by the PHY while transmitting. This bit is not applicable if the MAC is operating in the full duplex mode.*/ 41 uint32_t fespeed : 1; /*This bit selects the speed in the MII RMII interface. 0: 10 Mbps. 1: 100 Mbps.*/ 42 uint32_t mii : 1; /*This bit selects the Ethernet line speed. It should be set to 1 for 10 or 100 Mbps operations.In 10 or 100 Mbps operations this bit along with FES(EMACFESPEED) bit it selects the exact linespeed. In the 10/100 Mbps-only operations the bit is always 1.*/ 43 uint32_t disablecrs : 1; /*When set high this bit makes the MAC transmitter ignore the MII CRS signal during frame transmission in the half-duplex mode. This request results in no errors generated because of Loss of Carrier or No Carrier during such transmission. When this bit is low the MAC transmitter generates such errors because of Carrier Sense and can even abort the transmissions.*/ 44 uint32_t interframegap : 3; /*These bits control the minimum IFG between frames during transmission. 3'b000: 96 bit times. 3'b001: 88 bit times. 3'b010: 80 bit times. 3'b111: 40 bit times. In the half-duplex mode the minimum IFG can be configured only for 64 bit times (IFG = 100). Lower values are not considered.*/ 45 uint32_t jumboframe : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC allows Jumbo frames of 9 018 bytes (9 022 bytes for VLAN tagged frames) without reporting a giant frame error in the receive frame status.*/ 46 uint32_t reserved21 : 1; 47 uint32_t jabber : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC disables the jabber timer on the transmitter. The MAC can transfer frames of up to 16 383 bytes. When this bit is reset the MAC cuts off the transmitter if the application sends out more than 2 048 bytes of data (10 240 if JE is set high) during Transmission.*/ 48 uint32_t watchdog : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC disables the watchdog timer on the receiver. The MAC can receive frames of up to 16 383 bytes. When this bit is reset the MAC does not allow a receive frame which more than 2 048 bytes (10 240 if JE is set high) or the value programmed in Register (Watchdog Timeout Register). The MAC cuts off any bytes received after the watchdog limit number of bytes.*/ 49 uint32_t reserved24 : 1; 50 uint32_t reserved25 : 1; 51 uint32_t reserved26 : 1; 52 uint32_t ass2kp : 1; /*When set the MAC considers all frames with up to 2 000 bytes length as normal packets.When Bit[20] (JE) is not set the MAC considers all received frames of size more than 2K bytes as Giant frames. When this bit is reset and Bit[20] (JE) is not set the MAC considers all received frames of size more than 1 518 bytes (1 522 bytes for tagged) as Giant frames. When Bit[20] is set setting this bit has no effect on Giant Frame status.*/ 53 uint32_t sairc : 3; /*This field controls the source address insertion or replacement for all transmitted frames.Bit[30] specifies which MAC Address register (0 or 1) is used for source address insertion or replacement based on the values of Bits [29:28]: 2'b0x: The input signals mti_sa_ctrl_i and ati_sa_ctrl_i control the SA field generation. 2'b10: If Bit[30] is set to 0 the MAC inserts the content of the MAC Address 0 registers in the SA field of all transmitted frames. If Bit[30] is set to 1 the MAC inserts the content of the MAC Address 1 registers in the SA field of all transmitted frames. 2'b11: If Bit[30] is set to 0 the MAC replaces the content of the MAC Address 0 registers in the SA field of all transmitted frames. If Bit[30] is set to 1 the MAC replaces the content of the MAC Address 1 registers in the SA field of all transmitted frames.*/ 54 uint32_t reserved31 : 1; 55 }; 56 uint32_t val; 57 } gmacconfig; 58 union { 59 struct { 60 uint32_t pmode : 1; /*When this bit is set the Address Filter module passes all incoming frames irrespective of the destination or source address. The SA or DA Filter Fails status bits of the Receive Status Word are always cleared when PR(PRI_RATIO) is set.*/ 61 uint32_t reserved1 : 1; 62 uint32_t reserved2 : 1; 63 uint32_t daif : 1; /*When this bit is set the Address Check block operates in inverse filtering mode for the DA address comparison for both unicast and multicast frames. When reset normal filtering of frames is performed.*/ 64 uint32_t pam : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that all received frames with a multicast destination address (first bit in the destination address field is '1') are passed.*/ 65 uint32_t dbf : 1; /*When this bit is set the AFM(Address Filtering Module) module blocks all incoming broadcast frames. In addition it overrides all other filter settings. When this bit is reset the AFM module passes all received broadcast Frames.*/ 66 uint32_t pcf : 2; /*These bits control the forwarding of all control frames (including unicast and multicast Pause frames). 2'b00: MAC filters all control frames from reaching the application. 2'b01: MAC forwards all control frames except Pause frames to application even if they fail the Address filter. 2'b10: MAC forwards all control frames to application even if they fail the Address Filter. 2'b11: MAC forwards control frames that pass the Address Filter.The following conditions should be true for the Pause frames processing: Condition 1: The MAC is in the full-duplex mode and flow control is enabled by setting Bit 2 (RFE) of Register (Flow Control Register) to 1. Condition 2: The destination address (DA) of the received frame matches the special multicast address or the MAC Address 0 when Bit 3 (UP) of the Register(Flow Control Register) is set. Condition 3: The Type field of the received frame is 0x8808 and the OPCODE field is 0x0001.*/ 67 uint32_t saif : 1; /*When this bit is set the Address Check block operates in inverse filtering mode for the SA address comparison. The frames whose SA matches the SA registers are marked as failing the SA Address filter. When this bit is reset frames whose SA does not match the SA registers are marked as failing the SA Address filter.*/ 68 uint32_t safe : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC compares the SA field of the received frames with the values programmed in the enabled SA registers. If the comparison fails the MAC drops the frame. When this bit is reset the MAC forwards the received frame to the application with updated SAF bit of the Rx Status depending on the SA address comparison.*/ 69 uint32_t reserved10 : 1; 70 uint32_t reserved11 : 5; 71 uint32_t reserved16 : 1; 72 uint32_t reserved17 : 3; 73 uint32_t reserved20 : 1; 74 uint32_t reserved21 : 1; 75 uint32_t reserved22 : 9; 76 uint32_t receive_all : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC Receiver module passes all received frames irrespective of whether they pass the address filter or not to the Application. The result of the SA or DA filtering is updated (pass or fail) in the corresponding bits in the Receive Status Word. When this bit is reset the Receiver module passes only those frames to the Application that pass the SA or DA address Filter.*/ 77 }; 78 uint32_t val; 79 } gmacff; 80 uint32_t reserved_1008; 81 uint32_t reserved_100c; 82 union { 83 struct { 84 uint32_t miibusy : 1; /*This bit should read logic 0 before writing to PHY Addr Register and PHY data Register.During a PHY register access the software sets this bit to 1'b1 to indicate that a Read or Write access is in progress. PHY data Register is invalid until this bit is cleared by the MAC. Therefore PHY data Register (MII Data) should be kept valid until the MAC clears this bit during a PHY Write operation. Similarly for a read operation the contents of Register 5 are not valid until this bit is cleared. The subsequent read or write operation should happen only after the previous operation is complete. Because there is no acknowledgment from the PHY to MAC after a read or write operation is completed there is no change in the functionality of this bit even when the PHY is not Present.*/ 85 uint32_t miiwrite : 1; /*When set this bit indicates to the PHY that this is a Write operation using the MII Data register. If this bit is not set it indicates that this is a Read operation that is placing the data in the MII Data register.*/ 86 uint32_t miicsrclk : 4; /*CSR clock range: 1.0 MHz ~ 2.5 MHz. 4'b0000: When the APB clock frequency is 80 MHz the MDC clock frequency is APB CLK/42 4'b0011: When the APB clock frequency is 40 MHz the MDC clock frequency is APB CLK/26.*/ 87 uint32_t miireg : 5; /*These bits select the desired MII register in the selected PHY device.*/ 88 uint32_t miidev : 5; /*This field indicates which of the 32 possible PHY devices are being accessed.*/ 89 uint32_t reserved16 : 16; 90 }; 91 uint32_t val; 92 } emacgmiiaddr; 93 union { 94 struct { 95 uint32_t mii_data : 16; /*This field contains the 16-bit data value read from the PHY after a Management Read operation or the 16-bit data value to be written to the PHY before a Management Write operation.*/ 96 uint32_t reserved16 : 16; 97 }; 98 uint32_t val; 99 } emacmiidata; 100 union { 101 struct { 102 uint32_t fcbba : 1; /*This bit initiates a Pause frame in the full-duplex mode and activates the backpressure function in the half-duplex mode if the TFCE bit is set. In the full-duplex mode this bit should be read as 1'b0 before writing to the Flow Control register. To initiate a Pause frame the Application must set this bit to 1'b1. During a transfer of the Control Frame this bit continues to be set to signify that a frame transmission is in progress. After the completion of Pause frame transmission the MAC resets this bit to 1'b0. The Flow Control register should not be written to until this bit is cleared. In the half-duplex mode when this bit is set (and TFCE is set) then backpressure is asserted by the MAC. During backpressure when the MAC receives a new frame the transmitter starts sending a JAM pattern resulting in a collision. When the MAC is configured for the full-duplex mode the BPA(backpressure activate) is automatically disabled.*/ 103 uint32_t tfce : 1; /*In the full-duplex mode when this bit is set the MAC enables the flow control operation to transmit Pause frames. When this bit is reset the flow control operation in the MAC is disabled and the MAC does not transmit any Pause frames. In the half-duplex mode when this bit is set the MAC enables the backpressure operation. When this bit is reset the backpressure feature is Disabled.*/ 104 uint32_t rfce : 1; /*When this bit is set the MAC decodes the received Pause frame and disables its transmitter for a specified (Pause) time. When this bit is reset the decode function of the Pause frame is disabled.*/ 105 uint32_t upfd : 1; /*A pause frame is processed when it has the unique multicast address specified in the IEEE Std 802.3. When this bit is set the MAC can also detect Pause frames with unicast address of the station. This unicast address should be as specified in the EMACADDR0 High Register and EMACADDR0 Low Register. When this bit is reset the MAC only detects Pause frames with unique multicast address.*/ 106 uint32_t plt : 2; /*This field configures the threshold of the Pause timer automatic retransmission of the Pause frame.The threshold values should be always less than the Pause Time configured in Bits[31:16]. For example if PT = 100H (256 slot-times) and PLT = 01 then a second Pause frame is automatically transmitted at 228 (256-28) slot times after the first Pause frame is transmitted. The following list provides the threshold values for different values: 2'b00: The threshold is Pause time minus 4 slot times (PT-4 slot times). 2'b01: The threshold is Pause time minus 28 slot times (PT-28 slot times). 2'b10: The threshold is Pause time minus 144 slot times (PT-144 slot times). 2'b11: The threshold is Pause time minus 256 slot times (PT-256 slot times). The slot time is defined as the time taken to transmit 512 bits (64 bytes) on the MII interface.*/ 107 uint32_t reserved6 : 1; 108 uint32_t dzpq : 1; /*When this bit is set it disables the automatic generation of the Zero-Quanta Pause frames on the de-assertion of the flow-control signal from the FIFO layer. When this bit is reset normal operation with automatic Zero-Quanta Pause frame generation is enabled.*/ 109 uint32_t reserved8 : 8; 110 uint32_t pause_time : 16; /*This field holds the value to be used in the Pause Time field in the transmit control frame. If the Pause Time bits is configured to be double-synchronized to the MII clock domain then consecutive writes to this register should be performed only after at least four clock cycles in the destination clock domain.*/ 111 }; 112 uint32_t val; 113 } gmacfc; 114 uint32_t reserved_101c; 115 uint32_t reserved_1020; 116 union { 117 struct { 118 uint32_t macrpes : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MAC MII receive protocol engine is actively receiving data and not in IDLE state.*/ 119 uint32_t macrffcs : 2; /*When high this field indicates the active state of the FIFO Read and Write controllers of the MAC Receive Frame Controller Module. MACRFFCS[1] represents the status of FIFO Read controller. MACRFFCS[0] represents the status of small FIFO Write controller.*/ 120 uint32_t reserved3 : 1; 121 uint32_t mtlrfwcas : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MTL Rx FIFO Write Controller is active and is transferring a received frame to the FIFO.*/ 122 uint32_t mtlrfrcs : 2; /*This field gives the state of the Rx FIFO read Controller: 2'b00: IDLE state.2'b01: Reading frame data.2'b10: Reading frame status (or timestamp).2'b11: Flushing the frame data and status.*/ 123 uint32_t reserved7 : 1; 124 uint32_t mtlrffls : 2; /*This field gives the status of the fill-level of the Rx FIFO: 2'b00: Rx FIFO Empty. 2'b01: Rx FIFO fill-level below flow-control deactivate threshold. 2'b10: Rx FIFO fill-level above flow-control activate threshold. 2'b11: Rx FIFO Full.*/ 125 uint32_t reserved10 : 6; 126 uint32_t mactpes : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MAC MII transmit protocol engine is actively transmitting data and is not in the IDLE state.*/ 127 uint32_t mactfcs : 2; /*This field indicates the state of the MAC Transmit Frame Controller module: 2'b00: IDLE state. 2'b01: Waiting for status of previous frame or IFG or backoff period to be over. 2'b10: Generating and transmitting a Pause frame (in the full-duplex mode). 2'b11: Transferring input frame for transmission.*/ 128 uint32_t mactp : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MAC transmitter is in the Pause condition (in the full-duplex-mode) and hence does not schedule any frame for transmission.*/ 129 uint32_t mtltfrcs : 2; /*This field indicates the state of the Tx FIFO Read Controller: 2'b00: IDLE state. 2'b01: READ state (transferring data to the MAC transmitter). 2'b10: Waiting for TxStatus from the MAC transmitter. 2'b11: Writing the received TxStatus or flushing the Tx FIFO.*/ 130 uint32_t mtltfwcs : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MTL Tx FIFO Write Controller is active and is transferring data to the Tx FIFO.*/ 131 uint32_t reserved23 : 1; 132 uint32_t mtltfnes : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MTL Tx FIFO is not empty and some data is left for Transmission.*/ 133 uint32_t mtltsffs : 1; /*When high this bit indicates that the MTL TxStatus FIFO is full. Therefore the MTL cannot accept any more frames for transmission.*/ 134 uint32_t reserved26 : 6; 135 }; 136 uint32_t val; 137 } emacdebug; 138 uint32_t pmt_rwuffr; /*The MSB (31st bit) must be zero.Bit j[30:0] is the byte mask. If Bit 1/2/3/4 (byte number) of the byte mask is set the CRC block processes the Filter 1/2/3/4 Offset + j of the incoming packet(PWKPTR is 0/1/2/3).RWKPTR is 0:Filter 0 Byte Mask .RWKPTR is 1:Filter 1 Byte Mask RWKPTR is 2:Filter 2 Byte Mask RWKPTR is 3:Filter 3 Byte Mask RWKPTR is 4:Bit 3/11/19/27 specifies the address type defining the destination address type of the pattern.When the bit is set the pattern applies to only multicast packets*/ 139 union { 140 struct { 141 uint32_t pwrdwn : 1; /*When set the MAC receiver drops all received frames until it receives the expected magic packet or remote wake-up frame.This bit must only be set when MGKPKTEN GLBLUCAST or RWKPKTEN bit is set high.*/ 142 uint32_t mgkpkten : 1; /*When set enables generation of a power management event because of magic packet reception.*/ 143 uint32_t rwkpkten : 1; /*When set enables generation of a power management event because of remote wake-up frame reception*/ 144 uint32_t reserved3 : 2; 145 uint32_t mgkprcvd : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the power management event is generated because of the reception of a magic packet. This bit is cleared by a Read into this register.*/ 146 uint32_t rwkprcvd : 1; /*When set this bit indicates the power management event is generated because of the reception of a remote wake-up frame. This bit is cleared by a Read into this register.*/ 147 uint32_t reserved7 : 2; 148 uint32_t glblucast : 1; /*When set enables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC (DAFilter) address recognition to be a remote wake-up frame.*/ 149 uint32_t reserved10 : 14; 150 uint32_t rwkptr : 5; /*The maximum value of the pointer is 7 the detail information please refer to PMT_RWUFFR.*/ 151 uint32_t reserved29 : 2; 152 uint32_t rwkfiltrst : 1; /*When this bit is set it resets the RWKPTR register to 3’b000.*/ 153 }; 154 uint32_t val; 155 } pmt_csr; 156 union { 157 struct { 158 uint32_t tlpien : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC Transmitter has entered the LPI state because of the setting of the LPIEN bit. This bit is cleared by a read into this register.*/ 159 uint32_t tlpiex : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC transmitter has exited the LPI state after the user has cleared the LPIEN bit and the LPI_TW_Timer has expired.This bit is cleared by a read into this register.*/ 160 uint32_t rlpien : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC Receiver has received an LPI pattern and entered the LPI state. This bit is cleared by a read into this register.*/ 161 uint32_t rlpiex : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC Receiver has stopped receiving the LPI pattern on the MII interface exited the LPI state and resumed the normal reception. This bit is cleared by a read into this register.*/ 162 uint32_t reserved4 : 4; 163 uint32_t tlpist : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC is transmitting the LPI pattern on the MII interface.*/ 164 uint32_t rlpist : 1; /*When set this bit indicates that the MAC is receiving the LPI pattern on the MII interface.*/ 165 uint32_t reserved10 : 6; 166 uint32_t lpien : 1; /*When set this bit instructs the MAC Transmitter to enter the LPI state. When reset this bit instructs the MAC to exit the LPI state and resume normal transmission.This bit is cleared when the LPITXA bit is set and the MAC exits the LPI state because of the arrival of a new packet for transmission.*/ 167 uint32_t pls : 1; /*This bit indicates the link status of the PHY.When set the link is considered to be okay (up) and when reset the link is considered to be down.*/ 168 uint32_t reserved18 : 1; 169 uint32_t lpitxa : 1; /*This bit controls the behavior of the MAC when it is entering or coming out of the LPI mode on the transmit side.If the LPITXA and LPIEN bits are set to 1 the MAC enters the LPI mode only after all outstanding frames and pending frames have been transmitted. The MAC comes out of the LPI mode when the application sends any frame.When this bit is 0 the LPIEN bit directly controls behavior of the MAC when it is entering or coming out of the LPI mode.*/ 170 uint32_t reserved20 : 12; 171 }; 172 uint32_t val; 173 } gmaclpi_crs; 174 union { 175 struct { 176 uint32_t lpi_tw_timer : 16; /*This field specifies the minimum time (in microseconds) for which the MAC waits after it stops transmitting the LPI pattern to the PHY and before it resumes the normal transmission. The TLPIEX status bit is set after the expiry of this timer.*/ 177 uint32_t lpi_ls_timer : 10; /*This field specifies the minimum time (in milliseconds) for which the link status from the PHY should be up (OKAY) before the LPI pattern can be transmitted to the PHY. The MAC does not transmit the LPI pattern even when the LPIEN bit is set unless the LPI_LS_Timer reaches the programmed terminal count. The default value of the LPI_LS_Timer is 1000 (1 sec) as defined in the IEEE standard.*/ 178 uint32_t reserved26 : 6; 179 }; 180 uint32_t val; 181 } gmaclpitimerscontrol; 182 union { 183 struct { 184 uint32_t reserved0 : 1; 185 uint32_t reserved1 : 1; 186 uint32_t reserved2 : 1; 187 uint32_t pmtints : 1; /*This bit is set when a magic packet or remote wake-up frame is received in the power-down mode (see Bit[5] and Bit[6] in the PMT Control and Status Register). This bit is cleared when both Bits[6:5] are cleared because of a read operation to the PMT Control and Status register. This bit is valid only when you select the optional PMT module during core configuration.*/ 188 uint32_t reserved4 : 1; 189 uint32_t reserved5 : 1; 190 uint32_t reserved6 : 1; 191 uint32_t reserved7 : 1; 192 uint32_t reserved8 : 1; 193 uint32_t reserved9 : 1; 194 uint32_t lpiis : 1; /*When the Energy Efficient Ethernet feature is enabled this bit is set for any LPI state entry or exit in the MAC Transmitter or Receiver. This bit is cleared on reading Bit[0] of Register (LPI Control and Status Register).*/ 195 uint32_t reserved11 : 1; 196 uint32_t reserved12 : 20; 197 }; 198 uint32_t val; 199 } emacints; 200 union { 201 struct { 202 uint32_t reserved0 : 1; 203 uint32_t reserved1 : 1; 204 uint32_t reserved2 : 1; 205 uint32_t pmtintmask : 1; /*When set this bit disables the assertion of the interrupt signal because of the setting of PMT Interrupt Status bit in Register (Interrupt Status Register).*/ 206 uint32_t reserved4 : 5; 207 uint32_t reserved9 : 1; 208 uint32_t lpiintmask : 1; /*When set this bit disables the assertion of the interrupt signal because of the setting of the LPI Interrupt Status bit in Register (Interrupt Status Register).*/ 209 uint32_t reserved11 : 21; 210 }; 211 uint32_t val; 212 } emacintmask; 213 union { 214 struct { 215 uint32_t address0_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits (47:32) of the first 6-byte MAC address.The MAC uses this field for filtering the received frames and inserting the MAC address in the Transmit Flow Control (Pause) Frames.*/ 216 uint32_t reserved16 : 15; 217 uint32_t address_enable0 : 1; /*This bit is always set to 1.*/ 218 }; 219 uint32_t val; 220 } emacaddr0high; 221 uint32_t emacaddr0low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the first 6-byte MAC address. This is used by the MAC for filtering the received frames and inserting the MAC address in the Transmit Flow Control (Pause) Frames.*/ 222 union { 223 struct { 224 uint32_t mac_address1_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the second 6-byte MAC Address.*/ 225 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 226 uint32_t mask_byte_control : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR1 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR1 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR1 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR1 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR1 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR1 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 227 uint32_t source_address : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR1[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR1[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 228 uint32_t address_enable1 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the second MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 229 }; 230 uint32_t val; 231 } emacaddr1high; 232 uint32_t emacaddr1low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the second 6-byte MAC address.The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization Process.*/ 233 union { 234 struct { 235 uint32_t mac_address2_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the third 6-byte MAC address.*/ 236 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 237 uint32_t mask_byte_control2 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR2 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR2 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR2 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR2 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR2 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR2 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 238 uint32_t source_address2 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR2[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR2[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 239 uint32_t address_enable2 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the third MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 240 }; 241 uint32_t val; 242 } emacaddr2high; 243 uint32_t emacaddr2low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the third 6-byte MAC address. The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization process.*/ 244 union { 245 struct { 246 uint32_t mac_address3_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the fourth 6-byte MAC address.*/ 247 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 248 uint32_t mask_byte_control3 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR3 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR3 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR3 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR3 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR3 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR3 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 249 uint32_t source_address3 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR3[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR3[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 250 uint32_t address_enable3 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the fourth MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 251 }; 252 uint32_t val; 253 } emacaddr3high; 254 uint32_t emacaddr3low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the fourth 6-byte MAC address.The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization Process.*/ 255 union { 256 struct { 257 uint32_t mac_address4_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the fifth 6-byte MAC address.*/ 258 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 259 uint32_t mask_byte_control4 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR4 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR4 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR4 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR4 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR4 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR4 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 260 uint32_t source_address4 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR4[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR4[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 261 uint32_t address_enable4 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the fifth MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 262 }; 263 uint32_t val; 264 } emacaddr4high; 265 uint32_t emacaddr4low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the fifth 6-byte MAC address. The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization process.*/ 266 union { 267 struct { 268 uint32_t mac_address5_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the sixth 6-byte MAC address.*/ 269 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 270 uint32_t mask_byte_control5 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR5 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR5 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR5 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR5 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR5 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR5 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 271 uint32_t source_address5 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR5[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR5[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 272 uint32_t address_enable5 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the sixth MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 273 }; 274 uint32_t val; 275 } emacaddr5high; 276 uint32_t emacaddr5low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the sixth 6-byte MAC address. The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization process.*/ 277 union { 278 struct { 279 uint32_t mac_address6_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the seventh 6-byte MAC Address.*/ 280 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 281 uint32_t mask_byte_control6 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR6 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR6 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR6 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR6 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR6 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR6 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 282 uint32_t source_address6 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR6[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR6[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 283 uint32_t address_enable6 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the seventh MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 284 }; 285 uint32_t val; 286 } emacaddr6high; 287 uint32_t emacaddr6low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the seventh 6-byte MAC address.The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization Process.*/ 288 union { 289 struct { 290 uint32_t mac_address7_hi : 16; /*This field contains the upper 16 bits Bits[47:32] of the eighth 6-byte MAC Address.*/ 291 uint32_t reserved16 : 8; 292 uint32_t mask_byte_control7 : 6; /*These bits are mask control bits for comparison of each of the EMACADDR7 bytes. When set high the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of received DA or SA with the contents of EMACADDR7 registers. Each bit controls the masking of the bytes as follows: Bit[29]: EMACADDR7 High [15:8]. Bit[28]: EMACADDR7 High [7:0]. Bit[27]: EMACADDR7 Low [31:24]. Bit[24]: EMACADDR7 Low [7:0].You can filter a group of addresses (known as group address filtering) by masking one or more bytes of the address.*/ 293 uint32_t source_address7 : 1; /*When this bit is set the EMACADDR7[47:0] is used to compare with the SA fields of the received frame. When this bit is reset the EMACADDR7[47:0] is used to compare with the DA fields of the received frame.*/ 294 uint32_t address_enable7 : 1; /*When this bit is set the address filter module uses the eighth MAC address for perfect filtering. When this bit is reset the address filter module ignores the address for filtering.*/ 295 }; 296 uint32_t val; 297 } emacaddr7high; 298 uint32_t emacaddr7low; /*This field contains the lower 32 bits of the eighth 6-byte MAC address.The content of this field is undefined so the register needs to be configured after the initialization Process.*/ 299 uint32_t reserved_1080; 300 uint32_t reserved_1084; 301 uint32_t reserved_1088; 302 uint32_t reserved_108c; 303 uint32_t reserved_1090; 304 uint32_t reserved_1094; 305 uint32_t reserved_1098; 306 uint32_t reserved_109c; 307 uint32_t reserved_10a0; 308 uint32_t reserved_10a4; 309 uint32_t reserved_10a8; 310 uint32_t reserved_10ac; 311 uint32_t reserved_10b0; 312 uint32_t reserved_10b4; 313 uint32_t reserved_10b8; 314 uint32_t reserved_10bc; 315 uint32_t reserved_10c0; 316 uint32_t reserved_10c4; 317 uint32_t reserved_10c8; 318 uint32_t reserved_10cc; 319 uint32_t reserved_10d0; 320 uint32_t reserved_10d4; 321 union { 322 struct { 323 uint32_t link_mode : 1; /*This bit indicates the current mode of operation of the link: 1'b0: Half-duplex mode. 1'b1: Full-duplex mode.*/ 324 uint32_t link_speed : 2; /*This bit indicates the current speed of the link: 2'b00: 2.5 MHz. 2'b01: 25 MHz. 2'b10: 125 MHz.*/ 325 uint32_t reserved3 : 1; 326 uint32_t jabber_timeout : 1; /*This bit indicates whether there is jabber timeout error (1'b1) in the received Frame.*/ 327 uint32_t reserved5 : 1; 328 uint32_t reserved6 : 10; 329 uint32_t reserved16 : 1; 330 uint32_t reserved17 : 15; 331 }; 332 uint32_t val; 333 } emaccstatus; 334 union { 335 struct { 336 uint32_t wdogto : 14; /*When Bit[16] (PWE) is set and Bit[23] (WD) of EMACCONFIG_REG is reset this field is used as watchdog timeout for a received frame. If the length of a received frame exceeds the value of this field such frame is terminated and declared as an error frame.*/ 337 uint32_t reserved14 : 2; 338 uint32_t pwdogen : 1; /*When this bit is set and Bit[23] (WD) of EMACCONFIG_REG is reset the WTO field (Bits[13:0]) is used as watchdog timeout for a received frame. When this bit is cleared the watchdog timeout for a received frame is controlled by the setting of Bit[23] (WD) and Bit[20] (JE) in EMACCONFIG_REG.*/ 339 uint32_t reserved17 : 15; 340 }; 341 uint32_t val; 342 } emacwdogto; 343 } emac_mac_dev_t; 344 345 extern emac_mac_dev_t EMAC_MAC; 346 347 #ifdef __cplusplus 348 } 349 #endif /* __cplusplus */ 350 #endif /* __EMAC_MAC_STRUCT_H__ */