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1 // Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
14 #ifndef _SOC_SPI_STRUCT_H_
15 #define _SOC_SPI_STRUCT_H_
17 #include <stdint.h>
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 extern "C" {
21 #endif
23 typedef volatile struct spi_dev_s {
24     union {
25         struct {
26             uint32_t reserved0: 16;                         /*reserved*/
27             uint32_t flash_per:  1;                         /*program erase resume bit  program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
28             uint32_t flash_pes:  1;                         /*program erase suspend bit  program erase suspend operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
29             uint32_t usr:        1;                         /*User define command enable.  An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
30             uint32_t flash_hpm:  1;                         /*Drive Flash into high performance mode.  The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
31             uint32_t flash_res:  1;                         /*This bit combined with reg_resandres bit releases Flash from the power-down state or high performance mode and obtains the devices ID. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
32             uint32_t flash_dp:   1;                         /*Drive Flash into power down.  An operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
33             uint32_t flash_ce:   1;                         /*Chip erase enable. Chip erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
34             uint32_t flash_be:   1;                         /*Block erase enable(32KB) .  Block erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
35             uint32_t flash_se:   1;                         /*Sector erase enable(4KB). Sector erase operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
36             uint32_t flash_pp:   1;                         /*Page program enable(1 byte ~256 bytes data to be programmed). Page program operation  will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done .1: enable 0: disable.*/
37             uint32_t flash_wrsr: 1;                         /*Write status register enable.   Write status operation  will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
38             uint32_t flash_rdsr: 1;                         /*Read status register-1.  Read status operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.1: enable 0: disable.*/
39             uint32_t flash_rdid: 1;                         /*Read JEDEC ID . Read ID command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
40             uint32_t flash_wrdi: 1;                         /*Write flash disable. Write disable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
41             uint32_t flash_wren: 1;                         /*Write flash enable.  Write enable command will be sent when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
42             uint32_t flash_read: 1;                         /*Read flash enable. Read flash operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
43         };
44         uint32_t val;
45     } cmd;
46     uint32_t addr;                                          /*addr to slave / from master. SPI transfer from the MSB to the LSB. If length > 32 bits, then address continues from MSB of slv_wr_status.*/
47     union {
48         struct {
49             uint32_t reserved0:         10;                 /*reserved*/
50             uint32_t fcs_crc_en:         1;                 /*For SPI1  initialize crc32 module before writing encrypted data to flash. Active low.*/
51             uint32_t tx_crc_en:          1;                 /*For SPI1  enable crc32 when writing encrypted data to flash. 1: enable  0:disable*/
52             uint32_t wait_flash_idle_en: 1;                 /*wait flash idle when program flash or erase flash. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
53             uint32_t fastrd_mode:        1;                 /*This bit enable the bits: spi_fread_qio  spi_fread_dio  spi_fread_qout and spi_fread_dout. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
54             uint32_t fread_dual:         1;                 /*In the read operations  read-data phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
55             uint32_t resandres:          1;                 /*The Device ID is read out to SPI_RD_STATUS register, this bit combine with spi_flash_res bit. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
56             uint32_t reserved16:         4;                 /*reserved*/
57             uint32_t fread_quad:         1;                 /*In the read operations read-data phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
58             uint32_t wp:                 1;                 /*Write protect signal output when SPI is idle.  1: output high  0: output low.*/
59             uint32_t wrsr_2b:            1;                 /*two bytes data will be written to status register when it is set. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
60             uint32_t fread_dio:          1;                 /*In the read operations address phase and read-data phase apply 2 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
61             uint32_t fread_qio:          1;                 /*In the read operations address phase and read-data phase apply 4 signals. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
62             uint32_t rd_bit_order:       1;                 /*In read-data (MISO) phase 1: LSB first 0: MSB first*/
63             uint32_t wr_bit_order:       1;                 /*In command address write-data (MOSI) phases 1: LSB firs 0: MSB first*/
64             uint32_t reserved27:         5;                 /*reserved*/
65         };
66         uint32_t val;
67     } ctrl;
68     union {
69         struct {
70             uint32_t reserved0:        16;                  /*reserved*/
71             uint32_t cs_hold_delay_res:12;                  /*Delay cycles of resume Flash when resume Flash is enable by spi clock.*/
72             uint32_t cs_hold_delay:     4;                  /*SPI cs signal is delayed by spi clock cycles*/
73         };
74         uint32_t val;
75     } ctrl1;
76     union {
77         struct {
78             uint32_t status:    16;                         /*In the slave mode, it is the status for master to read out.*/
79             uint32_t wb_mode:    8;                         /*Mode bits in the flash fast read mode, it is combined with spi_fastrd_mode bit.*/
80             uint32_t status_ext: 8;                         /*In the slave mode,it is the status for master to read out.*/
81         };
82         uint32_t val;
83     } rd_status;
84     union {
85         struct {
86             uint32_t setup_time:       4;                   /*(cycles-1) of ,prepare, phase by spi clock, this bits combined with spi_cs_setup bit.*/
87             uint32_t hold_time:        4;                   /*delay cycles of cs pin by spi clock, this bits combined with spi_cs_hold bit.*/
88             uint32_t ck_out_low_mode:  4;                   /*modify spi clock duty ratio when the value is lager than 8, the bits are combined with spi_clkcnt_N bits and spi_clkcnt_L bits.*/
89             uint32_t ck_out_high_mode: 4;                   /*modify spi clock duty ratio when the value is lager than 8, the bits are combined with spi_clkcnt_N bits and spi_clkcnt_H bits.*/
90             uint32_t miso_delay_mode:  2;                   /*MISO signals are delayed by spi_clk. 0: zero  1: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by half cycle    else delayed by one cycle  2: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by one cycle  else delayed by half cycle  3: delayed one cycle*/
91             uint32_t miso_delay_num:   3;                   /*MISO signals are delayed by system clock cycles*/
92             uint32_t mosi_delay_mode:  2;                   /*MOSI signals are delayed by spi_clk. 0: zero  1: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by half cycle    else delayed by one cycle  2: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by one cycle  else delayed by half cycle  3: delayed one cycle*/
93             uint32_t mosi_delay_num:   3;                   /*MOSI signals are delayed by system clock cycles*/
94             uint32_t cs_delay_mode:    2;                   /*spi_cs signal is delayed by spi_clk . 0: zero  1: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by half cycle    else delayed by one cycle  2: if spi_ck_out_edge or spi_ck_i_edge is set 1  delayed by one cycle   else delayed by half cycle  3: delayed one cycle*/
95             uint32_t cs_delay_num:     4;                   /*spi_cs signal is delayed by system clock cycles*/
96         };
97         uint32_t val;
98     } ctrl2;
99     union {
100         struct {
101             uint32_t clkcnt_l:       6;                     /*In the master mode it must be equal to spi_clkcnt_N. In the slave mode it must be 0.*/
102             uint32_t clkcnt_h:       6;                     /*In the master mode it must be floor((spi_clkcnt_N+1)/2-1). In the slave mode it must be 0.*/
103             uint32_t clkcnt_n:       6;                     /*In the master mode it is the divider of spi_clk. So spi_clk frequency is system/(spi_clkdiv_pre+1)/(spi_clkcnt_N+1)*/
104             uint32_t clkdiv_pre:    13;                     /*In the master mode it is pre-divider of spi_clk.*/
105             uint32_t clk_equ_sysclk: 1;                     /*In the master mode 1: spi_clk is eqaul to system 0: spi_clk is divided from system clock.*/
106         };
107         uint32_t val;
108     } clock;
109     union {
110         struct {
111             uint32_t doutdin:           1;                  /*Set the bit to enable full duplex communication. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
112             uint32_t reserved1:         3;                  /*reserved*/
113             uint32_t cs_hold:           1;                  /*spi cs keep low when spi is in ,done, phase. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
114             uint32_t cs_setup:          1;                  /*spi cs is enable when spi is in ,prepare, phase. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
115             uint32_t ck_i_edge:         1;                  /*In the slave mode  the bit is same as spi_ck_out_edge in master mode. It is combined with  spi_miso_delay_mode bits.*/
116             uint32_t ck_out_edge:       1;                  /*the bit combined with spi_mosi_delay_mode bits to set mosi signal delay mode.*/
117             uint32_t reserved8:         2;                  /*reserved*/
118             uint32_t rd_byte_order:     1;                  /*In read-data (MISO) phase 1: big-endian 0: little_endian*/
119             uint32_t wr_byte_order:     1;                  /*In command address write-data (MOSI) phases 1: big-endian 0: litte_endian*/
120             uint32_t fwrite_dual:       1;                  /*In the write operations read-data phase apply 2 signals*/
121             uint32_t fwrite_quad:       1;                  /*In the write operations read-data phase apply 4 signals*/
122             uint32_t fwrite_dio:        1;                  /*In the write operations address phase and read-data phase apply 2 signals.*/
123             uint32_t fwrite_qio:        1;                  /*In the write operations address phase and read-data phase apply 4 signals.*/
124             uint32_t sio:               1;                  /*Set the bit to enable 3-line half duplex communication  mosi and miso signals share the same pin. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
125             uint32_t usr_hold_pol:      1;                  /*It is combined with hold bits to set the polarity of spi hold line  1: spi will be held when spi hold line is high  0: spi will be held when spi hold line is low*/
126             uint32_t usr_dout_hold:     1;                  /*spi is hold at data out state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
127             uint32_t usr_din_hold:      1;                  /*spi is hold at data in state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
128             uint32_t usr_dummy_hold:    1;                  /*spi is hold at dummy state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
129             uint32_t usr_addr_hold:     1;                  /*spi is hold at address state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
130             uint32_t usr_cmd_hold:      1;                  /*spi is hold at command state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
131             uint32_t usr_prep_hold:     1;                  /*spi is hold at prepare state  the bit combined with spi_usr_hold_pol bit.*/
132             uint32_t usr_miso_highpart: 1;                  /*read-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
133             uint32_t usr_mosi_highpart: 1;                  /*write-data phase only access to high-part of the buffer spi_w8~spi_w15. 1: enable 0: disable.*/
134             uint32_t usr_dummy_idle:    1;                  /*spi clock is disable in dummy phase when the bit is enable.*/
135             uint32_t usr_mosi:          1;                  /*This bit enable the write-data phase of an operation.*/
136             uint32_t usr_miso:          1;                  /*This bit enable the read-data phase of an operation.*/
137             uint32_t usr_dummy:         1;                  /*This bit enable the dummy phase of an operation.*/
138             uint32_t usr_addr:          1;                  /*This bit enable the address phase of an operation.*/
139             uint32_t usr_command:       1;                  /*This bit enable the command phase of an operation.*/
140         };
141         uint32_t val;
142     } user;
143     union {
144         struct {
145             uint32_t usr_dummy_cyclelen: 8;                 /*The length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
146             uint32_t reserved8:         18;                 /*reserved*/
147             uint32_t usr_addr_bitlen:    6;                 /*The length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
148         };
149         uint32_t val;
150     } user1;
151     union {
152         struct {
153             uint32_t usr_command_value: 16;                 /*The value of  command. Output sequence: bit 7-0 and then 15-8.*/
154             uint32_t reserved16:        12;                 /*reserved*/
155             uint32_t usr_command_bitlen: 4;                 /*The length in bits of command phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1)*/
156         };
157         uint32_t val;
158     } user2;
159     union {
160         struct {
161             uint32_t usr_mosi_dbitlen:24;                   /*The length in bits of write-data. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
162             uint32_t reserved24:       8;                   /*reserved*/
163         };
164         uint32_t val;
165     } mosi_dlen;
166     union {
167         struct {
168             uint32_t usr_miso_dbitlen:24;                   /*The length in bits of  read-data. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
169             uint32_t reserved24:       8;                   /*reserved*/
170         };
171         uint32_t val;
172     } miso_dlen;
173     uint32_t slv_wr_status;                                 /*In the slave mode this register are the status register for the master to write into. In the master mode this register are the higher 32bits in the 64 bits address condition.*/
174     union {
175         struct {
176             uint32_t cs0_dis:        1;                     /*SPI CS0 pin enable, 1: disable CS0, 0: spi_cs0 signal is from/to CS0 pin*/
177             uint32_t cs1_dis:        1;                     /*SPI CS1 pin enable, 1: disable CS1, 0: spi_cs1 signal is from/to CS1 pin*/
178             uint32_t cs2_dis:        1;                     /*SPI CS2 pin enable, 1: disable CS2, 0: spi_cs2 signal is from/to CS2 pin*/
179             uint32_t reserved3:      2;                     /*reserved*/
180             uint32_t ck_dis:         1;                     /*1: spi clk out disable  0: spi clk out enable*/
181             uint32_t master_cs_pol:  3;                     /*In the master mode  the bits are the polarity of spi cs line  the value is equivalent to spi_cs ^ spi_master_cs_pol.*/
182             uint32_t reserved9:      2;                     /*reserved*/
183             uint32_t master_ck_sel:  3;                     /*In the master mode  spi cs line is enable as spi clk  it is combined with spi_cs0_dis spi_cs1_dis spi_cs2_dis.*/
184             uint32_t reserved14:    15;                     /*reserved*/
185             uint32_t ck_idle_edge:   1;                     /*1: spi clk line is high when idle     0: spi clk line is low when idle*/
186             uint32_t cs_keep_active: 1;                     /*spi cs line keep low when the bit is set.*/
187             uint32_t reserved31:     1;                     /*reserved*/
188         };
189         uint32_t val;
190     } pin;
191     union {
192         struct {
193             uint32_t rd_buf_done:  1;                       /*The interrupt raw bit for the completion of read-buffer operation in the slave mode.*/
194             uint32_t wr_buf_done:  1;                       /*The interrupt raw bit for the completion of write-buffer operation in the slave mode.*/
195             uint32_t rd_sta_done:  1;                       /*The interrupt raw bit for the completion of read-status operation in the slave mode.*/
196             uint32_t wr_sta_done:  1;                       /*The interrupt raw bit for the completion of write-status operation in the slave mode.*/
197             uint32_t trans_done:   1;                       /*The interrupt raw bit for the completion of any operation in both the master mode and the slave mode.*/
198             uint32_t rd_buf_inten: 1;                       /*The interrupt enable bit for the completion of read-buffer operation in the slave mode.*/
199             uint32_t wr_buf_inten: 1;                       /*The interrupt enable bit for the completion of write-buffer operation in the slave mode.*/
200             uint32_t rd_sta_inten: 1;                       /*The interrupt enable bit for the completion of read-status operation in the slave mode.*/
201             uint32_t wr_sta_inten: 1;                       /*The interrupt enable bit for the completion of write-status operation in the slave mode.*/
202             uint32_t trans_inten:  1;                       /*The interrupt enable bit for the completion of any operation in both the master mode and the slave mode.*/
203             uint32_t cs_i_mode:    2;                       /*In the slave mode  this bits used to synchronize the input spi cs signal and eliminate spi cs  jitter.*/
204             uint32_t reserved12:   5;                       /*reserved*/
205             uint32_t last_command: 3;                       /*In the slave mode it is the value of command.*/
206             uint32_t last_state:   3;                       /*In the slave mode it is the state of spi state machine.*/
207             uint32_t trans_cnt:    4;                       /*The operations counter in both the master mode and the slave mode. 4: read-status*/
208             uint32_t cmd_define:   1;                       /*1: slave mode commands are defined in SPI_SLAVE3.  0: slave mode commands are fixed as: 1: write-status 2: write-buffer and 3: read-buffer.*/
209             uint32_t wr_rd_sta_en: 1;                       /*write and read status enable  in the slave mode*/
210             uint32_t wr_rd_buf_en: 1;                       /*write and read buffer enable in the slave mode*/
211             uint32_t slave_mode:   1;                       /*1: slave mode 0: master mode.*/
212             uint32_t sync_reset:   1;                       /*Software reset enable, reset the spi clock line cs line and data lines.*/
213         };
214         uint32_t val;
215     } slave;
216     union {
217         struct {
218             uint32_t rdbuf_dummy_en:  1;                    /*In the slave mode it is the enable bit of dummy phase for read-buffer operations.*/
219             uint32_t wrbuf_dummy_en:  1;                    /*In the slave mode it is the enable bit of dummy phase for write-buffer operations.*/
220             uint32_t rdsta_dummy_en:  1;                    /*In the slave mode it is the enable bit of dummy phase for read-status operations.*/
221             uint32_t wrsta_dummy_en:  1;                    /*In the slave mode it is the enable bit of dummy phase for write-status operations.*/
222             uint32_t wr_addr_bitlen:  6;                    /*In the slave mode it is the address length in bits for write-buffer operation. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
223             uint32_t rd_addr_bitlen:  6;                    /*In the slave mode it is the address length in bits for read-buffer operation. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
224             uint32_t reserved16:      9;                    /*reserved*/
225             uint32_t status_readback: 1;                    /*In the slave mode  1:read register of SPI_SLV_WR_STATUS  0: read register of SPI_RD_STATUS.*/
226             uint32_t status_fast_en:  1;                    /*In the slave mode enable fast read status.*/
227             uint32_t status_bitlen:   5;                    /*In the slave mode it is the length of status bit.*/
228         };
229         uint32_t val;
230     } slave1;
231     union {
232         struct {
233             uint32_t rdsta_dummy_cyclelen: 8;               /*In the slave mode it is the length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase for read-status operations. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
234             uint32_t wrsta_dummy_cyclelen: 8;               /*In the slave mode it is the length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase for write-status operations. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
235             uint32_t rdbuf_dummy_cyclelen: 8;               /*In the slave mode it is the length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase for read-buffer operations. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
236             uint32_t wrbuf_dummy_cyclelen: 8;               /*In the slave mode it is the length in spi_clk cycles of dummy phase for write-buffer operations. The register value shall be (cycle_num-1).*/
237         };
238         uint32_t val;
239     } slave2;
240     union {
241         struct {
242             uint32_t rdbuf_cmd_value: 8;                    /*In the slave mode it is the value of read-buffer command.*/
243             uint32_t wrbuf_cmd_value: 8;                    /*In the slave mode it is the value of write-buffer command.*/
244             uint32_t rdsta_cmd_value: 8;                    /*In the slave mode it is the value of read-status command.*/
245             uint32_t wrsta_cmd_value: 8;                    /*In the slave mode it is the value of write-status command.*/
246         };
247         uint32_t val;
248     } slave3;
249     union {
250         struct {
251             uint32_t bit_len:    24;                        /*In the slave mode it is the length in bits for write-buffer operations. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
252             uint32_t reserved24:  8;                        /*reserved*/
253         };
254         uint32_t val;
255     } slv_wrbuf_dlen;
256     union {
257         struct {
258             uint32_t bit_len:    24;                        /*In the slave mode it is the length in bits for read-buffer operations. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
259             uint32_t reserved24:  8;                        /*reserved*/
260         };
261         uint32_t val;
262     } slv_rdbuf_dlen;
263     union {
264         struct {
265             uint32_t req_en:        1;                      /*For SPI0  Cache access enable  1: enable  0:disable.*/
266             uint32_t usr_cmd_4byte: 1;                      /*For SPI0  cache  read flash with 4 bytes command  1: enable  0:disable.*/
267             uint32_t flash_usr_cmd: 1;                      /*For SPI0  cache  read flash for user define command  1: enable  0:disable.*/
268             uint32_t flash_pes_en:  1;                      /*For SPI0  spi1 send suspend command before cache read flash  1: enable  0:disable.*/
269             uint32_t reserved4:    28;                      /*reserved*/
270         };
271         uint32_t val;
272     } cache_fctrl;
273     union {
274         struct {
275             uint32_t reserved0:           1;                /*reserved*/
276             uint32_t usr_sram_dio:        1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode  spi dual I/O mode enable  1: enable  0:disable*/
277             uint32_t usr_sram_qio:        1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode  spi quad I/O mode enable  1: enable  0:disable*/
278             uint32_t usr_wr_sram_dummy:   1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode  it is the enable bit of dummy phase for write operations.*/
279             uint32_t usr_rd_sram_dummy:   1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode  it is the enable bit of dummy phase for read operations.*/
280             uint32_t cache_sram_usr_rcmd: 1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode cache read sram for user define command.*/
281             uint32_t sram_bytes_len:      8;                /*For SPI0  In the sram mode  it is the byte length of spi read sram data.*/
282             uint32_t sram_dummy_cyclelen: 8;                /*For SPI0  In the sram mode  it is the length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
283             uint32_t sram_addr_bitlen:    6;                /*For SPI0  In the sram mode  it is the length in bits of address phase. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
284             uint32_t cache_sram_usr_wcmd: 1;                /*For SPI0  In the spi sram mode cache write sram for user define command*/
285             uint32_t reserved29:          3;                /*reserved*/
286         };
287         uint32_t val;
288     } cache_sctrl;
289     union {
290         struct {
291             uint32_t dio:       1;                          /*For SPI0 SRAM DIO mode enable .  SRAM DIO enable command will be send when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.*/
292             uint32_t qio:       1;                          /*For SPI0 SRAM QIO mode enable .  SRAM QIO enable command will be send when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.*/
293             uint32_t reserved2: 2;                          /*For SPI0 SRAM write enable . SRAM write operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done.*/
294             uint32_t rst_io:    1;                          /*For SPI0 SRAM IO mode reset enable. SRAM IO mode reset operation will be triggered when the bit is set. The bit will be cleared once the operation done*/
295             uint32_t reserved5:27;                          /*reserved*/
296         };
297         uint32_t val;
298     } sram_cmd;
299     union {
300         struct {
301             uint32_t usr_rd_cmd_value:   16;                /*For SPI0 When cache mode is enable it is the read command value of command phase for SRAM.*/
302             uint32_t reserved16:         12;                /*reserved*/
303             uint32_t usr_rd_cmd_bitlen:   4;                /*For SPI0 When cache mode is enable it is the length in bits of command phase for SRAM. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
304         };
305         uint32_t val;
306     } sram_drd_cmd;
307     union {
308         struct {
309             uint32_t usr_wr_cmd_value: 16;                  /*For SPI0 When cache mode is enable it is the write command value of command phase for SRAM.*/
310             uint32_t reserved16:       12;                  /*reserved*/
311             uint32_t usr_wr_cmd_bitlen: 4;                  /*For SPI0 When cache mode is enable it is the in bits of command phase  for SRAM. The register value shall be (bit_num-1).*/
312         };
313         uint32_t val;
314     } sram_dwr_cmd;
315     union {
316         struct {
317             uint32_t slv_rdata_bit:24;                      /*In the slave mode it is the bit length of read data. The value is the length - 1.*/
318             uint32_t reserved24:    8;                      /*reserved*/
319         };
320         uint32_t val;
321     } slv_rd_bit;
322     uint32_t reserved_68;
323     uint32_t reserved_6c;
324     uint32_t reserved_70;
325     uint32_t reserved_74;
326     uint32_t reserved_78;
327     uint32_t reserved_7c;
328     uint32_t data_buf[16];                                  /*data buffer*/
329     uint32_t tx_crc;                                        /*For SPI1  the value of crc32 for 256 bits data.*/
330     uint32_t reserved_c4;
331     uint32_t reserved_c8;
332     uint32_t reserved_cc;
333     uint32_t reserved_d0;
334     uint32_t reserved_d4;
335     uint32_t reserved_d8;
336     uint32_t reserved_dc;
337     uint32_t reserved_e0;
338     uint32_t reserved_e4;
339     uint32_t reserved_e8;
340     uint32_t reserved_ec;
341     union {
342         struct {
343             uint32_t t_pp_time: 12;                         /*page program delay time  by system clock.*/
344             uint32_t reserved12: 4;                         /*reserved*/
345             uint32_t t_pp_shift: 4;                         /*page program delay time shift .*/
346             uint32_t reserved20:11;                         /*reserved*/
347             uint32_t t_pp_ena:   1;                         /*page program delay enable.*/
348         };
349         uint32_t val;
350     } ext0;
351     union {
352         struct {
353             uint32_t t_erase_time: 12;                      /*erase flash delay time by system clock.*/
354             uint32_t reserved12:    4;                      /*reserved*/
355             uint32_t t_erase_shift: 4;                      /*erase flash delay time shift.*/
356             uint32_t reserved20:   11;                      /*reserved*/
357             uint32_t t_erase_ena:   1;                      /*erase flash delay enable.*/
358         };
359         uint32_t val;
360     } ext1;
361     union {
362         struct {
363             uint32_t st:         3;                         /*The status of spi state machine .*/
364             uint32_t reserved3: 29;                         /*reserved*/
365         };
366         uint32_t val;
367     } ext2;
368     union {
369         struct {
370             uint32_t int_hold_ena: 2;                       /*This register is for two SPI masters to share the same cs clock and data signals. The bits of one SPI are set  if the other SPI is busy  the SPI will be hold. 1(3): hold at ,idle, phase 2: hold at ,prepare, phase.*/
371             uint32_t reserved2:   30;                       /*reserved*/
372         };
373         uint32_t val;
374     } ext3;
375     union {
376         struct {
377             uint32_t reserved0:         2;                  /*reserved*/
378             uint32_t in_rst:            1;                  /*The bit is used to reset in dma fsm and in data fifo pointer.*/
379             uint32_t out_rst:           1;                  /*The bit is used to reset out dma fsm and out data fifo pointer.*/
380             uint32_t ahbm_fifo_rst:     1;                  /*reset spi dma ahb master fifo pointer.*/
381             uint32_t ahbm_rst:          1;                  /*reset spi dma ahb master.*/
382             uint32_t in_loop_test:      1;                  /*Set bit to test in link.*/
383             uint32_t out_loop_test:     1;                  /*Set bit to test out link.*/
384             uint32_t out_auto_wrback:   1;                  /*when the link is empty   jump to next automatically.*/
385             uint32_t out_eof_mode:      1;                  /*out eof flag generation mode . 1: when dma pop all data from fifo  0:when ahb push all data to fifo.*/
386             uint32_t outdscr_burst_en:  1;                  /*read descriptor use burst mode when read data for memory.*/
387             uint32_t indscr_burst_en:   1;                  /*read descriptor use burst mode when write data to memory.*/
388             uint32_t out_data_burst_en: 1;                  /*spi dma read data from memory in burst mode.*/
389             uint32_t reserved13:        1;                  /*reserved*/
390             uint32_t dma_rx_stop:       1;                  /*spi dma read data stop  when in continue tx/rx mode.*/
391             uint32_t dma_tx_stop:       1;                  /*spi dma write data stop when in continue tx/rx mode.*/
392             uint32_t dma_continue:      1;                  /*spi dma continue tx/rx data.*/
393             uint32_t reserved17:       15;                  /*reserved*/
394         };
395         uint32_t val;
396     } dma_conf;
397     union {
398         struct {
399             uint32_t addr:        20;                       /*The address of the first outlink descriptor.*/
400             uint32_t reserved20:   8;                       /*reserved*/
401             uint32_t stop:         1;                       /*Set the bit to stop to use outlink descriptor.*/
402             uint32_t start:        1;                       /*Set the bit to start to use outlink descriptor.*/
403             uint32_t restart:      1;                       /*Set the bit to mount on new outlink descriptors.*/
404             uint32_t reserved31:   1;                       /*reserved*/
405         };
406         uint32_t val;
407     } dma_out_link;
408     union {
409         struct {
410             uint32_t addr:       20;                        /*The address of the first inlink descriptor.*/
411             uint32_t auto_ret:    1;                        /*when the bit is set  inlink descriptor returns to the next descriptor while a packet is wrong*/
412             uint32_t reserved21:  7;                        /*reserved*/
413             uint32_t stop:        1;                        /*Set the bit to stop to use inlink descriptor.*/
414             uint32_t start:       1;                        /*Set the bit to start to use inlink descriptor.*/
415             uint32_t restart:     1;                        /*Set the bit to mount on new inlink descriptors.*/
416             uint32_t reserved31:  1;                        /*reserved*/
417         };
418         uint32_t val;
419     } dma_in_link;
420     union {
421         struct {
422             uint32_t rx_en:      1;                         /*spi dma read data status bit.*/
423             uint32_t tx_en:      1;                         /*spi dma write data status bit.*/
424             uint32_t reserved2: 30;                         /*spi dma read data from memory count.*/
425         };
426         uint32_t val;
427     } dma_status;
428     union {
429         struct {
430             uint32_t inlink_dscr_empty:  1;                 /*The enable bit for lack of enough inlink descriptors.*/
431             uint32_t outlink_dscr_error: 1;                 /*The enable bit for outlink descriptor error.*/
432             uint32_t inlink_dscr_error:  1;                 /*The enable bit for inlink descriptor error.*/
433             uint32_t in_done:            1;                 /*The enable bit for completing usage of a inlink descriptor.*/
434             uint32_t in_err_eof:         1;                 /*The enable bit for receiving error.*/
435             uint32_t in_suc_eof:         1;                 /*The enable bit for completing receiving all the packets from host.*/
436             uint32_t out_done:           1;                 /*The enable bit for completing usage of a outlink descriptor .*/
437             uint32_t out_eof:            1;                 /*The enable bit for sending a packet to host done.*/
438             uint32_t out_total_eof:      1;                 /*The enable bit for sending all the packets to host done.*/
439             uint32_t reserved9:         23;                 /*reserved*/
440         };
441         uint32_t val;
442     } dma_int_ena;
443     union {
444         struct {
445             uint32_t inlink_dscr_empty:  1;                 /*The raw bit for lack of enough inlink descriptors.*/
446             uint32_t outlink_dscr_error: 1;                 /*The raw bit for outlink descriptor error.*/
447             uint32_t inlink_dscr_error:  1;                 /*The raw bit for inlink descriptor error.*/
448             uint32_t in_done:            1;                 /*The raw bit for completing usage of a inlink descriptor.*/
449             uint32_t in_err_eof:         1;                 /*The raw bit for receiving error.*/
450             uint32_t in_suc_eof:         1;                 /*The raw bit for completing receiving all the packets from host.*/
451             uint32_t out_done:           1;                 /*The raw bit for completing usage of a outlink descriptor.*/
452             uint32_t out_eof:            1;                 /*The raw bit for sending a packet to host done.*/
453             uint32_t out_total_eof:      1;                 /*The raw bit for sending all the packets to host done.*/
454             uint32_t reserved9:         23;                 /*reserved*/
455         };
456         uint32_t val;
457     } dma_int_raw;
458     union {
459         struct {
460             uint32_t inlink_dscr_empty:  1;                  /*The status bit for lack of enough inlink descriptors.*/
461             uint32_t outlink_dscr_error: 1;                  /*The status bit for outlink descriptor error.*/
462             uint32_t inlink_dscr_error:  1;                  /*The status bit for inlink descriptor error.*/
463             uint32_t in_done:            1;                  /*The status bit for completing usage of a inlink descriptor.*/
464             uint32_t in_err_eof:         1;                  /*The status bit for receiving error.*/
465             uint32_t in_suc_eof:         1;                  /*The status bit for completing receiving all the packets from host.*/
466             uint32_t out_done:           1;                  /*The status bit for completing usage of a outlink descriptor.*/
467             uint32_t out_eof:            1;                  /*The status bit for sending a packet to host done.*/
468             uint32_t out_total_eof:      1;                  /*The status bit for sending all the packets to host done.*/
469             uint32_t reserved9:         23;                  /*reserved*/
470         };
471         uint32_t val;
472     } dma_int_st;
473     union {
474         struct {
475             uint32_t inlink_dscr_empty:  1;                 /*The clear bit for lack of enough inlink descriptors.*/
476             uint32_t outlink_dscr_error: 1;                 /*The clear bit for outlink descriptor error.*/
477             uint32_t inlink_dscr_error:  1;                 /*The clear bit for inlink descriptor error.*/
478             uint32_t in_done:            1;                 /*The clear bit for completing usage of a inlink descriptor.*/
479             uint32_t in_err_eof:         1;                 /*The clear bit for receiving error.*/
480             uint32_t in_suc_eof:         1;                 /*The clear bit for completing receiving all the packets from host.*/
481             uint32_t out_done:           1;                 /*The clear bit for completing usage of a outlink descriptor.*/
482             uint32_t out_eof:            1;                 /*The clear bit for sending a packet to host done.*/
483             uint32_t out_total_eof:      1;                 /*The clear bit for sending all the packets to host done.*/
484             uint32_t reserved9:         23;                 /*reserved*/
485         };
486         uint32_t val;
487     } dma_int_clr;
488     uint32_t dma_in_err_eof_des_addr;                       /*The inlink descriptor address when spi dma produce receiving error.*/
489     uint32_t dma_in_suc_eof_des_addr;                       /*The last inlink descriptor address when spi dma produce from_suc_eof.*/
490     uint32_t dma_inlink_dscr;                               /*The content of current in descriptor pointer.*/
491     uint32_t dma_inlink_dscr_bf0;                           /*The content of next in descriptor pointer.*/
492     uint32_t dma_inlink_dscr_bf1;                           /*The content of current in descriptor data buffer pointer.*/
493     uint32_t dma_out_eof_bfr_des_addr;                      /*The address of buffer relative to the outlink descriptor that produce eof.*/
494     uint32_t dma_out_eof_des_addr;                          /*The last outlink descriptor address when spi dma produce to_eof.*/
495     uint32_t dma_outlink_dscr;                              /*The content of current out descriptor pointer.*/
496     uint32_t dma_outlink_dscr_bf0;                          /*The content of next out descriptor pointer.*/
497     uint32_t dma_outlink_dscr_bf1;                          /*The content of current out descriptor data buffer pointer.*/
498     uint32_t dma_rx_status;                                 /*spi dma read data from memory status.*/
499     uint32_t dma_tx_status;                                 /*spi dma write data to memory status.*/
500     uint32_t reserved_150;
501     uint32_t reserved_154;
502     uint32_t reserved_158;
503     uint32_t reserved_15c;
504     uint32_t reserved_160;
505     uint32_t reserved_164;
506     uint32_t reserved_168;
507     uint32_t reserved_16c;
508     uint32_t reserved_170;
509     uint32_t reserved_174;
510     uint32_t reserved_178;
511     uint32_t reserved_17c;
512     uint32_t reserved_180;
513     uint32_t reserved_184;
514     uint32_t reserved_188;
515     uint32_t reserved_18c;
516     uint32_t reserved_190;
517     uint32_t reserved_194;
518     uint32_t reserved_198;
519     uint32_t reserved_19c;
520     uint32_t reserved_1a0;
521     uint32_t reserved_1a4;
522     uint32_t reserved_1a8;
523     uint32_t reserved_1ac;
524     uint32_t reserved_1b0;
525     uint32_t reserved_1b4;
526     uint32_t reserved_1b8;
527     uint32_t reserved_1bc;
528     uint32_t reserved_1c0;
529     uint32_t reserved_1c4;
530     uint32_t reserved_1c8;
531     uint32_t reserved_1cc;
532     uint32_t reserved_1d0;
533     uint32_t reserved_1d4;
534     uint32_t reserved_1d8;
535     uint32_t reserved_1dc;
536     uint32_t reserved_1e0;
537     uint32_t reserved_1e4;
538     uint32_t reserved_1e8;
539     uint32_t reserved_1ec;
540     uint32_t reserved_1f0;
541     uint32_t reserved_1f4;
542     uint32_t reserved_1f8;
543     uint32_t reserved_1fc;
544     uint32_t reserved_200;
545     uint32_t reserved_204;
546     uint32_t reserved_208;
547     uint32_t reserved_20c;
548     uint32_t reserved_210;
549     uint32_t reserved_214;
550     uint32_t reserved_218;
551     uint32_t reserved_21c;
552     uint32_t reserved_220;
553     uint32_t reserved_224;
554     uint32_t reserved_228;
555     uint32_t reserved_22c;
556     uint32_t reserved_230;
557     uint32_t reserved_234;
558     uint32_t reserved_238;
559     uint32_t reserved_23c;
560     uint32_t reserved_240;
561     uint32_t reserved_244;
562     uint32_t reserved_248;
563     uint32_t reserved_24c;
564     uint32_t reserved_250;
565     uint32_t reserved_254;
566     uint32_t reserved_258;
567     uint32_t reserved_25c;
568     uint32_t reserved_260;
569     uint32_t reserved_264;
570     uint32_t reserved_268;
571     uint32_t reserved_26c;
572     uint32_t reserved_270;
573     uint32_t reserved_274;
574     uint32_t reserved_278;
575     uint32_t reserved_27c;
576     uint32_t reserved_280;
577     uint32_t reserved_284;
578     uint32_t reserved_288;
579     uint32_t reserved_28c;
580     uint32_t reserved_290;
581     uint32_t reserved_294;
582     uint32_t reserved_298;
583     uint32_t reserved_29c;
584     uint32_t reserved_2a0;
585     uint32_t reserved_2a4;
586     uint32_t reserved_2a8;
587     uint32_t reserved_2ac;
588     uint32_t reserved_2b0;
589     uint32_t reserved_2b4;
590     uint32_t reserved_2b8;
591     uint32_t reserved_2bc;
592     uint32_t reserved_2c0;
593     uint32_t reserved_2c4;
594     uint32_t reserved_2c8;
595     uint32_t reserved_2cc;
596     uint32_t reserved_2d0;
597     uint32_t reserved_2d4;
598     uint32_t reserved_2d8;
599     uint32_t reserved_2dc;
600     uint32_t reserved_2e0;
601     uint32_t reserved_2e4;
602     uint32_t reserved_2e8;
603     uint32_t reserved_2ec;
604     uint32_t reserved_2f0;
605     uint32_t reserved_2f4;
606     uint32_t reserved_2f8;
607     uint32_t reserved_2fc;
608     uint32_t reserved_300;
609     uint32_t reserved_304;
610     uint32_t reserved_308;
611     uint32_t reserved_30c;
612     uint32_t reserved_310;
613     uint32_t reserved_314;
614     uint32_t reserved_318;
615     uint32_t reserved_31c;
616     uint32_t reserved_320;
617     uint32_t reserved_324;
618     uint32_t reserved_328;
619     uint32_t reserved_32c;
620     uint32_t reserved_330;
621     uint32_t reserved_334;
622     uint32_t reserved_338;
623     uint32_t reserved_33c;
624     uint32_t reserved_340;
625     uint32_t reserved_344;
626     uint32_t reserved_348;
627     uint32_t reserved_34c;
628     uint32_t reserved_350;
629     uint32_t reserved_354;
630     uint32_t reserved_358;
631     uint32_t reserved_35c;
632     uint32_t reserved_360;
633     uint32_t reserved_364;
634     uint32_t reserved_368;
635     uint32_t reserved_36c;
636     uint32_t reserved_370;
637     uint32_t reserved_374;
638     uint32_t reserved_378;
639     uint32_t reserved_37c;
640     uint32_t reserved_380;
641     uint32_t reserved_384;
642     uint32_t reserved_388;
643     uint32_t reserved_38c;
644     uint32_t reserved_390;
645     uint32_t reserved_394;
646     uint32_t reserved_398;
647     uint32_t reserved_39c;
648     uint32_t reserved_3a0;
649     uint32_t reserved_3a4;
650     uint32_t reserved_3a8;
651     uint32_t reserved_3ac;
652     uint32_t reserved_3b0;
653     uint32_t reserved_3b4;
654     uint32_t reserved_3b8;
655     uint32_t reserved_3bc;
656     uint32_t reserved_3c0;
657     uint32_t reserved_3c4;
658     uint32_t reserved_3c8;
659     uint32_t reserved_3cc;
660     uint32_t reserved_3d0;
661     uint32_t reserved_3d4;
662     uint32_t reserved_3d8;
663     uint32_t reserved_3dc;
664     uint32_t reserved_3e0;
665     uint32_t reserved_3e4;
666     uint32_t reserved_3e8;
667     uint32_t reserved_3ec;
668     uint32_t reserved_3f0;
669     uint32_t reserved_3f4;
670     uint32_t reserved_3f8;
671     union {
672         struct {
673             uint32_t date:      28;                         /*SPI register version.*/
674             uint32_t reserved28: 4;                         /*reserved*/
675         };
676         uint32_t val;
677     } date;
678 } spi_dev_t;
679 extern spi_dev_t SPI0;                                      /* SPI0 IS FOR INTERNAL USE*/
680 extern spi_dev_t SPI1;
681 extern spi_dev_t SPI2;
682 extern spi_dev_t SPI3;
684 #ifdef __cplusplus
685 }
686 #endif
688 #endif  /* _SOC_SPI_STRUCT_H_ */