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1 #![deny(warnings)]
3 extern crate cc;
4 extern crate ctest2 as ctest;
6 use std::fs::File;
7 use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write};
8 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
9 use std::{env, io};
do_cc()11 fn do_cc() {
12     let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
13     if cfg!(unix) {
14         let exclude = ["redox", "wasi"];
15         if !exclude.iter().any(|x| target.contains(x)) {
16             let mut cmsg = cc::Build::new();
18             cmsg.file("src/cmsg.c");
20             if target.contains("solaris") || target.contains("illumos") {
21                 cmsg.define("_XOPEN_SOURCE", "700");
22             }
23             cmsg.compile("cmsg");
24         }
26         if target.contains("linux")
27             || target.contains("android")
28             || target.contains("emscripten")
29             || target.contains("fuchsia")
30             || target.contains("bsd")
31         {
32             cc::Build::new().file("src/makedev.c").compile("makedev");
33         }
34     }
35     if target.contains("android") || target.contains("linux") {
36         cc::Build::new().file("src/errqueue.c").compile("errqueue");
37     }
38     if target.contains("linux")
39         || target.contains("l4re")
40         || target.contains("android")
41         || target.contains("emscripten")
42     {
43         cc::Build::new().file("src/sigrt.c").compile("sigrt");
44     }
45 }
do_ctest()47 fn do_ctest() {
48     match &env::var("TARGET").unwrap() {
49         t if t.contains("android") => return test_android(t),
50         t if t.contains("apple") => return test_apple(t),
51         t if t.contains("dragonfly") => return test_dragonflybsd(t),
52         t if t.contains("emscripten") => return test_emscripten(t),
53         t if t.contains("freebsd") => return test_freebsd(t),
54         t if t.contains("haiku") => return test_haiku(t),
55         t if t.contains("linux") => return test_linux(t),
56         t if t.contains("netbsd") => return test_netbsd(t),
57         t if t.contains("openbsd") => return test_openbsd(t),
58         t if t.contains("redox") => return test_redox(t),
59         t if t.contains("solaris") => return test_solarish(t),
60         t if t.contains("illumos") => return test_solarish(t),
61         t if t.contains("wasi") => return test_wasi(t),
62         t if t.contains("windows") => return test_windows(t),
63         t if t.contains("vxworks") => return test_vxworks(t),
64         t if t.contains("nto-qnx") => return test_neutrino(t),
65         t => panic!("unknown target {}", t),
66     }
67 }
ctest_cfg() -> ctest::TestGenerator69 fn ctest_cfg() -> ctest::TestGenerator {
70     let mut cfg = ctest::TestGenerator::new();
71     let libc_cfgs = [
72         "libc_priv_mod_use",
73         "libc_union",
74         "libc_const_size_of",
75         "libc_align",
76         "libc_core_cvoid",
77         "libc_packedN",
78         "libc_thread_local",
79     ];
80     for f in &libc_cfgs {
81         cfg.cfg(f, None);
82     }
83     cfg
84 }
do_semver()86 fn do_semver() {
87     let mut out = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
88     out.push("semver.rs");
89     let mut output = BufWriter::new(File::create(&out).unwrap());
91     let family = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FAMILY").unwrap();
92     let vendor = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_VENDOR").unwrap();
93     let os = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
94     let arch = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap();
95     let target_env = env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV").unwrap();
97     // `libc-test/semver` dir.
98     let mut semver_root = PathBuf::from(env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap());
99     semver_root.push("semver");
101     // NOTE: Windows has the same `family` as `os`, no point in including it
102     // twice.
103     // NOTE: Android doesn't include the unix file (or the Linux file) because
104     // there are some many definitions missing it's actually easier just to
105     // maintain a file for Android.
106     if family != os && os != "android" {
107         process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &family);
108     }
109     process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &vendor);
110     process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &os);
111     let os_arch = format!("{}-{}", os, arch);
112     process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &os_arch);
113     if target_env != "" {
114         let os_env = format!("{}-{}", os, target_env);
115         process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &os_env);
117         let os_env_arch = format!("{}-{}-{}", os, target_env, arch);
118         process_semver_file(&mut output, &mut semver_root, &os_env_arch);
119     }
120 }
process_semver_file<W: Write, P: AsRef<Path>>(output: &mut W, path: &mut PathBuf, file: P)122 fn process_semver_file<W: Write, P: AsRef<Path>>(output: &mut W, path: &mut PathBuf, file: P) {
123     // NOTE: `path` is reused between calls, so always remove the file again.
124     path.push(file);
125     path.set_extension("txt");
127     println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display());
128     let input_file = match File::open(&*path) {
129         Ok(file) => file,
130         Err(ref err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
131             path.pop();
132             return;
133         }
134         Err(err) => panic!("unexpected error opening file: {}", err),
135     };
136     let input = BufReader::new(input_file);
138     write!(output, "// Source: {}.\n", path.display()).unwrap();
139     output.write(b"use libc::{\n").unwrap();
140     for line in input.lines() {
141         let line = line.unwrap().into_bytes();
142         match line.first() {
143             // Ignore comments and empty lines.
144             Some(b'#') | None => continue,
145             _ => {
146                 output.write(b"    ").unwrap();
147                 output.write(&line).unwrap();
148                 output.write(b",\n").unwrap();
149             }
150         }
151     }
152     output.write(b"};\n\n").unwrap();
153     path.pop();
154 }
main()156 fn main() {
157     do_cc();
158     do_ctest();
159     do_semver();
160 }
162 macro_rules! headers {
163     ($cfg:ident: [$m:expr]: $header:literal) => {
164         if $m {
165             $cfg.header($header);
166         }
167     };
168     ($cfg:ident: $header:literal) => {
169         $cfg.header($header);
170     };
171     ($($cfg:ident: $([$c:expr]:)* $header:literal,)*) => {
172         $(headers!($cfg: $([$c]:)* $header);)*
173     };
174     ($cfg:ident: $( $([$c:expr]:)* $header:literal,)*) => {
175         headers!($($cfg: $([$c]:)* $header,)*);
176     };
177     ($cfg:ident: $( $([$c:expr]:)* $header:literal),*) => {
178         headers!($($cfg: $([$c]:)* $header,)*);
179     };
180 }
test_apple(target: &str)182 fn test_apple(target: &str) {
183     assert!(target.contains("apple"));
184     let x86_64 = target.contains("x86_64");
185     let i686 = target.contains("i686");
187     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
188     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
189     cfg.define("__APPLE_USE_RFC_3542", None);
191     headers! { cfg:
192         "aio.h",
193         "CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h",
194         "CommonCrypto/CommonRandom.h",
195         "copyfile.h",
196         "crt_externs.h",
197         "ctype.h",
198         "dirent.h",
199         "dlfcn.h",
200         "errno.h",
201         "execinfo.h",
202         "fcntl.h",
203         "getopt.h",
204         "glob.h",
205         "grp.h",
206         "iconv.h",
207         "ifaddrs.h",
208         "langinfo.h",
209         "libgen.h",
210         "libproc.h",
211         "limits.h",
212         "locale.h",
213         "mach-o/dyld.h",
214         "mach/mach_init.h",
215         "mach/mach.h",
216         "mach/mach_time.h",
217         "mach/mach_types.h",
218         "mach/mach_vm.h",
219         "mach/thread_act.h",
220         "mach/thread_policy.h",
221         "malloc/malloc.h",
222         "net/bpf.h",
223         "net/dlil.h",
224         "net/if.h",
225         "net/if_arp.h",
226         "net/if_dl.h",
227         "net/if_utun.h",
228         "net/if_var.h",
229         "net/ndrv.h",
230         "net/route.h",
231         "netdb.h",
232         "netinet/if_ether.h",
233         "netinet/in.h",
234         "netinet/ip.h",
235         "netinet/tcp.h",
236         "netinet/udp.h",
237         "os/lock.h",
238         "os/signpost.h",
239         "poll.h",
240         "pthread.h",
241         "pthread_spis.h",
242         "pthread/introspection.h",
243         "pwd.h",
244         "regex.h",
245         "resolv.h",
246         "sched.h",
247         "semaphore.h",
248         "signal.h",
249         "spawn.h",
250         "stddef.h",
251         "stdint.h",
252         "stdio.h",
253         "stdlib.h",
254         "string.h",
255         "sysdir.h",
256         "sys/appleapiopts.h",
257         "sys/attr.h",
258         "sys/clonefile.h",
259         "sys/event.h",
260         "sys/file.h",
261         "sys/ioctl.h",
262         "sys/ipc.h",
263         "sys/kern_control.h",
264         "sys/mman.h",
265         "sys/mount.h",
266         "sys/proc_info.h",
267         "sys/ptrace.h",
268         "sys/quota.h",
269         "sys/resource.h",
270         "sys/sem.h",
271         "sys/shm.h",
272         "sys/socket.h",
273         "sys/stat.h",
274         "sys/statvfs.h",
275         "sys/sys_domain.h",
276         "sys/sysctl.h",
277         "sys/time.h",
278         "sys/times.h",
279         "sys/timex.h",
280         "sys/types.h",
281         "sys/uio.h",
282         "sys/un.h",
283         "sys/utsname.h",
284         "sys/wait.h",
285         "sys/xattr.h",
286         "syslog.h",
287         "termios.h",
288         "time.h",
289         "unistd.h",
290         "util.h",
291         "utime.h",
292         "utmpx.h",
293         "wchar.h",
294         "xlocale.h",
295         [x86_64]: "crt_externs.h",
296     }
298     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
299         match ty {
300             // FIXME: actually a union
301             "sigval" => true,
303             _ => false,
304         }
305     });
307     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| match ty {
308         _ => false,
309     });
311     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
312         // They're declared via `deprecated_mach` and we don't support it anymore.
313         if name.starts_with("VM_FLAGS_") {
314             return true;
315         }
316         match name {
317             // These OSX constants are removed in Sierra.
318             // https://developer.apple.com/library/content/releasenotes/General/APIDiffsMacOS10_12/Swift/Darwin.html
320             // FIXME: the value has been changed since Catalina (0xffff0000 -> 0x3fff0000).
321             "SF_SETTABLE" => true,
323             // FIXME: XCode 13.1 doesn't have it.
324             "TIOCREMOTE" => true,
325             _ => false,
326         }
327     });
329     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
330         // skip those that are manually verified
331         match name {
332             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
333             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" => true,
335             // close calls the close_nocancel system call
336             "close" => true,
338             // FIXME: libstd removed libresolv support: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/102766
339             "res_init" => true,
341             // FIXME: remove once the target in CI is updated
342             "pthread_jit_write_freeze_callbacks_np" => true,
344             _ => false,
345         }
346     });
348     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
349         match (struct_, field) {
350             // FIXME: the array size has been changed since macOS 10.15 ([8] -> [7]).
351             ("statfs", "f_reserved") => true,
352             ("__darwin_arm_neon_state64", "__v") => true,
353             // MAXPATHLEN is too big for auto-derive traits on arrays.
354             ("vnode_info_path", "vip_path") => true,
355             _ => false,
356         }
357     });
359     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
360         match (struct_, field) {
361             // FIXME: actually a union
362             ("sigevent", "sigev_value") => true,
363             _ => false,
364         }
365     });
367     cfg.volatile_item(|i| {
368         use ctest::VolatileItemKind::*;
369         match i {
370             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "aiocb" && f == "aio_buf" => true,
371             _ => false,
372         }
373     });
375     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
376         match ty {
377             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
378             "FILE" | "DIR" | "Dl_info" => ty.to_string(),
380             // OSX calls this something else
381             "sighandler_t" => "sig_t".to_string(),
383             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
384             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
385             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
386             t => t.to_string(),
387         }
388     });
390     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
391         match field {
392             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
393                 s.replace("e_nsec", "espec.tv_nsec")
394             }
395             // FIXME: sigaction actually contains a union with two variants:
396             // a sa_sigaction with type: (*)(int, struct __siginfo *, void *)
397             // a sa_handler with type sig_t
398             "sa_sigaction" if struct_ == "sigaction" => "sa_handler".to_string(),
399             s => s.to_string(),
400         }
401     });
403     cfg.skip_roundtrip(move |s| match s {
404         // FIXME: this type has the wrong ABI
405         "max_align_t" if i686 => true,
406         // Can't return an array from a C function.
407         "uuid_t" | "vol_capabilities_set_t" => true,
408         _ => false,
409     });
410     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
411 }
test_openbsd(target: &str)413 fn test_openbsd(target: &str) {
414     assert!(target.contains("openbsd"));
416     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
417     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
419     let x86_64 = target.contains("x86_64");
421     headers! { cfg:
422         "elf.h",
423         "errno.h",
424         "execinfo.h",
425         "fcntl.h",
426         "getopt.h",
427         "libgen.h",
428         "limits.h",
429         "link.h",
430         "locale.h",
431         "stddef.h",
432         "stdint.h",
433         "stdio.h",
434         "stdlib.h",
435         "sys/stat.h",
436         "sys/types.h",
437         "time.h",
438         "wchar.h",
439         "ctype.h",
440         "dirent.h",
441         "sys/socket.h",
442         [x86_64]:"machine/fpu.h",
443         "net/if.h",
444         "net/route.h",
445         "net/if_arp.h",
446         "netdb.h",
447         "netinet/in.h",
448         "netinet/ip.h",
449         "netinet/tcp.h",
450         "netinet/udp.h",
451         "net/bpf.h",
452         "regex.h",
453         "resolv.h",
454         "pthread.h",
455         "dlfcn.h",
456         "search.h",
457         "signal.h",
458         "string.h",
459         "sys/file.h",
460         "sys/futex.h",
461         "sys/ioctl.h",
462         "sys/ipc.h",
463         "sys/mman.h",
464         "sys/param.h",
465         "sys/resource.h",
466         "sys/shm.h",
467         "sys/socket.h",
468         "sys/time.h",
469         "sys/uio.h",
470         "sys/ktrace.h",
471         "sys/un.h",
472         "sys/wait.h",
473         "unistd.h",
474         "utime.h",
475         "pwd.h",
476         "grp.h",
477         "sys/utsname.h",
478         "sys/ptrace.h",
479         "sys/mount.h",
480         "sys/uio.h",
481         "sched.h",
482         "termios.h",
483         "poll.h",
484         "syslog.h",
485         "semaphore.h",
486         "sys/statvfs.h",
487         "sys/times.h",
488         "glob.h",
489         "ifaddrs.h",
490         "langinfo.h",
491         "sys/sysctl.h",
492         "utmp.h",
493         "sys/event.h",
494         "net/if_dl.h",
495         "util.h",
496         "ufs/ufs/quota.h",
497         "pthread_np.h",
498         "sys/syscall.h",
499         "sys/shm.h",
500         "sys/param.h",
501     }
503     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
504         match ty {
505             // FIXME: actually a union
506             "sigval" => true,
508             _ => false,
509         }
510     });
512     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
513         match name {
514             // Removed in OpenBSD 6.0
515             "KERN_USERMOUNT" | "KERN_ARND" => true,
516             // Removed in OpenBSD 7.2
517             "KERN_NSELCOLL" => true,
518             // Good chance it's going to be wrong depending on the host release
519             "KERN_MAXID" | "NET_RT_MAXID" => true,
520             "EV_SYSFLAGS" => true,
521             _ => false,
522         }
523     });
525     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
526         match name {
527             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
528             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" => true,
530             // Removed in OpenBSD 6.5
531             // https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=154723400730318
532             "mincore" => true,
534             // futex() has volatile arguments, but that doesn't exist in Rust.
535             "futex" => true,
537             _ => false,
538         }
539     });
541     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
542         match ty {
543             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
544             "FILE" | "DIR" | "Dl_info" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" => ty.to_string(),
546             // OSX calls this something else
547             "sighandler_t" => "sig_t".to_string(),
549             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
550             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
551             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
552             t => t.to_string(),
553         }
554     });
556     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| match field {
557         "st_birthtime" if struct_.starts_with("stat") => "__st_birthtime".to_string(),
558         "st_birthtime_nsec" if struct_.starts_with("stat") => "__st_birthtimensec".to_string(),
559         s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec"),
560         "sa_sigaction" if struct_ == "sigaction" => "sa_handler".to_string(),
561         s => s.to_string(),
562     });
564     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
565         // type siginfo_t.si_addr changed from OpenBSD 6.0 to 6.1
566         struct_ == "siginfo_t" && field == "si_addr"
567     });
569     cfg.skip_field(|struct_, field| {
570         match (struct_, field) {
571             // conflicting with `p_type` macro from <resolve.h>.
572             ("Elf32_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
573             ("Elf64_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
574             _ => false,
575         }
576     });
578     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
579 }
test_windows(target: &str)581 fn test_windows(target: &str) {
582     assert!(target.contains("windows"));
583     let gnu = target.contains("gnu");
585     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
586     if target.contains("msvc") {
587         cfg.flag("/wd4324");
588     }
589     cfg.define("_WIN32_WINNT", Some("0x8000"));
591     headers! { cfg:
592         "direct.h",
593         "errno.h",
594         "fcntl.h",
595         "io.h",
596         "limits.h",
597         "locale.h",
598         "process.h",
599         "signal.h",
600         "stddef.h",
601         "stdint.h",
602         "stdio.h",
603         "stdlib.h",
604         "sys/stat.h",
605         "sys/types.h",
606         "sys/utime.h",
607         "time.h",
608         "wchar.h",
609         [gnu]: "ws2tcpip.h",
610         [!gnu]: "Winsock2.h",
611     }
613     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
614         match ty {
615             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
616             "FILE" | "DIR" | "Dl_info" => ty.to_string(),
618             // FIXME: these don't exist:
619             "time64_t" => "__time64_t".to_string(),
620             "ssize_t" => "SSIZE_T".to_string(),
622             "sighandler_t" if !gnu => "_crt_signal_t".to_string(),
623             "sighandler_t" if gnu => "__p_sig_fn_t".to_string(),
625             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
626             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
628             // Windows uppercase structs don't have `struct` in front:
629             t if is_struct => {
630                 if ty.clone().chars().next().unwrap().is_uppercase() {
631                     t.to_string()
632                 } else if t == "stat" {
633                     "struct __stat64".to_string()
634                 } else if t == "utimbuf" {
635                     "struct __utimbuf64".to_string()
636                 } else {
637                     // put `struct` in front of all structs:
638                     format!("struct {}", t)
639                 }
640             }
641             t => t.to_string(),
642         }
643     });
645     cfg.fn_cname(move |name, cname| cname.unwrap_or(name).to_string());
647     cfg.skip_type(move |name| match name {
648         "SSIZE_T" if !gnu => true,
649         "ssize_t" if !gnu => true,
650         _ => false,
651     });
653     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
654         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
655             return true;
656         }
657         return false;
658     });
660     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
661         match name {
662             // FIXME: API error:
663             // SIG_ERR type is "void (*)(int)", not "int"
664             "SIG_ERR" |
665             // Similar for SIG_DFL/IGN/GET/SGE/ACK
666             "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_IGN" | "SIG_GET" | "SIG_SGE" | "SIG_ACK" => true,
667             // FIXME: newer windows-gnu environment on CI?
668             "_O_OBTAIN_DIR" if gnu => true,
669             _ => false,
670         }
671     });
673     cfg.skip_field(move |s, field| match s {
674         "CONTEXT" if field == "Fp" => true,
675         _ => false,
676     });
677     // FIXME: All functions point to the wrong addresses?
678     cfg.skip_fn_ptrcheck(|_| true);
680     cfg.skip_signededness(move |c| {
681         match c {
682             // windows-isms
683             n if n.starts_with("P") => true,
684             n if n.starts_with("H") => true,
685             n if n.starts_with("LP") => true,
686             "sighandler_t" if gnu => true,
687             _ => false,
688         }
689     });
691     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
692         match name {
693             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
694             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" => true,
696             _ => false,
697         }
698     });
700     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
701 }
test_redox(target: &str)703 fn test_redox(target: &str) {
704     assert!(target.contains("redox"));
706     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
707     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
709     headers! {
710         cfg:
711         "ctype.h",
712         "dirent.h",
713         "dlfcn.h",
714         "errno.h",
715         "fcntl.h",
716         "grp.h",
717         "limits.h",
718         "locale.h",
719         "netdb.h",
720         "netinet/in.h",
721         "netinet/ip.h",
722         "netinet/tcp.h",
723         "poll.h",
724         "pwd.h",
725         "semaphore.h",
726         "string.h",
727         "strings.h",
728         "sys/file.h",
729         "sys/ioctl.h",
730         "sys/mman.h",
731         "sys/ptrace.h",
732         "sys/resource.h",
733         "sys/socket.h",
734         "sys/stat.h",
735         "sys/statvfs.h",
736         "sys/time.h",
737         "sys/types.h",
738         "sys/uio.h",
739         "sys/un.h",
740         "sys/utsname.h",
741         "sys/wait.h",
742         "termios.h",
743         "time.h",
744         "unistd.h",
745         "utime.h",
746         "wchar.h",
747     }
749     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
750 }
test_solarish(target: &str)752 fn test_solarish(target: &str) {
753     let is_solaris = target.contains("solaris");
754     let is_illumos = target.contains("illumos");
755     assert!(is_solaris || is_illumos);
757     // ctest generates arguments supported only by clang, so make sure to run with CC=clang.
758     // While debugging, "CFLAGS=-ferror-limit=<large num>" is useful to get more error output.
759     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
760     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
762     cfg.define("_XOPEN_SOURCE", Some("700"));
763     cfg.define("__EXTENSIONS__", None);
764     cfg.define("_LCONV_C99", None);
766     headers! {
767         cfg:
768         "ctype.h",
769         "dirent.h",
770         "dlfcn.h",
771         "door.h",
772         "errno.h",
773         "execinfo.h",
774         "fcntl.h",
775         "getopt.h",
776         "glob.h",
777         "grp.h",
778         "ifaddrs.h",
779         "langinfo.h",
780         "limits.h",
781         "link.h",
782         "locale.h",
783         "mqueue.h",
784         "net/if.h",
785         "net/if_arp.h",
786         "net/route.h",
787         "netdb.h",
788         "netinet/in.h",
789         "netinet/ip.h",
790         "netinet/tcp.h",
791         "netinet/udp.h",
792         "poll.h",
793         "port.h",
794         "pthread.h",
795         "pwd.h",
796         "resolv.h",
797         "sched.h",
798         "semaphore.h",
799         "signal.h",
800         "stddef.h",
801         "stdint.h",
802         "stdio.h",
803         "stdlib.h",
804         "string.h",
805         "sys/auxv.h",
806         "sys/epoll.h",
807         "sys/eventfd.h",
808         "sys/file.h",
809         "sys/filio.h",
810         "sys/ioctl.h",
811         "sys/lgrp_user.h",
812         "sys/loadavg.h",
813         "sys/mman.h",
814         "sys/mount.h",
815         "sys/priv.h",
816         "sys/pset.h",
817         "sys/random.h",
818         "sys/resource.h",
819         "sys/sendfile.h",
820         "sys/socket.h",
821         "sys/stat.h",
822         "sys/statvfs.h",
823         "sys/stropts.h",
824         "sys/shm.h",
825         "sys/systeminfo.h",
826         "sys/time.h",
827         "sys/times.h",
828         "sys/timex.h",
829         "sys/types.h",
830         "sys/uio.h",
831         "sys/un.h",
832         "sys/utsname.h",
833         "sys/wait.h",
834         "syslog.h",
835         "termios.h",
836         "thread.h",
837         "time.h",
838         "priv.h",
839         "ucontext.h",
840         "unistd.h",
841         "utime.h",
842         "utmpx.h",
843         "wchar.h",
844     }
846     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| match ty {
847         "sighandler_t" => true,
848         _ => false,
849     });
851     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
852         "FILE" => "__FILE".to_string(),
853         "DIR" | "Dl_info" => ty.to_string(),
854         t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
855         t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
856         t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
857         t => t.to_string(),
858     });
860     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
861         match struct_ {
862             // rust struct uses raw u64, rather than union
863             "epoll_event" if field == "u64" => "data.u64".to_string(),
864             // rust struct was committed with typo for Solaris
865             "door_arg_t" if field == "dec_num" => "desc_num".to_string(),
866             "stat" if field.ends_with("_nsec") => {
867                 // expose stat.Xtim.tv_nsec fields
868                 field.trim_end_matches("e_nsec").to_string() + ".tv_nsec"
869             }
870             _ => field.to_string(),
871         }
872     });
874     cfg.skip_const(move |name| match name {
875         "DT_FIFO" | "DT_CHR" | "DT_DIR" | "DT_BLK" | "DT_REG" | "DT_LNK" | "DT_SOCK"
876         | "USRQUOTA" | "GRPQUOTA" | "PRIO_MIN" | "PRIO_MAX" => true,
878         // skip sighandler_t assignments
879         "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_ERR" | "SIG_IGN" => true,
881         "DT_UNKNOWN" => true,
884             true
885         }
887         "EADI" | "EXTPROC" | "IPC_SEAT" => true,
889         // This evaluates to a sysconf() call rather than a constant
890         "PTHREAD_STACK_MIN" => true,
892         // EPOLLEXCLUSIVE is a relatively recent addition to the epoll interface and may not be
893         // defined on older systems.  It is, however, safe to use on systems which do not
894         // explicitly support it. (A no-op is an acceptable implementation of EPOLLEXCLUSIVE.)
895         "EPOLLEXCLUSIVE" => true,
897         _ => false,
898     });
900     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
901         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
902             return true;
903         }
904         // the union handling is a mess
905         if ty.contains("door_desc_t_") {
906             return true;
907         }
908         match ty {
909             // union, not a struct
910             "sigval" => true,
911             // a bunch of solaris-only fields
912             "utmpx" if is_illumos => true,
913             _ => false,
914         }
915     });
917     cfg.skip_field(move |s, field| {
918         match s {
919             // C99 sizing on this is tough
920             "dirent" if field == "d_name" => true,
921             // the union/macro makes this rough
922             "sigaction" if field == "sa_sigaction" => true,
923             // Missing in illumos
924             "sigevent" if field == "ss_sp" => true,
925             // Avoid sigval union issues
926             "sigevent" if field == "sigev_value" => true,
927             // const issues
928             "sigevent" if field == "sigev_notify_attributes" => true,
930             // Avoid const and union issues
931             "door_arg" if field == "desc_ptr" => true,
932             "door_desc_t" if field == "d_data" => true,
933             "door_arg_t" if field.ends_with("_ptr") => true,
934             "door_arg_t" if field.ends_with("rbuf") => true,
936             // anonymous union challenges
937             "fpregset_t" if field == "fp_reg_set" => true,
939             // The LX brand (integrated into some illumos distros) commandeered several of the
940             // `uc_filler` fields to use for brand-specific state.
941             "ucontext_t" if is_illumos && (field == "uc_filler" || field == "uc_brand_data") => {
942                 true
943             }
945             _ => false,
946         }
947     });
949     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
950         // skip those that are manually verified
951         match name {
952             // const-ness only added recently
953             "dladdr" => true,
955             // Definition of those functions as changed since unified headers
956             // from NDK r14b These changes imply some API breaking changes but
957             // are still ABI compatible. We can wait for the next major release
958             // to be compliant with the new API.
959             //
960             // FIXME: unskip these for next major release
961             "setpriority" | "personality" => true,
963             // signal is defined in terms of sighandler_t, so ignore
964             "signal" => true,
966             // Currently missing
967             "cfmakeraw" | "cfsetspeed" => true,
969             // const-ness issues
970             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "settimeofday" | "sethostname" => true,
972             // Solaris-different
973             "getpwent_r" | "getgrent_r" | "updwtmpx" if is_illumos => true,
974             "madvise" | "mprotect" if is_illumos => true,
975             "door_call" | "door_return" | "door_create" if is_illumos => true,
977             // Not visible when build with _XOPEN_SOURCE=700
978             "mmapobj" | "mmap64" | "meminfo" | "getpagesizes" | "getpagesizes2" => true,
980             // These functions may return int or void depending on the exact
981             // configuration of the compilation environment, but the return
982             // value is not useful (always 0) so we can ignore it:
983             "setservent" | "endservent" if is_illumos => true,
985             _ => false,
986         }
987     });
989     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
990 }
test_netbsd(target: &str)992 fn test_netbsd(target: &str) {
993     assert!(target.contains("netbsd"));
994     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
996     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
997     cfg.define("_NETBSD_SOURCE", Some("1"));
999     headers! {
1000         cfg:
1001         "elf.h",
1002         "errno.h",
1003         "fcntl.h",
1004         "getopt.h",
1005         "libgen.h",
1006         "limits.h",
1007         "link.h",
1008         "locale.h",
1009         "stddef.h",
1010         "stdint.h",
1011         "stdio.h",
1012         "stdlib.h",
1013         "sys/stat.h",
1014         "sys/types.h",
1015         "time.h",
1016         "wchar.h",
1017         "aio.h",
1018         "ctype.h",
1019         "dirent.h",
1020         "dlfcn.h",
1021         "glob.h",
1022         "grp.h",
1023         "ifaddrs.h",
1024         "langinfo.h",
1025         "net/bpf.h",
1026         "net/if.h",
1027         "net/if_arp.h",
1028         "net/if_dl.h",
1029         "net/route.h",
1030         "netdb.h",
1031         "netinet/in.h",
1032         "netinet/ip.h",
1033         "netinet/tcp.h",
1034         "netinet/udp.h",
1035         "poll.h",
1036         "pthread.h",
1037         "pwd.h",
1038         "regex.h",
1039         "resolv.h",
1040         "sched.h",
1041         "semaphore.h",
1042         "signal.h",
1043         "string.h",
1044         "sys/endian.h",
1045         "sys/exec_elf.h",
1046         "sys/xattr.h",
1047         "sys/extattr.h",
1048         "sys/file.h",
1049         "sys/ioctl.h",
1050         "sys/ioctl_compat.h",
1051         "sys/ipc.h",
1052         "sys/ktrace.h",
1053         "sys/mman.h",
1054         "sys/mount.h",
1055         "sys/ptrace.h",
1056         "sys/resource.h",
1057         "sys/shm.h",
1058         "sys/socket.h",
1059         "sys/statvfs.h",
1060         "sys/sysctl.h",
1061         "sys/time.h",
1062         "sys/times.h",
1063         "sys/timex.h",
1064         "sys/ucontext.h",
1065         "sys/ucred.h",
1066         "sys/uio.h",
1067         "sys/un.h",
1068         "sys/utsname.h",
1069         "sys/wait.h",
1070         "syslog.h",
1071         "termios.h",
1072         "ufs/ufs/quota.h",
1073         "ufs/ufs/quota1.h",
1074         "unistd.h",
1075         "util.h",
1076         "utime.h",
1077         "mqueue.h",
1078         "netinet/dccp.h",
1079         "sys/event.h",
1080         "sys/quota.h",
1081         "sys/shm.h",
1082         "iconv.h",
1083     }
1085     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
1086         match ty {
1087             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
1088             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "DIR" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Shdr"
1089             | "Elf64_Shdr" | "Elf32_Sym" | "Elf64_Sym" | "Elf32_Ehdr" | "Elf64_Ehdr"
1090             | "Elf32_Chdr" | "Elf64_Chdr" => ty.to_string(),
1092             // OSX calls this something else
1093             "sighandler_t" => "sig_t".to_string(),
1095             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
1097             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
1099             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
1100             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
1102             t => t.to_string(),
1103         }
1104     });
1106     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
1107         match field {
1108             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
1109             // of a timeval struct
1110             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
1111                 s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec")
1112             }
1113             "u64" if struct_ == "epoll_event" => "data.u64".to_string(),
1114             s => s.to_string(),
1115         }
1116     });
1118     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
1119         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
1120             return true;
1121         }
1122         match ty {
1123             // FIXME: sighandler_t is crazy across platforms
1124             "sighandler_t" => true,
1125             _ => false,
1126         }
1127     });
1129     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
1130         match ty {
1131             // This is actually a union, not a struct
1132             "sigval" => true,
1133             // These are tested as part of the linux_fcntl tests since there are
1134             // header conflicts when including them with all the other structs.
1135             "termios2" => true,
1136             _ => false,
1137         }
1138     });
1140     cfg.skip_signededness(move |c| {
1141         match c {
1142             "LARGE_INTEGER" | "float" | "double" => true,
1143             n if n.starts_with("pthread") => true,
1144             // sem_t is a struct or pointer
1145             "sem_t" => true,
1146             _ => false,
1147         }
1148     });
1150     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
1151         match name {
1152             "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_ERR" | "SIG_IGN" => true, // sighandler_t weirdness
1153             "SIGUNUSED" => true,                       // removed in glibc 2.26
1155             // weird signed extension or something like that?
1156             "MS_NOUSER" => true,
1157             "MS_RMT_MASK" => true, // updated in glibc 2.22 and musl 1.1.13
1158             "BOTHER" => true,
1160             _ => false,
1161         }
1162     });
1164     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
1165         match name {
1166             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
1167             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" => true,
1169             "getrlimit" | "getrlimit64" |    // non-int in 1st arg
1170             "setrlimit" | "setrlimit64" |    // non-int in 1st arg
1171             "prlimit" | "prlimit64" |        // non-int in 2nd arg
1173             _ => false,
1174         }
1175     });
1177     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
1178         // This is a weird union, don't check the type.
1179         (struct_ == "ifaddrs" && field == "ifa_ifu") ||
1180         // sighandler_t type is super weird
1181         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
1182         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
1183         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value") ||
1184         // aio_buf is "volatile void*" and Rust doesn't understand volatile
1185         (struct_ == "aiocb" && field == "aio_buf")
1186     });
1188     cfg.skip_field(|struct_, field| {
1189         match (struct_, field) {
1190             // conflicting with `p_type` macro from <resolve.h>.
1191             ("Elf32_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
1192             ("Elf64_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
1193             // pthread_spin_t is a volatile uchar
1194             ("pthread_spinlock_t", "pts_spin") => true,
1195             _ => false,
1196         }
1197     });
1199     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
1200 }
test_dragonflybsd(target: &str)1202 fn test_dragonflybsd(target: &str) {
1203     assert!(target.contains("dragonfly"));
1204     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
1205     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
1207     headers! {
1208         cfg:
1209         "aio.h",
1210         "ctype.h",
1211         "dirent.h",
1212         "dlfcn.h",
1213         "errno.h",
1214         "execinfo.h",
1215         "fcntl.h",
1216         "getopt.h",
1217         "glob.h",
1218         "grp.h",
1219         "ifaddrs.h",
1220         "kvm.h",
1221         "langinfo.h",
1222         "libgen.h",
1223         "limits.h",
1224         "link.h",
1225         "locale.h",
1226         "mqueue.h",
1227         "net/bpf.h",
1228         "net/if.h",
1229         "net/if_arp.h",
1230         "net/if_dl.h",
1231         "net/route.h",
1232         "netdb.h",
1233         "netinet/in.h",
1234         "netinet/ip.h",
1235         "netinet/tcp.h",
1236         "netinet/udp.h",
1237         "poll.h",
1238         "pthread.h",
1239         "pthread_np.h",
1240         "pwd.h",
1241         "regex.h",
1242         "resolv.h",
1243         "sched.h",
1244         "semaphore.h",
1245         "signal.h",
1246         "stddef.h",
1247         "stdint.h",
1248         "stdio.h",
1249         "stdlib.h",
1250         "string.h",
1251         "sys/event.h",
1252         "sys/file.h",
1253         "sys/ioctl.h",
1254         "sys/cpuctl.h",
1255         "sys/eui64.h",
1256         "sys/ipc.h",
1257         "sys/kinfo.h",
1258         "sys/ktrace.h",
1259         "sys/malloc.h",
1260         "sys/mman.h",
1261         "sys/mount.h",
1262         "sys/procctl.h",
1263         "sys/ptrace.h",
1264         "sys/resource.h",
1265         "sys/rtprio.h",
1266         "sys/sched.h",
1267         "sys/shm.h",
1268         "sys/socket.h",
1269         "sys/stat.h",
1270         "sys/statvfs.h",
1271         "sys/sysctl.h",
1272         "sys/time.h",
1273         "sys/times.h",
1274         "sys/timex.h",
1275         "sys/types.h",
1276         "sys/checkpoint.h",
1277         "sys/uio.h",
1278         "sys/un.h",
1279         "sys/utsname.h",
1280         "sys/wait.h",
1281         "syslog.h",
1282         "termios.h",
1283         "time.h",
1284         "ucontext.h",
1285         "unistd.h",
1286         "util.h",
1287         "utime.h",
1288         "utmpx.h",
1289         "vfs/ufs/quota.h",
1290         "vm/vm_map.h",
1291         "wchar.h",
1292         "iconv.h",
1293     }
1295     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
1296         match ty {
1297             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
1298             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "DIR" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Shdr"
1299             | "Elf64_Shdr" | "Elf32_Sym" | "Elf64_Sym" | "Elf32_Ehdr" | "Elf64_Ehdr"
1300             | "Elf32_Chdr" | "Elf64_Chdr" => ty.to_string(),
1302             // FIXME: OSX calls this something else
1303             "sighandler_t" => "sig_t".to_string(),
1305             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
1307             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
1309             // sigval is a struct in Rust, but a union in C:
1310             "sigval" => format!("union sigval"),
1312             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
1313             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
1315             t => t.to_string(),
1316         }
1317     });
1319     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
1320         match field {
1321             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
1322             // of a timeval struct
1323             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
1324                 s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec")
1325             }
1326             "u64" if struct_ == "epoll_event" => "data.u64".to_string(),
1327             // Field is named `type` in C but that is a Rust keyword,
1328             // so these fields are translated to `type_` in the bindings.
1329             "type_" if struct_ == "rtprio" => "type".to_string(),
1330             s => s.to_string(),
1331         }
1332     });
1334     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
1335         match ty {
1336             // sighandler_t is crazy across platforms
1337             "sighandler_t" => true,
1339             _ => false,
1340         }
1341     });
1343     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
1344         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
1345             return true;
1346         }
1347         match ty {
1348             // FIXME: These are tested as part of the linux_fcntl tests since
1349             // there are header conflicts when including them with all the other
1350             // structs.
1351             "termios2" => true,
1353             _ => false,
1354         }
1355     });
1357     cfg.skip_signededness(move |c| {
1358         match c {
1359             "LARGE_INTEGER" | "float" | "double" => true,
1360             // uuid_t is a struct, not an integer.
1361             "uuid_t" => true,
1362             n if n.starts_with("pthread") => true,
1363             // sem_t is a struct or pointer
1364             "sem_t" => true,
1365             // mqd_t is a pointer on DragonFly
1366             "mqd_t" => true,
1368             _ => false,
1369         }
1370     });
1372     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
1373         match name {
1374             "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_ERR" | "SIG_IGN" => true, // sighandler_t weirdness
1376             // weird signed extension or something like that?
1377             "MS_NOUSER" => true,
1378             "MS_RMT_MASK" => true, // updated in glibc 2.22 and musl 1.1.13
1380             // These are defined for Solaris 11, but the crate is tested on
1381             // illumos, where they are currently not defined
1384             _ => false,
1385         }
1386     });
1388     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
1389         // skip those that are manually verified
1390         match name {
1391             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
1392             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "fexecve" => true,
1394             "getrlimit" | "getrlimit64" |    // non-int in 1st arg
1395             "setrlimit" | "setrlimit64" |    // non-int in 1st arg
1396             "prlimit" | "prlimit64"        // non-int in 2nd arg
1397              => true,
1399             _ => false,
1400         }
1401     });
1403     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
1404         // This is a weird union, don't check the type.
1405         (struct_ == "ifaddrs" && field == "ifa_ifu") ||
1406         // sighandler_t type is super weird
1407         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
1408         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
1409         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value") ||
1410         // aio_buf is "volatile void*" and Rust doesn't understand volatile
1411         (struct_ == "aiocb" && field == "aio_buf")
1412     });
1414     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
1415         // this is actually a union on linux, so we can't represent it well and
1416         // just insert some padding.
1417         (struct_ == "siginfo_t" && field == "_pad") ||
1418         // sigev_notify_thread_id is actually part of a sigev_un union
1419         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_notify_thread_id")
1420     });
1422     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
1423 }
test_wasi(target: &str)1425 fn test_wasi(target: &str) {
1426     assert!(target.contains("wasi"));
1428     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
1429     cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None);
1431     headers! { cfg:
1432         "ctype.h",
1433         "dirent.h",
1434         "errno.h",
1435         "fcntl.h",
1436         "limits.h",
1437         "locale.h",
1438         "malloc.h",
1439         "poll.h",
1440         "sched.h",
1441         "stdbool.h",
1442         "stddef.h",
1443         "stdint.h",
1444         "stdio.h",
1445         "stdlib.h",
1446         "string.h",
1447         "sys/resource.h",
1448         "sys/select.h",
1449         "sys/socket.h",
1450         "sys/stat.h",
1451         "sys/times.h",
1452         "sys/types.h",
1453         "sys/uio.h",
1454         "sys/utsname.h",
1455         "sys/ioctl.h",
1456         "time.h",
1457         "unistd.h",
1458         "wasi/api.h",
1459         "wasi/libc.h",
1460         "wasi/libc-find-relpath.h",
1461         "wasi/libc-nocwd.h",
1462         "wchar.h",
1463     }
1465     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
1466         "FILE" | "fd_set" | "DIR" => ty.to_string(),
1467         t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
1468         t if t.starts_with("__wasi") && t.ends_with("_u") => format!("union {}", t),
1469         t if t.starts_with("__wasi") && is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
1470         t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
1471         t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
1472         t => t.to_string(),
1473     });
1475     cfg.field_name(move |_struct, field| {
1476         match field {
1477             // deal with fields as rust keywords
1478             "type_" => "type".to_string(),
1479             s => s.to_string(),
1480         }
1481     });
1483     // Looks like LLD doesn't merge duplicate imports, so if the Rust
1484     // code imports from a module and the C code also imports from a
1485     // module we end up with two imports of function pointers which
1486     // import the same thing but have different function pointers
1487     cfg.skip_fn_ptrcheck(|f| f.starts_with("__wasi"));
1489     // d_name is declared as a flexible array in WASI libc, so it
1490     // doesn't support sizeof.
1491     cfg.skip_field(|s, field| s == "dirent" && field == "d_name");
1493     // Currently Rust/clang disagree on function argument ABI, so skip these
1494     // tests. For more info see WebAssembly/tool-conventions#88
1495     cfg.skip_roundtrip(|_| true);
1497     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
1498 }
test_android(target: &str)1500 fn test_android(target: &str) {
1501     assert!(target.contains("android"));
1502     let target_pointer_width = match target {
1503         t if t.contains("aarch64") || t.contains("x86_64") => 64,
1504         t if t.contains("i686") || t.contains("arm") => 32,
1505         t => panic!("unsupported target: {}", t),
1506     };
1507     let x86 = target.contains("i686") || target.contains("x86_64");
1509     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
1510     cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None);
1512     headers! { cfg:
1513                "arpa/inet.h",
1514                "ctype.h",
1515                "dirent.h",
1516                "dlfcn.h",
1517                "elf.h",
1518                "errno.h",
1519                "fcntl.h",
1520                "getopt.h",
1521                "grp.h",
1522                "ifaddrs.h",
1523                "libgen.h",
1524                "limits.h",
1525                "link.h",
1526                "locale.h",
1527                "malloc.h",
1528                "net/ethernet.h",
1529                "net/if.h",
1530                "net/if_arp.h",
1531                "net/route.h",
1532                "netdb.h",
1533                "netinet/in.h",
1534                "netinet/ip.h",
1535                "netinet/tcp.h",
1536                "netinet/udp.h",
1537                "netpacket/packet.h",
1538                "poll.h",
1539                "pthread.h",
1540                "pty.h",
1541                "pwd.h",
1542                "regex.h",
1543                "resolv.h",
1544                "sched.h",
1545                "semaphore.h",
1546                "signal.h",
1547                "stddef.h",
1548                "stdint.h",
1549                "stdio.h",
1550                "stdlib.h",
1551                "string.h",
1552                "sys/auxv.h",
1553                "sys/epoll.h",
1554                "sys/eventfd.h",
1555                "sys/file.h",
1556                "sys/fsuid.h",
1557                "sys/inotify.h",
1558                "sys/ioctl.h",
1559                "sys/mman.h",
1560                "sys/mount.h",
1561                "sys/personality.h",
1562                "sys/prctl.h",
1563                "sys/ptrace.h",
1564                "sys/random.h",
1565                "sys/reboot.h",
1566                "sys/resource.h",
1567                "sys/sendfile.h",
1568                "sys/signalfd.h",
1569                "sys/socket.h",
1570                "sys/stat.h",
1571                "sys/statvfs.h",
1572                "sys/swap.h",
1573                "sys/syscall.h",
1574                "sys/sysinfo.h",
1575                "sys/system_properties.h",
1576                "sys/time.h",
1577                "sys/timerfd.h",
1578                "sys/times.h",
1579                "sys/types.h",
1580                "sys/ucontext.h",
1581                "sys/uio.h",
1582                "sys/un.h",
1583                "sys/user.h",
1584                "sys/utsname.h",
1585                "sys/vfs.h",
1586                "sys/xattr.h",
1587                "sys/wait.h",
1588                "syslog.h",
1589                "termios.h",
1590                "time.h",
1591                "unistd.h",
1592                "utime.h",
1593                "utmp.h",
1594                "wchar.h",
1595                "xlocale.h",
1596                // time64_t is not defined for 64-bit targets If included it will
1597                // generate the error 'Your time_t is already 64-bit'
1598                [target_pointer_width == 32]: "time64.h",
1599                [x86]: "sys/reg.h",
1600     }
1602     // Include linux headers at the end:
1603     headers! { cfg:
1604                 "asm/mman.h",
1605                 "linux/auxvec.h",
1606                 "linux/dccp.h",
1607                 "linux/elf.h",
1608                 "linux/errqueue.h",
1609                 "linux/falloc.h",
1610                 "linux/filter.h",
1611                 "linux/futex.h",
1612                 "linux/fs.h",
1613                 "linux/genetlink.h",
1614                 "linux/if_alg.h",
1615                 "linux/if_addr.h",
1616                 "linux/if_ether.h",
1617                 "linux/if_link.h",
1618                 "linux/rtnetlink.h",
1619                 "linux/if_tun.h",
1620                 "linux/magic.h",
1621                 "linux/memfd.h",
1622                 "linux/mempolicy.h",
1623                 "linux/module.h",
1624                 "linux/net_tstamp.h",
1625                 "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h",
1626                 "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_log.h",
1627                 "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.h",
1628                 "linux/netfilter/nf_tables.h",
1629                 "linux/netfilter_ipv4.h",
1630                 "linux/netfilter_ipv6.h",
1631                 "linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h",
1632                 "linux/netlink.h",
1633                 "linux/quota.h",
1634                 "linux/reboot.h",
1635                 "linux/seccomp.h",
1636                 "linux/sched.h",
1637                 "linux/sockios.h",
1638                 "linux/uinput.h",
1639                 "linux/vm_sockets.h",
1640                 "linux/wait.h",
1642     }
1644     // Include Android-specific headers:
1645     headers! { cfg:
1646                 "android/set_abort_message.h"
1647     }
1649     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
1650         match ty {
1651             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
1652             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" => ty.to_string(),
1654             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
1656             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
1658             // sigval is a struct in Rust, but a union in C:
1659             "sigval" => format!("union sigval"),
1661             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
1662             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
1664             t => t.to_string(),
1665         }
1666     });
1668     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
1669         match field {
1670             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
1671             // of a timeval struct
1672             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => s.to_string(),
1673             // FIXME: appears that `epoll_event.data` is an union
1674             "u64" if struct_ == "epoll_event" => "data.u64".to_string(),
1675             // The following structs have a field called `type` in C,
1676             // but `type` is a Rust keyword, so these fields are translated
1677             // to `type_` in Rust.
1678             "type_"
1679                 if struct_ == "input_event"
1680                     || struct_ == "input_mask"
1681                     || struct_ == "ff_effect" =>
1682             {
1683                 "type".to_string()
1684             }
1686             s => s.to_string(),
1687         }
1688     });
1690     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
1691         match ty {
1692             // FIXME: `sighandler_t` type is incorrect, see:
1693             // https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
1694             "sighandler_t" => true,
1696             // These are tested in the `linux_elf.rs` file.
1697             "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => true,
1698             _ => false,
1699         }
1700     });
1702     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
1703         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
1704             return true;
1705         }
1706         match ty {
1707             // These are tested as part of the linux_fcntl tests since there are
1708             // header conflicts when including them with all the other structs.
1709             "termios2" => true,
1710             // uc_sigmask and uc_sigmask64 of ucontext_t are an anonymous union
1711             "ucontext_t" => true,
1712             // 'private' type
1713             "prop_info" => true,
1715             // These are tested in the `linux_elf.rs` file.
1716             "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => true,
1718             _ => false,
1719         }
1720     });
1722     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
1723         match name {
1724             // The IPV6 constants are tested in the `linux_ipv6.rs` tests:
1725             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO"
1726             | "IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGR"
1727             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND"
1728             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOWLABEL"
1729             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_PRIORITY"
1730             // The F_ fnctl constants are tested in the `linux_fnctl.rs` tests:
1731             | "F_CANCELLK"
1732             | "F_ADD_SEALS"
1733             | "F_GET_SEALS"
1734             | "F_SEAL_SEAL"
1735             | "F_SEAL_SHRINK"
1736             | "F_SEAL_GROW"
1737             | "F_SEAL_WRITE" => true,
1739             // The `ARPHRD_CAN` is tested in the `linux_if_arp.rs` tests:
1740             "ARPHRD_CAN" => true,
1742             // FIXME: deprecated: not available in any header
1743             // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1356
1744             "ENOATTR" => true,
1746             // FIXME: still necessary?
1747             "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_ERR" | "SIG_IGN" => true, // sighandler_t weirdness
1748             // FIXME: deprecated - removed in glibc 2.26
1749             "SIGUNUSED" => true,
1751             // Needs a newer Android SDK for the definition
1752             "P_PIDFD" => true,
1754             // Requires Linux kernel 5.6
1755             "VMADDR_CID_LOCAL" => true,
1757             // FIXME: conflicts with standard C headers and is tested in
1758             // `linux_termios.rs` below:
1759             "BOTHER" => true,
1760             "IBSHIFT" => true,
1761             "TCGETS2" | "TCSETS2" | "TCSETSW2" | "TCSETSF2" => true,
1763             // is a private value for kernel usage normally
1764             "FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC" => true,
1765             // linux 5.12 min
1766             "MPOL_F_NUMA_BALANCING" => true,
1768             // GRND_INSECURE was added in platform-tools-30.0.0
1769             "GRND_INSECURE" => true,
1771             _ => false,
1772         }
1773     });
1775     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
1776         // skip those that are manually verified
1777         match name {
1778             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
1779             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" | "fexecve" => true,
1781             // There are two versions of the sterror_r function, see
1782             //
1783             // https://linux.die.net/man/3/strerror_r
1784             //
1785             // An XSI-compliant version provided if:
1786             //
1787             // (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && ! _GNU_SOURCE
1788             //
1789             // and a GNU specific version provided if _GNU_SOURCE is defined.
1790             //
1791             // libc provides bindings for the XSI-compliant version, which is
1792             // preferred for portable applications.
1793             //
1794             // We skip the test here since here _GNU_SOURCE is defined, and
1795             // test the XSI version below.
1796             "strerror_r" => true,
1797             "reallocarray" => true,
1798             "__system_property_wait" => true,
1800             // Added in API level 30, but tests use level 28.
1801             "mlock2" => true,
1803             // Added in glibc 2.25.
1804             "getentropy" => true,
1806             // Added in API level 28, but some tests use level 24.
1807             "getrandom" => true,
1809             _ => false,
1810         }
1811     });
1813     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
1814         // This is a weird union, don't check the type.
1815         (struct_ == "ifaddrs" && field == "ifa_ifu") ||
1816         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
1817         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value") ||
1818         // this one is an anonymous union
1819         (struct_ == "ff_effect" && field == "u") ||
1820         // FIXME: `sa_sigaction` has type `sighandler_t` but that type is
1821         // incorrect, see: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
1822         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
1823         // signalfd had SIGSYS fields added in Android 4.19, but CI does not have that version yet.
1824         (struct_ == "signalfd_siginfo" && field == "ssi_call_addr")
1825     });
1827     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
1828         // this is actually a union on linux, so we can't represent it well and
1829         // just insert some padding.
1830         (struct_ == "siginfo_t" && field == "_pad") ||
1831         // FIXME: `sa_sigaction` has type `sighandler_t` but that type is
1832         // incorrect, see: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
1833         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
1834         // sigev_notify_thread_id is actually part of a sigev_un union
1835         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_notify_thread_id") ||
1836         // signalfd had SIGSYS fields added in Android 4.19, but CI does not have that version yet.
1837         (struct_ == "signalfd_siginfo" && (field == "ssi_syscall" ||
1838                                            field == "ssi_call_addr" ||
1839                                            field == "ssi_arch"))
1840     });
1842     cfg.skip_field(|struct_, field| {
1843         match (struct_, field) {
1844             // conflicting with `p_type` macro from <resolve.h>.
1845             ("Elf32_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
1846             ("Elf64_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
1848             // this is actually a union on linux, so we can't represent it well and
1849             // just insert some padding.
1850             ("siginfo_t", "_pad") => true,
1852             _ => false,
1853         }
1854     });
1856     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
1858     test_linux_like_apis(target);
1859 }
test_freebsd(target: &str)1861 fn test_freebsd(target: &str) {
1862     assert!(target.contains("freebsd"));
1863     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
1865     let freebsd_ver = which_freebsd();
1867     match freebsd_ver {
1868         Some(12) => cfg.cfg("freebsd12", None),
1869         Some(13) => cfg.cfg("freebsd13", None),
1870         Some(14) => cfg.cfg("freebsd14", None),
1871         _ => &mut cfg,
1872     };
1874     // For sched linux compat fn
1875     cfg.define("_WITH_CPU_SET_T", None);
1876     // Required for `getline`:
1877     cfg.define("_WITH_GETLINE", None);
1878     // Required for making freebsd11_stat available in the headers
1879     cfg.define("_WANT_FREEBSD11_STAT", None);
1881     let freebsd13 = match freebsd_ver {
1882         Some(n) if n >= 13 => true,
1883         _ => false,
1884     };
1886     headers! { cfg:
1887                 "aio.h",
1888                 "arpa/inet.h",
1889                 "bsm/audit.h",
1890                 "ctype.h",
1891                 "dirent.h",
1892                 "dlfcn.h",
1893                 "elf.h",
1894                 "errno.h",
1895                 "execinfo.h",
1896                 "fcntl.h",
1897                 "getopt.h",
1898                 "glob.h",
1899                 "grp.h",
1900                 "iconv.h",
1901                 "ifaddrs.h",
1902                 "langinfo.h",
1903                 "libgen.h",
1904                 "libutil.h",
1905                 "limits.h",
1906                 "link.h",
1907                 "locale.h",
1908                 "machine/elf.h",
1909                 "machine/reg.h",
1910                 "malloc_np.h",
1911                 "memstat.h",
1912                 "mqueue.h",
1913                 "net/bpf.h",
1914                 "net/if.h",
1915                 "net/if_arp.h",
1916                 "net/if_dl.h",
1917                 "net/if_mib.h",
1918                 "net/route.h",
1919                 "netdb.h",
1920                 "netinet/ip.h",
1921                 "netinet/in.h",
1922                 "netinet/tcp.h",
1923                 "netinet/udp.h",
1924                 "poll.h",
1925                 "pthread.h",
1926                 "pthread_np.h",
1927                 "pwd.h",
1928                 "regex.h",
1929                 "resolv.h",
1930                 "sched.h",
1931                 "semaphore.h",
1932                 "signal.h",
1933                 "spawn.h",
1934                 "stddef.h",
1935                 "stdint.h",
1936                 "stdio.h",
1937                 "stdlib.h",
1938                 "string.h",
1939                 "sys/capsicum.h",
1940                 "sys/auxv.h",
1941                 "sys/cpuset.h",
1942                 "sys/domainset.h",
1943                 "sys/eui64.h",
1944                 "sys/event.h",
1945                 [freebsd13]:"sys/eventfd.h",
1946                 "sys/extattr.h",
1947                 "sys/file.h",
1948                 "sys/ioctl.h",
1949                 "sys/ipc.h",
1950                 "sys/jail.h",
1951                 "sys/mman.h",
1952                 "sys/mount.h",
1953                 "sys/msg.h",
1954                 "sys/procctl.h",
1955                 "sys/procdesc.h",
1956                 "sys/ptrace.h",
1957                 "sys/queue.h",
1958                 "sys/random.h",
1959                 "sys/resource.h",
1960                 "sys/rtprio.h",
1961                 "sys/sem.h",
1962                 "sys/shm.h",
1963                 "sys/socket.h",
1964                 "sys/stat.h",
1965                 "sys/statvfs.h",
1966                 "sys/sysctl.h",
1967                 "sys/thr.h",
1968                 "sys/time.h",
1969                 "sys/times.h",
1970                 "sys/timex.h",
1971                 "sys/types.h",
1972                 "sys/proc.h",
1973                 "kvm.h", // must be after "sys/types.h"
1974                 "sys/ucontext.h",
1975                 "sys/uio.h",
1976                 "sys/ktrace.h",
1977                 "sys/umtx.h",
1978                 "sys/un.h",
1979                 "sys/user.h",
1980                 "sys/utsname.h",
1981                 "sys/uuid.h",
1982                 "sys/vmmeter.h",
1983                 "sys/wait.h",
1984                 "libprocstat.h",
1985                 "devstat.h",
1986                 "syslog.h",
1987                 "termios.h",
1988                 "time.h",
1989                 "ufs/ufs/quota.h",
1990                 "unistd.h",
1991                 "utime.h",
1992                 "utmpx.h",
1993                 "wchar.h",
1994     }
1996     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
1997         match ty {
1998             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
1999             "FILE"
2000             | "fd_set"
2001             | "Dl_info"
2002             | "DIR"
2003             | "Elf32_Phdr"
2004             | "Elf64_Phdr"
2005             | "Elf32_Auxinfo"
2006             | "Elf64_Auxinfo"
2007             | "devstat_select_mode"
2008             | "devstat_support_flags"
2009             | "devstat_type_flags"
2010             | "devstat_match_flags"
2011             | "devstat_priority" => ty.to_string(),
2013             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1273
2014             "sighandler_t" => "sig_t".to_string(),
2016             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
2018             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
2020             // sigval is a struct in Rust, but a union in C:
2021             "sigval" => format!("union sigval"),
2023             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
2024             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
2026             t => t.to_string(),
2027         }
2028     });
2030     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
2031         match field {
2032             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
2033             // of a timeval struct
2034             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
2035                 s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec")
2036             }
2037             // Field is named `type` in C but that is a Rust keyword,
2038             // so these fields are translated to `type_` in the bindings.
2039             "type_" if struct_ == "rtprio" => "type".to_string(),
2040             "type_" if struct_ == "sockstat" => "type".to_string(),
2041             "type_" if struct_ == "devstat_match_table" => "type".to_string(),
2042             s => s.to_string(),
2043         }
2044     });
2046     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
2047         match name {
2048             // These constants were introduced in FreeBSD 13:
2049             "F_ADD_SEALS" | "F_GET_SEALS" | "F_SEAL_SEAL" | "F_SEAL_SHRINK" | "F_SEAL_GROW"
2050             | "F_SEAL_WRITE"
2051                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2052             {
2053                 true
2054             }
2056             // These constants were introduced in FreeBSD 13:
2057             "EFD_CLOEXEC" | "EFD_NONBLOCK" | "EFD_SEMAPHORE" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2059             // FIXME: These are deprecated - remove in a couple of releases.
2060             // These constants were removed in FreeBSD 11 (svn r273250) but will
2061             // still be accepted and ignored at runtime.
2062             "MAP_RENAME" | "MAP_NORESERVE" => true,
2064             // FIXME: These are deprecated - remove in a couple of releases.
2065             // These constants were removed in FreeBSD 11 (svn r262489),
2066             // and they've never had any legitimate use outside of the
2067             // base system anyway.
2068             "CTL_MAXID" | "KERN_MAXID" | "HW_MAXID" | "USER_MAXID" => true,
2070             // FIXME: This is deprecated - remove in a couple of releases.
2071             // This was removed in FreeBSD 14 (git 1b4701fe1e8) and never
2072             // should've been used anywhere anyway.
2073             "TDF_UNUSED23" => true,
2075             // FIXME: These are deprecated - remove in a couple of releases.
2076             // These symbols are not stable across OS-versions.  They were
2077             // changed for FreeBSD 14 in git revisions b62848b0c3f and
2078             // 2cf7870864e.
2080             | "PRI_MAX_KERN" | "PSWP" | "PVM" | "PINOD" | "PRIBIO" | "PVFS" | "PZERO" | "PSOCK"
2081             | "PWAIT" | "PLOCK" | "PPAUSE" | "PRI_MIN_TIMESHARE" | "PUSER" | "PI_AV" | "PI_NET"
2082             | "PI_DISK" | "PI_TTY" | "PI_DULL" | "PI_SOFT" => true,
2084             // This symbol changed in FreeBSD 14 (git 051e7d78b03), but the new
2085             // version should be safe to use on older releases.
2086             "IFCAP_CANTCHANGE" => true,
2088             // These were removed in FreeBSD 14 (git c6d31b8306e)
2090             | "TDF_ALRMPEND" | "TDF_PROFPEND" | "TDF_MACPEND" => true,
2092             // This constant was removed in FreeBSD 13 (svn r363622), and never
2093             // had any legitimate use outside of the base system anyway.
2094             "CTL_P1003_1B_MAXID" => true,
2096             // This was renamed in FreeBSD 12.2 and 13 (r352486).
2097             "CTL_UNSPEC" | "CTL_SYSCTL" => true,
2099             // This was renamed in FreeBSD 12.2 and 13 (r350749).
2100             "IPPROTO_SEP" | "IPPROTO_DCCP" => true,
2102             // This was changed to 96(0x60) in FreeBSD 13:
2103             // https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/
2104             // commit/06b00ceaa914a3907e4e27bad924f44612bae1d7
2105             "MINCORE_SUPER" if Some(13) <= freebsd_ver => true,
2107             // Added in FreeBSD 13.0 (r356667)
2108             "GRND_INSECURE" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2110             // Added in FreeBSD 13.0 (r349609)
2111             "PROC_PROTMAX_CTL"
2112             | "PROC_PROTMAX_STATUS"
2113             | "PROC_PROTMAX_FORCE_ENABLE"
2114             | "PROC_PROTMAX_FORCE_DISABLE"
2115             | "PROC_PROTMAX_NOFORCE"
2116             | "PROC_PROTMAX_ACTIVE"
2117             | "PROC_NO_NEW_PRIVS_CTL"
2118             | "PROC_NO_NEW_PRIVS_STATUS"
2119             | "PROC_NO_NEW_PRIVS_ENABLE"
2120             | "PROC_NO_NEW_PRIVS_DISABLE"
2121             | "PROC_WXMAP_CTL"
2122             | "PROC_WXMAP_STATUS"
2123             | "PROC_WX_MAPPINGS_PERMIT"
2125             | "PROC_WXORX_ENFORCE"
2126                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2127             {
2128                 true
2129             }
2131             // Added in in FreeBSD 13.0 (r367776 and r367287)
2132             "SCM_CREDS2" | "LOCAL_CREDS_PERSISTENT" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2134             // Added in FreeBSD 14
2135             "SPACECTL_DEALLOC" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2137             // Added in FreeBSD 13.
2138             "KERN_PROC_SIGFASTBLK"
2139             | "USER_LOCALBASE"
2140             | "TDP_SIGFASTBLOCK"
2141             | "TDP_UIOHELD"
2142             | "TDP_SIGFASTPENDING"
2143             | "TDP2_COMPAT32RB"
2144             | "P2_PROTMAX_ENABLE"
2145             | "P2_PROTMAX_DISABLE"
2146             | "CTLFLAG_NEEDGIANT"
2147             | "CTL_SYSCTL_NEXTNOSKIP"
2148                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2149             {
2150                 true
2151             }
2153             // Added in freebsd 14.
2154             "IFCAP_MEXTPG" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2155             // Added in freebsd 13.
2158                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2159             {
2160                 true
2161             }
2162             // Added in FreeBSD 13.
2163             "PS_FST_TYPE_EVENTFD" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2165             // Added in FreeBSD 14.
2166             "MNT_RECURSE" | "MNT_DEFERRED" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2168             // Added in FreeBSD 13.
2170             | "MNT_EMPTYDIR"
2171                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2172             {
2173                 true
2174             }
2176             // Added in FreeBSD 14.
2178                 if Some(14) > freebsd_ver =>
2179             {
2180                 true
2181             }
2183             // Added in FreeBSD 14.
2184             "F_KINFO" => true, // FIXME: depends how frequent freebsd 14 is updated on CI, this addition went this week only.
2185             "SHM_RENAME_NOREPLACE"
2186             | "SHM_RENAME_EXCHANGE"
2187             | "SHM_LARGEPAGE_ALLOC_DEFAULT"
2188             | "SHM_LARGEPAGE_ALLOC_NOWAIT"
2189             | "SHM_LARGEPAGE_ALLOC_HARD"
2190             | "MFD_CLOEXEC"
2191             | "MFD_ALLOW_SEALING"
2192             | "MFD_HUGETLB"
2193             | "MFD_HUGE_MASK"
2194             | "MFD_HUGE_64KB"
2195             | "MFD_HUGE_512KB"
2196             | "MFD_HUGE_1MB"
2197             | "MFD_HUGE_2MB"
2198             | "MFD_HUGE_8MB"
2199             | "MFD_HUGE_16MB"
2200             | "MFD_HUGE_32MB"
2201             | "MFD_HUGE_256MB"
2202             | "MFD_HUGE_512MB"
2203             | "MFD_HUGE_1GB"
2204             | "MFD_HUGE_2GB"
2205             | "MFD_HUGE_16GB"
2206                 if Some(13) > freebsd_ver =>
2207             {
2208                 true
2209             }
2211             // Flags introduced in FreeBSD 14.
2212             "TCP_MAXUNACKTIME"
2213             | "TCP_MAXPEAKRATE"
2214             | "TCP_IDLE_REDUCE"
2215             | "TCP_REMOTE_UDP_ENCAPS_PORT"
2216             | "TCP_DELACK"
2217             | "TCP_FIN_IS_RST"
2218             | "TCP_LOG_LIMIT"
2219             | "TCP_SHARED_CWND_ALLOWED"
2220             | "TCP_PROC_ACCOUNTING"
2221             | "TCP_USE_CMP_ACKS"
2222             | "TCP_PERF_INFO"
2223             | "TCP_LRD"
2224                 if Some(14) > freebsd_ver =>
2225             {
2226                 true
2227             }
2229             // Added in FreeBSD 14
2230             "LIO_READV" | "LIO_WRITEV" | "LIO_VECTORED" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2232             // Added in FreeBSD 13
2233             "FIOSSHMLPGCNF" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2235             // Added in FreeBSD 14
2236             "IFCAP_NV" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2238             _ => false,
2239         }
2240     });
2242     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
2243         match ty {
2244             // the struct "__kvm" is quite tricky to bind so since we only use a pointer to it
2245             // for now, it doesn't matter too much...
2246             "kvm_t" => true,
2248             _ => false,
2249         }
2250     });
2252     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
2253         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
2254             return true;
2255         }
2256         match ty {
2257             // `procstat` is a private struct
2258             "procstat" => true,
2260             // `spacectl_range` was introduced in FreeBSD 14
2261             "spacectl_range" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2263             // `ptrace_coredump` introduced in FreeBSD 14.
2264             "ptrace_coredump" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2266             // `sockcred2` is not available in FreeBSD 12.
2267             "sockcred2" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2268             // `shm_largepage_conf` was introduced in FreeBSD 13.
2269             "shm_largepage_conf" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2271             // Those are private types
2272             "memory_type" => true,
2273             "memory_type_list" => true,
2275             _ => false,
2276         }
2277     });
2279     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
2280         // skip those that are manually verified
2281         match name {
2282             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
2283             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" | "fexecve" => true,
2285             // `fspacectl` was introduced in FreeBSD 14
2286             "fspacectl" if Some(14) > freebsd_ver => true,
2288             // The `uname` function in the `utsname.h` FreeBSD header is a C
2289             // inline function (has no symbol) that calls the `__xuname` symbol.
2290             // Therefore the function pointer comparison does not make sense for it.
2291             "uname" => true,
2293             // FIXME: Our API is unsound. The Rust API allows aliasing
2294             // pointers, but the C API requires pointers not to alias.
2295             // We should probably be at least using `&`/`&mut` here, see:
2296             // https://github.com/gnzlbg/ctest/issues/68
2297             "lio_listio" => true,
2299             // Those are introduced in FreeBSD 14.
2300             "sched_getaffinity" | "sched_setaffinity" | "sched_getcpu"
2301                 if Some(14) > freebsd_ver =>
2302             {
2303                 true
2304             }
2306             // This is not available in FreeBSD 12.
2307             "SOCKCRED2SIZE" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2309             // Those are not available in FreeBSD 12.
2310             "memfd_create" | "shm_create_largepage" | "shm_rename" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => {
2311                 true
2312             }
2314             // Added in FreeBSD 13.
2315             "getlocalbase" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2316             "aio_readv" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2317             "aio_writev" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2318             "copy_file_range" if Some(13) > freebsd_ver => true,
2320             _ => false,
2321         }
2322     });
2324     cfg.volatile_item(|i| {
2325         use ctest::VolatileItemKind::*;
2326         match i {
2327             // aio_buf is a volatile void** but since we cannot express that in
2328             // Rust types, we have to explicitly tell the checker about it here:
2329             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "aiocb" && f == "aio_buf" => true,
2330             _ => false,
2331         }
2332     });
2334     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
2335         match (struct_, field) {
2336             // FIXME: `sa_sigaction` has type `sighandler_t` but that type is
2337             // incorrect, see: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
2338             ("sigaction", "sa_sigaction") => true,
2340             // conflicting with `p_type` macro from <resolve.h>.
2341             ("Elf32_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
2342             ("Elf64_Phdr", "p_type") => true,
2344             // not available until FreeBSD 12, and is an anonymous union there.
2345             ("xucred", "cr_pid__c_anonymous_union") => true,
2347             // m_owner field is a volatile __lwpid_t
2348             ("umutex", "m_owner") => true,
2349             // c_has_waiters field is a volatile int32_t
2350             ("ucond", "c_has_waiters") => true,
2351             // is PATH_MAX long but tests can't accept multi array as equivalent.
2352             ("kinfo_vmentry", "kve_path") => true,
2354             // a_un field is a union
2355             ("Elf32_Auxinfo", "a_un") => true,
2356             ("Elf64_Auxinfo", "a_un") => true,
2358             // union fields
2359             ("if_data", "__ifi_epoch") => true,
2360             ("if_data", "__ifi_lastchange") => true,
2361             ("ifreq", "ifr_ifru") => true,
2362             ("ifconf", "ifc_ifcu") => true,
2364             // anonymous struct
2365             ("devstat", "dev_links") => true,
2367             // FIXME: structs too complicated to bind for now...
2368             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_paddr") => true,
2369             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_addr") => true,
2370             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_tracep") => true,
2371             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_textvp") => true,
2372             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_fd") => true,
2373             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_vmspace") => true,
2374             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_pcb") => true,
2375             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_tdaddr") => true,
2376             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_pd") => true,
2378             // Anonymous type.
2379             ("filestat", "next") => true,
2381             // We ignore this field because we needed to use a hack in order to make rust 1.19
2382             // happy...
2383             ("kinfo_proc", "ki_sparestrings") => true,
2385             // `__sem_base` is a private struct field
2386             ("semid_ds", "__sem_base") => true,
2388             // `snap_time` is a `long double`, but it's a nightmare to bind correctly in rust
2389             // for the moment, so it's a best effort thing...
2390             ("statinfo", "snap_time") => true,
2392             _ => false,
2393         }
2394     });
2396     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
2397 }
test_emscripten(target: &str)2399 fn test_emscripten(target: &str) {
2400     assert!(target.contains("emscripten"));
2402     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
2403     cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None); // FIXME: ??
2405     headers! { cfg:
2406                "aio.h",
2407                "ctype.h",
2408                "dirent.h",
2409                "dlfcn.h",
2410                "errno.h",
2411                "fcntl.h",
2412                "glob.h",
2413                "grp.h",
2414                "ifaddrs.h",
2415                "langinfo.h",
2416                "limits.h",
2417                "locale.h",
2418                "malloc.h",
2419                "mntent.h",
2420                "mqueue.h",
2421                "net/ethernet.h",
2422                "net/if.h",
2423                "net/if_arp.h",
2424                "net/route.h",
2425                "netdb.h",
2426                "netinet/in.h",
2427                "netinet/ip.h",
2428                "netinet/tcp.h",
2429                "netinet/udp.h",
2430                "netpacket/packet.h",
2431                "poll.h",
2432                "pthread.h",
2433                "pty.h",
2434                "pwd.h",
2435                "resolv.h",
2436                "sched.h",
2437                "sched.h",
2438                "semaphore.h",
2439                "shadow.h",
2440                "signal.h",
2441                "stddef.h",
2442                "stdint.h",
2443                "stdio.h",
2444                "stdlib.h",
2445                "string.h",
2446                "sys/epoll.h",
2447                "sys/eventfd.h",
2448                "sys/file.h",
2449                "sys/ioctl.h",
2450                "sys/ipc.h",
2451                "sys/mman.h",
2452                "sys/mount.h",
2453                "sys/msg.h",
2454                "sys/personality.h",
2455                "sys/prctl.h",
2456                "sys/ptrace.h",
2457                "sys/quota.h",
2458                "sys/reboot.h",
2459                "sys/resource.h",
2460                "sys/sem.h",
2461                "sys/shm.h",
2462                "sys/signalfd.h",
2463                "sys/socket.h",
2464                "sys/stat.h",
2465                "sys/statvfs.h",
2466                "sys/swap.h",
2467                "sys/syscall.h",
2468                "sys/sysctl.h",
2469                "sys/sysinfo.h",
2470                "sys/time.h",
2471                "sys/timerfd.h",
2472                "sys/times.h",
2473                "sys/types.h",
2474                "sys/uio.h",
2475                "sys/un.h",
2476                "sys/user.h",
2477                "sys/utsname.h",
2478                "sys/vfs.h",
2479                "sys/wait.h",
2480                "sys/xattr.h",
2481                "syslog.h",
2482                "termios.h",
2483                "time.h",
2484                "ucontext.h",
2485                "unistd.h",
2486                "utime.h",
2487                "utmp.h",
2488                "utmpx.h",
2489                "wchar.h",
2490     }
2492     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
2493         match ty {
2494             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
2495             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "DIR" => ty.to_string(),
2497             "os_unfair_lock" => "struct os_unfair_lock_s".to_string(),
2499             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
2501             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
2503             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
2504             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
2506             t => t.to_string(),
2507         }
2508     });
2510     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
2511         match field {
2512             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
2513             // of a timeval struct
2514             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
2515                 s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec")
2516             }
2517             // FIXME: appears that `epoll_event.data` is an union
2518             "u64" if struct_ == "epoll_event" => "data.u64".to_string(),
2519             s => s.to_string(),
2520         }
2521     });
2523     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
2524         match ty {
2525             // sighandler_t is crazy across platforms
2526             // FIXME: is this necessary?
2527             "sighandler_t" => true,
2529             // FIXME: The size has been changed due to musl's time64
2530             "time_t" => true,
2532             _ => false,
2533         }
2534     });
2536     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
2537         match ty {
2538             // This is actually a union, not a struct
2539             // FIXME: is this necessary?
2540             "sigval" => true,
2542             // FIXME: It was removed in
2543             // emscripten-core/emscripten@953e414
2544             "pthread_mutexattr_t" => true,
2546             // FIXME: Investigate why the test fails.
2547             // Skip for now to unblock CI.
2548             "pthread_condattr_t" => true,
2550             // FIXME: The size has been changed when upgraded to musl 1.2.2
2551             "pthread_mutex_t" => true,
2553             // FIXME: The size has been changed
2554             "max_align_t" => true,
2556             // FIXME: The size has been changed due to time64
2557             "utimbuf" | "timeval" | "timespec" | "rusage" | "itimerval" | "sched_param"
2558             | "stat" | "stat64" | "shmid_ds" | "msqid_ds" => true,
2560             _ => false,
2561         }
2562     });
2564     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
2565         match name {
2566             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
2567             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" | "fexecve" => true,
2569             // FIXME: Investigate why CI is missing it.
2570             "clearenv" => true,
2572             // FIXME: Somehow the ctest cannot find it on emscripten:
2573             //  = note: error: undefined symbol: wait4 (referenced by top-level compiled C/C++ code)
2574             //  warning: Link with `-sLLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED` to get more information on undefined symbols
2575             //  warning: To disable errors for undefined symbols use `-sERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0`
2576             //  warning: _wait4 may need to be added to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS if it arrives from a system library
2577             //  Error: Aborting compilation due to previous errors
2578             "wait4" => true,
2580             _ => false,
2581         }
2582     });
2584     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
2585         match name {
2586             // FIXME: deprecated - SIGNUNUSED was removed in glibc 2.26
2587             // users should use SIGSYS instead
2588             "SIGUNUSED" => true,
2590             // FIXME: emscripten uses different constants to constructs these
2591             n if n.contains("__SIZEOF_PTHREAD") => true,
2593             // FIXME: `SYS_gettid` was removed in
2594             // emscripten-core/emscripten@6d6474e
2595             "SYS_gettid" => true,
2597             // FIXME: These values have been changed
2598             | "POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED" // to 4
2599             | "RLIMIT_NLIMITS" // to 16
2600             | "RLIM_NLIMITS" // to 16
2601             | "IPPROTO_MAX" // to 263
2602             | "F_GETLK" // to 5
2603             | "F_SETLK" // to 6
2604             | "F_SETLKW" // to 7
2605             | "O_TMPFILE" // to 65
2606             | "SIG_IGN" // -1
2607                 => true,
2609             _ => false,
2610         }
2611     });
2613     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
2614         // This is a weird union, don't check the type.
2615         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2616         (struct_ == "ifaddrs" && field == "ifa_ifu") ||
2617         // sighandler_t type is super weird
2618         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2619         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
2620         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
2621         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2622         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value") ||
2623         // aio_buf is "volatile void*" and Rust doesn't understand volatile
2624         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2625         (struct_ == "aiocb" && field == "aio_buf")
2626     });
2628     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
2629         // this is actually a union on linux, so we can't represent it well and
2630         // just insert some padding.
2631         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2632         (struct_ == "siginfo_t" && field == "_pad") ||
2633         // musl names this __dummy1 but it's still there
2634         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2635         (struct_ == "glob_t" && field == "gl_flags") ||
2636         // musl seems to define this as an *anonymous* bitfield
2637         // FIXME: is this necessary?
2638         (struct_ == "statvfs" && field == "__f_unused") ||
2639         // sigev_notify_thread_id is actually part of a sigev_un union
2640         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_notify_thread_id") ||
2641         // signalfd had SIGSYS fields added in Linux 4.18, but no libc release has them yet.
2642         (struct_ == "signalfd_siginfo" && (field == "ssi_addr_lsb" ||
2643                                            field == "_pad2" ||
2644                                            field == "ssi_syscall" ||
2645                                            field == "ssi_call_addr" ||
2646                                            field == "ssi_arch")) ||
2647         // FIXME: After musl 1.1.24, it have only one field `sched_priority`,
2648         // while other fields become reserved.
2649         (struct_ == "sched_param" && [
2650             "sched_ss_low_priority",
2651             "sched_ss_repl_period",
2652             "sched_ss_init_budget",
2653             "sched_ss_max_repl",
2654         ].contains(&field))
2655     });
2657     // FIXME: test linux like
2658     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
2659 }
test_neutrino(target: &str)2661 fn test_neutrino(target: &str) {
2662     assert!(target.contains("nto-qnx"));
2664     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
2666     headers! { cfg:
2667         "ctype.h",
2668         "dirent.h",
2669         "dlfcn.h",
2670         "sys/elf.h",
2671         "fcntl.h",
2672         "glob.h",
2673         "grp.h",
2674         "iconv.h",
2675         "ifaddrs.h",
2676         "limits.h",
2677         "sys/link.h",
2678         "locale.h",
2679         "sys/malloc.h",
2680         "rcheck/malloc.h",
2681         "malloc.h",
2682         "mqueue.h",
2683         "net/if.h",
2684         "net/if_arp.h",
2685         "net/route.h",
2686         "netdb.h",
2687         "netinet/in.h",
2688         "netinet/ip.h",
2689         "netinet/tcp.h",
2690         "netinet/udp.h",
2691         "netinet/ip_var.h",
2692         "sys/poll.h",
2693         "pthread.h",
2694         "pwd.h",
2695         "regex.h",
2696         "resolv.h",
2697         "sys/sched.h",
2698         "sched.h",
2699         "semaphore.h",
2700         "shadow.h",
2701         "signal.h",
2702         "spawn.h",
2703         "stddef.h",
2704         "stdint.h",
2705         "stdio.h",
2706         "stdlib.h",
2707         "string.h",
2708         "sys/sysctl.h",
2709         "sys/file.h",
2710         "sys/inotify.h",
2711         "sys/ioctl.h",
2712         "sys/ipc.h",
2713         "sys/mman.h",
2714         "sys/mount.h",
2715         "sys/msg.h",
2716         "sys/resource.h",
2717         "sys/sem.h",
2718         "sys/socket.h",
2719         "sys/stat.h",
2720         "sys/statvfs.h",
2721         "sys/swap.h",
2722         "sys/termio.h",
2723         "sys/time.h",
2724         "sys/times.h",
2725         "sys/types.h",
2726         "sys/uio.h",
2727         "sys/un.h",
2728         "sys/utsname.h",
2729         "sys/wait.h",
2730         "syslog.h",
2731         "termios.h",
2732         "time.h",
2733         "sys/time.h",
2734         "ucontext.h",
2735         "unistd.h",
2736         "utime.h",
2737         "utmp.h",
2738         "wchar.h",
2739         "aio.h",
2740         "nl_types.h",
2741         "langinfo.h",
2742         "unix.h",
2743         "nbutil.h",
2744         "aio.h",
2745         "net/bpf.h",
2746         "net/if_dl.h",
2747         "sys/syspage.h",
2749         // TODO: The following header file doesn't appear as part of the default headers
2750         //       found in a standard installation of Neutrino 7.1 SDP.  The structures/
2751         //       functions dependent on it are currently commented out.
2752         //"sys/asyncmsg.h",
2753     }
2755     // Create and include a header file containing
2756     // items which are not included in any official
2757     // header file.
2758     let internal_header = "internal.h";
2759     let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
2760     cfg.header(internal_header);
2761     cfg.include(&out_dir);
2762     std::fs::write(
2763         out_dir.to_owned() + "/" + internal_header,
2764         "#ifndef __internal_h__
2765         #define __internal_h__
2766         void __my_thread_exit(const void **);
2767         #endif",
2768     )
2769     .unwrap();
2771     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
2772         match ty {
2773             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
2774             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "DIR" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Shdr"
2775             | "Elf64_Shdr" | "Elf32_Sym" | "Elf64_Sym" | "Elf32_Ehdr" | "Elf64_Ehdr"
2776             | "Elf32_Chdr" | "Elf64_Chdr" | "aarch64_qreg_t" | "syspage_entry_info"
2777             | "syspage_array_info" => ty.to_string(),
2779             "Ioctl" => "int".to_string(),
2781             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
2783             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
2785             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
2786             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
2788             t => t.to_string(),
2789         }
2790     });
2792     cfg.field_name(move |_struct_, field| match field {
2793         "type_" => "type".to_string(),
2795         s => s.to_string(),
2796     });
2798     cfg.volatile_item(|i| {
2799         use ctest::VolatileItemKind::*;
2800         match i {
2801             // The following fields are volatie but since we cannot express that in
2802             // Rust types, we have to explicitly tell the checker about it here:
2803             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "aiocb" && f == "aio_buf" => true,
2804             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "qtime_entry" && f == "nsec_tod_adjust" => true,
2805             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "qtime_entry" && f == "nsec" => true,
2806             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "qtime_entry" && f == "nsec_stable" => true,
2807             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "intrspin" && f == "value" => true,
2808             _ => false,
2809         }
2810     });
2812     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
2813         match ty {
2814             // FIXME: `sighandler_t` type is incorrect, see:
2815             // https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
2816             "sighandler_t" => true,
2818             // Does not exist in Neutrino
2819             "locale_t" => true,
2821             _ => false,
2822         }
2823     });
2825     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
2826         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
2827             return true;
2828         }
2829         match ty {
2830             "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => true,
2832             // FIXME: This is actually a union, not a struct
2833             "sigval" => true,
2835             // union
2836             "_channel_connect_attr" => true,
2838             _ => false,
2839         }
2840     });
2842     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
2843         match name {
2844             // These signal "functions" are actually integer values that are casted to a fn ptr
2845             // This causes the compiler to err because of "illegal cast of int to ptr".
2846             "SIG_DFL" => true,
2847             "SIG_IGN" => true,
2848             "SIG_ERR" => true,
2850             _ => false,
2851         }
2852     });
2854     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
2855         // skip those that are manually verified
2856         match name {
2857             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
2858             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" => true,
2860             // wrong signature
2861             "signal" => true,
2863             // wrong signature of callback ptr
2864             "__cxa_atexit" => true,
2866             // FIXME: Our API is unsound. The Rust API allows aliasing
2867             // pointers, but the C API requires pointers not to alias.
2868             // We should probably be at least using `&`/`&mut` here, see:
2869             // https://github.com/gnzlbg/ctest/issues/68
2870             "lio_listio" => true,
2872             // 2 fields are actually unions which we're simply representing
2873             // as structures.
2874             "ChannelConnectAttr" => true,
2876             // fields contains unions
2877             "SignalKillSigval" => true,
2878             "SignalKillSigval_r" => true,
2880             // Not defined in any headers.  Defined to work around a
2881             // stack unwinding bug.
2882             "__my_thread_exit" => true,
2884             _ => false,
2885         }
2886     });
2888     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
2889         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
2890         struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value" ||
2891         // Anonymous structures
2892         struct_ == "_idle_hook" && field == "time"
2893     });
2895     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
2896         (struct_ == "__sched_param" && field == "reserved") ||
2897         (struct_ == "sched_param" && field == "reserved") ||
2898         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "__sigev_un1") || // union
2899         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "__sigev_un2") || // union
2900         // sighandler_t type is super weird
2901         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
2902         // does not exist
2903         (struct_ == "syspage_entry" && field == "__reserved") ||
2904         false // keep me for smaller diffs when something is added above
2905     });
2907     cfg.skip_static(move |name| (name == "__dso_handle"));
2909     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
2910 }
test_vxworks(target: &str)2912 fn test_vxworks(target: &str) {
2913     assert!(target.contains("vxworks"));
2915     let mut cfg = ctest::TestGenerator::new();
2916     headers! { cfg:
2917                "vxWorks.h",
2918                "yvals.h",
2919                "nfs/nfsCommon.h",
2920                "rtpLibCommon.h",
2921                "randomNumGen.h",
2922                "taskLib.h",
2923                "sysLib.h",
2924                "ioLib.h",
2925                "inetLib.h",
2926                "socket.h",
2927                "errnoLib.h",
2928                "ctype.h",
2929                "dirent.h",
2930                "dlfcn.h",
2931                "elf.h",
2932                "fcntl.h",
2933                "grp.h",
2934                "sys/poll.h",
2935                "ifaddrs.h",
2936                "langinfo.h",
2937                "limits.h",
2938                "link.h",
2939                "locale.h",
2940                "sys/stat.h",
2941                "netdb.h",
2942                "pthread.h",
2943                "pwd.h",
2944                "sched.h",
2945                "semaphore.h",
2946                "signal.h",
2947                "stddef.h",
2948                "stdint.h",
2949                "stdio.h",
2950                "stdlib.h",
2951                "string.h",
2952                "sys/file.h",
2953                "sys/ioctl.h",
2954                "sys/socket.h",
2955                "sys/time.h",
2956                "sys/times.h",
2957                "sys/types.h",
2958                "sys/uio.h",
2959                "sys/un.h",
2960                "sys/utsname.h",
2961                "sys/wait.h",
2962                "netinet/tcp.h",
2963                "syslog.h",
2964                "termios.h",
2965                "time.h",
2966                "ucontext.h",
2967                "unistd.h",
2968                "utime.h",
2969                "wchar.h",
2970                "errno.h",
2971                "sys/mman.h",
2972                "pathLib.h",
2973                "mqueue.h",
2974     }
2975     // FIXME
2976     cfg.skip_const(move |name| match name {
2977         // sighandler_t weirdness
2978         "SIG_DFL" | "SIG_ERR" | "SIG_IGN"
2979         // This is not defined in vxWorks
2980         | "RTLD_DEFAULT"   => true,
2981         _ => false,
2982     });
2983     // FIXME
2984     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| match ty {
2985         "stat64" | "sighandler_t" | "off64_t" => true,
2986         _ => false,
2987     });
2989     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| match (struct_, field) {
2990         ("siginfo_t", "si_value") | ("stat", "st_size") | ("sigaction", "sa_u") => true,
2991         _ => false,
2992     });
2994     cfg.skip_roundtrip(move |s| match s {
2995         _ => false,
2996     });
2998     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
2999         "DIR" | "FILE" | "Dl_info" | "RTP_DESC" => ty.to_string(),
3000         t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
3001         t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
3002         t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
3003         t => t.to_string(),
3004     });
3006     // FIXME
3007     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| match name {
3008         // sigval
3009         "sigqueue" | "_sigqueue"
3010         // sighandler_t
3011         | "signal"
3012         // not used in static linking by default
3013         | "dlerror" => true,
3014         _ => false,
3015     });
3017     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
3018 }
test_linux(target: &str)3020 fn test_linux(target: &str) {
3021     assert!(target.contains("linux"));
3023     // target_env
3024     let gnu = target.contains("gnu");
3025     let musl = target.contains("musl") || target.contains("ohos");
3026     let uclibc = target.contains("uclibc");
3028     match (gnu, musl, uclibc) {
3029         (true, false, false) => (),
3030         (false, true, false) => (),
3031         (false, false, true) => (),
3032         (_, _, _) => panic!(
3033             "linux target lib is gnu: {}, musl: {}, uclibc: {}",
3034             gnu, musl, uclibc
3035         ),
3036     }
3038     let arm = target.contains("arm");
3039     let i686 = target.contains("i686");
3040     let mips = target.contains("mips");
3041     let mips32 = mips && !target.contains("64");
3042     let mips64 = mips && target.contains("64");
3043     let ppc = target.contains("powerpc");
3044     let ppc64 = target.contains("powerpc64");
3045     let s390x = target.contains("s390x");
3046     let sparc64 = target.contains("sparc64");
3047     let x32 = target.contains("x32");
3048     let x86_32 = target.contains("i686");
3049     let x86_64 = target.contains("x86_64");
3050     let aarch64_musl = target.contains("aarch64") && musl;
3051     let gnueabihf = target.contains("gnueabihf");
3052     let x86_64_gnux32 = target.contains("gnux32") && x86_64;
3053     let riscv64 = target.contains("riscv64");
3054     let uclibc = target.contains("uclibc");
3056     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3057     cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None);
3058     // This macro re-deifnes fscanf,scanf,sscanf to link to the symbols that are
3059     // deprecated since glibc >= 2.29. This allows Rust binaries to link against
3060     // glibc versions older than 2.29.
3061     cfg.define("__GLIBC_USE_DEPRECATED_SCANF", None);
3063     headers! { cfg:
3064                "ctype.h",
3065                "dirent.h",
3066                "dlfcn.h",
3067                "elf.h",
3068                "fcntl.h",
3069                "getopt.h",
3070                "glob.h",
3071                [gnu]: "gnu/libc-version.h",
3072                "grp.h",
3073                "iconv.h",
3074                "ifaddrs.h",
3075                "langinfo.h",
3076                "libgen.h",
3077                "limits.h",
3078                "link.h",
3079                "locale.h",
3080                "malloc.h",
3081                "mntent.h",
3082                "mqueue.h",
3083                "net/ethernet.h",
3084                "net/if.h",
3085                "net/if_arp.h",
3086                "net/route.h",
3087                "netdb.h",
3088                "netinet/in.h",
3089                "netinet/ip.h",
3090                "netinet/tcp.h",
3091                "netinet/udp.h",
3092                "netpacket/packet.h",
3093                "poll.h",
3094                "pthread.h",
3095                "pty.h",
3096                "pwd.h",
3097                "regex.h",
3098                "resolv.h",
3099                "sched.h",
3100                "semaphore.h",
3101                "shadow.h",
3102                "signal.h",
3103                "spawn.h",
3104                "stddef.h",
3105                "stdint.h",
3106                "stdio.h",
3107                "stdlib.h",
3108                "string.h",
3109                "sys/epoll.h",
3110                "sys/eventfd.h",
3111                "sys/file.h",
3112                "sys/fsuid.h",
3113                "sys/inotify.h",
3114                "sys/ioctl.h",
3115                "sys/ipc.h",
3116                "sys/mman.h",
3117                "sys/mount.h",
3118                "sys/msg.h",
3119                "sys/personality.h",
3120                "sys/prctl.h",
3121                "sys/ptrace.h",
3122                "sys/quota.h",
3123                "sys/random.h",
3124                "sys/reboot.h",
3125                "sys/resource.h",
3126                "sys/sem.h",
3127                "sys/sendfile.h",
3128                "sys/shm.h",
3129                "sys/signalfd.h",
3130                "sys/socket.h",
3131                "sys/stat.h",
3132                "sys/statvfs.h",
3133                "sys/swap.h",
3134                "sys/syscall.h",
3135                "sys/time.h",
3136                "sys/timerfd.h",
3137                "sys/times.h",
3138                "sys/timex.h",
3139                "sys/types.h",
3140                "sys/uio.h",
3141                "sys/un.h",
3142                "sys/user.h",
3143                "sys/utsname.h",
3144                "sys/vfs.h",
3145                "sys/wait.h",
3146                "syslog.h",
3147                "termios.h",
3148                "time.h",
3149                "ucontext.h",
3150                "unistd.h",
3151                "utime.h",
3152                "utmp.h",
3153                "utmpx.h",
3154                "wchar.h",
3155                "errno.h",
3156                // `sys/io.h` is only available on x86*, Alpha, IA64, and 32-bit
3157                // ARM: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1116162
3158                // Also unavailable on gnueabihf with glibc 2.30.
3159                // https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=commitdiff;h=6b33f373c7b9199e00ba5fbafd94ac9bfb4337b1
3160                [(x86_64 || x86_32 || arm) && !gnueabihf]: "sys/io.h",
3161                // `sys/reg.h` is only available on x86 and x86_64
3162                [x86_64 || x86_32]: "sys/reg.h",
3163                // sysctl system call is deprecated and not available on musl
3164                // It is also unsupported in x32, deprecated since glibc 2.30:
3165                [!(x32 || musl || gnu)]: "sys/sysctl.h",
3166                // <execinfo.h> is not supported by musl:
3167                // https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2015/04/09/3
3168                // <execinfo.h> is not present on uclibc.
3169                [!(musl || uclibc)]: "execinfo.h",
3170     }
3172     // Include linux headers at the end:
3173     headers! {
3174         cfg:
3175         "asm/mman.h",
3176         "linux/can.h",
3177         "linux/can/raw.h",
3178         // FIXME: requires kernel headers >= 5.4.1.
3179         [!musl]: "linux/can/j1939.h",
3180         "linux/dccp.h",
3181         "linux/errqueue.h",
3182         "linux/falloc.h",
3183         "linux/filter.h",
3184         "linux/fs.h",
3185         "linux/futex.h",
3186         "linux/genetlink.h",
3187         "linux/if.h",
3188         "linux/if_addr.h",
3189         "linux/if_alg.h",
3190         "linux/if_ether.h",
3191         "linux/if_tun.h",
3192         "linux/input.h",
3193         "linux/ipv6.h",
3194         "linux/keyctl.h",
3195         "linux/magic.h",
3196         "linux/memfd.h",
3197         "linux/mempolicy.h",
3198         "linux/mman.h",
3199         "linux/module.h",
3200         "linux/net_tstamp.h",
3201         "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink.h",
3202         "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_log.h",
3203         "linux/netfilter/nfnetlink_queue.h",
3204         "linux/netfilter/nf_tables.h",
3205         "linux/netfilter_ipv4.h",
3206         "linux/netfilter_ipv6.h",
3207         "linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h",
3208         "linux/netlink.h",
3209         // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.6:
3210         [!musl && !sparc64]: "linux/openat2.h",
3211         [!musl]: "linux/ptrace.h",
3212         "linux/quota.h",
3213         "linux/random.h",
3214         "linux/reboot.h",
3215         "linux/rtnetlink.h",
3216         "linux/sched.h",
3217         "linux/seccomp.h",
3218         "linux/sched.h",
3219         "linux/sock_diag.h",
3220         "linux/sockios.h",
3221         "linux/uinput.h",
3222         "linux/vm_sockets.h",
3223         "linux/wait.h",
3224         "sys/fanotify.h",
3225         // <sys/auxv.h> is not present on uclibc
3226         [!uclibc]: "sys/auxv.h",
3227     }
3229     // note: aio.h must be included before sys/mount.h
3230     headers! {
3231         cfg:
3232         "sys/xattr.h",
3233         "sys/sysinfo.h",
3234         // AIO is not supported by uclibc:
3235         [!uclibc]: "aio.h",
3236     }
3238     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
3239         match ty {
3240             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
3241             "FILE" | "fd_set" | "Dl_info" | "DIR" | "Elf32_Phdr" | "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Shdr"
3242             | "Elf64_Shdr" | "Elf32_Sym" | "Elf64_Sym" | "Elf32_Ehdr" | "Elf64_Ehdr"
3243             | "Elf32_Chdr" | "Elf64_Chdr" => ty.to_string(),
3245             "Ioctl" if gnu => "unsigned long".to_string(),
3246             "Ioctl" => "int".to_string(),
3248             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
3250             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
3252             // In MUSL `flock64` is a typedef to `flock`.
3253             "flock64" if musl => format!("struct {}", ty),
3255             // put `struct` in front of all structs:.
3256             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
3258             t => t.to_string(),
3259         }
3260     });
3262     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
3263         match field {
3264             // Our stat *_nsec fields normally don't actually exist but are part
3265             // of a timeval struct
3266             s if s.ends_with("_nsec") && struct_.starts_with("stat") => {
3267                 s.replace("e_nsec", ".tv_nsec")
3268             }
3269             // FIXME: epoll_event.data is actually a union in C, but in Rust
3270             // it is only a u64 because we only expose one field
3271             // http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/epoll_wait.2.html
3272             "u64" if struct_ == "epoll_event" => "data.u64".to_string(),
3273             // The following structs have a field called `type` in C,
3274             // but `type` is a Rust keyword, so these fields are translated
3275             // to `type_` in Rust.
3276             "type_"
3277                 if struct_ == "input_event"
3278                     || struct_ == "input_mask"
3279                     || struct_ == "ff_effect" =>
3280             {
3281                 "type".to_string()
3282             }
3284             s => s.to_string(),
3285         }
3286     });
3288     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
3289         match ty {
3290             // FIXME: `sighandler_t` type is incorrect, see:
3291             // https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1359
3292             "sighandler_t" => true,
3294             // These cannot be tested when "resolv.h" is included and are tested
3295             // in the `linux_elf.rs` file.
3296             "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => true,
3298             // This type is private on Linux. It is implemented as a C `enum`
3299             // (`c_uint`) and this clashes with the type of the `rlimit` APIs
3300             // which expect a `c_int` even though both are ABI compatible.
3301             "__rlimit_resource_t" => true,
3302             // on Linux, this is a volatile int
3303             "pthread_spinlock_t" => true,
3305             // For internal use only, to define architecture specific ioctl constants with a libc specific type.
3306             "Ioctl" => true,
3308             // FIXME: requires >= 5.4.1 kernel headers
3309             "pgn_t" if musl => true,
3310             "priority_t" if musl => true,
3311             "name_t" if musl => true,
3313             _ => false,
3314         }
3315     });
3317     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
3318         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
3319             return true;
3320         }
3321         // FIXME: musl CI has old headers
3322         if (musl || sparc64) && ty.starts_with("uinput_") {
3323             return true;
3324         }
3325         // FIXME(https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1558): passing by
3326         // value corrupts the value for reasons not understood.
3327         if (gnu && sparc64) && ty == "ip_mreqn" {
3328             return true;
3329         }
3330         match ty {
3331             // These cannot be tested when "resolv.h" is included and are tested
3332             // in the `linux_elf.rs` file.
3333             "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => true,
3335             // On Linux, the type of `ut_tv` field of `struct utmpx`
3336             // can be an anonymous struct, so an extra struct,
3337             // which is absent in glibc, has to be defined.
3338             "__timeval" => true,
3340             // FIXME: This is actually a union, not a struct
3341             "sigval" => true,
3343             // This type is tested in the `linux_termios.rs` file since there
3344             // are header conflicts when including them with all the other
3345             // structs.
3346             "termios2" => true,
3348             // FIXME: remove once we set minimum supported glibc version.
3349             // ucontext_t added a new field as of glibc 2.28; our struct definition is
3350             // conservative and omits the field, but that means the size doesn't match for newer
3351             // glibcs (see https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1410)
3352             "ucontext_t" if gnu => true,
3354             // FIXME: Somehow we cannot include headers correctly in glibc 2.30.
3355             // So let's ignore for now and re-visit later.
3356             // Probably related: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91085
3357             "statx" => true,
3358             "statx_timestamp" => true,
3360             // On Linux, the type of `ut_exit` field of struct `utmpx`
3361             // can be an anonymous struct, so an extra struct,
3362             // which is absent in musl, has to be defined.
3363             "__exit_status" if musl => true,
3365             // clone_args might differ b/w libc versions
3366             "clone_args" => true,
3368             // Might differ between kernel versions
3369             "open_how" => true,
3371             // FIXME: requires >= 5.4.1 kernel headers
3372             "j1939_filter" if musl => true,
3374             // FIXME: requires >= 5.4 kernel headers
3375             "sockaddr_can" if musl => true,
3377             // FIXME: Unignore once we update Ubuntu to 22.04
3378             "mallinfo2" if sparc64 => true,
3379             "ptrace_rseq_configuration" if sparc64 => true,
3381             _ => false,
3382         }
3383     });
3385     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
3386         if !gnu {
3387             // Skip definitions from the kernel on non-glibc Linux targets.
3388             // They're libc-independent, so we only need to check them on one
3389             // libc. We don't want to break CI if musl or another libc doesn't
3390             // have the definitions yet. (We do still want to check them on
3391             // every glibc target, though, as some of them can vary by
3392             // architecture.)
3393             //
3394             // This is not an exhaustive list of kernel constants, just a list
3395             // of prefixes of all those that have appeared here or that get
3396             // updated regularly and seem likely to cause breakage.
3397             if name.starts_with("AF_")
3398                 || name.starts_with("ARPHRD_")
3399                 || name.starts_with("EPOLL")
3400                 || name.starts_with("F_")
3401                 || name.starts_with("FALLOC_FL_")
3402                 || name.starts_with("IFLA_")
3403                 || name.starts_with("MS_")
3404                 || name.starts_with("MSG_")
3405                 || name.starts_with("P_")
3406                 || name.starts_with("PF_")
3407                 || name.starts_with("RLIMIT_")
3408                 || name.starts_with("SOL_")
3409                 || name.starts_with("STATX_")
3410                 || name.starts_with("SW_")
3411                 || name.starts_with("SYS_")
3412                 || name.starts_with("TCP_")
3413                 || name.starts_with("UINPUT_")
3414                 || name.starts_with("VMADDR_")
3415             {
3416                 return true;
3417             }
3418         }
3419         if musl || sparc64 {
3420             // FIXME: Requires >= 5.4.1 kernel headers
3421             if name.starts_with("J1939")
3422                 || name.starts_with("SO_J1939")
3423                 || name.starts_with("SCM_J1939")
3424             {
3425                 return true;
3426             }
3427         }
3428         match name {
3429             // These constants are not available if gnu headers have been included
3430             // and can therefore not be tested here
3431             //
3432             // The IPV6 constants are tested in the `linux_ipv6.rs` tests:
3433             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO"
3434             | "IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGR"
3435             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND"
3436             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOWLABEL"
3437             | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_PRIORITY"
3438             // The F_ fnctl constants are tested in the `linux_fnctl.rs` tests:
3439             | "F_CANCELLK"
3440             | "F_ADD_SEALS"
3441             | "F_GET_SEALS"
3442             | "F_SEAL_SEAL"
3443             | "F_SEAL_SHRINK"
3444             | "F_SEAL_GROW"
3445             | "F_SEAL_WRITE" => true,
3446             // The `ARPHRD_CAN` is tested in the `linux_if_arp.rs` tests
3447             // because including `linux/if_arp.h` causes some conflicts:
3448             "ARPHRD_CAN" => true,
3450             // FIXME: deprecated: not available in any header
3451             // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1356
3452             "ENOATTR" => true,
3454             // FIXME: SIGUNUSED was removed in glibc 2.26
3455             // Users should use SIGSYS instead.
3456             "SIGUNUSED" => true,
3458             // FIXME: conflicts with glibc headers and is tested in
3459             // `linux_termios.rs` below:
3460             | "BOTHER"
3461             | "IBSHIFT"
3462             | "TCGETS2"
3463             | "TCSETS2"
3464             | "TCSETSW2"
3465             | "TCSETSF2" => true,
3467             // FIXME: on musl the pthread types are defined a little differently
3468             // - these constants are used by the glibc implementation.
3469             n if musl && n.contains("__SIZEOF_PTHREAD") => true,
3471             // FIXME: It was extended to 4096 since glibc 2.31 (Linux 5.4).
3472             // We should do so after a while.
3473             "SOMAXCONN" if gnu => true,
3475             // deprecated: not available from Linux kernel 5.6:
3476             "VMADDR_CID_RESERVED" => true,
3478             // IPPROTO_MAX was increased in 5.6 for IPPROTO_MPTCP:
3479             | "IPPROTO_MAX"
3480             | "IPPROTO_MPTCP" => true,
3482             // FIXME: Not currently available in headers
3483             "P_PIDFD" if mips => true,
3484             "SYS_pidfd_open" if mips => true,
3486             // FIXME: Not currently available in headers on MIPS
3487             // Not yet implemented on sparc64
3488             "SYS_clone3" if mips | sparc64 => true,
3490             // FIXME: Not defined on ARM, gnueabihf, MIPS, musl, PowerPC, riscv64, s390x, and sparc64.
3491             "SYS_memfd_secret" if arm | gnueabihf | mips | musl | ppc | riscv64 | s390x | sparc64 => true,
3493             // FIXME: Added in Linux 5.16
3494             // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/039c0ec9bb77446d7ada7f55f90af9299b28ca49
3495             "SYS_futex_waitv" => true,
3497             // FIXME: Added in Linux 5.17
3498             // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/c6018b4b254971863bd0ad36bb5e7d0fa0f0ddb0
3499             "SYS_set_mempolicy_home_node" => true,
3501             // FIXME: Added in Linux 5.18
3502             // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/8b5413647262dda8d8d0e07e14ea1de9ac7cf0b2
3503             "NFQA_PRIORITY" => true,
3505             // FIXME: requires more recent kernel headers on CI
3506             | "UINPUT_VERSION"
3507             | "SW_MAX"
3508             | "SW_CNT"
3509                 if mips || ppc64 || riscv64 || sparc64 => true,
3511             // FIXME: Not currently available in headers on ARM, MIPS and musl.
3512             "NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK" if arm || mips || musl => true,
3514             // kernel constants not available in uclibc 1.0.34
3515             | "EXTPROC"
3516             | "FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM"
3517             | "FAN_MARK_INODE"
3518             | "IPPROTO_BEETPH"
3519             | "IPPROTO_MPLS"
3520             | "IPV6_HDRINCL"
3521             | "IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL"
3522             | "IPV6_PMTUDISC_INTERFACE"
3523             | "IPV6_PMTUDISC_OMIT"
3524             | "IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT_ISOLATE"
3525             | "PACKET_MR_UNICAST"
3526             | "RUSAGE_THREAD"
3527             | "SHM_EXEC"
3528             | "UDP_GRO"
3529             | "UDP_SEGMENT"
3530                 if uclibc => true,
3532             // headers conflicts with linux/pidfd.h
3533             "PIDFD_NONBLOCK" => true,
3535             // is a private value for kernel usage normally
3536             "FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC" => true,
3538             // linux 5.17 min
3539             "PR_SET_VMA" | "PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME" => true,
3541             // present in recent kernels only
3542             "PR_PAC_SET_ENABLED_KEYS" | "PR_PAC_GET_ENABLED_KEYS" => true,
3544             // Added in Linux 5.14
3545             "FUTEX_LOCK_PI2" => true,
3547             // FIXME: Parts of netfilter/nfnetlink*.h require more recent kernel headers:
3548             | "RTNLGRP_MCTP_IFADDR" // linux v5.17+
3549             | "RTNLGRP_TUNNEL" // linux v5.18+
3550             | "RTNLGRP_STATS" // linux v5.18+
3551                 => true,
3553             // FIXME: The below is no longer const in glibc 2.34:
3554             // https://github.com/bminor/glibc/commit/5d98a7dae955bafa6740c26eaba9c86060ae0344
3555             | "PTHREAD_STACK_MIN"
3556             | "SIGSTKSZ"
3557             | "MINSIGSTKSZ"
3558                 if gnu => true,
3560             // FIXME: Linux >= 5.16 changed its value:
3561             // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/42df6e1d221dddc0f2acf2be37e68d553ad65f96
3562             "NF_NETDEV_NUMHOOKS" => true,
3564             // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.6:
3565             | "RESOLVE_BENEATH"
3566             | "RESOLVE_CACHED"
3567             | "RESOLVE_IN_ROOT"
3568             | "RESOLVE_NO_MAGICLINKS"
3569             | "RESOLVE_NO_SYMLINKS"
3570             | "RESOLVE_NO_XDEV" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3572             // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.4:
3573             | "CAN_J1939"
3574             | "CAN_NPROTO" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3576             // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.6
3577             "GRND_INSECURE" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3579             // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.7:
3580             "MREMAP_DONTUNMAP" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3582             // FIXME: Requires more recent kernel headers (5.9 / 5.11):
3583             | "CLOSE_RANGE_UNSHARE"
3584             | "CLOSE_RANGE_CLOEXEC" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3586             // FIXME: requires Linux >= 5.12:
3587             "MPOL_F_NUMA_BALANCING" if musl || sparc64 => true,
3589             // FIXME: Requires more recent kernel headers
3590             | "NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT" // bumped in v5.14
3591             | "NFNL_SUBSYS_HOOK" // v5.14+
3592             | "NFULA_VLAN" // v5.4+
3593             | "NFULA_L2HDR" // v5.4+
3594             | "NFULA_VLAN_PROTO" // v5.4+
3595             | "NFULA_VLAN_TCI" // v5.4+
3596             | "NFULA_VLAN_UNSPEC" // v5.4+
3597             | "RTNLGRP_NEXTHOP" // linux v5.3+
3598             | "RTNLGRP_BRVLAN" // linux v5.6+
3599             if musl || sparc64 => true,
3601             // FIXME: Unignore once we update Ubuntu to 22.04
3602             | "VMADDR_CID_LOCAL"
3603             | "STATX_MNT_ID"
3604             | "SYS_close_range"
3605             | "SYS_openat2"
3606             | "SYS_pidfd_getfd"
3607             | "SYS_faccessat2"
3608             | "SYS_process_madvise"
3609             | "SYS_epoll_pwait2"
3610             | "SYS_mount_setattr"
3611             | "SYS_quotactl_fd"
3612             | "SYS_landlock_create_ruleset"
3613             | "SYS_landlock_add_rule"
3614             | "SYS_landlock_restrict_self"
3615             | "SYS_process_mrelease"
3616             | "IFLA_PROP_LIST"
3617             | "IFLA_ALT_IFNAME"
3618             | "IFLA_PERM_ADDRESS"
3619             | "IFLA_PROTO_DOWN_REASON"
3620             | "STATX_ATTR_MOUNT_ROOT"
3621             | "STATX_ATTR_VERITY"
3622             | "STATX_ATTR_DAX"
3623             if sparc64 => true,
3624             // Added in Linux 5.13
3625             "PTRACE_GET_RSEQ_CONFIGURATION" if sparc64 => true,
3627             _ => false,
3628         }
3629     });
3631     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
3632         // skip those that are manually verified
3633         match name {
3634             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
3635             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" | "fexecve" => true,
3637             // There are two versions of the sterror_r function, see
3638             //
3639             // https://linux.die.net/man/3/strerror_r
3640             //
3641             // An XSI-compliant version provided if:
3642             //
3643             // (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600)
3644             //  && ! _GNU_SOURCE
3645             //
3646             // and a GNU specific version provided if _GNU_SOURCE is defined.
3647             //
3648             // libc provides bindings for the XSI-compliant version, which is
3649             // preferred for portable applications.
3650             //
3651             // We skip the test here since here _GNU_SOURCE is defined, and
3652             // test the XSI version below.
3653             "strerror_r" => true,
3655             // FIXME: Our API is unsound. The Rust API allows aliasing
3656             // pointers, but the C API requires pointers not to alias.
3657             // We should probably be at least using `&`/`&mut` here, see:
3658             // https://github.com/gnzlbg/ctest/issues/68
3659             "lio_listio" if musl => true,
3661             // FIXME: the glibc version used by the Sparc64 build jobs
3662             // which use Debian 10.0 is too old.
3663             "statx" if sparc64 => true,
3665             // FIXME: Deprecated since glibc 2.30. Remove fn once upstream does.
3666             "sysctl" if gnu => true,
3668             // FIXME: It now takes c_void instead of timezone since glibc 2.31.
3669             "gettimeofday" if gnu => true,
3671             // These are all implemented as static inline functions in uclibc, so
3672             // they cannot be linked against.
3673             // If implementations are required, they might need to be implemented
3674             // in this crate.
3675             "posix_spawnattr_init" if uclibc => true,
3676             "posix_spawnattr_destroy" if uclibc => true,
3677             "posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault" if uclibc => true,
3678             "posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault" if uclibc => true,
3679             "posix_spawnattr_getsigmask" if uclibc => true,
3680             "posix_spawnattr_setsigmask" if uclibc => true,
3681             "posix_spawnattr_getflags" if uclibc => true,
3682             "posix_spawnattr_setflags" if uclibc => true,
3683             "posix_spawnattr_getpgroup" if uclibc => true,
3684             "posix_spawnattr_setpgroup" if uclibc => true,
3685             "posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy" if uclibc => true,
3686             "posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy" if uclibc => true,
3687             "posix_spawnattr_getschedparam" if uclibc => true,
3688             "posix_spawnattr_setschedparam" if uclibc => true,
3689             "posix_spawn_file_actions_init" if uclibc => true,
3690             "posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy" if uclibc => true,
3692             // uclibc defines the flags type as a uint, but dependent crates
3693             // assume it's a int instead.
3694             "getnameinfo" if uclibc => true,
3696             // FIXME: This needs musl 1.2.2 or later.
3697             "gettid" if musl => true,
3699             // Needs glibc 2.33 or later.
3700             "mallinfo2" => true,
3702             "reallocarray" if musl => true,
3704             // Not defined in uclibc as of 1.0.34
3705             "gettid" if uclibc => true,
3707             // Needs musl 1.2.3 or later.
3708             "pthread_getname_np" if musl => true,
3710             // pthread_sigqueue uses sigval, which was initially declared
3711             // as a struct but should be defined as a union. However due
3712             // to the issues described here: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/2816
3713             // it can't be changed from struct.
3714             "pthread_sigqueue" => true,
3716             // There are two versions of basename(3) on Linux with glibc, see
3717             //
3718             // https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/basename.3.html
3719             //
3720             // If libgen.h is included, then the POSIX version will be available;
3721             // If _GNU_SOURCE is defined and string.h is included, then the GNU one
3722             // will be used.
3723             //
3724             // libc exposes both of them, providing a prefix to differentiate between
3725             // them.
3726             //
3727             // Because the name with prefix is not a valid symbol in C, we have to
3728             // skip the tests.
3729             "posix_basename" if gnu => true,
3730             "gnu_basename" if gnu => true,
3732             _ => false,
3733         }
3734     });
3736     cfg.skip_field_type(move |struct_, field| {
3737         // This is a weird union, don't check the type.
3738         (struct_ == "ifaddrs" && field == "ifa_ifu") ||
3739         // sighandler_t type is super weird
3740         (struct_ == "sigaction" && field == "sa_sigaction") ||
3741         // __timeval type is a patch which doesn't exist in glibc
3742         (struct_ == "utmpx" && field == "ut_tv") ||
3743         // sigval is actually a union, but we pretend it's a struct
3744         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_value") ||
3745         // this one is an anonymous union
3746         (struct_ == "ff_effect" && field == "u") ||
3747         // `__exit_status` type is a patch which is absent in musl
3748         (struct_ == "utmpx" && field == "ut_exit" && musl) ||
3749         // `can_addr` is an anonymous union
3750         (struct_ == "sockaddr_can" && field == "can_addr")
3751     });
3753     cfg.volatile_item(|i| {
3754         use ctest::VolatileItemKind::*;
3755         match i {
3756             // aio_buf is a volatile void** but since we cannot express that in
3757             // Rust types, we have to explicitly tell the checker about it here:
3758             StructField(ref n, ref f) if n == "aiocb" && f == "aio_buf" => true,
3759             _ => false,
3760         }
3761     });
3763     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
3764         // this is actually a union on linux, so we can't represent it well and
3765         // just insert some padding.
3766         (struct_ == "siginfo_t" && field == "_pad") ||
3767         // musl names this __dummy1 but it's still there
3768         (musl && struct_ == "glob_t" && field == "gl_flags") ||
3769         // musl seems to define this as an *anonymous* bitfield
3770         (musl && struct_ == "statvfs" && field == "__f_unused") ||
3771         // sigev_notify_thread_id is actually part of a sigev_un union
3772         (struct_ == "sigevent" && field == "sigev_notify_thread_id") ||
3773         // signalfd had SIGSYS fields added in Linux 4.18, but no libc release
3774         // has them yet.
3775         (struct_ == "signalfd_siginfo" && (field == "ssi_addr_lsb" ||
3776                                            field == "_pad2" ||
3777                                            field == "ssi_syscall" ||
3778                                            field == "ssi_call_addr" ||
3779                                            field == "ssi_arch")) ||
3780         // FIXME: After musl 1.1.24, it have only one field `sched_priority`,
3781         // while other fields become reserved.
3782         (struct_ == "sched_param" && [
3783             "sched_ss_low_priority",
3784             "sched_ss_repl_period",
3785             "sched_ss_init_budget",
3786             "sched_ss_max_repl",
3787         ].contains(&field) && musl) ||
3788         // FIXME: After musl 1.1.24, the type becomes `int` instead of `unsigned short`.
3789         (struct_ == "ipc_perm" && field == "__seq" && aarch64_musl) ||
3790         // glibc uses unnamed fields here and Rust doesn't support that yet
3791         (struct_ == "timex" && field.starts_with("__unused")) ||
3792         // FIXME: It now takes mode_t since glibc 2.31 on some targets.
3793         (struct_ == "ipc_perm" && field == "mode"
3794             && ((x86_64 || i686 || arm || riscv64) && gnu || x86_64_gnux32)
3795         ) ||
3796         // the `u` field is in fact an anonymous union
3797         (gnu && struct_ == "ptrace_syscall_info" && (field == "u" || field == "pad")) ||
3798         // the vregs field is a `__uint128_t` C's type.
3799         (struct_ == "user_fpsimd_struct" && field == "vregs") ||
3800         // Linux >= 5.11 tweaked the `svm_zero` field of the `sockaddr_vm` struct.
3801         // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/dc8eeef73b63ed8988224ba6b5ed19a615163a7f
3802         (struct_ == "sockaddr_vm" && field == "svm_zero") ||
3803         // the `ifr_ifru` field is an anonymous union
3804         (struct_ == "ifreq" && field == "ifr_ifru")
3805     });
3807     cfg.skip_roundtrip(move |s| match s {
3808         // FIXME:
3809         "utsname" if mips32 || mips64 => true,
3810         // FIXME:
3811         "mcontext_t" if s390x => true,
3812         // FIXME: This is actually a union.
3813         "fpreg_t" if s390x => true,
3815         "sockaddr_un" | "sembuf" | "ff_constant_effect" if mips32 && (gnu || musl) => true,
3816         "ipv6_mreq"
3817         | "ip_mreq_source"
3818         | "sockaddr_in6"
3819         | "sockaddr_ll"
3820         | "in_pktinfo"
3821         | "arpreq"
3822         | "arpreq_old"
3823         | "sockaddr_un"
3824         | "ff_constant_effect"
3825         | "ff_ramp_effect"
3826         | "ff_condition_effect"
3827         | "Elf32_Ehdr"
3828         | "Elf32_Chdr"
3829         | "ucred"
3830         | "in6_pktinfo"
3831         | "sockaddr_nl"
3832         | "termios"
3833         | "nlmsgerr"
3834             if (mips64 || sparc64) && gnu =>
3835         {
3836             true
3837         }
3839         // FIXME: the call ABI of max_align_t is incorrect on these platforms:
3840         "max_align_t" if i686 || mips64 || ppc64 => true,
3842         _ => false,
3843     });
3845     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
3847     test_linux_like_apis(target);
3848 }
3850 // This function tests APIs that are incompatible to test when other APIs
3851 // are included (e.g. because including both sets of headers clashes)
test_linux_like_apis(target: &str)3852 fn test_linux_like_apis(target: &str) {
3853     let gnu = target.contains("gnu");
3854     let musl = target.contains("musl") || target.contains("ohos");
3855     let linux = target.contains("linux");
3856     let emscripten = target.contains("emscripten");
3857     let android = target.contains("android");
3858     assert!(linux || android || emscripten);
3860     if linux || android || emscripten {
3861         // test strerror_r from the `string.h` header
3862         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3863         cfg.skip_type(|_| true).skip_static(|_| true);
3865         headers! { cfg: "string.h" }
3866         cfg.skip_fn(|f| match f {
3867             "strerror_r" => false,
3868             _ => true,
3869         })
3870         .skip_const(|_| true)
3871         .skip_struct(|_| true);
3872         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_strerror_r.rs");
3873     }
3875     if linux || android || emscripten {
3876         // test fcntl - see:
3877         // http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/fcntl.2.html
3878         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3880         if musl {
3881             cfg.header("fcntl.h");
3882         } else {
3883             cfg.header("linux/fcntl.h");
3884         }
3886         cfg.skip_type(|_| true)
3887             .skip_static(|_| true)
3888             .skip_struct(|_| true)
3889             .skip_fn(|_| true)
3890             .skip_const(move |name| match name {
3891                 // test fcntl constants:
3892                 "F_CANCELLK" | "F_ADD_SEALS" | "F_GET_SEALS" | "F_SEAL_SEAL" | "F_SEAL_SHRINK"
3893                 | "F_SEAL_GROW" | "F_SEAL_WRITE" => false,
3894                 _ => true,
3895             })
3896             .type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
3897                 t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
3898                 t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
3899                 t => t.to_string(),
3900             });
3902         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_fcntl.rs");
3903     }
3905     if linux || android {
3906         // test termios
3907         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3908         cfg.header("asm/termbits.h");
3909         cfg.header("linux/termios.h");
3910         cfg.skip_type(|_| true)
3911             .skip_static(|_| true)
3912             .skip_fn(|_| true)
3913             .skip_const(|c| match c {
3914                 "BOTHER" | "IBSHIFT" => false,
3915                 "TCGETS2" | "TCSETS2" | "TCSETSW2" | "TCSETSF2" => false,
3916                 _ => true,
3917             })
3918             .skip_struct(|s| s != "termios2")
3919             .type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
3920                 "Ioctl" if gnu => "unsigned long".to_string(),
3921                 "Ioctl" => "int".to_string(),
3922                 t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
3923                 t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
3924                 t => t.to_string(),
3925             });
3926         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_termios.rs");
3927     }
3929     if linux || android {
3930         // test IPV6_ constants:
3931         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3932         headers! {
3933             cfg:
3934             "linux/in6.h"
3935         }
3936         cfg.skip_type(|_| true)
3937             .skip_static(|_| true)
3938             .skip_fn(|_| true)
3939             .skip_const(|_| true)
3940             .skip_struct(|_| true)
3941             .skip_const(move |name| match name {
3942                 "IPV6_FLOWINFO"
3943                 | "IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MGR"
3944                 | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_SEND"
3945                 | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_FLOWLABEL"
3946                 | "IPV6_FLOWINFO_PRIORITY" => false,
3947                 _ => true,
3948             })
3949             .type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| match ty {
3950                 t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
3951                 t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
3952                 t => t.to_string(),
3953             });
3954         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_ipv6.rs");
3955     }
3957     if linux || android {
3958         // Test Elf64_Phdr and Elf32_Phdr
3959         // These types have a field called `p_type`, but including
3960         // "resolve.h" defines a `p_type` macro that expands to `__p_type`
3961         // making the tests for these fails when both are included.
3962         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3963         cfg.header("elf.h");
3964         cfg.skip_fn(|_| true)
3965             .skip_static(|_| true)
3966             .skip_const(|_| true)
3967             .type_name(move |ty, _is_struct, _is_union| ty.to_string())
3968             .skip_struct(move |ty| match ty {
3969                 "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => false,
3970                 _ => true,
3971             })
3972             .skip_type(move |ty| match ty {
3973                 "Elf64_Phdr" | "Elf32_Phdr" => false,
3974                 _ => true,
3975             });
3976         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_elf.rs");
3977     }
3979     if linux || android {
3980         // Test `ARPHRD_CAN`.
3981         let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
3982         cfg.header("linux/if_arp.h");
3983         cfg.skip_fn(|_| true)
3984             .skip_static(|_| true)
3985             .skip_const(move |name| match name {
3986                 "ARPHRD_CAN" => false,
3987                 _ => true,
3988             })
3989             .skip_struct(|_| true)
3990             .skip_type(|_| true);
3991         cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "linux_if_arp.rs");
3992     }
3993 }
which_freebsd() -> Option<i32>3995 fn which_freebsd() -> Option<i32> {
3996     let output = std::process::Command::new("freebsd-version")
3997         .output()
3998         .ok()?;
3999     if !output.status.success() {
4000         return None;
4001     }
4003     let stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).ok()?;
4005     match &stdout {
4006         s if s.starts_with("10") => Some(10),
4007         s if s.starts_with("11") => Some(11),
4008         s if s.starts_with("12") => Some(12),
4009         s if s.starts_with("13") => Some(13),
4010         s if s.starts_with("14") => Some(14),
4011         _ => None,
4012     }
4013 }
test_haiku(target: &str)4015 fn test_haiku(target: &str) {
4016     assert!(target.contains("haiku"));
4018     let mut cfg = ctest_cfg();
4019     cfg.flag("-Wno-deprecated-declarations");
4020     cfg.define("__USE_GNU", Some("1"));
4021     cfg.define("_GNU_SOURCE", None);
4022     cfg.language(ctest::Lang::CXX);
4024     // POSIX API
4025     headers! { cfg:
4026                "alloca.h",
4027                "arpa/inet.h",
4028                "arpa/nameser.h",
4029                "arpa/nameser_compat.h",
4030                "assert.h",
4031                "bsd_mem.h",
4032                "complex.h",
4033                "ctype.h",
4034                "dirent.h",
4035                "div_t.h",
4036                "dlfcn.h",
4037                "endian.h",
4038                "errno.h",
4039                "fcntl.h",
4040                "fenv.h",
4041                "fnmatch.h",
4042                "fts.h",
4043                "ftw.h",
4044                "getopt.h",
4045                "glob.h",
4046                "grp.h",
4047                "inttypes.h",
4048                "iovec.h",
4049                "langinfo.h",
4050                "libgen.h",
4051                "libio.h",
4052                "limits.h",
4053                "locale.h",
4054                "malloc.h",
4055                "malloc_debug.h",
4056                "math.h",
4057                "memory.h",
4058                "monetary.h",
4059                "net/if.h",
4060                "net/if_dl.h",
4061                "net/if_media.h",
4062                "net/if_tun.h",
4063                "net/if_types.h",
4064                "net/route.h",
4065                "netdb.h",
4066                "netinet/in.h",
4067                "netinet/ip.h",
4068                "netinet/ip6.h",
4069                "netinet/ip_icmp.h",
4070                "netinet/ip_var.h",
4071                "netinet/tcp.h",
4072                "netinet/udp.h",
4073                "netinet6/in6.h",
4074                "nl_types.h",
4075                "null.h",
4076                "poll.h",
4077                "pthread.h",
4078                "pwd.h",
4079                "regex.h",
4080                "resolv.h",
4081                "sched.h",
4082                "search.h",
4083                "semaphore.h",
4084                "setjmp.h",
4085                "shadow.h",
4086                "signal.h",
4087                "size_t.h",
4088                "spawn.h",
4089                "stdint.h",
4090                "stdio.h",
4091                "stdlib.h",
4092                "string.h",
4093                "strings.h",
4094                "sys/cdefs.h",
4095                "sys/file.h",
4096                "sys/ioctl.h",
4097                "sys/ipc.h",
4098                "sys/mman.h",
4099                "sys/msg.h",
4100                "sys/param.h",
4101                "sys/poll.h",
4102                "sys/resource.h",
4103                "sys/select.h",
4104                "sys/sem.h",
4105                "sys/socket.h",
4106                "sys/sockio.h",
4107                "sys/stat.h",
4108                "sys/statvfs.h",
4109                "sys/time.h",
4110                "sys/timeb.h",
4111                "sys/times.h",
4112                "sys/types.h",
4113                "sys/uio.h",
4114                "sys/un.h",
4115                "sys/utsname.h",
4116                "sys/wait.h",
4117                "syslog.h",
4118                "tar.h",
4119                "termios.h",
4120                "time.h",
4121                "uchar.h",
4122                "unistd.h",
4123                "utime.h",
4124                "utmpx.h",
4125                "wchar.h",
4126                "wchar_t.h",
4127                "wctype.h"
4128     }
4130     // BSD Extensions
4131     headers! { cfg:
4132                "ifaddrs.h",
4133                "libutil.h",
4134                "link.h",
4135                "pty.h",
4136     }
4138     // Native API
4139     headers! { cfg:
4140                "kernel/OS.h",
4141                "kernel/fs_attr.h",
4142                "kernel/fs_index.h",
4143                "kernel/fs_info.h",
4144                "kernel/fs_query.h",
4145                "kernel/fs_volume.h",
4146                "kernel/image.h",
4147                "kernel/scheduler.h",
4148                "storage/FindDirectory.h",
4149                "storage/StorageDefs.h",
4150                "support/Errors.h",
4151                "support/SupportDefs.h",
4152                "support/TypeConstants.h"
4153     }
4155     cfg.skip_struct(move |ty| {
4156         if ty.starts_with("__c_anonymous_") {
4157             return true;
4158         }
4159         match ty {
4160             // FIXME: actually a union
4161             "sigval" => true,
4162             // FIXME: locale_t does not exist on Haiku
4163             "locale_t" => true,
4164             // FIXME: rusage has a different layout on Haiku
4165             "rusage" => true,
4166             // FIXME?: complains that rust aligns on 4 byte boundary, but
4167             //         Haiku does not align it at all.
4168             "in6_addr" => true,
4169             // The d_name attribute is an array of 1 on Haiku, with the
4170             // intention that the developer allocates a larger or smaller
4171             // piece of memory depending on the expected/actual size of the name.
4172             // Other platforms have sensible defaults. In Rust, the d_name field
4173             // is sized as the _POSIX_MAX_PATH, so that path names will fit in
4174             // newly allocated dirent objects. This breaks the automated tests.
4175             "dirent" => true,
4176             // The following structs contain function pointers, which cannot be initialized
4177             // with mem::zeroed(), so skip the automated test
4178             "image_info" | "thread_info" => true,
4180             "Elf64_Phdr" => true,
4182             // is an union
4183             "cpuid_info" => true,
4185             _ => false,
4186         }
4187     });
4189     cfg.skip_type(move |ty| {
4190         match ty {
4191             // FIXME: locale_t does not exist on Haiku
4192             "locale_t" => true,
4193             // These cause errors, to be reviewed in the future
4194             "sighandler_t" => true,
4195             "pthread_t" => true,
4196             "pthread_condattr_t" => true,
4197             "pthread_mutexattr_t" => true,
4198             "pthread_rwlockattr_t" => true,
4199             _ => false,
4200         }
4201     });
4203     cfg.skip_fn(move |name| {
4204         // skip those that are manually verified
4205         match name {
4206             // FIXME: https://github.com/rust-lang/libc/issues/1272
4207             "execv" | "execve" | "execvp" | "execvpe" => true,
4208             // FIXME: does not exist on haiku
4209             "open_wmemstream" => true,
4210             "mlockall" | "munlockall" => true,
4211             "tcgetsid" => true,
4212             "cfsetspeed" => true,
4213             // ignore for now, will be part of Haiku R1 beta 3
4214             "mlock" | "munlock" => true,
4215             // returns const char * on Haiku
4216             "strsignal" => true,
4217             // uses an enum as a parameter argument, which is incorrectly
4218             // translated into a struct argument
4219             "find_path" => true,
4221             "get_cpuid" => true,
4223             // uses varargs parameter
4224             "ioctl" => true,
4226             _ => false,
4227         }
4228     });
4230     cfg.skip_const(move |name| {
4231         match name {
4232             // FIXME: these constants do not exist on Haiku
4233             "DT_UNKNOWN" | "DT_FIFO" | "DT_CHR" | "DT_DIR" | "DT_BLK" | "DT_REG" | "DT_LNK"
4234             | "DT_SOCK" => true,
4235             "USRQUOTA" | "GRPQUOTA" => true,
4236             "SIGIOT" => true,
4237             "ARPOP_REQUEST" | "ARPOP_REPLY" | "ATF_COM" | "ATF_PERM" | "ATF_PUBL"
4238             | "ATF_USETRAILERS" => true,
4239             // Haiku does not have MAP_FILE, but rustc requires it
4240             "MAP_FILE" => true,
4241             // The following does not exist on Haiku but is required by
4242             // several crates
4243             "FIOCLEX" => true,
4244             // just skip this one, it is not defined on Haiku beta 2 but
4245             // since it is meant as a mask and not a parameter it can exist
4246             // here
4247             "LOG_PRIMASK" => true,
4248             // not defined on Haiku, but [get|set]priority is, so they are
4249             // useful
4250             "PRIO_MIN" | "PRIO_MAX" => true,
4251             //
4252             _ => false,
4253         }
4254     });
4256     cfg.skip_field(move |struct_, field| {
4257         match (struct_, field) {
4258             // FIXME: the stat struct actually has timespec members, whereas
4259             //        the current representation has these unpacked.
4260             ("stat", "st_atime") => true,
4261             ("stat", "st_atime_nsec") => true,
4262             ("stat", "st_mtime") => true,
4263             ("stat", "st_mtime_nsec") => true,
4264             ("stat", "st_ctime") => true,
4265             ("stat", "st_ctime_nsec") => true,
4266             ("stat", "st_crtime") => true,
4267             ("stat", "st_crtime_nsec") => true,
4269             // these are actually unions, but we cannot represent it well
4270             ("siginfo_t", "sigval") => true,
4271             ("sem_t", "named_sem_id") => true,
4272             ("sigaction", "sa_sigaction") => true,
4273             ("sigevent", "sigev_value") => true,
4274             ("fpu_state", "_fpreg") => true,
4275             // these fields have a simplified data definition in libc
4276             ("fpu_state", "_xmm") => true,
4277             ("savefpu", "_fp_ymm") => true,
4279             // skip these enum-type fields
4280             ("thread_info", "state") => true,
4281             ("image_info", "image_type") => true,
4282             _ => false,
4283         }
4284     });
4286     cfg.skip_roundtrip(move |s| match s {
4287         // FIXME: for some reason the roundtrip check fails for cpu_info
4288         "cpu_info" => true,
4289         _ => false,
4290     });
4292     cfg.type_name(move |ty, is_struct, is_union| {
4293         match ty {
4294             // Just pass all these through, no need for a "struct" prefix
4295             "area_info" | "port_info" | "port_message_info" | "team_info" | "sem_info"
4296             | "team_usage_info" | "thread_info" | "cpu_info" | "system_info"
4297             | "object_wait_info" | "image_info" | "attr_info" | "index_info" | "fs_info"
4298             | "FILE" | "DIR" | "Dl_info" => ty.to_string(),
4300             // enums don't need a prefix
4301             "directory_which" | "path_base_directory" => ty.to_string(),
4303             // is actually a union
4304             "sigval" => format!("union sigval"),
4305             t if is_union => format!("union {}", t),
4306             t if t.ends_with("_t") => t.to_string(),
4307             t if is_struct => format!("struct {}", t),
4308             t => t.to_string(),
4309         }
4310     });
4312     cfg.field_name(move |struct_, field| {
4313         match field {
4314             // Field is named `type` in C but that is a Rust keyword,
4315             // so these fields are translated to `type_` in the bindings.
4316             "type_" if struct_ == "object_wait_info" => "type".to_string(),
4317             "type_" if struct_ == "sem_t" => "type".to_string(),
4318             "type_" if struct_ == "attr_info" => "type".to_string(),
4319             "type_" if struct_ == "index_info" => "type".to_string(),
4320             "image_type" if struct_ == "image_info" => "type".to_string(),
4321             s => s.to_string(),
4322         }
4323     });
4324     cfg.generate("../src/lib.rs", "main.rs");
4325 }