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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2021 Chipsea Technologies (Shenzhen) Corp., Ltd. All rights reserved.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #ifndef _FLASH_API_H_
16 #define _FLASH_API_H_
17 #include <stdint.h>
18 #include "plf.h"
20 #ifdef CFG_BLE_STACK
21 #include "hal_gap.h"
22 #include "hal_gapc_task.h"
23 #include "bt_common_defines.h"
24 #endif //CFG_BLE_STACK
26 #if PLF_BT_STACK == 1
27 #include "cs_target_config.h"
28 #include "bt_types_def.h"
29 #define MAX_BD_MUN    5
30 #endif
32 /**
33  * Structs
34  */
35 /* calib info */
36 typedef struct {
37     unsigned char cap;
38     unsigned char cap_fine;
39     unsigned char PADDING0[2];
40 } xtal_cap_info_t;
42 typedef struct {
43     signed char dsss_txpwr_ofst;
44     signed char ofdm_txpwr_ofst;
45     unsigned char PADDING0[2];
46 } wifi_txpwr_info_t;
48 typedef struct {
49     unsigned int magic_num; /* "CALI" */
50     unsigned int info_flag;
51     unsigned int RESERVED_08;
52     unsigned int RESERVED_0C;
53     xtal_cap_info_t xtal;
54     wifi_txpwr_info_t wifi2g4_txpwr[3]; // for chan 1/7/13
55     wifi_txpwr_info_t wifi5g_txpwr[5];  // for chan 36/68/100/132/164
56 } calib_info_t;
58 /* wifi info */
59 typedef struct {
60     char ssid[48];
61     char passwd[64];
62 } wifi_ssidpw_t;
64 typedef struct {
65     unsigned int  config;
66     unsigned char mac_addr[6];
67     unsigned char PADDING0[2];
68     wifi_ssidpw_t ssidpw;
69     //unsigned char pmk[32];
70 } wifi_sta_info_t;
72 typedef struct {
73     unsigned int  config;
74     unsigned char mac_addr[6];
75     unsigned char PADDING0[2];
76     wifi_ssidpw_t ssidpw;
77     unsigned int channel;
78 } wifi_ap_info_t;
80 typedef struct {
81     unsigned int lease_time;
82     unsigned int dhcp_start;
83     unsigned int dhcp_end;
84 } wifi_lwip_dhcps_t;
86 typedef struct {
87     signed int   time_zone;
88 } wifi_lwip_sntp_t;
90 typedef struct {
91     unsigned int config;
92     wifi_lwip_dhcps_t dhcps;
93     unsigned int dns_server;
94     wifi_lwip_sntp_t sntp;
95 } wifi_lwip_info_t;
97 /* wifi sta config */
98 #define WIFI_STA_CONFIG_STA_AUTO_CONNECT_EN             CO_BIT(0)
100 /* wifi ap config */
101 #define WIFI_AP_CONFIG_FORCED_AP_MODE_EN                CO_BIT(0)
103 /* wifi lwip config */
106 typedef struct {
107     unsigned int magic_num; /* "WIFI" */
108     unsigned int info_flag;
109     unsigned int RESERVED_08;
110     unsigned int RESERVED_0C;
111     wifi_sta_info_t  sta_info;
112     wifi_ap_info_t   ap_info;
113     wifi_lwip_info_t lwip_info;
114 } wifi_info_t;
116 /* btdm info */
117 typedef struct
118 {
119     uint8_t bt_flash_erased;
120     uint8_t factory_mode_setting;
121     uint8_t local_bt_addr[6];
122     uint8_t local_ble_addr[6];
123     uint16_t reserved;
124     char local_dev_name[32];
125     uint8_t pincode[16];
126 } bt_factory_info_t;
128 #if PLF_BT_STACK == 1
129 #ifndef BTDEVRECORD
130 #define BTDEVRECORD
131 typedef struct _BtDeviceRecord
132 {
133     BT_ADDR  bdAddr;
134     bool        trusted;
135     uint8_t     linkKey[16];
136     uint8_t     keyType;
137     uint8_t     pinLen;
138 } BtDeviceRecord;
139 #endif
140 typedef struct list_node_t {
141   struct list_node_t *prev;
142   struct list_node_t *next;
143   void *data;
144 } list_node_t;
146 typedef struct {
147   list_node_t *head;
148   uint8_t length;
149 } bt_dev_list;
151 typedef  struct {
152     bool hf_state;
153     bool a2dp_state;
154     uint8_t a2dp_role;
155     uint8_t a2dp_codectype;
156     int8_t peer_a2dp_vol;
157     int8_t peer_hfp_vol;
158     uint32_t cod;
159 }btdev_info;
161 typedef struct {
162     list_node_t node;
163     BtDeviceRecord record;
164     btdev_info device_info;
165 } bt_dev_info_t;
167 typedef struct {
168     uint8_t addr_type;
169     BT_ADDR bleaddr;
170 } ble_dev_info_t;
172 typedef struct {
173     uint8_t init_need; // need init when value not equal to 0xEE
174     uint8_t flush_need;
175 #if APP_SUPPORT_TWS == 1
176     uint8_t flash_tws_role;
177     ble_dev_info_t ble_dev_info;
178 #endif
179     bt_dev_list   bt_list;
180     bt_dev_info_t bt_dev_info[MAX_BD_MUN];
181 } bt_flash_info_t;
182 #endif
184 #ifdef CFG_BLE_STACK
185 // Local key length
186 #define LOC_KEY_LEN           (0x10)
187 typedef struct gapc_ltk gapc_ltk_t;
188 #endif // (CFG_BLE_STACK)
190 typedef struct {
191     unsigned int magic_num; /* "BTDM" */
192     unsigned int info_flag;
193     unsigned int RESERVED_08;
194     unsigned int RESERVED_0C;
195     bt_factory_info_t bt_factory;
196 #if PLF_BT_STACK == 1
197     bt_flash_info_t bt_info;
198 #endif
199 #ifdef CFG_BLE_STACK
200     gapc_ltk_t le_ltk;
201     uint8_t loc_irk[LOC_KEY_LEN];
202     uint8_t bond_status;
203     uint16_t ntf_cfg;
204     uint8_t ble_rand_add[BD_ADDR_LEN];
205 #endif
206 } btdm_info_t;
208 /**
209  * Enums
210  */
211 typedef enum {
212     INFO_FLAG_INVALID =  1,
213     INFO_READ_DONE    =  0,
214     MAGIC_NUM_ERR     = -1,
215     INFO_LEN_ERR      = -2,
218 /**
219  * Get chip size as bytes
220  */
221 unsigned int flash_chip_size_get(void);
223 /**
224  * Erase all flash except for reserved area
225  */
226 void flash_chip_erase(void);
228 /**
229  * Erase flash
230  */
231 int flash_erase(void *a4k, unsigned int len);
233 /**
234  * Write flash
235  */
236 int flash_write(void *adr, unsigned int len, void *buf);
238 /**
239  * Read flash
240  */
241 int flash_read(void *adr, unsigned int len, void *buf);
243 /**
244  * Invalid all flash cache
245  */
246 void flash_cache_invalid_all(void);
248 /**
249  * Invalid the range of flash cache
250  */
251 void flash_cache_invalid_range(void *adr, unsigned int len);
252 unsigned int flash_crc32(void *adr, unsigned int len);
255 /**
256  * calib info api(read only)
257  */
258 int flash_calib_xtal_cap_read(xtal_cap_info_t *xtal_cap);
259 int flash_calib_wifi2g4_txpwr_read(wifi_txpwr_info_t *txpwr);
260 int flash_calib_wifi5g_txpwr_read(wifi_txpwr_info_t *txpwr);
262 /**
263  * wifi info api
264  */
265 int flash_wifi_sta_config_read(unsigned int *config);
266 void flash_wifi_sta_config_write(unsigned int *config);
267 int flash_wifi_sta_macaddr_read(unsigned char *addr);
268 void flash_wifi_sta_macaddr_write(unsigned char *addr);
269 int flash_wifi_sta_ssidpw_read(char *ssid, char *pass);
270 void flash_wifi_sta_ssidpw_write(char *ssid, char *pass);
271 int flash_wifi_ap_config_read(unsigned int *config);
272 void flash_wifi_ap_config_write(unsigned int *config);
273 int flash_wifi_ap_macaddr_read(unsigned char *addr);
274 void flash_wifi_ap_macaddr_write(unsigned char *addr);
275 int flash_wifi_ap_ssidpw_read(char *ssid, char *pass);
276 void flash_wifi_ap_ssidpw_write(char *ssid, char *pass);
277 int flash_wifi_ap_channel_read(unsigned int *channel);
278 void flash_wifi_ap_channel_write(unsigned int channel);
279 int flash_wifi_lwip_config_read(unsigned int *config);
280 void flash_wifi_lwip_config_write(unsigned int *config);
281 int flash_wifi_lwip_dhcps_read(unsigned int *lease_time, unsigned int *dhcp_start, unsigned int *dhcp_end);
282 void flash_wifi_lwip_dhcps_write(unsigned int lease_time, unsigned int dhcp_start, unsigned int dhcp_end);
283 int flash_wifi_lwip_dnsserv_read(unsigned int *dns_server);
284 void flash_wifi_lwip_dnsserv_write(unsigned int dns_server);
285 int flash_wifi_lwip_sntp_read(signed int *time_zone);
286 void flash_wifi_lwip_sntp_write(signed int time_zone);
287 void flash_wifi_info_remove_all(void);
288 void flash_wifi_info_remove_ssidpw(void);
290 unsigned int flash_strlen(unsigned char *str,unsigned char max_len);
292 /**
293  * btdm info api
294  */
295 int flash_btdm_bt_factory_read(void *buf, unsigned int len);
296 void flash_btdm_bt_factory_write(const void *buf, unsigned int len);
298 #if PLF_BT_STACK == 1
299 /**
300  ****************************************************************************************
301  * @brief * Doubly-linked list initialize .
302  *
303  * @param Doubly-linked list Entry.
304  *
305  ****************************************************************************************
306  */
307 void bt_initializeList(list_node_t* list);
308 /**
309  ****************************************************************************************
310  * @brief * Doubly-linked list insert node in Tail .
311  *
312  * @param  tail: Doubly-linked list.   entry: node which want to be inserted in tail of Doubly-linked list
313  *
314  ****************************************************************************************
315  */
316 void bt_insertTailList(list_node_t* tail, list_node_t* entry);
317 /**
318  ****************************************************************************************
319  * @brief * Doubly-linked list insert node in Head .
320  *
321  * @param  head: Doubly-linked list.   entry: node which want to be inserted in head of Doubly-linked list
322  *
323  ****************************************************************************************
324  */
325 void bt_insertHeadList(list_node_t* head, list_node_t* entry);
326 /**
327  ****************************************************************************************
328  * @brief * remove current Node form a Doubly-linked list .
329  *
330  * @param   Node.
331  *
332  ****************************************************************************************
333  */
334 void bt_removeNode(list_node_t* node);
335 /**
336  ****************************************************************************************
337  * @brief * remove current Node form a Doubly-linked list ,and return next Node's ptr .
338  *
339  * @param
340  *
341  * @return  Node which is next after removed Node.
342  ****************************************************************************************
343  */
344 list_node_t* bt_removeHeadNode(list_node_t* head);
345 /**
346  ****************************************************************************************
347  * @brief * Get and remove Node form the Head of a Doubly-linked list .
348  *
349  * @param Doubly-linked list.
350  *
351  * @return Head of a Doubly-linked list
352  ****************************************************************************************
353  */
354 list_node_t* bt_removeHeadList(list_node_t* head);
355 /**
356  ****************************************************************************************
357  * @brief * Doubly-linked list is Empty .
358  *
359  * @param Doubly-linked list.
360  *
361  * @return true: empty  false: not empty
362  ****************************************************************************************
363  */
364 bool bt_listIsEmpty(list_node_t *head);
366 bt_flash_info_t * flash_btdm_bt_dev_read(void);
367 void flash_btdm_bt_dev_write(void);
368 #endif
370 #ifdef CFG_BLE_STACK
371 int flash_btdm_le_ltk_read(gapc_ltk_t *le_ltk);
372 void flash_btdm_le_ltk_write(gapc_ltk_t *le_ltk);
373 void flash_btdm_le_ltk_remove(void);
375 int flash_btdm_le_loc_irk_read(uint8_t *loc_irk);
376 void flash_btdm_le_loc_irk_write(uint8_t *loc_irk);
377 void flash_btdm_le_loc_irk_remove(void);
379 int flash_btdm_le_periph_bonded_read(uint8_t *bond_status);
380 void flash_btdm_le_periph_bonded_write(uint8_t *bond_status);
381 void flash_btdm_le_periph_bonded_remove(void);
383 int flash_btdm_le_mouse_ntf_cfg_read(uint8_t *ntf_cfg);
384 void flash_btdm_le_mouse_ntf_cfg_write(uint8_t *ntf_cfg);
385 void flash_btdm_le_mouse_ntf_cfg_remove(void);
387 int flash_btdm_le_rand_addr_read(uint8_t *le_addr);
388 void flash_btdm_le_rand_addr_write(uint8_t *le_addr);
389 void flash_btdm_le_rand_addr_remove(void);
391 void flash_btdm_le_info_remove_all(void);
392 #endif // CFG_BLE_STACK
394 int flash_user_data_addr_length_set(unsigned int addr, unsigned int len);
395 int flash_user_data_read(void *buf, unsigned int len);
396 int flash_user_data_write(void *buf, unsigned int len);
398 #endif /* _FLASH_API_H_ */