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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2022 Winner Microelectronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
15 #ifndef WM_SOCKET2_0_3_H
16 #define WM_SOCKET2_0_3_H
18 #include "wm_type_def.h"
19 #include "wm_netif.h"
21  /* socket state defination */
22 #define NETCONN_STATE_NONE         0
23 #define NETCONN_STATE_WAITING      1
25 #define NETCONN_STATE_CLOSED       3
27  /* socket event defination */
28 #define NET_EVENT_TCP_JOINED            0
29 #define NET_EVENT_TCP_DISCONNECT        1
30 #define NET_EVENT_TCP_CONNECTED         2
32 #define NET_EVENT_UDP_START             4
33 #define NET_EVENT_UDP_START_FAILED      5
35 #define TLS_MAX_SOCKET_NUM       4
36 #define TLS_MAX_NETCONN_NUM      20
38  /** Main packet buffer struct */
39 struct pbuf {
40     /** next pbuf in singly linked pbuf chain */
41     struct pbuf *next;
43     /** pointer to the actual data in the buffer */
44     void *payload;
46    /**
47     * total length of this buffer and all next buffers in chain
48     * belonging to the same packet.
49     *
50     * For non-queue packet chains this is the invariant:
51     * p->tot_len == p->len + (p->next? p->next->tot_len: 0)
52     */
53     u16_t tot_len;
55     /** length of this buffer */
56     u16_t len;
58     /** pbuf_type as u8_t instead of enum to save space */
59     u8_t type;
61     /** misc flags */
62     u8_t flags;
64    /**
65     * the reference count always equals the number of pointers
66     * that refer to this pbuf. This can be pointers from an application,
67     * the stack itself, or pbuf->next pointers from a chain.
68     */
69     u16_t ref;
70 };
72 /**
73 * @brief This Function prototype for tcp error callback functions. Called when
74 *                    receives a RST or is unexpectedly closed for any other reason.
75 *                   The corresponding socket is already freed when this callback is called!
76 *
77 * @param[in] skt_num    Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
78 *
79 * @param[in]  err           Error code to indicate why the socket has been closed
80 *                        ERR_ABRT: aborted through returning ERR_ABRT from within others
81 *                                                      callback functions
82 *                        ERR_RST: the connection was reset by the remote host
83 */
84 typedef void (*socket_err_fn)(u8 skt_num, err_t err);
86 /**
87 * @brief This Function prototype for socket receive callback functions. Called when data has
88 *                    been received.
89 *
90 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
91 *
92 * @param[in] p         The received data (or NULL when the connection has been closed!)
93 *
94 * @param[in] err       An error code if there has been an error receiving, always be ERR_OK
95 *                                    when cs mode is udp.
96 *
97 * @retval           The return value is only valid for tcp receive, for upd it means nothing.
98 *                   ERR_OK: Return this value after handling the received data.
99 *                   ERR_ABRT:  Only return ERR_ABRT if you want to abort the socket from within the
100 *                                      callback function!
101 */
102 typedef err_t (*socket_recv_fn)(u8 skt_num, struct pbuf *p, err_t err);
104 /**
105 * @brief This Function prototype for socket srce ip callback functions. Called when data has
106 *                    been received.
107 *
108 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
109 *
110 * @param[in] datalen           The received data length
111 *
112 * @param[in] ipsrc         source ip addr
113 *
114 * @param[in] port          source port
115 *
116 * @param[in] err           An error code if there has been an error receiving, always be ERR_OK
117 *                                    when cs mode is udp.
118 *
119 * @retval            The return value is only valid for UDP receive, for udp it means nothing.
120 *                   ERR_OK: Return this value after handling the received data.
121 *                   ERR_ABRT:  Only return ERR_ABRT if you want to abort the socket from within the
122 *                                      callback function!
123 */
124 typedef err_t (*socket_recv_ip_rpt_fn)(u8 skt_num, u16 datalen, u8 *ipsrc, u16 port, err_t err);
126 /**
127 * @brief This Function prototype for tcp connected callback functions. Called when
128 *                   connected to the remote side.
129 *
130 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
131 *
132 * @param[in] err       An unused error code, always ERR_OK currently.
133 *
134 * @retval  ERR_OK: Return this value after handling your logic.
135 * @retval  ERR_ABRT:  Only return ERR_ABRT if you want to abort the socket from within the
136 *                                      callback function!
137 */
138 typedef err_t (*socket_connected_fn)(u8 skt_num, err_t err);
140 /**
141 * @brief This Function prototype for tcp poll callback functions. Called periodically.
142 *
143 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
144 *
145 * @retval  ERR_OK:     Try to do something periodically.
146 * @retval  ERR_ABRT:  Only return ERR_ABRT if you want to abort the socket from within the
147 *                                      callback function!
148 */
149 typedef err_t (*socket_poll_fn)(u8 skt_num);
151 /**
152 * @brief This Function prototype for tcp accept callback functions. Called when a new
153 *                   connection can be accepted on a listening tcp.
154 *
155 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
156 *
157 * @param[in] err       An error code if there has been an error accepting.
158 *
159 * @retval  ERR_OK:      Return this value after handling your logic.
160 * @retval  ERR_ABRT:  Only return ERR_ABRT if you want to abort the socket from within the
161 *                                      callback function!
162 */
163 typedef err_t (*socket_accept_fn)(u8 skt_num, err_t err);
165 /**
166 * @brief This Function prototype for socket state changed callback functions.
167 *             Called when socket the sockte's state changed.
168 *
169 * @param[in] skt_num   Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
170 *
171 * @param[in] event     Is the event number, see socket event defination.
172 *
173 * @param[in] state     Is the socket state, see socket state defination.
174 */
175 typedef void(*socket_state_changed_fn)(u8 skt_num, u8 event, u8 state);
177 /** Definitions for error constants. */
178 typedef enum {
179     /** No error, everything OK. */
180     ERR_OK         = 0,
181     /** Out of memory error.     */
182     ERR_MEM        = -1,
183     /** Buffer error.            */
184     ERR_BUF        = -2,
185     /** Timeout.                 */
186     ERR_TIMEOUT    = -3,
187     /** Routing problem.         */
188     ERR_RTE        = -4,
189     /** Operation in progress    */
190     ERR_INPROGRESS = -5,
191     /** Illegal value.           */
192     ERR_VAL        = -6,
193     /** Operation would block.   */
194     ERR_WOULDBLOCK = -7,
195     /** Address in use.          */
196     ERR_USE        = -8,
197     /** Already connecting.      */
198     ERR_ALREADY    = -9,
199     /** Conn already established. */
200     ERR_ISCONN     = -10,
201     /** Not connected.           */
202     ERR_CONN       = -11,
203     /** Low-level netif error    */
204     ERR_IF         = -12,
205     /** Connection aborted.      */
206     ERR_ABRT       = -13,
207     /** Connection reset.        */
208     ERR_RST        = -14,
209     /** Connection closed.       */
210     ERR_CLSD       = -15,
211     /** Illegal argument.        */
212     ERR_ARG        = -16
213 }err_enum_t;
215 enum tls_socket_protocol {
216     SOCKET_PROTO_TCP,      /* TCP Protocol    */
217     SOCKET_PROTO_UDP,     /* UDP Protocol   */
218 };
220 enum tls_socket_cs_mode {
221     SOCKET_CS_MODE_CLIENT,    /* Client mode    */
222     SOCKET_CS_MODE_SERVER,    /* Server mode   */
223 };
225 struct tls_socket_desc {
226     enum tls_socket_cs_mode cs_mode;              /* Server mode  or Client mode, Only for tcp protocol is valid */
227     enum tls_socket_protocol protocol;            /* TCP Protocol or UDP Protocol  */
228     ip_addr_t  ip_addr;  /* Remote ip address, for tcp client mode is remote server's ip address;
229                            for tcp server mode can be any address. */
230                          /* for udp is remote server's ip address */
231     u16 port;            /* port, for tcp client mode is remote server's port;
232                           for tcp server mode is local listen port. for udp is remote server's port */
233     u16 localport;       /* local port, for udp and tcp client is local listen port,
234                            for tcp server means nothing, tcp server always listen at port */
235     char host_name[32];                           /* remote host name, not support for now  */
236     u8  host_len;                                 /* the length of host name   */
237     u32 timeout;                                  /* poll timeout, not implemented for now   */
238     socket_err_fn errf;                           /* a pointer to socket_err_fn   */
239     socket_recv_fn recvf;                         /* a pointer to socket_recv_fn  */
240     socket_connected_fn connf;                    /* a pointer to socket_connected_fn  */
241     socket_poll_fn pollf;                         /* a pointer to socket_poll_fn  */
242     socket_accept_fn acceptf;                     /* a pointer to socket_accept_fn   */
243     socket_state_changed_fn state_changed;        /* a pointer to socket_state_changed_fn   */
244     socket_recv_ip_rpt_fn recvwithipf;            /* recv skt info report */
245 };
247 /**
248 * @brief This function is called by your application code to create a socket.
249 *
250 * @param[in] skd      Is a pointer to an tls_socket_desc.
251 *
252 * @retval     ERR_OK    If create socket successfully.
253 *              negative number   If an error was detected.
254 */
255 int tls_socket_create(struct tls_socket_desc *skd);
257 /**
258 * @brief This function is called by your application code to close the socket,
259 *        and the related resources would be released.
260 * @param[in] skt_num      Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
261 *
262 * @retval     ERR_OK    If close socket successfully.
263 *              negative number   If an error was detected.
264 */
265 int tls_socket_close(u8 skt_num);
267 struct tls_skt_status_ext_t {
268     u8 socket;
269     u8 status;
270     enum tls_socket_protocol protocol;
271     u8 host_ipaddr[4];
272     u16 remote_port;
273     u16 local_port;
274 };
276 struct tls_skt_status_t {
277     u32 socket_cnt;
278     struct tls_skt_status_ext_t skts_ext[1];
279 };
280 /**
281 * @brief This function is called by your application code to get the socket status of specified socket num.
282 *
283 * @param[in] skt_num      Is the socket number that returned by tls_socket_create function.
284 *
285 * @param[in] buf          Is a pointer to the data contains the socket status, if the socket is server,
286 *                         also contains it's client's status.
287 * @param[in] len          The buf's length. At least, the len should be bigger than sizeof(struct tls_skt_status_t).
288 *
289 * @retval         ERR_OK    If send data successfully.
290 *              negative number   If an error was detected.
291 */
292 int tls_socket_get_status(u8 skt_num, u8 *buf, u32 bufsize);
294 /**
295  * @ingroup pbuf
296  * Enumeration of pbuf layers
297  */
298 typedef enum {
299     /** Includes spare room for transport layer header, e.g. UDP header.
300      * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like udp_send().
301      */
303     /** Includes spare room for IP header.
304      * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like raw_send().
305      */
306     PBUF_IP,
307     /** Includes spare room for link layer header (ethernet header).
308      * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like ethernet_output().
309      * @see PBUF_LINK_HLEN
310      */
311     PBUF_LINK,
312     /** Includes spare room for additional encapsulation header before ethernet
313      * headers (e.g. 802.11).
314      * Use this if you intend to pass the pbuf to functions like netif->linkoutput().
316     */
317     PBUF_RAW_TX,
318     /** Use this for input packets in a netif driver when calling netif->input()
319      * in the most common case - ethernet-layer netif driver. */
320     PBUF_RAW
321 }pbuf_layer;
323 /**
324  * @ingroup pbuf
325  * Enumeration of pbuf types
326  */
327 typedef enum {
328     /** pbuf data is stored in RAM, used for TX mostly, struct pbuf and its payload
329       are allocated in one piece of contiguous memory (so the first payload byte
330       can be calculated from struct pbuf).
331       pbuf_alloc() allocates PBUF_RAM pbufs as unchained pbufs (although that might
332       change in future versions).
333       This should be used for all OUTGOING packets (TX). */
334     PBUF_RAM,
335     /** pbuf data is stored in ROM, i.e. struct pbuf and its payload are located in
336       totally different memory areas. Since it points to ROM, payload does not
337       have to be copied when queued for transmission. */
338     PBUF_ROM,
339     /** pbuf comes from the pbuf pool. Much like PBUF_ROM but payload might change
340       so it has to be duplicated when queued before transmitting, depending on
341       who has a 'ref' to it. */
342     PBUF_REF,
343     /** pbuf payload refers to RAM. This one comes from a pool and should be used
344       for RX. Payload can be chained (scatter-gather RX) but like PBUF_RAM, struct
345       pbuf and its payload are allocated in one piece of contiguous memory (so
346       the first payload byte can be calculated from struct pbuf).
347       Don't use this for TX, if the pool becomes empty e.g. because of TCP queuing,
348       you are unable to receive TCP acks! */
349     PBUF_POOL
350 }pbuf_type;
352 /**
353 * @brief This Function allocates a pbuf of the given type (possibly a chain for PBUF_POOL type).
354 *
355 *                   The actual memory allocated for the pbuf is determined by the
356 *                   layer at which the pbuf is allocated and the requested size
357 *                   (from the size parameter).
358 *
359 * @param[in] l                   layer flag to define header size
360 * @param[in] length           size of the pbuf's payload
361 * @param[in] type             this parameter decides how and where the pbuf
362 *
363 * @retval  The allocated pbuf. If multiple pbufs where allocated, this
364 *                     is the first pbuf of a pbuf chain.
365 */
366 struct pbuf *pbuf_alloc(pbuf_layer l, u16_t length, pbuf_type type);
368 /**
369 * @brief This Function for release the buffer that you receive within the socket_recv_fn callback function.
370 *                   Attention please: If you return ERR_OK in the socket_recv_fn callback function, you must call this
371 *                   function to release the buffer by yourself. Otherwise, the buffer do not need be
372 *                   released by your code.
373 *
374 * @param[in] p       The buffer you received in the socket_recv_fn callback function.
375 *
376 * @retval  The number of de-allocated pbufs
377 */
378 u8 pbuf_free(struct pbuf *p);
380 #endif