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.gitignore | D | 12-May-2024 | 34 | 4 | 4 | |
LICENSE | D | 12-May-2024 | 10.9 KiB | 196 | 166 | |
OAT.xml | D | 12-May-2024 | 3.7 KiB | 58 | 11 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 11.5 KiB | 306 | 251 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 12.1 KiB | 328 | 274 | |
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package.json | D | 12-May-2024 | 1.4 KiB | 53 | 52 | |
tsconfig.base.json | D | 12-May-2024 | 905 | 27 | 26 | |
tsconfig.json | D | 12-May-2024 | 316 | 18 | 17 |
1# Arkguard 2Arkguard 是Javascript和Typescript的源码混淆工具。 3 4# 在DevEco Studio中的用法 5Arkguard已经被集成了到SDK中。可以在DevEco Studio中很方便地使用。Arkguard只能用于Stage模型 6(不支持FA模型)。目前Arkguard只提供名称混淆的能力(因为其它混淆能力会劣化性能)。 7使用Arkguard可以混淆以下名称: 8* 参数名和局部变量名 9* 顶层作用域的名称 10* 属性名称 11 12Arkguard默认使能对参数名和局部变量名的混淆。顶层作用域名称和属性名称的混淆是默认关闭的, 13因为默认打开可能会导致运行时错误。你可以通过[混淆选项](#混淆选项)来开启它们。 14 15创建一个新工程的时候,配置文件`build-profile.json5`中会自动生成以下内容: 16``` 17"arkOptions": { 18 "obfuscation": { 19 "ruleOptions": { 20 "enable": true, 21 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt"], 22 } 23 } 24} 25``` 26创建一个新的library的时候,还会额外生成`consumerFiles`属性: 27``` 28"arkOptions": { 29 "obfuscation": { 30 "ruleOptions": { 31 "enable": true, 32 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt"], 33 } 34 "consumerFiles": ["consumer-rules.txt"] 35 } 36} 37``` 38 39要想开启混淆,需要满足下面的条件: 40* 属性`ruleOptions.enable`的值为`true`,并且所有依赖的library的`ruleOptions.enable`属性是`true` 41* 在release模式构建 42 43属性`ruleOptions.files`中指定的混淆配置文件会在构建HAP或HAR的时候被应用。 44 45属性`consumerFiles`中指定的混淆配置文件会在构建依赖这个library的工程或library时被应用。 46这些混淆配置文件的内容还会被合并到HAR包中的`obfuscation.txt`文件。 47 48当构建HAP或者HAR的时候,最终的混淆规则是自身的`ruleOptions.files`属性,依赖的library的`consumerFiles`属性, 49以及依赖的HAR包中的`obfuscation.txt`文件的合并。如果构建的是HAR,`obfuscation.txt`是自身的`consumerFiles`属性, 50依赖的library的`consumerFiles`属性,以及依赖的HAR包中的`obfuscation.txt`文件的合并。 51构建HAP不会生成`obfuscation.txt`。详细合并的策略可以查看[混淆规则合并策略](#混淆规则合并策略)。 52 53## 配置混淆规则 54在创建工程或library的时候,DevEco Studio会自动生成`obfuscation-rules.txt`和`consumer-rules.txt`文件, 55但是它们默认不会包含任何混淆规则。你可以在这些文件中写混淆规则,或者也可以将规则写在其它文件, 56然后将文件路径放到`ruleOptions.files`和`consumerFiles`中,如下面的例子所示。 57``` 58"buildOption": { 59 "arkOptions": { 60 "obfuscation": { 61 "ruleOptions": { 62 "enable": true, 63 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt", "myrules.txt"], 64 } 65 "consumerFiles": ["consumer-rules.txt", "my-consumer-rules.txt"] 66 } 67 } 68} 69``` 70 71在混淆规则文件中,你可以写[混淆选项](#混淆选项)和[保留选项](#保留选项)。 72 73### 混淆选项 74 75`-disable-obfuscation` 76 77关闭所有混淆。如果你使用这个选项,那么构建出来的HAR或HAR将不会被混淆。默认情况下, 78Arkguard只混淆参数名和局部变量名(通过将它们重新命名为随机的短名字)。 79 80`-enable-property-obfuscation` 81 82开启属性混淆。 如果你使用这个选项,那么所有的属性名都会被混淆,除了下面场景: 83* 被`import/export`的类或对象的属性名不会被混淆。注意: 只有直接导出的类或对象的属性名不会被混淆。 84比如下面例子中的属性名`data`不会被混淆。 85 ``` 86 export class MyClass { 87 data: string; 88 } 89 ``` 90对于间接导出的场景,比如`export MyClass`和`let a = MyClass; export a;`,如果你不想混淆它们的属性名, 91那么你需要使用[保留选项](#保留选项)来保留这些属性名。另外,对于直接导出的类或对象的属性的属性名,比如下面例子中的`name`和`age`, 如果你不想混淆它们,那么你也需要使用[保留选项](#保留选项)来保留这些属性名。 92 ``` 93 export class MyClass { 94 person = {name: "123", age: 100}; 95 } 96 ``` 97* ArkUI组件中的属性名不会被混淆。比如下面例子中的`message`和`data`不会被混淆。 98 ``` 99 @Component struct MyExample { 100 @State message: string = "hello"; 101 data: number[] = []; 102 ... 103 } 104 ``` 105* 被[保留选项](#保留选项)指定的属性名不会被混淆。 106* 系统API列表中的属性名不会被混淆。系统API列表是构建时从SDK中自动提取出来的一个名称列表。 107* 字符串字面量属性名不会被混淆。比如下面例子中的`"name"`和`"age"`不会被混淆。 108 ``` 109 let person = {"name": "abc"}; 110 person["age"] = 22; 111 ``` 112 如果你想混淆字符串字面量属性名,你需要在该选项的基础上再使用`-enable-string-property-obfuscation`选项。比如 113 ``` 114 -enable-property-obfuscation 115 -enable-string-property-obfuscation 116 ``` 117 注意:如果你的代码里面有字符串属性名包含特殊字符(除了`a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _`之外的字符),比如`let obj = {"\n": 123, "": 4, " ": 5}`,我们建议不要开启`-enable-string-property-obfuscation`选项,因为当你不想混淆这些名字时,可能无法通过[保留选项](#保留选项)来指定保留这些名字。 118 119`-enable-toplevel-obfuscation` 120 121开启顶层作用域名称混淆。如果你使用这个选项,那么所有的顶层作用域的名称都会被混淆,除了下面场景: 122* 被`import/export`的名称不会被混淆。 123* 当前文件找不到声明的名称不会被混淆。 124* 被[保留选项](#保留选项)指定的顶层作用域名称不会被混淆。 125* 系统API列表中的顶层作用域名称不会被混淆。 126 127`-compact` 128 129去除不必要的空格符和所有的换行符。如果你使用这个选项,那么所有代码会被压缩到一行。 130 131`-remove-log` 132 133删除所有`console.*`语句。 134 135`-print-namecache` filepath 136 137将名称缓存保存到指定的文件路径。名称缓存包含名称混淆前后的映射。如果你使用了`-enable-property-obfuscation`或 138`-enable-toplevel-obfuscation`选项,并且你希望未来进行增量编译(比如热修复),那么你应该使用这个选项, 139并且将缓存文件保管好。 140 141`-apply-namecache` filepath 142 143复用指定的名称缓存文件。名字将会被混淆成缓存映射对应的名字,如果没有对应,将会被混淆成新的随机段名字。 144该选项应该在增量编译场景中被使用。 145 146默认情况下,DevEco Studio会在临时的缓存目录中保存缓存文件,并且在增量编译场景中自动应用该缓存文件。 147 148### 保留选项 149 150保留选项只有在使用`enable-property-obfuscation`或`enable-toplevel-obfuscation`选项时发挥作用。 151 152`-keep-property-name` [,modifiers,...] 153 154指定你想保留的属性名。比如下面的例子: 155``` 156-keep-property-name 157age 158firstName 159lastName 160``` 161 162**哪些属性名应该被保留?** 163 164为了保障混淆的正确性,我们建议你保留所有不通过点语法访问的属性。 165 166例子: 167``` 168var obj = {x0: 0, x1: 0, x2: 0}; 169for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { 170 console.log(obj['x' + i]); // x0, x1, x2 应该被保留 171} 172 173Object.defineProperty(obj, 'y', {}); // y 应该被保留 174console.log(obj.y); 175 176obj.s = 0; 177let key = 's'; 178console.log(obj[key]); // s 应该被保留 179 180obj.u = 0; 181console.log(obj.u); // u 可以被正确地混淆 182 183obj.t = 0; 184console.log(obj['t']); // 在开启字符串字面量属性名混淆时t和't'会被正确地混淆,但是我们建议保留 185 186obj['v'] = 0; 187console.log(obj['v']); // 在开启字符串字面量属性名混淆时'v'会被正确地混淆,但是我们建议保留 188``` 189 190`-keep-global-name` [,modifiers,...] 191 192指定要保留的顶层作用域的名称。比如, 193``` 194-keep-global-name 195Person 196printPersonName 197``` 198 199**哪些顶层作用域的名称应该被保留?** 200 201在Javascript中全局变量是`globalThis`的属性。如果在代码中使用`globalThis`去访问全局变量,那么该变量名应该被保留。 202 203例子: 204``` 205var a = 0; 206console.log(globalThis.a); // a 应该被保留 207 208function foo(){}; // foo 应该被保留 210 211var c = 0; 212console.log(c); // c 可以被正确地混淆 213 214function bar(){} 215bar(); // bar 可以被正确地混淆 216 217class MyClass {} 218let d = new MyClass(); // MyClass 可以被正确地混淆 219``` 220 221`-keep-dts` filepath 222 223保留指定路径的`.d.ts`文件中的名称。这里的文件路径可以是一个目录,这种情况下目录中所有`.d.ts`文件中的名称都会被保留。 224如果在构建HAR时使用了这个选项,那么文件中的名称会被合并到最后的`obfuscation.txt`文件中。 225 226### 注释 227 228可以使用`#`在混淆规则文件中进行注释。每行以`#`开头的文本会被当做是注释,比如下面的例子: 229``` 230# white list for MainAbility.ets 231-keep-global-name 232MyComponent 233GlobalFunction 234 235-keep-property-name # white list for dynamic property names 236firstName 237lastName 238age 239``` 240构建HAR时,注释不会被合并到最后的`obfuscation.txt`文件中。 241 242### 混淆规则合并策略 243一个工程中经常会有许多混淆规则文件,这些文件来自于: 244* 主工程的`ruleOptions.files` (这里主工程我们指的是正在构建的工程) 245* 本地依赖的library中的`consumerFiles`选项中指定的文件 246* 远程依赖的HAR包中的`obfuscate.txt`文件 247 248当构建主工程的时候,这些文件中的混淆规则会按照下面的合并策略(伪代码)进行合并: 249``` 250let `listRules` 表示上面提到的所有混淆规则文件的列表 251let finalRule = { 252 disableObfuscation: false, 253 enablePropertyObfuscation: false, 254 enableToplevelObfuscation: false, 255 compact: false, 256 removeLog: false, 257 keepPropertyName: [], 258 keepGlobalName: [], 259 keepDts: [], 260 printNamecache: string, 261 applyNamecache: string 262} 263for each file in `listRules`: 264 for each option in file: 265 switch(option) { 266 case -disable-obfuscation: 267 finalRule.disableObfuscation = true; 268 continue; 269 case -enable-property-obfuscation: 270 finalRule.enablePropertyObfuscation = true; 271 continue; 272 case -enable-toplevel-obfuscation: 273 finalRule.enableToplevelObfuscation = true; 274 continue; 275 case -compact: 276 finalRule.compact = true; 277 continue; 278 case -remove-log: 279 finalRule.removeLog = true; 280 continue; 281 case -print-namecache: 282 finalRule.printNamecache = #{指定的路径名}; 283 continue; 284 case -apply-namecache: 285 finalRule.applyNamecache = #{指定的路径名}; 286 continue; 287 case -keep-property-name: 288 finalRule.keepPropertyName.push(#{指定的名称}); 289 continue; 290 case -keep-global-name: 291 finalRule.keepGlobalName.push(#{指定的名称}); 292 continue; 293 case -keep-dts: 294 finalRule.keepDts.push(#{指定的路径}); 295 continue; 296 } 297 end-for 298end-for 299``` 300最后使用的混淆规则来自于对象`finalRule`。 301 302如果构建的是HAR,那么最终的`obfuscate.txt`文件内容来自于主工程和本地依赖的library的`consumerFiles`选项, 303以及依赖的HAR的`obfuscate.txt`文件的合并。合并策略和上面一样,除了以下的不同: 304* `-keep-dts`选项会被转换成`-keep-global-name`和`-keep-property-name`。 305* `-print-namecache`和`apply-namecache`选项会被忽略,不会出现在最后的`obfuscate.txt`文件中。 306
1# Arkguard 2Arkguard is a javascript and typescript obfuscation tool. 3For Chinese version please read []( 4(中文版说明请查看[]( 5 6# Usage in DevEco Studio 7Arkguard has been integrated into SDK. It is convenient to use Arkguard in DevEco Studio. 8In DevEco Studio, Arkguard can be enabled only in Stage Model (FA Model is not supported). 9For now only name obfuscations can be used in DevEco Studio (because other obfuscation 10abilities of Arkguard may hurt execution performance). 11You can obfuscate the following names: 12* parameter names and local variable names 13* names in global scope 14* property names 15 16We enable the obfuscation of parameter names and local variable names by default. However, 17global names obfuscation and property names obfuscation are disabled by default, as they may 18cause runtime error if they are enabled by default. 19You can enable them by [obfuscation options](#obfuscation-options). 20 21When you create a new project, the following config will be generated in `build-profile.json5`. 22``` 23"arkOptions": { 24 "obfuscation": { 25 "ruleOptions": { 26 "enable": true, 27 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt"], 28 } 29 } 30} 31``` 32When you create a new library, additional property `consumerFiles` will be added. 33``` 34"arkOptions": { 35 "obfuscation": { 36 "ruleOptions": { 37 "enable": true, 38 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt"], 39 } 40 "consumerFiles": ["consumer-rules.txt"] 41 } 42} 43``` 44 45To enable obfuscation, the following conditions should be satisfied: 46* the property `ruleOptions.enable` is `true` and the property `ruleOptions.enable` of every dependent library is `true`. 47* build in release mode 48 49The files in the property `ruleOptions.files` will be applied when you build HAP or HAR. 50 51The files in the property `consumerFiles` will be applied when you build the project or library which 52depends on this library. They will also be merged into a file `obfuscation.txt` in the resulting HAR. 53 54When you are building HAP or HAR, the final obfucation rules are combination of self's `ruleOptions.files` 55property, dependent libraries' `consumerFiles` properties and dependent HAR's `obfuscation.txt`. 56If you are building HAR, the content of `obfuscation.txt` is the combination of self's `consumerFiles` property, 57dependent libraries' `consumerFiles` properties and dependent HAR's `obfuscation.txt`. If you are building 58HAP, `obfuscation.txt` will not be generated. For more details, please jump to 59"[How Arkguard merges rules](#how-arkguard-merges-rules)". 60 61## Write rules 62 63The files `obfuscation-rules.txt` and `consumer-rules.txt` are created by DevEco Studio automatically, but they do not 64contain any rule by default. You can write rules in these files or include rules from other files, as the following 65example shows. 66``` 67"buildOption": { 68 "arkOptions": { 69 "obfuscation": { 70 "ruleOptions": { 71 "enable": true, 72 "files": ["obfuscation-rules.txt", "myrules.txt"], 73 } 74 "consumerFiles": ["consumer-rules.txt", "my-consumer-rules.txt"] 75 } 76 } 77} 78``` 79 80In rule files, you can write [obfuscation options](#obfuscation-options) and [keep options](#keep-options). 81 82### Obfuscation options 83 84`-disable-obfuscation` 85 86Specifies to disable all obfuscations. If you use this option, the resulting HAP or HAR will not be obfuscated. By default, 87Arkguard only obfuscates the parameter names and local variable names by assigning random short names to them. 88 89`-enable-property-obfuscation` 90 91Specifies to obfuscate the property names. If you use this option, all property names will be obfuscated except the 92following: 93* the property names of `import/export` classes or objects. Note: Only for directly exported classes or objects, their 94property names will be kept. For example, the property name `data` in 95 ``` 96 export class MyClass { 97 data: string; 98 } 99 ``` 100 will not be obfuscated. 101For 'indirectly export' cases such as `export MyClass` and `let a = MyClass; export a;`, if you do not want to obfuscate 102their property names, you need to use [keep options](#keep-options) to keep them. Besides, for the property names of properties of directly exported classes or objects, like `name` and `age` in the following example, if you do not want to obfuscate them, then you also need [keep options](#keep-options) to keep them. 103 ``` 104 export class MyClass { 105 person = {name: "123", age: 100}; 106 } 107 ``` 108* the property names defined in UI components. For example, the property names `message` and `data` in 109 ``` 110 @Component struct MyExample { 111 @State message: string = "hello"; 112 data: number[] = []; 113 ... 114 } 115 ``` 116 will not be obfuscated. 117* the property names that are specified by [keep options](#keep-options). 118* the property names in system API list. System API list is a name set which is extracted from SDK automatically by default. 119* the property names that are string literals. For example, the property names "name" and "age" in the following code will not be obfuscated. 120 ``` 121 let person = {"name": "abc"}; 122 person["age"] = 22; 123 ``` 124 If you want to obfuscate these string literal property names, you should addtionally use the option `-enable-toplevel-obfuscation`. For example, 125 ``` 126 -enable-property-obfuscation 127 -enable-string-property-obfuscation 128 ``` 129 Note: If there are string literal property names which contain special characters (that is, all characters except 130 `a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _`, for example `let obj = {"\n": 123, "": 4, " ": 5}` then we would not suggest to enable the 131 option `-enable-string-property-obfuscation`, because [keep options](#keep-options) may not allow to keep these 132 names when you do not want to obfuscate them. 133 134Specifies to obfuscate the names in the global scope. If you use this option, all global names will be obfuscated 135except the following: 136* the `import/export` global names. 137* the global names that are not declared in the current file. 138* the global names that are specified by [keep options](#keep-options). 139* the global names in system API list. 140 141`-compact` 142 143Specifies to remove unnecessary blank spaces and all line feeds. If you use this option, all code will be compressed into 144one line. 145 146`-remove-log` 147 148Specifies to remove all `console.*` statements. 149 150`-print-namecache` filepath 151 152Specifies to print the name cache that contains the mapping from the old names to new names. The cache will printed to 153the given file. If you use `-enable-property-obfuscation` or `-enable-toplevel-obfuscation`, and you want incremental 154obfuscation in the future (for example, hot fix), then you should use this option and keep the resulting cache file 155carefully. 156 157`-apply-namecache` filepath 158 159Specifies to reuse the given cache file. The old names in the cache will receive the corresponding new names specified in 160the cache. Other names will receive new random short names. This option should be used in incremental obfuscation. 161 162By default, DevEco Studio will keep and update the namecache file in the temporary cache directory and apply the cache for 163incremental compilation. 164 165### Keep options 166 167Keep options are useful only when you use `enable-property-obfuscation` or `enable-toplevel-obfuscation`. 168 169`-keep-property-name` [,modifiers,...] 170 171Specifies property names that you want to keep. For example, 172``` 173-keep-property-name 174age 175firstName 176lastName 177``` 178 179**What property names should be kept?** 180 181For safety, we would suggest keeping all property names that are not accessed through dot syntax. 182 183Example: 184``` 185var obj = {x0: 0, x1: 0, x2: 0}; 186for (var i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { 187 console.log(obj['x' + i]); // x0, x1, x2 should be kept 188} 189 190Object.defineProperty(obj, 'y', {}); // y should be kept 191console.log(obj.y); 192 193obj.s = 0; 194let key = 's'; 195console.log(obj[key]); // s should be kept 196 197obj.u = 0; 198console.log(obj.u); // u can be safely obfuscated 199 200obj.t = 0; 201console.log(obj['t']); // t and 't' can be safely obfuscated when `-enable-string-property-obfuscation`, but we suggest keeping t 202 203obj['v'] = 0; 204console.log(obj['v']); // 'v' can be safely obfuscated when `-enable-string-property-obfuscation`, but we suggest keeping v 205``` 206 207`-keep-global-name` [,modifiers,...] 208 209Specifies names that you want to keep in the global scope. For example, 210``` 211-keep-global-name 212Person 213printPersonName 214``` 215 216**What global names should be kept?** 217 218It is known that in javascript the variables in the global scope are properties of `globalThis`. So if in your code 219you access a global variable as a property, then the global name should be kept. 220 221Example: 222``` 223var a = 0; 224console.log(globalThis.a); // a should be kept 225 226function foo(){}; // foo should be kept 228 229var c = 0; 230console.log(c); // c can be safely obfuscated 231 232function bar(){} 233bar(); // bar can be safely obfuscated 234 235class MyClass {} 236let d = new MyClass(); // MyClass can be safely obfuscated 237``` 238 239`-keep-dts` filepath 240 241Specifies to keep names in the given `.d.ts` file. Here filepath can be also a directory. If so, then the names in all 242`d.ts` files under the given directory will be kept. 243If your are building HAR with this option, then the kept names will be merged into the resulting `obfuscation.txt`. 244 245### Comments 246 247You can write comments in obfuscation rule file by using `#`. The line begins with `#` is treated as comment. 248For example, 249``` 250# white list for MainAbility.ets 251-keep-global-name 252MyComponent 253GlobalFunction 254 255-keep-property-name # white list for dynamic property names 256firstName 257lastName 258age 259``` 260If your are building HAR, comments will not be merged into the resulting `obfuscation.txt`. 261 262### How Arkguard merges rules 263Typically there may be serveral rule files in your project. These rule files come from: 264* `ruleOptions.files` in main project (Here by main project we mean the project you are building) 265* `consumerFiles` in local dependent libraries 266* `obfuscate.txt` in remote dependent HARs 267When building your main project, all these rules will be merged by the following strategy (in pseudo code): 268``` 269let `listRules` be the list of all rule files that are mentioned above. 270let finalRule = { 271 disableObfuscation: false, 272 enablePropertyObfuscation: false, 273 enableToplevelObfuscation: false, 274 compact: false, 275 removeLog: false, 276 keepPropertyName: [], 277 keepGlobalName: [], 278 keepDts: [], 279 printNamecache: string, 280 applyNamecache: string 281} 282for each file in `listRules`: 283 for each option in file: 284 switch(option) { 285 case -disable-obfuscation: 286 finalRule.disableObfuscation = true; 287 continue; 288 case -enable-property-obfuscation: 289 finalRule.enablePropertyObfuscation = true; 290 continue; 291 case -enable-toplevel-obfuscation: 292 finalRule.enableToplevelObfuscation = true; 293 continue; 294 case -compact: 295 finalRule.compact = true; 296 continue; 297 case -remove-log: 298 finalRule.removeLog = true; 299 continue; 300 case -print-namecache: 301 finalRule.printNamecache = #{specified path}; 302 continue; 303 case -apply-namecache: 304 finalRule.applyNamecache = #{specified path}; 305 continue; 306 case -keep-property-name: 307 finalRule.keepPropertyName.push(#{specified names}); 308 continue; 309 case -keep-global-name: 310 finalRule.keepGlobalName.push(#{specified names}); 311 continue; 312 case -keep-dts: 313 finalRule.keepDts.push(#{specified file path}); 314 continue; 315 } 316 end-for 317end-for 318``` 319The final obfuscation rules are in the object `finalRule`. 320 321If you are building HAR, the resulting `obfuscate.txt` are obtained by merging the rules from `consumerFiles` in main 322project and local dependent libraries, and `obfuscate.txt` in remote dependent HARs. The merging strategy is the same 323except: 324* The `-keep-dts` option will be converted to `-keep-global-name` and `-keep-property-name` options in the resulting 325`obfuscate.txt`. 326* The options `-print-namecache` and `apply-namecache` will be omitted and will not appear in the resulting 327`obfuscate.txt`. 328