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1# Smartperf_Host
2## Introduction
3Smartperf_Host is an intuitive performance and power optimization tool that offers in-depth data mining and fine-grained data visualization. With this tool, you can gain visibility into a multitude of metrics in terms of CPU scheduling, frequency, process and thread time slices, heap memory, frame rate, and more, in swimlanes. Better yet, you can analyze the collected data intuitively on the GUI.
4## Architecture
5![System Architecture](./figures/smartperf_frame.png)
7Smartperf_Host consists of the device end and PC end, which exchange data with each other based on gRPC – a high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework.
9The device end consists of modules such as Native Hook (application-embedded component), hiprofiler_command (command-line tool), hiprofilerd (performance profiler service), a set of performance profiler plug-ins, and some system tools and kernels. The device end provides the plug-in extension capability by exposing plug-in interfaces for external systems. By drawing on this capability, you can integrate custom plug-ins into the framework. For details about the preset plug-ins, see [Performance Profiler Component](https://gitee.com/openharmony/developtools_profiler).
11The PC end is accessible from the Smartperf_Host website. It consists of modules such as Trace Streamer, SQLite, HDC device management, data import, UI drawing, and data analysis.
12## Project Directory
15├── figures                   # Image resources
16├── ide                       # Smartperf_Host IDE module
17│    └── src                  # Profiler module
18│    │   ├── base-ui          # Basic components
19│    │   └── Trace            # Service logic
20├── trace_streamer            # Trace Streamer module
21│    ├── base                 # Basic functionality
22│    ├── cfg                  # Configuration
23│    ├── filter               # Filter
24│    ├── include              # Header files
25│    ├── multi_platform       # Platform adaptation
26│    ├── parser               # Parsing service logic
27│    │   ├── bytrace_parser   # byTrace service logic
28│    │   └── htrace_parser    # hTrace service logic
29│    ├── table                # Table structure
30│    ├── trace_data           # Trace structure
31│    ├── trace_streamer       # Trace Streamer structure
32│    └── kits                 # JS APIs and native APIs
34## Functions
35### Loading Trace Files on Web Pages
36Load local trace files (such as htrace and ftrace) and display the data in swimlanes. For details, see [Loading Trace Files on Web Pages](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_systemtrace.md).
37### Capturing Traces Online
38Use Smartperf_Host to capture traces online, with the content, duration, and save path all customizable. For details, see [Capturing Traces on Web Pages](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_web_record.md).
39### Capturing Traces on a Device
40Capture traces on the target device, with the content, duration, and save path all customizable. For details, see [Capturing Traces from a Device](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_device_record.md).
41### Using Ability Monitor
42With Ability Monitor in Smartperf_Host, you can learn the CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network usage of your application. For details, see [Ability Monitor Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_ability_monitor.md).
43### Using Native Memory
44With Native Memory in Smartperf_Host, you can track the allocation and release of your application's native memory (specific to C and C++). For details, see [Native Memory Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_native_memory.md).
45### Using Hiperf
46With Hiperf in Smartperf_Host, you can view the CPU usage of your application and the call stack. For details, see [Hiperf Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_hiperf.md).
47### Using HiSystemEvent
48With HiSystemEvent in Smartperf_Host, you can inspect the power consumption of each category (CPU, network, and location, and more) of your application, resource application and usage records (WorkScheduler, Runninglock, Alarm, and Location Request), power consumption exceptions, and system states associated with the power consumption (battery level and screen status). For details, see [HiSystemEvent Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_hisystemevent.md).
49### Collecting FileSystem Records
50In Smartperf_Host, you can find out the system invoking information and read/write invoking times of all file systems. For details, see [Usage of FileSystem Recording](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_filesystem.md).
51### Collecting Page Fault Records
52In Smartperf_Host, you can collect page fault records, covering various aspects such as start time, duration, triggering process, triggering thread, event type, memory address, and memory size of page memory events. For details, see [Usage of Page Fault Recording](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_page_fault.md).
53### Collecting BIO Records
54In Smartperf_Host, you can collect I/O operation records, which provide the following information: start time, total latency, process, average latency of every 4 KB data, thread, operation (write data, page swap-in, and metadata), access traffic, path, block number, priority, and backtrace call stack. For details, see [Usage of BIO Latency Recording](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_bio.md).
55### Collecting Smaps Records
56In Smartperf_Host, you can collect the smaps data (type, Pss, Rss, Vss, and more) on a process-by-process basis. The data source is **/proc/$pid/smaps**. For details, see [Smaps Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_smaps.md).
57### Using SQL Analysis and Metrics
58You can Query (SQL) and Metrics features to quickly locate the trace data. For details, see [SQL Analysis and Metrics Usage](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_sql_metrics.md).
59## Compilation Guidance
60Project compilation includes Trace Streamer compilation and Smartperf_Host compilation and deployment.
61### Prerequisites
62- C++ version: 11 or later
63- Node.js version: 16.15.1 or later
64- npm version: 8.13.2 or later
65- TypeScript version: 4.2.3 or later
66- Go version: 1.13.8 or later
67### Compiling Trace Streamer
68To set up the Smartperf_Host website, you need to compile the WASM version of Trace Streamer for the web page to parse the original trace data. For details about the compilation process, see [Compiling Trace Streamer](./trace_streamer/doc/compile_trace_streamer.md).
69### Compiling and Deploying Smartperf_Host
70For details about the compilation and deployment process, see [SmartPerf Compilation and Deployment Guide](./ide/README_zh.md). After successful deployment, you can start to use Smartperf_Host by visiting **https://[*IP address of the device where SmartPerf is deployed*]:9000/application/**.


1# Smartperf_Host
2## 简介
4## 架构图
7该组件整体分为设备端和PC端两部分,设备端和PC端基于gRPC(Remote Procedure Call)通信框架进行数据交互。
11PC端以Smartperf_Host网站的形式进行发布,内部分为Trace Streamer数据解析、SQLite数据存储、hdc设备管理、数据导入、UI绘制、数据分析等模块。下文会重点对Smartperf_Host提供的各项能力进行介绍。
12## 项目目录
15├── figures                   # 图片资源
16├── ide                       # Smartperf_Host IDE 模块目录
17│    └── src                  # 主机测调优模块代码
18│    │   ├── base-ui          # 基础组件目录
19│    │   └── Trace            # 业务逻辑目录
20├── trace_streamer            # 解析模块代码目录
21│    ├── base                 # 基础功能
22│    ├── cfg                  # 配置目录
23│    ├── filter               # Filter 功能
24│    ├── include              # Include 头文件
25│    ├── multi_platform       # 平台适配
26│    ├── parser               # 解析业务逻辑
27│    │   ├── bytrace_parser   # byTrace 解析业务逻辑
28│    │   └── htrace_parser    # hTrace 解析业务逻辑
29│    ├── table                # 表结构
30│    ├── trace_data           # trace 结构
31│    ├── trace_streamer       # traceStreamer 结构
32│    └── kits                 # js/napi 接口存放目录
34## 功能介绍
35### 网页加载trace
37### 网页抓取trace
39### 设备抓取trace
41### Ability Monitor抓取
42使用Smartperf_Host抓取应用的CPU、内存、磁盘IO和网络的使用情况,详见《[Ability Monitor抓取和展示说明](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_ability_monitor.md)》。
43### Native Memory抓取
44使用Smartperf_Host抓取应用的Native Memory(C和C++部分)的分配和释放情况,详见《[Native Memory抓取和展示说明](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_native_memory.md)》。
45### Hiperf抓取
47### HiSystemEvent抓取
48使用Smartperf_Host抓取应用的各个子类别功耗占比(CPU、网络、定位等)、应用的资源申请使用记录(WorkScheduler、Runninglock、Alarm、Location Request)、应用功耗异常事件显示、功耗关联系统状态显示(电池电量、屏幕状态),详见《[HiSystemEvent的抓取和展示说明](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_hisystemevent.md)》。
49### FileSystem抓取
51### 页内存抓取
53### Bio抓取
54使用Smartperf_Host抓取每次IO访问的起始时间、总延迟、进程、每4k数据的平均延迟、线程、操作(写数据、页面换入、Metadata)、访问量、路径等、Block number、优先级、Backtrace调用栈,详见《[Bio的抓取和展示说明](./ide/src/doc/md/quickstart_bio.md)》。
55### 进程Smaps抓取
57### Sql分析和Metrics说明
59## 编译指南
60项目编译主要包括两部分,Trace Streamer编译和Smartperf_Host编译部署。
61### 构建约束
62- C++ 11或以上
63- node 版本 >= 16.15.1
64- npm 版本 >= 8.13.2
65- TypeScript 版本 >= 4.2.3
66- golang 版本 >= 1.13.8
67### Trace Streamer编译
68搭建Smartperf_Host网站需要编译出trace_streamer的wasm版本供网页端进行原始trace数据解析工作,具体的编译过程参考《[如何独立编译Trace Streamer](./trace_streamer/doc/compile_trace_streamer.md)》。
69### Smartperf_Host编译部署
70具体的编译部署过程参考《[SmartPerf 编译部署指导](./ide/README_zh.md)》,部署成功后通过浏览器访问页面 https://[部署机器ip地址]:9000/application/ 即可使用Smartperf_Host的全部功能。