# Development Example - [HelloWorld](#section105987593810) - [Performing Test Case Test262](#section118471435115815) This section describes how to develop and test ARK runtime. ## HelloWorld ### Preparations 1. Run the following command to compile ARK runtime: ``` ./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target ark_js_host_linux_tools_packages # arm platform and host side running tool ``` 2. Run the following command to compile the ARK frontend: x64: ``` ./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target ark_js_host_linux_tools_packages --build-target ets_frontend_build # arm platform and host side running tool ``` arm64: ``` ./build.sh --product-name ohos_arm64 --build-target ark_js_packages --build-target ld-musl-aarch64.so.1 ``` arm32: ``` ./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target ark_js_runtime --build-target ld-musl-arm.so.1 ``` **NOTE**: Run the compilation commands in the project root directory. ### Running **hello-world.js** Create the **hello-world.js** file and write the following source code into the file: ``` print("Hello World!!!"); ``` Run the **hello-world.js** file. 1. Use the ARK frontend to create the **hello-world.abc** file. ``` node --expose-gc /your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/build/src/index.js hello-world.js ``` 2. Run the **hello-world.abc** file. 1. Set the search path. ``` export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_runtime:/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/global/i18n_standard:/your_code_path/prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/llvm/lib:/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/thirdparty/zlib ``` 2. Run **ark\_js\_vm**. ``` /your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/ark_js_vm hello-world.abc ``` The execution result is as follows: ``` Hello World!!! ``` **NOTE**: In the preceding command, _your code path_ indicates the source code directory. ### Disassembling **hello-world.abc** Run the following command to export the result to the **output** file: ``` ./your code path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/runtime_core/ark_disasm hello-world.abc output ``` The output is as follows: ``` # # source binary: hello-world.abc # # ==================== # LITERALS # ==================== # RECORDS .record _ESAnnotation .record _ESModuleMode { u8 isModule } # ==================== # METHODS .function any func_main_0_any_any_any_any_(any a0, any a1, any a2) { mov v2, a2 mov v1, a1 mov v0, a0 builtin.acc sta v5 builtin.idi "print", 0x0 // Load the print function. sta v3 lda.str "Hello World!!!" // Load the Hello World!!! string. sta v4 builtin.tern3 v3, v4 // Call the print function. builtin.acc } ``` ## Performing Test Case Test262 ### Preparations 1. Run the following command to compile ARK runtime: ``` ./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target ark_js_host_linux_tools_packages ``` 2. Run the following command to compile the ARK frontend: ``` ./build.sh --product-name rk3568 --build-target ets_frontend_build ``` **NOTE**: Run the compilation commands in the project root directory. ### Running Test262 Run the **run\_test262.py** script to download and run the Test262 test case. Command: ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py [options] ``` Run the script in _Project root directory_**/arkcompiler/ets_frontend**.



--h, --help

Displays help information.

--dir DIR

Specifies the directory to test.

--file FILE

Specifies the file to test.

--mode [{1, 2, 3}]

Specifies the mode, which can be any of the following:

  • 1: default
  • 2: strict mode only
  • 3: default and strict modes


Runs Test262 ES5.1.

--es2015 [{all, only}]

Runs Test262 ES2015.

all: all cases

only: only ES2015


Runs Test262-ES.next.

--engine FILE

Runs other engines and specifies binary files (such as d8, hermes, jsc, and qjs).


Specifies whether to use Babel to convert code.

--timeout TIMEOUT

Specifies the test timeout period in ms.

--threads THREADS

Specifies the number of concurrent threads.

--hostArgs HOSTARGS

Specifies the command line parameters sent to the eshost.

--ark-tool ARK_TOOL

Specifies the binary tool of ARK runtime.

--ark-frontend-tool ARK_FRONTEND_TOOL

Specifies the ARK front-end conversion tool.

--libs-dir LIBS_DIR

Specifies the set of .so dependency file paths, separated by colons (:).

--ark-frontend [{ts2panda, es2panda}]

Specifies the frontend.

### Example - Run test case ES51. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --es51 ``` - Run test case ES2015 only. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --es2015 ``` - Run test case ES2021 only. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --es2021 only - Run all ES2015 and ES51 and ES2021 test cases. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --es2021 all ``` - Run a test case. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --file test262/data/test_es5/language/statements/break/12.8-1.js ``` - Run all test cases in a directory. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --dir test262/data/test_es5/language/statements ``` - Use Babel to convert a test case into ES5 and then run the test case. ``` python3 test262/run_test262.py --babel --file test262/data/test_es5/language/statements/break/12.8-1.js ``` ### Test Output The results of all Test262 test cases are available in the **_Project root directory_/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/out**. The test result in the shell is as follows: ``` $python3 test262/run_test262.py --file test262/data/test_es2015/built-ins/Array/ Wait a moment.......... Test command: node test262/harness/bin/run.js --hostType=panda --hostPath=python3 --hostArgs='-B test262/run_sunspider.py --ark-tool=/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/ark_js_vm --ark-frontend-tool=/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/build/src/index.js --libs-dir=/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/global/i18n:/your_code_path/prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/llvm/lib:/your_code_path/out/rk3568/clang_x64/thirdparty/zlib/ --ark-frontend=ts2panda' --threads=15 --mode=only strict mode --timeout=60000 --tempDir=build/test262 --test262Dir=test262/data --saveCompiledTests test262/data/test_es5/language/statements/break/12.8-1.js PASS test262/data/test_es2015/built-ins/Array/ (strict mode) Ran 1 tests 1 passed 0 failed used time is: 0:01:04.439642 ```