--h, --help
Displays help information.
--dir DIR
Specifies the directory to test.
--file FILE
Specifies the file to test.
--mode [{1, 2, 3}]
Specifies the mode, which can be any of the following:
- 1: default
- 2: strict mode only
- 3: default and strict modes
Runs Test262 ES5.1.
--es2015 [{all, only}]
Runs Test262 ES2015.
all: all cases
only: only ES2015
Runs Test262-ES.next.
--engine FILE
Runs other engines and specifies binary files (such as d8, hermes, jsc, and qjs).
Specifies whether to use Babel to convert code.
--timeout TIMEOUT
Specifies the test timeout period in ms.
--threads THREADS
Specifies the number of concurrent threads.
--hostArgs HOSTARGS
Specifies the command line parameters sent to the eshost.
--ark-tool ARK_TOOL
Specifies the binary tool of ARK runtime.
--ark-frontend-tool ARK_FRONTEND_TOOL
Specifies the ARK front-end conversion tool.
--libs-dir LIBS_DIR
Specifies the set of .so dependency file paths, separated by colons (:).
--ark-frontend [{ts2panda, es2panda}]
Specifies the frontend.