/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import path from 'path'; import { NATIVE_MODULE, ARKUI_X_PLUGIN, GLOBAL_THIS_REQUIRE_NATIVE_MODULE, GLOBAL_THIS_REQUIRE_NAPI } from '../../pre_define'; import { systemModules, projectConfig, sdkConfigs, sdkConfigPrefix, extendSdkConfigs } from '../../../main'; import { writeUseOSFiles, writeCollectionFile, getAllComponentsOrModules } from '../../utils'; const filter: any = createFilter(/(? = new Set(); export const appImportModuleCollection: Map> = new Map(); export function apiTransform() { const useOSFiles: Set = new Set(); return { name: 'apiTransform', load(id: string) { allFiles.add(path.join(id)); }, transform(code: string, id: string) { const magicString = new MagicString(code); if (filter(id)) { if (projectConfig.compileMode === "esmodule") { code = processSystemApiAndLibso(code, id, useOSFiles); } else { code = processSystemApi(code, id); code = processLibso(code, id, useOSFiles); } } return { code: code, map: magicString.generateMap({ hires: true }) }; }, beforeBuildEnd() { this.share.allComponents = getAllComponentsOrModules(allFiles, 'component_collection.json'); this.share.allFiles = allFiles; }, buildEnd() { if (projectConfig.isPreview && projectConfig.aceSoPath && useOSFiles && useOSFiles.size > 0) { writeUseOSFiles(useOSFiles); } if (process.env.watchMode !== 'true' && !projectConfig.xtsMode) { const allModules: Map> = getAllComponentsOrModules(allFiles, 'module_collection.json'); writeCollectionFile(projectConfig.cachePath, appImportModuleCollection, allModules, 'module_collection.json'); } } }; } function processSystemApi(content: string, sourcePath: string): string { // 'arkui-x' represents cross platform related APIs, processed as 'ohos' const REG_SYSTEM: RegExp = new RegExp(`import\\s+(.+)\\s+from\\s+['"]@(${sdkConfigPrefix})\\.(\\S+)['"]|import\\s+(.+)\\s*=\\s*require\\(\\s*['"]@(${sdkConfigPrefix})\\.(\\S+)['"]\\s*\\)`, 'g'); appImportModuleCollection.set(path.join(sourcePath), new Set()); return content.replace(REG_SYSTEM, (item, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) => { const moduleType: string = item2 || item5; const systemKey: string = item3 || item6; const systemValue: string = item1 || item4; const systemModule: string = `${moduleType}.${systemKey}`; appImportModuleCollection.get(path.join(sourcePath)).add(systemModule); checkModuleExist(systemModule, sourcePath); const externalModuleParam: string = isExtendModuleType(moduleType) && moduleType !== ARKUI_X_PLUGIN ? `, false, '', '${moduleType}'` : ``; if (NATIVE_MODULE.has(systemModule)) { item = `var ${systemValue} = ${GLOBAL_THIS_REQUIRE_NATIVE_MODULE}('${moduleType}.${systemKey}')`; } else if (checkModuleType(moduleType)) { item = `var ${systemValue} = ${GLOBAL_THIS_REQUIRE_NAPI}('${systemKey}'${externalModuleParam})`; } return item; }); } interface SdkConfig { apiPath: string; prefix: string; } function isExtendModuleType(moduleType: string): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < extendSdkConfigs.length; i++) { const config: SdkConfig = extendSdkConfigs[i]; if (config.prefix === `@${moduleType}`) { return true; } } return false; } function checkModuleType(moduleType: string): boolean { for (let i = 0; i < sdkConfigs.length; i++) { const config = sdkConfigs[i]; if (config.prefix === `@${moduleType}`) { return true; } } return false; } function checkModuleExist(systemModule: string, sourcePath: string): void { const module: string = `@${systemModule.trim()}.d.ts`; if (/\.js$/.test(sourcePath) && !systemModules.includes(module)) { const message: string = `Cannot find module '${module}' or its corresponding type declarations.`; console.error(`BUILDERROR File: ${sourcePath}\n ${message}`); } } function processLibso(content: string, sourcePath: string, useOSFiles: Set): string { const REG_LIB_SO: RegExp = /import\s+(.+)\s+from\s+['"]lib(\S+)\.so['"]|import\s+(.+)\s*=\s*require\(\s*['"]lib(\S+)\.so['"]\s*\)/g; return content.replace(REG_LIB_SO, (_, item1, item2, item3, item4) => { useOSFiles.add(sourcePath); const libSoValue: string = item1 || item3; const libSoKey: string = item2 || item4; return projectConfig.bundleName && projectConfig.moduleName ? `var ${libSoValue} = globalThis.requireNapi("${libSoKey}", true, "${projectConfig.bundleName}/${projectConfig.moduleName}");` : `var ${libSoValue} = globalThis.requireNapi("${libSoKey}", true);`; }); } // It is rare to use `import xxx = require('module')` for system module and user native library, // Here keep tackling with this for compatibility concern. function processSystemApiAndLibso(content: string, sourcePath: string, useOSFiles: Set): string { // 'arkui-x' represents cross platform related APIs, processed as 'ohos' const REG_REQUIRE_SYSTEM: RegExp = new RegExp(`import\\s+(.+)\\s*=\\s*require\\(\\s*['"]@(${sdkConfigPrefix})\\.(\\S+)['"]\\s*\\)`, 'g'); // Import libso should be recored in useOSFiles. const REG_LIB_SO: RegExp = /import\s+(.+)\s+from\s+['"]lib(\S+)\.so['"]|import\s+(.+)\s*=\s*require\(\s*['"]lib(\S+)\.so['"]\s*\)/g; // 'arkui-x' represents cross platform related APIs, processed as 'ohos' const REG_IMPORT_SYSTEM = new RegExp(`import\\s+(.+)\\s+from\\s+['"]@(${sdkConfigPrefix})\\.(\\S+)['"]`, 'g'); appImportModuleCollection.set(path.join(sourcePath), new Set()); content.replace(REG_IMPORT_SYSTEM, (_, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) => { const moduleType: string = item2 || item5; const systemKey: string = item3 || item6; const systemValue: string = item1 || item4; const systemModule: string = `${moduleType}.${systemKey}`; appImportModuleCollection.get(path.join(sourcePath)).add(systemModule); return _; }); return content.replace(REG_REQUIRE_SYSTEM, (_, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) => { const moduleType: string = item2 || item5; const systemKey: string = item3 || item6; const systemValue: string = item1 || item4; const systemModule: string = `${moduleType}.${systemKey}`; appImportModuleCollection.get(path.join(sourcePath)).add(systemModule); checkModuleExist(systemModule, sourcePath); return `import ${systemValue} from '@${moduleType}.${systemKey}'`; }).replace(REG_LIB_SO, (_, item1, item2, item3, item4) => { useOSFiles.add(sourcePath); const libSoValue: string = item1 || item3; const libSoKey: string = item2 || item4; return `import ${libSoValue} from 'lib${libSoKey}.so'`; }); }