/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { BaseElement, element } from '../../../base-ui/BaseElement.js'; import { LitChartPie } from '../../../base-ui/chart/pie/LitChartPie.js'; import { procedurePool } from '../../database/Procedure.js'; import { SpSchedulingAnalysis } from './SpSchedulingAnalysis.js'; import { TabCpuDetailsThreads } from './TabCpuDetailsThreads.js'; import './TabCpuDetailsThreads.js'; import { info } from '../../../log/Log.js'; import { LitTable } from '../../../base-ui/table/lit-table.js'; import { getDataNo } from './utils/Utils.js'; import '../../../base-ui/progress-bar/LitProgressBar.js'; import { LitProgressBar } from '../../../base-ui/progress-bar/LitProgressBar.js'; import './TableNoData.js'; import { TableNoData } from './TableNoData.js'; @element('tab-cpu-details-frequency') export class TabCpuDetailsFrequency extends BaseElement { private tableNoData: TableNoData | null | undefined; private cpuDetailsFrequencyProgress: LitProgressBar | null | undefined; traceChange: boolean = false; private cpuDetailsFrequencyPie: LitChartPie | null | undefined; private cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl: LitTable | null | undefined; private tabCpuDetailsThreads: TabCpuDetailsThreads | null | undefined; private cpu: number = 0; private cpuDetailsFrequencyData: Array = []; private cpuDetailsFrequencySortColumn: string = ''; private sortType: number = 0; initElements(): void { this.tableNoData = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#table-no-data'); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyProgress = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#loading'); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyPie = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#chart-pie'); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#tb-cpu-usage'); this.tabCpuDetailsThreads = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#tab-cpu-details-threads'); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.addEventListener('row-click', (evt: any) => { let data = evt.detail.data; data.isSelected = true; // @ts-ignore if ((evt.detail as any).callBack) { // @ts-ignore (evt.detail as any).callBack(true); } }); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.addEventListener('column-click', (evt: any) => { this.cpuDetailsFrequencySortColumn = evt.detail.key; this.sortType = evt.detail.sort; // @ts-ignore this.sortByColumn(evt.detail); }); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.addEventListener('row-hover', (evt: any) => { if (evt.detail.data) { let data = evt.detail.data; data.isHover = true; if ((evt.detail as any).callBack) { (evt.detail as any).callBack(true); } } this.cpuDetailsFrequencyPie?.showHover(); }); } init(cpu: number) { this.cpu = cpu; this.queryPieChartDataByType('CPU Frequency', cpu); } queryPieChartDataByType(type: string, cpu: number) { if (this.traceChange) { return; } this.cpuDetailsFrequencyProgress!.loading = true; this.queryLoginWorker(`scheduling-${type}`, 'query Cpu Frequency Analysis Time:', (res) => { this.traceChange = true; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyProgress!.loading = false; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData = res.get(cpu) || []; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData = getDataNo(this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData); this.tableNoData!.noData = this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.length == 0; this.noData(this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.length == 0); this.cpuDetailsFrequencyPie!.config = { appendPadding: 0, data: this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData, angleField: 'sum', colorField: 'value', radius: 1, label: { type: 'outer', }, tip: (obj) => { return `
`; }, hoverHandler: (data) => { if (data) { this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.setCurrentHover(data); } else { this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.mouseOut(); } }, angleClick: (it) => { this.tabCpuDetailsThreads!.setShow = true; this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.d-box')!.style.display = 'none'; this.tabCpuDetailsThreads!.init(cpu, it); }, interactions: [ { type: 'element-active', }, ], }; if (this.cpuDetailsFrequencySortColumn != '') { this.sortByColumn({ key: this.cpuDetailsFrequencySortColumn, sort: this.sortType, }); } else { this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.recycleDataSource = this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData; } this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl?.reMeauseHeight(); }); } noData(value: boolean) { this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.chart-box')!.style.display = value ? 'none' : 'block'; this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.table-box')!.style.width = value ? '100%' : '60%'; } clearData() { this.traceChange = false; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyPie!.dataSource = []; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.recycleDataSource = []; this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.d-box')!.style.display = 'flex'; this.tabCpuDetailsThreads!.setShow = false; this.noData(false); } set setShow(v: boolean) { if (v) { this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.d-box')!.style.display = 'flex'; } else { this.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.d-box')!.style.display = 'none'; } } queryLoginWorker(option: string, log: string, handler: (res: any) => void) { let cpuDetailsFrequencyTime = new Date().getTime(); procedurePool.submitWithName( 'logic1', option, { endTs: SpSchedulingAnalysis.endTs, total: SpSchedulingAnalysis.totalDur, }, undefined, handler ); let durTime = new Date().getTime() - cpuDetailsFrequencyTime; info(log, durTime); } sortByColumn(detail: any) { // @ts-ignore function compare(cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty, sort, type) { return function (a: any, b: any) { if (type === 'number') { // @ts-ignore return sort === 2 ? parseFloat(b[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty]) - parseFloat(a[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty]) : parseFloat(a[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty]) - parseFloat(b[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty]); } else { if (sort === 2) { return b[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty].toString().localeCompare(a[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty].toString()); } else { return a[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty].toString().localeCompare(b[cpuDetailsFrequencyProperty].toString()); } } }; } if (detail.key === 'min') { detail.key = 'minValue'; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'number')); } else if (detail.key === 'max') { detail.key = 'maxValue'; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'number')); } else if (detail.key === 'avg') { detail.key = 'avgValue'; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'number')); } else if (detail.key === 'sumTimeStr') { detail.key = 'sum'; this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'number')); } else if (detail.key === 'value' || detail.key === 'ratio' || detail.key === 'index') { this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'number')); } else { this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData.sort(compare(detail.key, detail.sort, 'string')); } this.cpuDetailsFrequencyUsageTbl!.recycleDataSource = this.cpuDetailsFrequencyData; } initHtml(): string { return `
Statistics By Duration
`; } }