# full\_uhdf - [Introduction](#section11660541593) - [Directory Structure](#section161941989596) - [Repositories Involved](#section1371113476307) ## Introduction This repository stores the code and compilation scripts for the user-mode Hardware Driver Foundation \(HDF\) of the OpenHarmony driver subsystem and provides basic capabilities for the HDF. ## Directory Structure ``` /drivers/hdf_core/adapter/uhdf2 ├── config # Configuration parsing module ├── hdi # Driver HDIs ├── host # Host environment module ├── include # Header files ├── ipc # IPC module ├── manager # Management module ├── osal # Compilation scripts for adapting to the POSIX APIs ├── security # Security module └── shared # Code shared by the host and manager modules ``` ## Repositories Involved [Driver subsystem](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/readme/driver.md) [drivers\_framework](https://gitee.com/openharmony/drivers_framework/blob/master/README.md) [drivers\_adapter](https://gitee.com/openharmony/drivers_adapter/blob/master/README.md) [drivers\_adapter\_khdf\_linux](https://gitee.com/openharmony/drivers_adapter_khdf_linux/blob/master/README.md)