* Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file istream_operator.h
* @brief Declares APIs for stream operations.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
package ohos.hdi.camera.v1_0;
import ohos.hdi.camera.v1_0.Types;
import ohos.hdi.camera.v1_0.IStreamOperatorCallback;
import ohos.hdi.camera.v1_0.IOfflineStreamOperator;
sequenceable ohos.hdi.camera.v1_0.BufferProducerSequenceable;
interface IStreamOperator {
* @brief Checks whether a specific stream can be dynamically created.
* A stream is a sequence of data elements output from a bottom-layer device, processed by the current module,
* and then transmitted to an upper-layer service or application.
* The current module supports preview streams, video streams, photographing streams, and the like.
* For details, see {@link StreamIntent}.
* This function is used to check whether a stream or streams can be dynamically created based on the
* operation mode, configuration information, and existing streams in the current module.
* If the streams can be created without stopping the existing streams or making the upper-layer service or
* application unaware of the stopping of the existing streams,
* type is set to DYNAMIC_SUPPORTED so that the upper-layer service or application
* can directly add the new stream.
* If the streams can be created only after the upper-layer service or application stops capturing all streams,
* type is set to RE_CONFIGURED_REQUIRED.
* If the streams are not supported, type is set to NOT_SUPPORTED.
* This function must be called prior to {@link CreateStreams}.
* @param mode Indicates the operation mode of the streams. For details, see {@link OperationMode}.
* @param modeSetting Indicates the stream configuration parameters, including the frame rate and 3A.
* 3A stands for automatic focus (AF), automatic exposure (AE), and automatic white-balance (AWB).
* @param info Indicates the stream configuration information. For details, see {@link StreamInfo}.
* @param type Indicates the support type of the dynamically created stream.
* The supported types are defined in {@link StreamSupportType}.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
IsStreamsSupported([in] enum OperationMode mode, [in] unsigned char[] modeSetting,
[in] struct StreamInfo[] infos, [out] enum StreamSupportType type);
* @brief Creates streams.
* Before calling this function, you must use {@link IsStreamsSupported} to check whether the hardware
* abstraction layer (HAL) supports the streams to create.
* @param streamInfos Indicates the list of stream information, which is defined by {@link StreamInfo}.
* The passed stream information may be changed. Therefore, you can run {@link GetStreamAttributes} to
* obtain the latest stream attributes after the stream is created.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
CreateStreams([in] struct StreamInfo[] streamInfos);
* @brief Releases streams.
* @param streamIds Indicates the IDs of the streams to release.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
ReleaseStreams([in] int[] streamIds);
* @brief Configures a stream.
* This function must be called after {@link CreateStreams}.
* @param mode Indicates the operation mode of the stream. For details, see {@link OperationMode}.
* @param modeSetting Indicates the stream configuration parameters, including the frame rate and zoom information.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
CommitStreams([in] enum OperationMode mode, [in] unsigned char[] modeSetting);
* @brief Obtains stream attributes.
* @param attributes Indicates the obtained stream attributes.
* Stream information passed by the streamInfos parameter in {@link CreateStreams}
* may be overridden. Therefore, the stream attributes obtained by using this function may be
* different from the stream information passed in {@link CreateStreams}.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetStreamAttributes([out] struct StreamAttribute[] attributes);
* @brief Attaches a producer handle to a stream.
* If a producer handle has been specified during stream creation (by {@link CreateStreams}),
* you do not need to call this function. If you want to attach a new procedure handle,
* call {@link DetachBufferQueue} to detach the existing procedure handle and then
* call this function to attach the new one.
* You do not need to attach a procedure handle for IoT devices that do not support or require
* image data caching and transferring of preview streams.
* In this case, set bufferQueue_ in the {@link StreamInfo} parameter of {@link CreateStreams}
* to null,
* and set tunneledMode_ to false.
* @param streamId Indicates the ID of the stream to which the procedure handle is to be attached.
* @param producer Indicates the producer handle to be attached.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
AttachBufferQueue([in] int streamId, [in] BufferProducerSequenceable bufferProducer);
* @brief Detaches the producer handle from a stream.
* @param streamId Indicates the ID of the stream from which the procedure handle is to be detached.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
DetachBufferQueue([in] int streamId);
* @brief Captures an image.
* This function must be called after {@link CommitStreams}.
* There are two image capture modes: continuous capture and single capture.
* A continuous capture is performed inside the module after being triggered,
* and the consumer can continuously receive captured image data after calling this function only once.
* If this function is called again, the current capture is stopped, the capture request configuration is updated,
* and a new capture is performed.
* This mode is mainly used in preview, video recording, or continuous shooting scenarios.
* After a single capture is triggered, only one frame of image data is captured.
* This mode applies to the single shooting scenario.
* When the capture is started, {@link OnCaptureStarted} is called to notify of the start.
* To stop a continuous capture, call {@link CancelCapture}.
* When the capture ends, {@link OnCaptureEnded} is called to notify the caller of the information
* such as the number of captured frames.
* enableShutterCallback_ in {@link CaptureInfo} is used to enable the callback for each capture.
* After the callback is enabled, {@link OnFrameShutter} is called upon each capture.
* In the scenario where multiple streams are captured at the same time, this module ensures that
* the captured data of multiple streams is reported simultaneously.
* @param captureId Indicates the ID of the capture request. You must ensure that the ID of the
* capture request is unique when the camera is started.
* @param info Indicates the capture request configuration information. For details, see {@link CaptureInfo}.
* @param isStreaming Specifies whether to continuously capture images.
* The value true means to continuously capture images, and false means the opposite.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
Capture([in] int captureId, [in] struct CaptureInfo info, [in] boolean isStreaming);
* @brief Cancels a capture.
* {@link OnCaptureEnded} is called when a continuous capture is canceled.
* @param captureId Indicates the ID of the capture request to cancel.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
CancelCapture([in] int captureId);
* @brief Converts a specific stream to an offline stream.
* Only photographing streams can be converted into offline streams.
* Due to the limited processing capability, some devices may spend a long period of time on
* algorithm processing during photographing, causing the capture requests to stack in the module.
* Converting to an offline stream enables the bottom-layer device to close and
* the offline stream to take over for subsequent processing.
* @param streamIds Indicates the IDs of the streams to be converted.
* @param callback Indicates the callback for conversion to offline streams.
* @param offlineOperator Indicates the offline stream after conversion.
* @return Returns NO_ERROR if the operation is successful;
* returns an error code defined in {@link CamRetCode} otherwise.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
ChangeToOfflineStream([in] int[] streamIds, [in] IStreamOperatorCallback callbackObj,
[out] IOfflineStreamOperator offlineOperator);