* Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup WLAN
* @{
* @brief Provides APIs for the upper-layer WLAN service.
* You can use the APIs to enable or disable a WLAN hotspot, scan for hotspots, connect to a WLAN hotspot,
* manage WLAN chips, network devices, and power, and apply for, release, and move network data buffers.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
* @file IWlanInterface.idl
* @brief Provides APIs to enable or disable a WLAN hotspot, scan for hotspots, connect to or disconnect from a WLAN hotspot,
* set the country code, and manage network devices.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
* @brief Defines the package path of the WLAN module interface.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
package ohos.hdi.wlan.v1_0;
import ohos.hdi.wlan.v1_0.WlanTypes;
import ohos.hdi.wlan.v1_0.IWlanCallback;
* @brief Defines an interface for the upper-layer WLAN service.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
interface IWlanInterface {
* @brief Creates a channel between the HAL and the WLAN driver and obtains the driver network interface card (NIC)
* information. This function must be called after an IWiFi instance is created.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
* @brief Destroys the channel between the HAL and the WLAN driver. This function must be called before an IWiFi
* instance is destroyed.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
* @brief Creates a Feature object based on the specified type.
* @param type Indicates the type of the Feature object to create.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object created.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
CreateFeature([in] int type, [out] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature);
* @brief Destroys a Feature object.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object to destroy.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
DestroyFeature([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature);
* @brief Obtains information about all STAs connected to this AP. Currently, the STA information contains only the MAC address.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param staInfo Indicates the basic information about the STAs connected to the AP.
* @param num Indicates the number of connected STAs.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetAssociatedStas([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] struct HdfStaInfo[] staInfo, [out] unsigned int num);
* @brief Obtains the chip ID of the current driver.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param chipId Indicates the chip ID obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetChipId([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] unsigned char chipId);
* @brief Obtains the device MAC address.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param mac Indicates the MAC address obtained.
* @param len Indicates the length of the MAC address.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetDeviceMacAddress([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] unsigned char[] mac, [in] unsigned char len);
* @brief Obtains the Feature object based on the specified NIC name.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetFeatureByIfName([in] String ifName, [out] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature);
* @brief Obtains the type of a Feature object.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param featureType Indicates the type of the Feature object obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetFeatureType([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] int featureType);
* @brief Obtains the frequencies supported by the specified frequency band.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param wifiInfo Indicates the frequency band, which can be 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.
* @param freq Indicates the supported frequencies obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetFreqsWithBand([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] struct HdfWifiInfo wifiInfo, [out] int[] freq);
* @brief Obtains all the NIC names of a chip.
* @param chipId Indicates the ID of the target chip.
* @param ifNames Indicates the NIC names obtained.
* @param num Indicates the number of NICs.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetIfNamesByChipId([in] unsigned char chipId, [out] String ifName, [out] unsigned int num);
* @brief Obtains the NIC name based on the Feature object.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetNetworkIfaceName([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] String ifName);
* @brief Obtains information about the coexistence of multiple NICs.
* @param combo Indicates the information obtained, for example, different combinations of the AP, STA, and P2P.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetSupportCombo([out] unsigned long combo);
* @brief Obtains the WLAN features supported by the device, regardless of the device status.
* @param supType Indicates the features obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetSupportFeature([out] unsigned char[] supType);
* @brief Registers a callback to listen for asynchronous events.
* @param cbFunc Indicates the callback to register.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
RegisterEventCallback([in] IWlanCallback cbFunc, [in] String ifName);
* @brief Unregisters a callback.
* @param cbFunc Indicates the callback to unregister.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
UnregisterEventCallback([in] IWlanCallback cbFunc, [in] String ifName);
* @brief Restarts the WLAN driver based on the specified chip ID.
* @param chipId Indicates the ID of the chip whose driver is to be restarted.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
ResetDriver([in] unsigned char chipId, [in] String ifName);
* @brief Sets a country code.
* The country code indicates the country where the AP radio is located. It specifies the AP radio features,
* including the transmit power and supported channels of the AP, ensuring that radio attributes of APs comply
* with local laws and regulations.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param code Indicates the country code to set.
* @param len Indicates the length of the country code.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetCountryCode([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] String code, [in] unsigned int len);
* @brief Sets a MAC address for an NIC.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param mac Indicates the MAC address to set.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetMacAddress([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] unsigned char[] mac);
* @brief Scans a single MAC address.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param scanMac Indicates the MAC address to be scanned by the STA.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetScanningMacAddress([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] unsigned char[] scanMac);
* @brief Sets the transmit power.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param power Indicates the transmit power to set.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetTxPower([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] int power);
* @brief Obtains network device information, such as the device index, NIC name, and MAC address.
* @param netDeviceInfoResult Indicates the network device information obtained.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetNetDevInfo([out] struct HdfNetDeviceInfoResult netDeviceInfoResult);
* @brief Starts scanning.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param scan Indicates the scan parameters.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
StartScan([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] struct HdfWifiScan scan);
* @brief Obtains the power mode in use.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param mode Indicates the power mode obtained. The power mode can be sleeping (running in standby mode),
* general (running at normal rated power),
* and through-wall (running at the maximum power to improve the signal strength and coverage).
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetPowerMode([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [out] unsigned char mode);
* @brief Sets the power mode.
* @param ifeature Indicates the Feature object.
* @param mode Indicates the power mode to set. The power mode can be sleeping (running in standby mode),
* general (running at normal rated power),
* and through-wall (running at the maximum power to improve the signal strength and coverage).
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetPowerMode([in] struct HdfFeatureInfo ifeature, [in] unsigned char mode);
* @brief Starts channel measurement.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param measChannelParam Indicates the channel measurement parameters (channel ID and measurement time).
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
[oneway] StartChannelMeas([in] String ifName, [in] struct MeasChannelParam measChannelParam);
* @brief Obtains the channel measurement result.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param measChannelResult Indicates the channel measurement result (including the channel ID, load, and noise).
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetChannelMeasResult([in] String ifName, [out] struct MeasChannelResult measChannelResult);
* @brief Sets the projection parameters.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param param Indicates the projection parameters to set.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
SetProjectionScreenParam([in] String ifName, [in] struct ProjectionScreenCmdParam param);
* @brief Sends an I/O control command to the driver.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param cmdId Indicates the ID of the command to send.
* @param paramBuf Indicates the command content.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
WifiSendCmdIoctl([in] String ifName, [in] int cmdId, [in] byte[] paramBuf);
* @brief Obtains the STA information of the specified NIC.
* @param ifName Indicates the NIC name.
* @param info Indicates the STA information obtained. For details, see {@link WifiStationInfo}.
* @param mac Indicates the MAC address of the STA.
* @return Returns 0 if the operation is successful.
* @return Returns a negative value if the operation fails.
* @since 3.2
* @version 1.0
GetStaInfo([in] String ifName, [out] struct WifiStationInfo info, [in] unsigned char[] mac);
/** @} */