# This script is obsolete. It would need to change to generate TOC.html # in the new format and link to .html instead of .xml files. #!/usr/bin/perl sub Usage { print "Usage: maketoc xhtmldir xmldir where xhtmldir contains a directory full of OpenGL .xml XHTML man pages -AND- where xmldir contains a directory full of OpenGL .xml source XML man pages probably want to redirect output into a file like ./maketoc.pl . .. > ./toc.html " } sub PrintHeader { print ' EGL Reference Pages

EGL Reference Pages

'; } sub PrintFooter { print ' '; } sub TableElementForFilename { my $name = shift; my $strippedname = $name; $strippedname =~ s/\.xml//; print "\t"; print ''; print "$strippedname"; print "\n"; } sub BeginTable { my $letter = shift; print "

\n"; print ''; print "\t\n"; } sub EndTable { print "\t"; print ''; print "\n
"; print "$letter
\n\n"; } ############## # main ############## if (@ARGV != 2) { Usage(); die; } # grab list of generated XHTML files opendir(DIR,$ARGV[0]) or die "couldn't open directory"; @files = readdir(DIR); close(DIR); @files = sort @files; PrintHeader(); my @glX; my @glut; my @glu; my @egl; my @gl; my @realEntrypoints; my @pageNames; #pre-create list of all true entrypoint names foreach (@files) { if (/xml/) { $parentName = $ARGV[1] . '/' . $_; if (open(PARENT, $parentName)) { @funcs = ; @funcs = grep(//, @funcs); foreach (@funcs) { $func = $_; $func =~ s/.*//; $func =~ s/<\/function>.*\n//; push (@realEntrypoints, $func); } close(PARENT); } } } #pre-create list of page names foreach (@files) { if (/xml/) { $parentName = $ARGV[1] . '/' . $_; if (open(PARENT, $parentName)) { my $entrypoint = $_; $entrypoint =~ s/\.xml//; push (@pageNames, $entrypoint); close(PARENT); } } } #sort the files into gl, glut, glu, EGL, and glX foreach (@files) { if (/xml/) { # filter out entrypoint variations that don't have their own man pages my $needIndexEntry = 0; # continue only if parent page exists (e.g. glColor) OR # different parent page exists with matching entrypoint (e.g. glEnd) my $entrypoint = $_; $entrypoint =~ s/\.xml//; foreach (@pageNames) { if ($_ eq $entrypoint) { # it has its own man page $needIndexEntry = 1; } } if ($needIndexEntry == 0) { foreach (@realEntrypoints) { if ($_ eq $entrypoint) { # it's a real entrypoint, but make sure not a variation $needIndexEntry = 1; foreach (@pageNames) { my $alteredEntrypoint = $entrypoint; $alteredEntrypoint =~ s/$_//; if (!($alteredEntrypoint eq $entrypoint)) { $needIndexEntry = 0; } } } } } if ($needIndexEntry) { if (/^glX/) { push (@glX, $_); } elsif (/^glut/) { push (@glut, $_); } elsif (/^glu/) { push (@glu, $_); } elsif (/^egl/) { push (@egl, $_); } elsif (/^gl/) { push (@gl, $_); } } } } #output the table of contents my @toc; if ($#gl > 0) { $currentletter = ""; $opentable = 0; foreach (@gl) { $name = $_; $name =~ s/^gl//; $firstletter = substr($name, 0, 1); if ($firstletter ne $currentletter) { push (@toc, $firstletter); $currentletter = $firstletter; } } if ($#egl > 0) { push (@toc, "egl"); } if ($#glu > 0) { push (@toc, "glu"); } if ($#glut > 0) { push (@toc, "glut"); } if ($#glX > 0) { push (@toc, "glX"); } } print '
'; foreach (@toc) { print ' '; print $_; print "   "; } print "
\n\n\n"; # output the tables if ($#gl > 0) { $currentletter = ""; $opentable = 0; foreach (@gl) { $name = $_; $name =~ s/^gl//; $firstletter = substr($name, 0, 1); if ($firstletter ne $currentletter) { if ($opentable == 1) { EndTable(); } BeginTable($firstletter); $opentable =1; $currentletter = $firstletter; } TableElementForFilename($_); } if ($opentable) { EndTable(); } } if ($#egl > 0) { BeginTable("egl"); foreach (@egl) { TableElementForFilename($_); } EndTable(); } if ($#glu > 0) { BeginTable("glu"); foreach (@glu) { TableElementForFilename($_); } EndTable(); } if ($#glut > 0) { BeginTable("glut"); foreach (@glut) { TableElementForFilename($_); } EndTable(); } if ($#glX > 0) { BeginTable("glX"); foreach (@glX) { TableElementForFilename($_); } EndTable(); } PrintFooter();