================ changes of 'libtbb.so.2'=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 10 Changed (89 filtered out), 17 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable Function symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Added function symbol not referenced by debug info Variable symbols changes summary: 3 Removed, 0 Added variable symbols not referenced by debug info 17 Added functions: [A] 'method int tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_current_slot()' {_ZN3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base21internal_current_slotEv} [A] 'method void tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_enqueue(tbb::task&, intptr_t) const' {_ZNK3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base16internal_enqueueERNS_4taskEl} [A] 'method void tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_execute(tbb::interface7::internal::delegate_base&) const' {_ZNK3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base16internal_executeERNS1_13delegate_baseE} [A] 'method void tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_initialize()' {_ZN3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base19internal_initializeEv} [A] 'method void tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_terminate()' {_ZN3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base18internal_terminateEv} [A] 'method void tbb::interface7::internal::task_arena_base::internal_wait() const' {_ZNK3tbb10interface78internal15task_arena_base13internal_waitEv} [A] 'method void tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_acquire_reader(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&, bool)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex23internal_acquire_readerERNS2_11scoped_lockEb} [A] 'method void tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_acquire_writer(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&, bool)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex23internal_acquire_writerERNS2_11scoped_lockEb} [A] 'method void tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_construct()' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex18internal_constructEv} [A] 'method bool tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_downgrade(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex18internal_downgradeERNS2_11scoped_lockE} [A] 'method void tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_release(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex16internal_releaseERNS2_11scoped_lockE} [A] 'method bool tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_try_acquire_writer(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex27internal_try_acquire_writerERNS2_11scoped_lockE} [A] 'method bool tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::internal_upgrade(tbb::interface8::internal::x86_rtm_rw_mutex::scoped_lock&)' {_ZN3tbb10interface88internal16x86_rtm_rw_mutex16internal_upgradeERNS2_11scoped_lockE} [A] 'method void tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v8::internal_push_move(void*)' {_ZN3tbb8internal24concurrent_queue_base_v818internal_push_moveEPKv} [A] 'method bool tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v8::internal_push_move_if_not_full(void*)' {_ZN3tbb8internal24concurrent_queue_base_v830internal_push_move_if_not_fullEPKv} [A] 'method void tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v8::move_content(tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v8&)' {_ZN3tbb8internal24concurrent_queue_base_v812move_contentERS1_} [A] 'method void tbb::task_group_context::capture_fp_settings()' {_ZN3tbb18task_group_context19capture_fp_settingsEv} 10 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C] 'method void tbb::filter::set_end_of_input()' at pipeline.cpp:700:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::filter*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::filter' at pipeline.h:65:1: type size hasn't changed no member function changes (4 filtered); 1 data member changes (4 filtered): type of 'tbb::internal::input_buffer* my_input_buffer' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::input_buffer' at pipeline.cpp:52:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::spin_mutex array_mutex' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 [C] 'method tbb::task& tbb::internal::allocate_root_with_context_proxy::allocate(std::size_t) const' at task.h:135:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'const tbb::internal::allocate_root_with_context_proxy*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'const tbb::internal::allocate_root_with_context_proxy': in unqualified underlying type 'class tbb::internal::allocate_root_with_context_proxy' at task.h:131:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::task_group_context& my_context' changed: in referenced type 'class tbb::task_group_context' at task.h:302:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'tbb::internal::cpu_ctl_env_space my_cpu_ctl_env', at offset 896 (in bits) at task.h:380:1 2 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'char _leading_padding[80]' changed: type name changed from 'char[80]' to 'char[72]' array type size changed from 640 to 576 array type subrange 1 changed length from 80 to 72 type of 'tbb::internal::generic_scheduler* my_owner' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::generic_scheduler' at scheduler.h:110:1: type size changed from 3136 to 3072 (in bits) 1 base class change: 'struct tbb::internal::scheduler_state' at scheduler.h:73:1 changed: type size changed from 576 to 704 (in bits) 2 data member insertions: 'volatile intptr_t* my_ref_top_priority', at offset 576 (in bits) at scheduler.h:96:1 'volatile uintptr_t* my_ref_reload_epoch', at offset 640 (in bits) at scheduler.h:99:1 3 data member changes (2 filtered): type of 'tbb::internal::arena_slot* my_arena_slot' changed: in pointed to type 'struct tbb::internal::arena_slot' at scheduler_common.h:316:1: type size hasn't changed 2 base class deletions: struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:261:1 struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:261:1 2 base class insertions: struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:251:1 struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:251:1 type of 'tbb::internal::arena* my_arena' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::arena' at arena.h:160:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class deletion: struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:261:1 1 base class insertion: struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:251:1 no data member change (1 filtered); type of 'tbb::internal::mail_inbox my_inbox' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::internal::mail_outbox* my_putter' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::mail_outbox' at mailbox.h:103:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class deletion: class tbb::internal::unpadded_mail_outbox at mailbox.h:97:1 1 base class insertion: struct tbb::internal::padded at tbb_stddef.h:251:1 1 data member deletion: 'char pad[104]', at offset 136 (in bits) at mailbox.h:114:1 1 member function deletion: 'method virtual tbb::task* tbb::internal::generic_scheduler::receive_or_steal_task(tbb::internal::reference_count&, bool)' at scheduler.h:391:1, virtual at voffset 7/7 1 member function insertion: 'method virtual tbb::task* tbb::internal::generic_scheduler::receive_or_steal_task(tbb::internal::reference_count&)' at scheduler.h:362:1, virtual at voffset 7/7 no member function changes (4 filtered); 3 data member deletions: 'unsigned int hint_for_push', at offset 896 (in bits) at scheduler.h:171:1 'volatile intptr_t* my_ref_top_priority', at offset 2560 (in bits) at scheduler.h:433:1 'volatile uintptr_t* my_ref_reload_epoch', at offset 2752 (in bits) at scheduler.h:443:1 18 data member changes: 'uintptr_t my_stealing_threshold' offset changed from 704 to 832 (in bits) (by +128 bits) type of 'tbb::internal::market* my_market' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::market' at market.h:49:1: type size changed from 1664 to 1728 (in bits) no member function changes (8 filtered); 1 data member insertion: 'bool join_workers', at offset 384 (in bits) at market.h:88:1 7 data member changes: type of 'tbb::internal::market::arenas_list_mutex_type my_arenas_list_mutex' changed: underlying type 'typedef tbb::internal::scheduler_mutex_type' at scheduler_common.h:123:1 changed: typedef name changed from tbb::internal::scheduler_mutex_type to tbb::spin_rw_mutex at spin_rw_mutex.h:38:1 underlying type 'class tbb::spin_mutex' at spin_mutex.h:47:1 changed: type name changed from 'tbb::spin_mutex' to 'tbb::spin_rw_mutex_v3' type size changed from 8 to 64 (in bits) 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 1 data member change: type of '__TBB_atomic_flag flag' changed: typedef name changed from __TBB_atomic_flag to tbb::spin_rw_mutex_v3::state_t at spin_rw_mutex.h:214:1 underlying type 'typedef __TBB_Flag' at tbb_machine.h:875:1 changed: typedef name changed from __TBB_Flag to intptr_t at stdint.h:119:1 underlying type 'unsigned char' changed: type name changed from 'unsigned char' to 'long int' type size changed from 8 to 64 (in bits) and name of 'tbb::spin_mutex::flag' changed to 'tbb::spin_rw_mutex_v3::state' at spin_rw_mutex.h:224:1 'intptr_t my_global_top_priority' offset changed from 384 to 448 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'intptr_t my_global_bottom_priority' offset changed from 448 to 512 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'uintptr_t my_global_reload_epoch' offset changed from 512 to 576 (in bits) (by +64 bits) type of 'tbb::internal::market::priority_level_info my_priority_levels[3]' changed: array element type 'struct tbb::internal::market::priority_level_info' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::internal::intrusive_list_base, tbb::internal::arena>::iterator next_arena' changed: entity changed from 'class tbb::internal::intrusive_list_base, tbb::internal::arena>::iterator' to 'tbb::internal::arena*' type size hasn't changed type size hasn't changed and offset changed from 576 to 640 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'uintptr_t my_arenas_aba_epoch' offset changed from 1536 to 1600 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::internal::generic_scheduler* my_workers[1]' offset changed from 1600 to 1664 (in bits) (by +64 bits) and offset changed from 768 to 896 (in bits) (by +128 bits) 'tbb::internal::FastRandom my_random' offset changed from 832 to 960 (in bits) (by +128 bits) 'tbb::task* my_free_list' offset changed from 960 to 1024 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::task* my_dummy_task' offset changed from 1024 to 1088 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'long int my_ref_count' offset changed from 1088 to 1152 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'bool my_auto_initialized' offset changed from 1152 to 1216 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'intptr_t my_small_task_count' offset changed from 1216 to 1280 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::task* my_return_list' offset changed from 1280 to 1344 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'char _padding1[112]' offset changed from 1344 to 1408 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::internal::context_list_node_t my_context_list_head' offset changed from 2240 to 2304 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::spin_mutex my_context_list_mutex' offset changed from 2368 to 2432 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'uintptr_t my_context_state_propagation_epoch' offset changed from 2432 to 2496 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'tbb::atomic my_local_ctx_list_update' offset changed from 2496 to 2560 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'uintptr_t my_local_reload_epoch' offset changed from 2816 to 2752 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'volatile bool my_pool_reshuffling_pending' offset changed from 2880 to 2816 (in bits) (by -64 bits) 'tbb::atomic my_nonlocal_ctx_list_update' offset changed from 2944 to 2880 (in bits) (by -64 bits) '__cilk_tbb_unwatch_thunk my_cilk_unwatch_thunk' offset changed from 3008 to 2944 (in bits) (by -64 bits) [C] 'method void tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3::assign(const tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base&)' at concurrent_queue.cpp:570:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_base_v3' at _concurrent_queue_impl.h:834:1: type size hasn't changed no member function changes (7 filtered); 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_rep* my_rep' changed: in pointed to type 'class tbb::internal::concurrent_queue_rep' at concurrent_queue.cpp:129:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (2 filtered): type of 'tbb::internal::concurrent_monitor items_avail' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: 'tbb::spin_mutex mutex_ec' offset changed from 0 to 8 (in bits) (by +8 bits) [C] 'method bool tbb::internal::hash_map_segment_base::internal_grow_predicate() const' at concurrent_hash_map.cpp:44:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'const tbb::internal::hash_map_segment_base*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'const tbb::internal::hash_map_segment_base': in unqualified underlying type 'struct tbb::internal::hash_map_segment_base' at concurrent_hash_map.cpp:27:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'tbb::internal::hash_map_segment_base::segment_mutex_t my_mutex' changed: underlying type 'typedef tbb::spin_rw_mutex' at spin_rw_mutex.h:39:1 changed: underlying type 'class tbb::spin_rw_mutex_v3' at spin_rw_mutex.h:43:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 no data member change (1 filtered); [C] 'function void tbb::internal::throw_exception_v4(tbb::internal::exception_id)' at tbb_misc.cpp:119:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'enum tbb::internal::exception_id' has sub-type changes: type size hasn't changed 1 enumerator insertion: 'tbb::internal::exception_id::eid_bad_tagged_msg_cast' value '20' 1 enumerator change: 'tbb::internal::exception_id::eid_max' from value '20' to '21' at tbb_exception.h:79:1 [C] 'method void tbb::mutex::internal_construct()' at mutex.h:218:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::mutex*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::mutex' at mutex.h:40:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 [C] 'method void tbb::queuing_mutex::internal_construct()' at queuing_mutex.h:106:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::queuing_mutex*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::queuing_mutex' at queuing_mutex.h:45:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 [C] 'method void tbb::queuing_rw_mutex::internal_construct()' at queuing_rw_mutex.h:146:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::queuing_rw_mutex*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::queuing_rw_mutex' at queuing_rw_mutex.h:47:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 [C] 'method void tbb::recursive_mutex::internal_construct()' at recursive_mutex.h:224:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::recursive_mutex*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::recursive_mutex' at recursive_mutex.h:39:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class insertion: class tbb::internal::mutex_copy_deprecated_and_disabled at tbb_stddef.h:334:1 [C] 'method tbb::thread_bound_filter::result_type tbb::thread_bound_filter::process_item()' at pipeline.cpp:712:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: implicit parameter 0 of type 'tbb::thread_bound_filter*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'class tbb::thread_bound_filter' at pipeline.h:197:1: type size hasn't changed 1 base class change: 'class tbb::filter' at pipeline.h:74:1 changed: details were reported earlier 3 Removed variable symbols not referenced by debug info: [D] _ZTVN3rml16versioned_objectE [D] _ZTVN3rml6clientE [D] _ZTVN3rml6serverE ================ end of changes of 'libtbb.so.2'=============== ================ changes of 'libtbbmalloc.so.2'=============== Functions changes summary: 9 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable Function symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 27 Added function symbols not referenced by debug info Variable symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Added variable symbol not referenced by debug info 9 Removed functions: [D] 'function void* rml::internal::__TBB_internal_calloc(size_t, size_t)' {__TBB_internal_calloc} [D] 'function void rml::internal::__TBB_internal_free(void*)' {__TBB_internal_free} [D] 'function void* rml::internal::__TBB_internal_malloc(size_t)' {__TBB_internal_malloc} [D] 'function int rml::internal::__TBB_internal_posix_memalign(void**, size_t, size_t)' {__TBB_internal_posix_memalign} [D] 'function void* rml::internal::__TBB_internal_realloc(void*, size_t)' {__TBB_internal_realloc} [D] 'function void* safer_scalable_aligned_realloc(void*, size_t, size_t, void*)' {safer_scalable_aligned_realloc} [D] 'function void safer_scalable_free(void*, void (void*)*)' {safer_scalable_free} [D] 'function size_t safer_scalable_msize(void*, typedef size_t (void*)*)' {safer_scalable_msize} [D] 'function void* safer_scalable_realloc(void*, size_t, void*)' {safer_scalable_realloc} 27 Added function symbols not referenced by debug info: [A] _Z10BitScanRevm [A] _Z10FencedLoadRVKl [A] _Z11FencedStoreRVll [A] _Z15AtomicIncrementRVl [A] _Z15SpinWaitWhileEqRVKll [A] _Z16AtomicFetchStorePVvm [A] _Z21AtomicCompareExchangeRVlll [A] _Z8AtomicOrPVvm [A] _Z8do_yieldv [A] _Z9AtomicAddRVll [A] _Z9AtomicAndPVvm [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC1ERS_ [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC1ERS_bPb, aliases _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC2ERS_bPb [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC2ERS_, aliases _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC1ERS_ [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockC2ERS_bPb [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockD1Ev, aliases _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockD2Ev [A] _ZN11MallocMutex11scoped_lockD2Ev [A] _ZN11MallocMutexC1Ev, aliases _ZN11MallocMutexC2Ev [A] _ZN11MallocMutexC2Ev [A] _ZdlPvS_ [A] _ZnwmPv [A] __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_msize [A] __TBB_malloc_safer_aligned_realloc [A] __TBB_malloc_safer_free [A] __TBB_malloc_safer_msize [A] __TBB_malloc_safer_realloc [A] scalable_allocation_command ================ end of changes of 'libtbbmalloc.so.2'=============== ================ changes of 'libtbbmalloc_proxy.so.2'=============== Functions changes summary: 1 Removed, 0 Changed, 3 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 Removed function: [D] 'function bool __TBB_internal_find_original_malloc(int, const char**, void**)' {__TBB_internal_find_original_malloc} 3 Added functions: [A] 'function void __libc_free(void*)' {__libc_free} [A] 'function void* __libc_realloc(void*, size_t)' {__libc_realloc} [A] 'function size_t malloc_usable_size(void*)' {malloc_usable_size} ================ end of changes of 'libtbbmalloc_proxy.so.2'===============