# Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. if (defined(ohos_lite)) { import("//build/lite/config/component/lite_component.gni") import("//build/lite/ndk/ndk.gni") import("//third_party/libuv/libuv.gni") # This is the configuration needed to use libuv. config("libuv_config") { include_dirs = [ "include", "src", "src/unix", ] cflags = [ "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types", "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112", ] # Adding NDEBUG macro manually to avoid compilation # error in debug version, FIX ME # https://gitee.com/openharmony/build/pulls/1206/files defines += [ "NDEBUG" ] } # This is the configuration used to build libuv itself. # It should not be needed outside of this library. config("libuv_private_config") { visibility = [ ":*" ] include_dirs = [ "include", "src", "src/unix", ] # Adding NDEBUG macro manually to avoid compilation # error in debug version, FIX ME # https://gitee.com/openharmony/build/pulls/1206/files defines += [ "NDEBUG" ] } source_set("libuv_source") { include_dirs = [ "include", "src", "src/unix", ] cflags = [ "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types", "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112", "-U__linux__", "-D__GNU__", "-fPIC", ] sources = [ # common_source "src/fs-poll.c", "src/idna.c", "src/inet.c", "src/random.c", "src/strscpy.c", "src/threadpool.c", "src/timer.c", "src/uv-common.c", "src/uv-data-getter-setters.c", "src/version.c", # nonwin_srcs "src/unix/async.c", "src/unix/core.c", "src/unix/dl.c", "src/unix/epoll.c", "src/unix/fs.c", "src/unix/getaddrinfo.c", "src/unix/getnameinfo.c", "src/unix/loop-watcher.c", "src/unix/loop.c", "src/unix/no-fsevents.c", "src/unix/pipe.c", "src/unix/poll.c", "src/unix/posix-hrtime.c", "src/unix/posix-poll.c", "src/unix/process.c", "src/unix/random-devurandom.c", "src/unix/signal.c", "src/unix/stream.c", "src/unix/tcp.c", "src/unix/thread.c", "src/unix/tty.c", "src/unix/udp.c", ] } static_library("uv_static") { deps = [ ":libuv_source" ] public_configs = [ ":libuv_config" ] } shared_library("uv") { deps = [ ":libuv_source" ] public_configs = [ ":libuv_config" ] libs = [ "pthread", "dl", ] } } else { import("//build/ohos.gni") import("//third_party/libuv/libuv.gni") common_source = [ "src/fs-poll.c", "src/idna.c", "src/inet.c", "src/random.c", "src/strscpy.c", "src/threadpool.c", "src/timer.c", "src/uv-common.c", "src/uv-data-getter-setters.c", "src/version.c", ] if (!is_mingw && !is_win) { nonwin_srcs = [ "src/unix/epoll.c", "src/unix/async.c", "src/unix/core.c", "src/unix/dl.c", "src/unix/fs.c", "src/unix/getaddrinfo.c", "src/unix/getnameinfo.c", "src/unix/loop.c", "src/unix/loop-watcher.c", "src/unix/pipe.c", "src/unix/poll.c", "src/unix/process.c", "src/unix/random-devurandom.c", "src/unix/signal.c", "src/unix/stream.c", "src/unix/tcp.c", "src/unix/thread.c", "src/unix/tty.c", "src/unix/udp.c", ] } # This is the configuration needed to use libuv. config("libuv_config") { include_dirs = [ "include", "src", "src/unix", ] cflags = [ "-Wno-unused-parameter" ] if (is_linux || is_ohos) { cflags += [ "-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types", "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112", ] # Adding NDEBUG macro manually to avoid compilation # error in debug version, FIX ME # https://gitee.com/openharmony/build/pulls/1206/files defines = [ "NDEBUG" ] if (use_ffrt && is_ohos) { defines += [ "USE_FFRT" ] } } else if (is_mingw || is_win) { cflags += [ "-Wno-missing-braces", "-Wno-implicit-function-declaration", "-Wno-error=return-type", "-Wno-error=sign-compare", "-Wno-error=unused-variable", "-Wno-error=unknown-pragmas", "-Wno-unused-variable", ] defines = [ "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600", ] # Adding NDEBUG macro manually to avoid compilation # error in debug version, FIX ME # https://gitee.com/openharmony/build/pulls/1206/files defines += [ "NDEBUG" ] libs = [ "psapi", "user32", "advapi32", "iphlpapi", "userenv", "ws2_32", ] } } # This is the configuration used to build libuv itself. # It should not be needed outside of this library. config("libuv_private_config") { visibility = [ ":*" ] include_dirs = [ "include", "src", "src/unix", ] # Adding NDEBUG macro manually to avoid compilation # error in debug version, FIX ME # https://gitee.com/openharmony/build/pulls/1206/files defines = [ "NDEBUG" ] } ohos_source_set("libuv_source") { configs = [ ":libuv_config" ] sources = common_source if (is_mac || (defined(is_ios) && is_ios)) { sources += nonwin_srcs + [ "src/unix/bsd-ifaddrs.c", "src/unix/kqueue.c", "src/unix/random-getentropy.c", "src/unix/darwin-proctitle.c", "src/unix/darwin.c", "src/unix/fsevents.c", "src/unix/os390-proctitle.c", ] sources -= [ "src/unix/epoll.c" ] } else if (is_mingw || is_win) { sources += [ "src/win/async.c", "src/win/core.c", "src/win/detect-wakeup.c", "src/win/dl.c", "src/win/error.c", "src/win/fs-event.c", "src/win/fs.c", "src/win/getaddrinfo.c", "src/win/getnameinfo.c", "src/win/handle.c", "src/win/loop-watcher.c", "src/win/pipe.c", "src/win/poll.c", "src/win/process-stdio.c", "src/win/process.c", "src/win/signal.c", "src/win/snprintf.c", "src/win/stream.c", "src/win/tcp.c", "src/win/thread.c", "src/win/tty.c", "src/win/udp.c", "src/win/util.c", "src/win/winapi.c", "src/win/winsock.c", ] } else if (is_ohos || (defined(is_android) && is_android)) { sources += nonwin_srcs + [ "src/unix/linux-core.c", "src/unix/linux-inotify.c", "src/unix/linux-syscalls.c", "src/unix/procfs-exepath.c", "src/unix/pthread-fixes.c", "src/unix/random-getentropy.c", "src/unix/random-getrandom.c", "src/unix/random-sysctl-linux.c", "src/unix/proctitle.c", ] if (use_ffrt) { external_deps = [ "ffrt:libffrt" ] } } else if (is_linux) { sources += nonwin_srcs + [ "src/unix/linux-core.c", "src/unix/linux-inotify.c", "src/unix/linux-syscalls.c", "src/unix/procfs-exepath.c", "src/unix/random-getrandom.c", "src/unix/random-sysctl-linux.c", "src/unix/proctitle.c", ] } else { sources += nonwin_srcs + [ "src/unix/linux-core.c", "src/unix/linux-inotify.c", "src/unix/linux-syscalls.c", "src/unix/procfs-exepath.c", "src/unix/random-getrandom.c", "src/unix/random-sysctl-linux.c", "src/unix/proctitle.c", ] } subsystem_name = "thirdparty" part_name = "libuv" } ohos_static_library("uv_static") { deps = [ ":libuv_source" ] public_configs = [ ":libuv_config" ] subsystem_name = "thirdparty" part_name = "libuv" } ohos_shared_library("uv") { deps = [ ":libuv_source" ] public_configs = [ ":libuv_config" ] subsystem_name = "thirdparty" innerapi_tags = [ "platformsdk" ] part_name = "libuv" if (is_ohos) { output_extension = "so" } install_images = [ "system", "updater", ] } } ohos_ndk_library("libuv_ndk") { ndk_description_file = "./libuv.ndk.json" min_compact_version = "1" output_name = "uv" output_extension = "so" } ohos_ndk_headers("libuv_header") { dest_dir = "$ndk_headers_out_dir" sources = [ "include/uv_ndk/uv.h" ] } ohos_ndk_headers("libuv_uv_header") { dest_dir = "$ndk_headers_out_dir/uv" sources = [ "include/uv/aix.h", "include/uv/bsd.h", "include/uv/darwin.h", "include/uv/errno.h", "include/uv/linux.h", "include/uv/os390.h", "include/uv/posix.h", "include/uv/stdint-msvc2008.h", "include/uv/sunos.h", "include/uv/threadpool.h", "include/uv/tree.h", "include/uv/unix.h", "include/uv/version.h", "include/uv/win.h", ] }