import * as assert from 'node:assert'; import * as fs from 'node:fs'; import * as path from 'node:path'; import type { ParserError, Token } from 'parse5'; import { type Tokenizer, TokenizerMode, type TokenHandler } from 'parse5'; import { makeChunks } from './common.js'; export type HtmlLibToken = [string, string | null, ...unknown[]]; interface TokenError { code: string; line: number; col: number; } interface TokenSourceData { tokens: HtmlLibToken[]; errors: TokenError[]; } type TokenSourceCreator = (data: TokenizeHandler) => Tokenizer; /** Receives events and immediately compares them against the expected values. We check the entire output again at the end. */ class TokenizeHandler implements TokenSourceData, TokenHandler { constructor(private testData: LoadedTest) {} private addToken(token: HtmlLibToken): void { assert.deepStrictEqual(token, this.testData.expected[this.tokens.length]); this.tokens.push(token); } onComment(token: Token.CommentToken): void { this.addToken(['Comment',]); } onDoctype(token: Token.DoctypeToken): void { this.addToken(['DOCTYPE',, token.publicId, token.systemId, !token.forceQuirks]); } onStartTag(token: Token.TagToken): void { const reformatedAttrs = Object.fromEntries({ name, value }) => [name, value])); const startTagEntry: HtmlLibToken = ['StartTag', token.tagName, reformatedAttrs]; if (token.selfClosing) { startTagEntry.push(true); } this.addToken(startTagEntry); } onEndTag(token: Token.TagToken): void { // NOTE: parser feedback simulator can produce adjusted SVG // tag names for end tag tokens so we need to lower case it this.addToken(['EndTag', token.tagName.toLowerCase()]); } onEof(): void { this.sawEof = true; } onCharacter(token: Token.CharacterToken): void { const lastEntry = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]; if (lastEntry && lastEntry[0] === 'Character' && lastEntry[1] != null) { lastEntry[1] += token.chars; } else { this.tokens.push(['Character', token.chars]); } const actual = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1]; const expected = this.testData.expected[this.tokens.length - 1]; assert.strictEqual('Character', expected[0]); assert.ok(typeof actual[1] === 'string'); assert.ok(expected[1]?.startsWith(actual[1])); } onNullCharacter(token: Token.CharacterToken): void { this.onCharacter(token); } onWhitespaceCharacter(token: Token.CharacterToken): void { this.onCharacter(token); } onParseError(err: ParserError): void { assert.ok( this.testData.expectedErrors.some( ({ code, line, col }) => code === err.code && line === err.startLine && col === err.startCol ) ); this.errors.push({ code: err.code, line: err.startLine, col: err.startCol, }); } public sawEof = false; public tokens: HtmlLibToken[] = []; public errors: TokenError[] = []; } function tokenize(createTokenSource: TokenSourceCreator, chunks: string[], testData: LoadedTest): TokenSourceData { const result = new TokenizeHandler(testData); const tokenizer = createTokenSource(result); // NOTE: set small waterline for testing purposes tokenizer.preprocessor.bufferWaterline = 8; tokenizer.state = testData.initialState; if (testData.lastStartTag) { tokenizer.lastStartTagName = testData.lastStartTag; } for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { assert.ok(!result.sawEof); tokenizer.write(chunks[i], i === chunks.length - 1); } assert.ok(result.sawEof); assert.ok(!; // Sort errors by line and column result.errors.sort((err1, err2) => err1.line - err2.line || err1.col - err2.col); return result; } function unicodeUnescape(str: string): string { return str.replace(/\\[Uu]\w{4}/g, (match: string) => String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(match.slice(2), 16))); } function unescapeDescrIO(testDescr: TestDescription): void { testDescr.input = unicodeUnescape(testDescr.input); for (const tokenEntry of testDescr.output) { //NOTE: unescape token tagName (for StartTag and EndTag tokens), comment data (for Comment token), //character token data (for Character token). if (tokenEntry[1]) { tokenEntry[1] = unicodeUnescape(tokenEntry[1]); } } } function getTokenizerSuitableStateName(testDataStateName: string): Tokenizer['state'] { const name = testDataStateName.slice(0, -6).replace(' ', '_').toUpperCase(); return TokenizerMode[name as keyof typeof TokenizerMode]; } interface TestDescription { initialStates: string[]; doubleEscaped?: boolean; output: HtmlLibToken[]; description: string; input: string; lastStartTag: string; errors?: TokenError[]; } interface LoadedTest { idx: number; setName: string; name: string; input: string; expected: HtmlLibToken[]; initialState: Tokenizer['state']; initialStateName: string; lastStartTag: string; expectedErrors: TokenError[]; } function loadTests(dataDirPath: string): LoadedTest[] { const testSetFileNames = fs.readdirSync(dataDirPath); const tests: LoadedTest[] = []; let testIdx = 0; for (const fileName of testSetFileNames) { if (path.extname(fileName) !== '.test') { continue; } const filePath = path.join(dataDirPath, fileName); const testSetJson = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString(); const testSet = JSON.parse(testSetJson); const testDescrs: TestDescription[] = testSet.tests; if (!testDescrs) { continue; } const setName = fileName.replace('.test', ''); for (const descr of testDescrs) { if (!descr.initialStates) { descr.initialStates = ['Data state']; } if (descr.doubleEscaped) { unescapeDescrIO(descr); } const expected = descr.output; for (const initialStateName of descr.initialStates) { tests.push({ idx: ++testIdx, setName, name: descr.description, input: descr.input, expected, initialState: getTokenizerSuitableStateName(initialStateName), initialStateName, lastStartTag: descr.lastStartTag, expectedErrors: descr.errors || [], }); } } } return tests; } export function generateTokenizationTests( prefix: string, testSuite: string, createTokenSource: TokenSourceCreator ): void { for (const testData of loadTests(testSuite)) { const testName = `${prefix} - ${testData.idx}.${testData.setName} - ${} - Initial state: ${testData.initialStateName}`; it(testName, () => { const chunks = makeChunks(testData.input); const result = tokenize(createTokenSource, chunks, testData); assert.deepEqual(result.tokens, testData.expected, `Chunks: ${JSON.stringify(chunks)}`); assert.deepEqual(result.errors, testData.expectedErrors || []); }); } }