An example of parsing a custom syntax within a `functionlike!(...)` procedural macro. Demonstrates how to trigger custom warnings and error messages on individual tokens of the input. - [`lazy-static/src/`](lazy-static/src/ - [`example/src/`](example/src/ The library implements a `lazy_static!` macro similar to the one from the real [`lazy_static`]( crate on ```rust lazy_static! { static ref USERNAME: Regex = Regex::new("^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$").unwrap(); } ``` Compile and run the example by doing `cargo run` in the directory of the `example` crate. The implementation shows how to trigger custom warnings and error messages on the macro input. For example if you try adding an uncreatively named `FOO` lazy static, the macro will scold you with the following warning. ``` warning: come on, pick a more creative name --> src/ | 10 | static ref FOO: String = "lazy_static".to_owned(); | ^^^ ``` And if you try to lazily initialize `() = ()`, the macro will outright refuse to compile it for you. ``` error: I can't think of a legitimate use for lazily initializing the value `()` --> src/ | 10 | static ref UNIT: () = (); | ^^ ```