const JSON5 = require("json5"); namespace ts { /* @internal */ export function trace(host: ModuleResolutionHost, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: any[]): void; export function trace(host: ModuleResolutionHost): void { host.trace!(formatMessage.apply(undefined, arguments)); } /* @internal */ export function isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost): boolean { return !!compilerOptions.traceResolution && host.trace !== undefined; } function withPackageId(packageInfo: PackageJsonInfo | undefined, r: PathAndExtension | undefined): Resolved | undefined { let packageId: PackageId | undefined; if (r && packageInfo) { const packageJsonContent = packageInfo.packageJsonContent as PackageJson; if (typeof === "string" && typeof packageJsonContent.version === "string") { packageId = { name:, subModuleName: r.path.slice(packageInfo.packageDirectory.length + directorySeparator.length), version: packageJsonContent.version }; } } return r && { path: r.path, extension: r.ext, packageId }; } function noPackageId(r: PathAndExtension | undefined): Resolved | undefined { return withPackageId(/*packageInfo*/ undefined, r); } function removeIgnoredPackageId(r: Resolved | undefined): PathAndExtension | undefined { if (r) { Debug.assert(r.packageId === undefined); return { path: r.path, ext: r.extension }; } } /** Result of trying to resolve a module. */ interface Resolved { path: string; extension: Extension; packageId: PackageId | undefined; /** * When the resolved is not created from cache, the value is * - string if original Path if it is symbolic link to the resolved path * - undefined if path is not a symbolic link * When the resolved is created using value from cache of ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations, the value is: * - string if original Path if it is symbolic link to the resolved path * - true if path is not a symbolic link - this indicates that the originalPath calculation is already done and needs to be skipped */ originalPath?: string | true; } /** Result of trying to resolve a module at a file. Needs to have 'packageId' added later. */ interface PathAndExtension { path: string; // (Use a different name than `extension` to make sure Resolved isn't assignable to PathAndExtension.) ext: Extension; } /** * Kinds of file that we are currently looking for. * Typically there is one pass with Extensions.TypeScript, then a second pass with Extensions.JavaScript. */ enum Extensions { TypeScript, /** '.ts', '.tsx', '.d.ts', '.ets' or '.d.ets' */ JavaScript, /** '.js' or '.jsx' */ Json, /** '.json' */ TSConfig, /** '.json' with `tsconfig` used instead of `index` */ DtsOnly /** Only '.d.ts' */ } interface PathAndPackageId { readonly fileName: string; readonly packageId: PackageId | undefined; } /** Used with `Extensions.DtsOnly` to extract the path from TypeScript results. */ function resolvedTypeScriptOnly(resolved: Resolved | undefined): PathAndPackageId | undefined { if (!resolved) { return undefined; } Debug.assert(extensionIsTS(resolved.extension)); return { fileName: resolved.path, packageId: resolved.packageId }; } function createResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolved: Resolved | undefined, isExternalLibraryImport: boolean | undefined, failedLookupLocations: string[], resultFromCache: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { if (resultFromCache) { resultFromCache.failedLookupLocations.push(...failedLookupLocations); return resultFromCache; } return { resolvedModule: resolved && { resolvedFileName: resolved.path, originalPath: resolved.originalPath === true ? undefined : resolved.originalPath, extension: resolved.extension, isExternalLibraryImport, packageId: resolved.packageId }, failedLookupLocations }; } interface ModuleResolutionState { host: ModuleResolutionHost; compilerOptions: CompilerOptions; traceEnabled: boolean; failedLookupLocations: Push; resultFromCache?: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations; } /** Just the fields that we use for module resolution. */ interface PackageJsonPathFields { typings?: string; types?: string; typesVersions?: MapLike>; main?: string; tsconfig?: string; } interface PackageJson extends PackageJsonPathFields { name?: string; version?: string; } function readPackageJsonField>(jsonContent: PackageJson, fieldName: K, typeOfTag: "string", state: ModuleResolutionState): PackageJson[K] | undefined; function readPackageJsonField>(jsonContent: PackageJson, fieldName: K, typeOfTag: "object", state: ModuleResolutionState): PackageJson[K] | undefined; function readPackageJsonField(jsonContent: PackageJson, fieldName: K, typeOfTag: "string" | "object", state: ModuleResolutionState): PackageJson[K] | undefined { if (!hasProperty(jsonContent, fieldName)) { if (state.traceEnabled) { const message = isOhpm(state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType) ? Diagnostics.oh_package_json5_does_not_have_a_0_field : Diagnostics.package_json_does_not_have_a_0_field; trace(, message, fieldName); } return; } const value = jsonContent[fieldName]; if (typeof value !== typeOfTag || value === null) { // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null if (state.traceEnabled) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null trace(, Diagnostics.Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_1_got_2, fieldName, typeOfTag, value === null ? "null" : typeof value); } return; } return value; } function readPackageJsonPathField(jsonContent: PackageJson, fieldName: K, baseDirectory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState): PackageJson[K] | undefined { const fileName = readPackageJsonField(jsonContent, fieldName, "string", state); if (fileName === undefined) { return; } if (!fileName) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_had_a_falsy_0_field, fieldName); } return; } const path = normalizePath(combinePaths(baseDirectory, fileName)); if (state.traceEnabled) { const message = isOhpm(state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType) ? Diagnostics.oh_package_json5_has_0_field_1_that_references_2 : Diagnostics.package_json_has_0_field_1_that_references_2; trace(, message, fieldName, fileName, path); } return path; } function readPackageJsonTypesFields(jsonContent: PackageJson, baseDirectory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState) { return readPackageJsonPathField(jsonContent, "typings", baseDirectory, state) || readPackageJsonPathField(jsonContent, "types", baseDirectory, state); } function readPackageJsonTSConfigField(jsonContent: PackageJson, baseDirectory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState) { return readPackageJsonPathField(jsonContent, "tsconfig", baseDirectory, state); } function readPackageJsonMainField(jsonContent: PackageJson, baseDirectory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState) { return readPackageJsonPathField(jsonContent, "main", baseDirectory, state); } function readPackageJsonTypesVersionsField(jsonContent: PackageJson, state: ModuleResolutionState) { const typesVersions = readPackageJsonField(jsonContent, "typesVersions", "object", state); if (typesVersions === undefined) return; if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_has_a_typesVersions_field_with_version_specific_path_mappings); } return typesVersions; } interface VersionPaths { version: string; paths: MapLike; } function readPackageJsonTypesVersionPaths(jsonContent: PackageJson, state: ModuleResolutionState): VersionPaths | undefined { const typesVersions = readPackageJsonTypesVersionsField(jsonContent, state); if (typesVersions === undefined) return; if (state.traceEnabled) { for (const key in typesVersions) { if (hasProperty(typesVersions, key) && !VersionRange.tryParse(key)) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_has_a_typesVersions_entry_0_that_is_not_a_valid_semver_range, key); } } } const result = getPackageJsonTypesVersionsPaths(typesVersions); if (!result) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_does_not_have_a_typesVersions_entry_that_matches_version_0, versionMajorMinor); } return; } const { version: bestVersionKey, paths: bestVersionPaths } = result; if (typeof bestVersionPaths !== "object") { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_1_got_2, `typesVersions['${bestVersionKey}']`, "object", typeof bestVersionPaths); } return; } return result; } let typeScriptVersion: Version | undefined; /* @internal */ export function getPackageJsonTypesVersionsPaths(typesVersions: MapLike>) { if (!typeScriptVersion) typeScriptVersion = new Version(version); for (const key in typesVersions) { if (!hasProperty(typesVersions, key)) continue; const keyRange = VersionRange.tryParse(key); if (keyRange === undefined) { continue; } // return the first entry whose range matches the current compiler version. if (keyRange.test(typeScriptVersion)) { return { version: key, paths: typesVersions[key] }; } } } export function getEffectiveTypeRoots(options: CompilerOptions, host: GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost): string[] | undefined { if (options.typeRoots) { return options.typeRoots; } let currentDirectory: string | undefined; if (options.configFilePath) { currentDirectory = getDirectoryPath(options.configFilePath); } else if (host.getCurrentDirectory) { currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory(); } if (currentDirectory !== undefined) { return getDefaultTypeRoots(currentDirectory, host, options.packageManagerType); } } /** * Returns the path to every node_modules/@types or oh_modules/@types directory from some ancestor directory. * Returns undefined if there are none. */ function getDefaultTypeRoots(currentDirectory: string, host: { directoryExists?: (directoryName: string) => boolean }, packageManagerType?: string): string[] | undefined { const modulesAtTypes = combinePaths(getModuleByPMType(packageManagerType), "@types"); if (!host.directoryExists) { return [combinePaths(currentDirectory, modulesAtTypes)]; // And if it doesn't exist, tough. } let typeRoots: string[] | undefined; forEachAncestorDirectory(normalizePath(currentDirectory), directory => { const atTypes = combinePaths(directory, modulesAtTypes); if (host.directoryExists!(atTypes)) { (typeRoots || (typeRoots = [])).push(atTypes); } return undefined; }); return typeRoots; } /** * @param {string | undefined} containingFile - file that contains type reference directive, can be undefined if containing file is unknown. * This is possible in case if resolution is performed for directives specified via 'types' parameter. In this case initial path for secondary lookups * is assumed to be the same as root directory of the project. */ export function resolveTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferenceDirectiveName: string, containingFile: string | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations { const traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled(options, host); if (redirectedReference) { options = redirectedReference.commandLine.options; } const failedLookupLocations: string[] = []; const moduleResolutionState: ModuleResolutionState = { compilerOptions: options, host, traceEnabled, failedLookupLocations }; const typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host); if (traceEnabled) { if (containingFile === undefined) { if (typeRoots === undefined) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_not_set, typeReferenceDirectiveName); } else { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_not_set_root_directory_1, typeReferenceDirectiveName, typeRoots); } } else { if (typeRoots === undefined) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_not_set, typeReferenceDirectiveName, containingFile); } else { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_type_reference_directive_0_containing_file_1_root_directory_2, typeReferenceDirectiveName, containingFile, typeRoots); } } if (redirectedReference) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Using_compiler_options_of_project_reference_redirect_0, redirectedReference.sourceFile.fileName); } } let resolved = primaryLookup(); let primary = true; if (!resolved) { resolved = secondaryLookup(); primary = false; } let resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined; if (resolved) { const { fileName, packageId } = resolved; const resolvedFileName = options.preserveSymlinks ? fileName : realPath(fileName, host, traceEnabled); if (traceEnabled) { if (packageId) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_with_Package_ID_2_primary_Colon_3, typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolvedFileName, packageIdToString(packageId), primary); } else { trace(host, Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_primary_Colon_2, typeReferenceDirectiveName, resolvedFileName, primary); } } resolvedTypeReferenceDirective = { primary, resolvedFileName, packageId, isExternalLibraryImport: isOhpm(options.packageManagerType) ? pathContainsOHModules(fileName) : pathContainsNodeModules(fileName) }; } return { resolvedTypeReferenceDirective, failedLookupLocations }; function primaryLookup(): PathAndPackageId | undefined { // Check primary library paths if (typeRoots && typeRoots.length) { if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_with_primary_search_path_0, typeRoots.join(", ")); } return firstDefined(typeRoots, typeRoot => { const candidate = combinePaths(typeRoot, typeReferenceDirectiveName); const candidateDirectory = getDirectoryPath(candidate); const directoryExists = directoryProbablyExists(candidateDirectory, host); if (!directoryExists && traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Directory_0_does_not_exist_skipping_all_lookups_in_it, candidateDirectory); } return resolvedTypeScriptOnly( loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(Extensions.DtsOnly, candidate, !directoryExists, moduleResolutionState)); }); } else { if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_primary_search_paths); } } } function secondaryLookup(): PathAndPackageId | undefined { const initialLocationForSecondaryLookup = containingFile && getDirectoryPath(containingFile); const packageManagerType = options.packageManagerType; if (initialLocationForSecondaryLookup !== undefined) { // check secondary locations if (traceEnabled) { const message = isOhpm(packageManagerType) ? Diagnostics.Looking_up_in_oh_modules_folder_initial_location_0: Diagnostics.Looking_up_in_node_modules_folder_initial_location_0; trace(host, message, initialLocationForSecondaryLookup); } let result: Resolved | undefined; if (!isExternalModuleNameRelative(typeReferenceDirectiveName)) { const searchResult = loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectory(Extensions.DtsOnly, typeReferenceDirectiveName, initialLocationForSecondaryLookup, moduleResolutionState, /*cache*/ undefined, /*redirectedReference*/ undefined); result = searchResult && searchResult.value; } else { const { path: candidate } = normalizePathAndParts(combinePaths(initialLocationForSecondaryLookup, typeReferenceDirectiveName)); result = nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(Extensions.DtsOnly, candidate, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, moduleResolutionState, /*considerPackageJson*/ true); } const resolvedFile = resolvedTypeScriptOnly(result); if (!resolvedFile && traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Type_reference_directive_0_was_not_resolved, typeReferenceDirectiveName); } return resolvedFile; } else { if (traceEnabled) { const message = isOhpm(packageManagerType) ? Diagnostics.Containing_file_is_not_specified_and_root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_lookup_in_oh_modules_folder : Diagnostics.Containing_file_is_not_specified_and_root_directory_cannot_be_determined_skipping_lookup_in_node_modules_folder; trace(host, message); } } } } /** * Given a set of options, returns the set of type directive names * that should be included for this program automatically. * This list could either come from the config file, * or from enumerating the types root + initial secondary types lookup location. * More type directives might appear in the program later as a result of loading actual source files; * this list is only the set of defaults that are implicitly included. */ export function getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost): string[] { // Use explicit type list from tsconfig.json if (options.types) { return options.types; } // Walk the primary type lookup locations const result: string[] = []; if (host.directoryExists && host.getDirectories) { const typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host); if (typeRoots) { for (const root of typeRoots) { if (host.directoryExists(root)) { for (const typeDirectivePath of host.getDirectories(root)) { const normalized = normalizePath(typeDirectivePath); const packageJsonPath = combinePaths(root, normalized, getPackageJsonByPMType(options.packageManagerType)); // `types-publisher` sometimes creates packages with `"typings": null` for packages that don't provide their own types. // See `createNotNeededPackageJSON` in the types-publisher` repo. // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null let isNotNeededPackage: boolean; if (isOhpm(options.packageManagerType)) { isNotNeededPackage = host.fileExists(packageJsonPath) && JSON5.parse(host.readFile!(packageJsonPath)!).typings === null; } else { isNotNeededPackage = host.fileExists(packageJsonPath) && (readJson(packageJsonPath, host) as PackageJson).typings === null; } if (!isNotNeededPackage) { const baseFileName = getBaseFileName(normalized); // At this stage, skip results with leading dot. if (baseFileName.charCodeAt(0) !== { // Return just the type directive names result.push(baseFileName); } } } } } } } return result; } /** * Cached module resolutions per containing directory. * This assumes that any module id will have the same resolution for sibling files located in the same folder. */ export interface ModuleResolutionCache extends NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache { getOrCreateCacheForDirectory(directoryName: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): Map; /*@internal*/ directoryToModuleNameMap: CacheWithRedirects>; } /** * Stored map from non-relative module name to a table: directory -> result of module lookup in this directory * We support only non-relative module names because resolution of relative module names is usually more deterministic and thus less expensive. */ export interface NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache { getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(nonRelativeModuleName: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): PerModuleNameCache; /*@internal*/ moduleNameToDirectoryMap: CacheWithRedirects; } export interface PerModuleNameCache { get(directory: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined; set(directory: string, result: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations): void; } export function createModuleResolutionCache(currentDirectory: string, getCanonicalFileName: (s: string) => string, options?: CompilerOptions): ModuleResolutionCache { return createModuleResolutionCacheWithMaps( createCacheWithRedirects(options), createCacheWithRedirects(options), currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName ); } /*@internal*/ export interface CacheWithRedirects { ownMap: ESMap; redirectsMap: ESMap>; getOrCreateMapOfCacheRedirects(redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined): ESMap; clear(): void; setOwnOptions(newOptions: CompilerOptions): void; setOwnMap(newOwnMap: ESMap): void; } /*@internal*/ export function createCacheWithRedirects(options?: CompilerOptions): CacheWithRedirects { let ownMap: ESMap = new Map(); const redirectsMap = new Map>(); return { ownMap, redirectsMap, getOrCreateMapOfCacheRedirects, clear, setOwnOptions, setOwnMap }; function setOwnOptions(newOptions: CompilerOptions) { options = newOptions; } function setOwnMap(newOwnMap: ESMap) { ownMap = newOwnMap; } function getOrCreateMapOfCacheRedirects(redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined) { if (!redirectedReference) { return ownMap; } const path = redirectedReference.sourceFile.path; let redirects = redirectsMap.get(path); if (!redirects) { // Reuse map if redirected reference map uses same resolution redirects = !options || optionsHaveModuleResolutionChanges(options, redirectedReference.commandLine.options) ? new Map() : ownMap; redirectsMap.set(path, redirects); } return redirects; } function clear() { ownMap.clear(); redirectsMap.clear(); } } /*@internal*/ export function createModuleResolutionCacheWithMaps( directoryToModuleNameMap: CacheWithRedirects>, moduleNameToDirectoryMap: CacheWithRedirects, currentDirectory: string, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): ModuleResolutionCache { return { getOrCreateCacheForDirectory, getOrCreateCacheForModuleName, directoryToModuleNameMap, moduleNameToDirectoryMap }; function getOrCreateCacheForDirectory(directoryName: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference) { const path = toPath(directoryName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); return getOrCreateCache>(directoryToModuleNameMap, redirectedReference, path, () => new Map()); } function getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(nonRelativeModuleName: string, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): PerModuleNameCache { Debug.assert(!isExternalModuleNameRelative(nonRelativeModuleName)); return getOrCreateCache(moduleNameToDirectoryMap, redirectedReference, nonRelativeModuleName, createPerModuleNameCache); } function getOrCreateCache(cacheWithRedirects: CacheWithRedirects, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, key: string, create: () => T): T { const cache = cacheWithRedirects.getOrCreateMapOfCacheRedirects(redirectedReference); let result = cache.get(key); if (!result) { result = create(); cache.set(key, result); } return result; } function createPerModuleNameCache(): PerModuleNameCache { const directoryPathMap = new Map(); return { get, set }; function get(directory: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined { return directoryPathMap.get(toPath(directory, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName)); } /** * At first this function add entry directory -> module resolution result to the table. * Then it computes the set of parent folders for 'directory' that should have the same module resolution result * and for every parent folder in set it adds entry: parent -> module resolution. . * Lets say we first directory name: /a/b/c/d/e and resolution result is: /a/b/bar.ts. * Set of parent folders that should have the same result will be: * [ * /a/b/c/d, /a/b/c, /a/b * ] * this means that request for module resolution from file in any of these folder will be immediately found in cache. */ function set(directory: string, result: ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations): void { const path = toPath(directory, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); // if entry is already in cache do nothing if (directoryPathMap.has(path)) { return; } directoryPathMap.set(path, result); const resolvedFileName = result.resolvedModule && (result.resolvedModule.originalPath || result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName); // find common prefix between directory and resolved file name // this common prefix should be the shortest path that has the same resolution // directory: /a/b/c/d/e // resolvedFileName: /a/b/foo.d.ts // commonPrefix: /a/b // for failed lookups cache the result for every directory up to root const commonPrefix = resolvedFileName && getCommonPrefix(path, resolvedFileName); let current = path; while (current !== commonPrefix) { const parent = getDirectoryPath(current); if (parent === current || directoryPathMap.has(parent)) { break; } directoryPathMap.set(parent, result); current = parent; } } function getCommonPrefix(directory: Path, resolution: string) { const resolutionDirectory = toPath(getDirectoryPath(resolution), currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); // find first position where directory and resolution differs let i = 0; const limit = Math.min(directory.length, resolutionDirectory.length); while (i < limit && directory.charCodeAt(i) === resolutionDirectory.charCodeAt(i)) { i++; } if (i === directory.length && (resolutionDirectory.length === i || resolutionDirectory[i] === directorySeparator)) { return directory; } const rootLength = getRootLength(directory); if (i < rootLength) { return undefined; } const sep = directory.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator, i - 1); if (sep === -1) { return undefined; } return directory.substr(0, Math.max(sep, rootLength)); } } } export function resolveModuleNameFromCache(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, cache: ModuleResolutionCache): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations | undefined { const containingDirectory = getDirectoryPath(containingFile); const perFolderCache = cache && cache.getOrCreateCacheForDirectory(containingDirectory); return perFolderCache && perFolderCache.get(moduleName); } export function resolveModuleName(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache?: ModuleResolutionCache, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { const traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host); if (redirectedReference) { compilerOptions = redirectedReference.commandLine.options; } if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_module_0_from_1, moduleName, containingFile); if (redirectedReference) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Using_compiler_options_of_project_reference_redirect_0, redirectedReference.sourceFile.fileName); } } const containingDirectory = getDirectoryPath(containingFile); const perFolderCache = cache && cache.getOrCreateCacheForDirectory(containingDirectory, redirectedReference); let result = perFolderCache && perFolderCache.get(moduleName); if (result) { if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolution_for_module_0_was_found_in_cache_from_location_1, moduleName, containingDirectory); } } else { let moduleResolution = compilerOptions.moduleResolution; if (moduleResolution === undefined) { moduleResolution = getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions) === ModuleKind.CommonJS ? ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs : ModuleResolutionKind.Classic; if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_resolution_kind_is_not_specified_using_0, ModuleResolutionKind[moduleResolution]); } } else { if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Explicitly_specified_module_resolution_kind_Colon_0, ModuleResolutionKind[moduleResolution]); } } perfLogger.logStartResolveModule(moduleName /* , containingFile, ModuleResolutionKind[moduleResolution]*/); switch (moduleResolution) { case ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs: result = nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host, cache, redirectedReference); break; case ModuleResolutionKind.Classic: result = classicNameResolver(moduleName, containingFile, compilerOptions, host, cache, redirectedReference); break; default: return`Unexpected moduleResolution: ${moduleResolution}`); } if (result && result.resolvedModule) perfLogger.logInfoEvent(`Module "${moduleName}" resolved to "${result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName}"`); perfLogger.logStopResolveModule((result && result.resolvedModule) ? "" + result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName : "null"); if (perFolderCache) { perFolderCache.set(moduleName, result); if (!isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName)) { // put result in per-module name cache cache!.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(moduleName, redirectedReference).set(containingDirectory, result); } } } if (traceEnabled) { if (result.resolvedModule) { if (result.resolvedModule.packageId) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_name_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1_with_Package_ID_2, moduleName, result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName, packageIdToString(result.resolvedModule.packageId)); } else { trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_name_0_was_successfully_resolved_to_1, moduleName, result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName); } } else { trace(host, Diagnostics.Module_name_0_was_not_resolved, moduleName); } } return result; } /* * Every module resolution kind can has its specific understanding how to load module from a specific path on disk * I.e. for path '/a/b/c': * - Node loader will first to try to check if '/a/b/c' points to a file with some supported extension and if this fails * it will try to load module from directory: directory '/a/b/c' should exist and it should have either 'package.json' with * 'typings' entry or file 'index' with some supported extension * - Classic loader will only try to interpret '/a/b/c' as file. */ type ResolutionKindSpecificLoader = (extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState) => Resolved | undefined; /** * Any module resolution kind can be augmented with optional settings: 'baseUrl', 'paths' and 'rootDirs' - they are used to * mitigate differences between design time structure of the project and its runtime counterpart so the same import name * can be resolved successfully by TypeScript compiler and runtime module loader. * If these settings are set then loading procedure will try to use them to resolve module name and it can of failure it will * fallback to standard resolution routine. * * - baseUrl - this setting controls how non-relative module names are resolved. If this setting is specified then non-relative * names will be resolved relative to baseUrl: i.e. if baseUrl is '/a/b' then candidate location to resolve module name 'c/d' will * be '/a/b/c/d' * - paths - this setting can only be used when baseUrl is specified. allows to tune how non-relative module names * will be resolved based on the content of the module name. * Structure of 'paths' compiler options * 'paths': { * pattern-1: [...substitutions], * pattern-2: [...substitutions], * ... * pattern-n: [...substitutions] * } * Pattern here is a string that can contain zero or one '*' character. During module resolution module name will be matched against * all patterns in the list. Matching for patterns that don't contain '*' means that module name must be equal to pattern respecting the case. * If pattern contains '*' then to match pattern "*" module name must start with the and end with . * denotes part of the module name between and . * If module name can be matches with multiple patterns then pattern with the longest prefix will be picked. * After selecting pattern we'll use list of substitutions to get candidate locations of the module and the try to load module * from the candidate location. * Substitution is a string that can contain zero or one '*'. To get candidate location from substitution we'll pick every * substitution in the list and replace '*' with string. If candidate location is not rooted it * will be converted to absolute using baseUrl. * For example: * baseUrl: /a/b/c * "paths": { * // match all module names * "*": [ * "*", // use matched name as is, * // will be looked as /a/b/c/ * * "folder1/*" // substitution will convert matched name to 'folder1/', * // since it is not rooted then final candidate location will be /a/b/c/folder1/ * ], * // match module names that start with 'components/' * "components/*": [ "/root/components/*" ] // substitution will convert /components/folder1/ to '/root/components/folder1/', * // it is rooted so it will be final candidate location * } * * 'rootDirs' allows the project to be spreaded across multiple locations and resolve modules with relative names as if * they were in the same location. For example lets say there are two files * '/local/src/content/file1.ts' * '/shared/components/contracts/src/content/protocols/file2.ts' * After bundling content of '/shared/components/contracts/src' will be merged with '/local/src' so * if file1 has the following import 'import {x} from "./protocols/file2"' it will be resolved successfully in runtime. * 'rootDirs' provides the way to tell compiler that in order to get the whole project it should behave as if content of all * root dirs were merged together. * I.e. for the example above 'rootDirs' will have two entries: [ '/local/src', '/shared/components/contracts/src' ]. * Compiler will first convert './protocols/file2' into absolute path relative to the location of containing file: * '/local/src/content/protocols/file2' and try to load it - failure. * Then it will search 'rootDirs' looking for a longest matching prefix of this absolute path and if such prefix is found - absolute path will * be converted to a path relative to found rootDir entry './content/protocols/file2' (*). As a last step compiler will check all remaining * entries in 'rootDirs', use them to build absolute path out of (*) and try to resolve module from this location. */ function tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, containingDirectory: string, loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader, state: ModuleResolutionState): Resolved | undefined { const resolved = tryLoadModuleUsingPathsIfEligible(extensions, moduleName, loader, state); if (resolved) return resolved.value; if (!isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName)) { return tryLoadModuleUsingBaseUrl(extensions, moduleName, loader, state); } else { return tryLoadModuleUsingRootDirs(extensions, moduleName, containingDirectory, loader, state); } } function tryLoadModuleUsingPathsIfEligible(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader, state: ModuleResolutionState) { const { baseUrl, paths } = state.compilerOptions; if (paths && !pathIsRelative(moduleName)) { if (state.traceEnabled) { if (baseUrl) { trace(, Diagnostics.baseUrl_option_is_set_to_0_using_this_value_to_resolve_non_relative_module_name_1, baseUrl, moduleName); } trace(, Diagnostics.paths_option_is_specified_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_0, moduleName); } const baseDirectory = getPathsBasePath(state.compilerOptions,!; // Always defined when 'paths' is defined return tryLoadModuleUsingPaths(extensions, moduleName, baseDirectory, paths, loader, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, state); } } function tryLoadModuleUsingRootDirs(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, containingDirectory: string, loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader, state: ModuleResolutionState): Resolved | undefined { if (!state.compilerOptions.rootDirs) { return undefined; } if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.rootDirs_option_is_set_using_it_to_resolve_relative_module_name_0, moduleName); } const candidate = normalizePath(combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName)); let matchedRootDir: string | undefined; let matchedNormalizedPrefix: string | undefined; for (const rootDir of state.compilerOptions.rootDirs) { // rootDirs are expected to be absolute // in case of tsconfig.json this will happen automatically - compiler will expand relative names // using location of tsconfig.json as base location let normalizedRoot = normalizePath(rootDir); if (!endsWith(normalizedRoot, directorySeparator)) { normalizedRoot += directorySeparator; } const isLongestMatchingPrefix = startsWith(candidate, normalizedRoot) && (matchedNormalizedPrefix === undefined || matchedNormalizedPrefix.length < normalizedRoot.length); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Checking_if_0_is_the_longest_matching_prefix_for_1_2, normalizedRoot, candidate, isLongestMatchingPrefix); } if (isLongestMatchingPrefix) { matchedNormalizedPrefix = normalizedRoot; matchedRootDir = rootDir; } } if (matchedNormalizedPrefix) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Longest_matching_prefix_for_0_is_1, candidate, matchedNormalizedPrefix); } const suffix = candidate.substr(matchedNormalizedPrefix.length); // first - try to load from a initial location if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2, suffix, matchedNormalizedPrefix, candidate); } const resolvedFileName = loader(extensions, candidate, !directoryProbablyExists(containingDirectory,, state); if (resolvedFileName) { return resolvedFileName; } if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Trying_other_entries_in_rootDirs); } // then try to resolve using remaining entries in rootDirs for (const rootDir of state.compilerOptions.rootDirs) { if (rootDir === matchedRootDir) { // skip the initially matched entry continue; } const candidate = combinePaths(normalizePath(rootDir), suffix); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Loading_0_from_the_root_dir_1_candidate_location_2, suffix, rootDir, candidate); } const baseDirectory = getDirectoryPath(candidate); const resolvedFileName = loader(extensions, candidate, !directoryProbablyExists(baseDirectory,, state); if (resolvedFileName) { return resolvedFileName; } } if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Module_resolution_using_rootDirs_has_failed); } } return undefined; } function tryLoadModuleUsingBaseUrl(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader, state: ModuleResolutionState): Resolved | undefined { const { baseUrl } = state.compilerOptions; if (!baseUrl) { return undefined; } if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.baseUrl_option_is_set_to_0_using_this_value_to_resolve_non_relative_module_name_1, baseUrl, moduleName); } const candidate = normalizePath(combinePaths(baseUrl, moduleName)); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Resolving_module_name_0_relative_to_base_url_1_2, moduleName, baseUrl, candidate); } return loader(extensions, candidate, !directoryProbablyExists(getDirectoryPath(candidate),, state); } /** * Expose resolution logic to allow us to use Node module resolution logic from arbitrary locations. * No way to do this with `require()`: * Throws an error if the module can't be resolved. */ /* @internal */ export function resolveJSModule(moduleName: string, initialDir: string, host: ModuleResolutionHost): string { const { resolvedModule, failedLookupLocations } = tryResolveJSModuleWorker(moduleName, initialDir, host); if (!resolvedModule) { throw new Error(`Could not resolve JS module '${moduleName}' starting at '${initialDir}'. Looked in: ${failedLookupLocations.join(", ")}`); } return resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; } /* @internal */ export function tryResolveJSModule(moduleName: string, initialDir: string, host: ModuleResolutionHost): string | undefined { const { resolvedModule } = tryResolveJSModuleWorker(moduleName, initialDir, host); return resolvedModule && resolvedModule.resolvedFileName; } const jsOnlyExtensions = [Extensions.JavaScript]; const tsExtensions = [Extensions.TypeScript, Extensions.JavaScript]; const tsPlusJsonExtensions = [...tsExtensions, Extensions.Json]; const tsconfigExtensions = [Extensions.TSConfig]; function tryResolveJSModuleWorker(moduleName: string, initialDir: string, host: ModuleResolutionHost): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { return nodeModuleNameResolverWorker(moduleName, initialDir, { moduleResolution: ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs, allowJs: true }, host, /*cache*/ undefined, jsOnlyExtensions, /*redirectedReferences*/ undefined); } export function nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache?: ModuleResolutionCache, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations; /* @internal */ export function nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache?: ModuleResolutionCache, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference, lookupConfig?: boolean): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unified-signatures export function nodeModuleNameResolver(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache?: ModuleResolutionCache, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference, lookupConfig?: boolean): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { return nodeModuleNameResolverWorker(moduleName, getDirectoryPath(containingFile), compilerOptions, host, cache, lookupConfig ? tsconfigExtensions : (compilerOptions.resolveJsonModule ? tsPlusJsonExtensions : tsExtensions), redirectedReference); } function nodeModuleNameResolverWorker(moduleName: string, containingDirectory: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache: ModuleResolutionCache | undefined, extensions: Extensions[], redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { const traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host); const failedLookupLocations: string[] = []; const state: ModuleResolutionState = { compilerOptions, host, traceEnabled, failedLookupLocations }; const result = forEach(extensions, ext => tryResolve(ext)); return createResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(result?.value?.resolved, result?.value?.isExternalLibraryImport, failedLookupLocations, state.resultFromCache); function tryResolve(extensions: Extensions): SearchResult<{ resolved: Resolved, isExternalLibraryImport: boolean }> { const loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader = (extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state) => nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state, /*considerPackageJson*/ true); const isOHModules: boolean = isOhpm(compilerOptions.packageManagerType); const resolved = tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(extensions, moduleName, containingDirectory, loader, state); if (resolved) { return toSearchResult({ resolved, isExternalLibraryImport: isOHModules ? pathContainsOHModules(resolved.path) : pathContainsNodeModules(resolved.path) }); } if (!isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName)) { if (traceEnabled) { const message = isOHModules ? Diagnostics.Loading_module_0_from_oh_modules_folder_target_file_type_1 : Diagnostics.Loading_module_0_from_node_modules_folder_target_file_type_1; trace(host, message, moduleName, Extensions[extensions]); } const resolved = loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectory(extensions, moduleName, containingDirectory, state, cache, redirectedReference); if (!resolved) return undefined; let resolvedValue = resolved.value; if (!compilerOptions.preserveSymlinks && resolvedValue && !resolvedValue.originalPath) { const path = realPath(resolvedValue.path, host, traceEnabled); const originalPath = path === resolvedValue.path ? undefined : resolvedValue.path; resolvedValue = { ...resolvedValue, path, originalPath }; } // For node_modules or oh_modules lookups, get the real path so that multiple accesses to an `npm link`-ed module do not create duplicate files. return { value: resolvedValue && { resolved: resolvedValue, isExternalLibraryImport: true } }; } else { const { path: candidate, parts } = normalizePathAndParts(combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName)); const resolved = nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(extensions, candidate, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, state, /*considerPackageJson*/ true); // Treat explicit "node_modules" or "oh_modules" import as an external library import. return resolved && toSearchResult({ resolved, isExternalLibraryImport: contains(parts, getModuleByPMType(compilerOptions.packageManagerType)) }); } } } function realPath(path: string, host: ModuleResolutionHost, traceEnabled: boolean): string { if (!host.realpath) { return path; } const real = normalizePath(host.realpath(path)); if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Resolving_real_path_for_0_result_1, path, real); } Debug.assert(host.fileExists(real), `${path} linked to nonexistent file ${real}`); return real; } function nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState, considerPackageJson: boolean): Resolved | undefined { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Loading_module_as_file_Slash_folder_candidate_module_location_0_target_file_type_1, candidate, Extensions[extensions]); } if (!hasTrailingDirectorySeparator(candidate)) { if (!onlyRecordFailures) { const parentOfCandidate = getDirectoryPath(candidate); if (!directoryProbablyExists(parentOfCandidate, { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Directory_0_does_not_exist_skipping_all_lookups_in_it, parentOfCandidate); } onlyRecordFailures = true; } } const resolvedFromFile = loadModuleFromFile(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state); if (resolvedFromFile) { const packageDirectory = considerPackageJson ? parseModuleFromPath(resolvedFromFile, state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType) : undefined; const packageInfo = packageDirectory ? getPackageJsonInfo(packageDirectory, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, state) : undefined; return withPackageId(packageInfo, resolvedFromFile); } } if (!onlyRecordFailures) { const candidateExists = directoryProbablyExists(candidate,; if (!candidateExists) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Directory_0_does_not_exist_skipping_all_lookups_in_it, candidate); } onlyRecordFailures = true; } } return loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state, considerPackageJson); } /*@internal*/ export const nodeModulesPathPart = "/node_modules/"; export const ohModulesPathPart = "/oh_modules/"; /*@internal*/ export function pathContainsNodeModules(path: string): boolean { return stringContains(path, nodeModulesPathPart); } /*@internal*/ export function pathContainsOHModules(path: string): boolean { return stringContains(path, ohModulesPathPart); } /** * This will be called on the successfully resolved path from `loadModuleFromFile`. * (Not needed for `loadModuleFromNodeModules` as that looks up the `package.json` or `oh-package.json5` as part of resolution.) * * packageDirectory is the directory of the package itself. * For `blah/node_modules/foo/index.d.ts` this is packageDirectory: "foo" * For `/node_modules/foo/bar.d.ts` this is packageDirectory: "foo" * For `/node_modules/@types/foo/bar/index.d.ts` this is packageDirectory: "@types/foo" * For `/node_modules/foo/bar/index.d.ts` this is packageDirectory: "foo" */ function parseModuleFromPath(resolved: PathAndExtension, packageManagerType?: string): string | undefined { const modulesPathPart = isOhpm(packageManagerType) ? ohModulesPathPart : nodeModulesPathPart; const path = normalizePath(resolved.path); const idx = path.lastIndexOf(modulesPathPart); if (idx === -1) { return undefined; } const indexAfterModules = idx + modulesPathPart.length; let indexAfterPackageName = moveToNextDirectorySeparatorIfAvailable(path, indexAfterModules); if (path.charCodeAt(indexAfterModules) === { indexAfterPackageName = moveToNextDirectorySeparatorIfAvailable(path, indexAfterPackageName); } return path.slice(0, indexAfterPackageName); } function moveToNextDirectorySeparatorIfAvailable(path: string, prevSeparatorIndex: number): number { const nextSeparatorIndex = path.indexOf(directorySeparator, prevSeparatorIndex + 1); return nextSeparatorIndex === -1 ? prevSeparatorIndex : nextSeparatorIndex; } function loadModuleFromFileNoPackageId(extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): Resolved | undefined { return noPackageId(loadModuleFromFile(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state)); } /** * @param {boolean} onlyRecordFailures - if true then function won't try to actually load files but instead record all attempts as failures. This flag is necessary * in cases when we know upfront that all load attempts will fail (because containing folder does not exists) however we still need to record all failed lookup locations. */ function loadModuleFromFile(extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): PathAndExtension | undefined { if (extensions === Extensions.Json || extensions === Extensions.TSConfig) { const extensionLess = tryRemoveExtension(candidate, Extension.Json); return (extensionLess === undefined && extensions === Extensions.Json) ? undefined : tryAddingExtensions(extensionLess || candidate, extensions, onlyRecordFailures, state); } // First, try adding an extension. An import of "foo" could be matched by a file "foo.ts", or "foo.js" by "foo.js.ts" const resolvedByAddingExtension = tryAddingExtensions(candidate, extensions, onlyRecordFailures, state); if (resolvedByAddingExtension) { return resolvedByAddingExtension; } // If that didn't work, try stripping a ".js" or ".jsx" extension and replacing it with a TypeScript one; // e.g. "./foo.js" can be matched by "./foo.ts" or "./foo.d.ts" if (hasJSFileExtension(candidate)) { const extensionless = removeFileExtension(candidate); if (state.traceEnabled) { const extension = candidate.substring(extensionless.length); trace(, Diagnostics.File_name_0_has_a_1_extension_stripping_it, candidate, extension); } return tryAddingExtensions(extensionless, extensions, onlyRecordFailures, state); } } /** Try to return an existing file that adds one of the `extensions` to `candidate`. */ function tryAddingExtensions(candidate: string, extensions: Extensions, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): PathAndExtension | undefined { if (!onlyRecordFailures) { // check if containing folder exists - if it doesn't then just record failures for all supported extensions without disk probing const directory = getDirectoryPath(candidate); if (directory) { onlyRecordFailures = !directoryProbablyExists(directory,; } } switch (extensions) { case Extensions.DtsOnly: if (state.compilerOptions.ets) { return tryExtension(Extension.Dets) || tryExtension(Extension.Dts); } else { return tryExtension(Extension.Dts); } case Extensions.TypeScript: if (state.compilerOptions.ets) { return tryExtension(Extension.Ets) || tryExtension(Extension.Ts) || tryExtension(Extension.Tsx) || tryExtension(Extension.Dets) || tryExtension(Extension.Dts); } else { return tryExtension(Extension.Ts) || tryExtension(Extension.Tsx) || tryExtension(Extension.Dts) || tryExtension(Extension.Ets); } case Extensions.JavaScript: return tryExtension(Extension.Js) || tryExtension(Extension.Jsx); case Extensions.TSConfig: case Extensions.Json: return tryExtension(Extension.Json); } function tryExtension(ext: Extension): PathAndExtension | undefined { const path = tryFile(candidate + ext, onlyRecordFailures, state); return path === undefined ? undefined : { path, ext }; } } /** Return the file if it exists. */ function tryFile(fileName: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): string | undefined { if (!onlyRecordFailures) { if ( { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.File_0_exist_use_it_as_a_name_resolution_result, fileName); } return fileName; } else { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.File_0_does_not_exist, fileName); } } } state.failedLookupLocations.push(fileName); return undefined; } function loadNodeModuleFromDirectory(extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState, considerPackageJson = true) { const packageInfo = considerPackageJson ? getPackageJsonInfo(candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state) : undefined; const packageJsonContent = packageInfo && packageInfo.packageJsonContent; const versionPaths = packageInfo && packageInfo.versionPaths; return withPackageId(packageInfo, loadModuleFromDirectoryWorker(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state, packageJsonContent, versionPaths)); } interface PackageJsonInfo { packageDirectory: string; packageJsonContent: PackageJsonPathFields; versionPaths: VersionPaths | undefined; } function getPackageJsonInfo(packageDirectory: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): PackageJsonInfo | undefined { const { host, traceEnabled } = state; const directoryExists = !onlyRecordFailures && directoryProbablyExists(packageDirectory, host); const packageJsonPath = combinePaths(packageDirectory, getPackageJsonByPMType(state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType)); if (directoryExists && host.fileExists(packageJsonPath)) { const isOHModules: boolean = isOhpm(state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType); const packageJsonContent = isOHModules ? JSON5.parse(host.readFile!(packageJsonPath)!) : readJson(packageJsonPath, host) as PackageJson; if (traceEnabled) { const message = isOHModules ? Diagnostics.Found_oh_package_json5_at_0 : Diagnostics.Found_package_json_at_0; trace(host, message, packageJsonPath); } const versionPaths = readPackageJsonTypesVersionPaths(packageJsonContent, state); return { packageDirectory, packageJsonContent, versionPaths }; } else { if (directoryExists && traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.File_0_does_not_exist, packageJsonPath); } // record package json as one of failed lookup locations - in the future if this file will appear it will invalidate resolution results state.failedLookupLocations.push(packageJsonPath); } } function loadModuleFromDirectoryWorker(extensions: Extensions, candidate: string, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState, jsonContent: PackageJsonPathFields | undefined, versionPaths: VersionPaths | undefined): PathAndExtension | undefined { let packageFile: string | undefined; if (jsonContent) { switch (extensions) { case Extensions.JavaScript: case Extensions.Json: packageFile = readPackageJsonMainField(jsonContent, candidate, state); break; case Extensions.TypeScript: // When resolving typescript modules, try resolving using main field as well packageFile = readPackageJsonTypesFields(jsonContent, candidate, state) || readPackageJsonMainField(jsonContent, candidate, state); break; case Extensions.DtsOnly: packageFile = readPackageJsonTypesFields(jsonContent, candidate, state); break; case Extensions.TSConfig: packageFile = readPackageJsonTSConfigField(jsonContent, candidate, state); break; default: return Debug.assertNever(extensions); } } const loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader = (extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state) => { const fromFile = tryFile(candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state); if (fromFile) { const resolved = resolvedIfExtensionMatches(extensions, fromFile); if (resolved) { return noPackageId(resolved); } if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.File_0_has_an_unsupported_extension_so_skipping_it, fromFile); } } // Even if extensions is DtsOnly, we can still look up a .ts file as a result of package.json "types" const nextExtensions = extensions === Extensions.DtsOnly ? Extensions.TypeScript : extensions; // Don't do package.json lookup recursively, because Node.js' package lookup doesn't. return nodeLoadModuleByRelativeName(nextExtensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state, /*considerPackageJson*/ false); }; const onlyRecordFailuresForPackageFile = packageFile ? !directoryProbablyExists(getDirectoryPath(packageFile), : undefined; const onlyRecordFailuresForIndex = onlyRecordFailures || !directoryProbablyExists(candidate,; const indexPath = combinePaths(candidate, extensions === Extensions.TSConfig ? "tsconfig" : "index"); if (versionPaths && (!packageFile || containsPath(candidate, packageFile))) { const moduleName = getRelativePathFromDirectory(candidate, packageFile || indexPath, /*ignoreCase*/ false); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_has_a_typesVersions_entry_0_that_matches_compiler_version_1_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_2, versionPaths.version, version, moduleName); } const result = tryLoadModuleUsingPaths(extensions, moduleName, candidate, versionPaths.paths, loader, onlyRecordFailuresForPackageFile || onlyRecordFailuresForIndex, state); if (result) { return removeIgnoredPackageId(result.value); } } // It won't have a `packageId` set, because we disabled `considerPackageJson`. const packageFileResult = packageFile && removeIgnoredPackageId(loader(extensions, packageFile, onlyRecordFailuresForPackageFile!, state)); if (packageFileResult) return packageFileResult; return loadModuleFromFile(extensions, indexPath, onlyRecordFailuresForIndex, state); } /** Resolve from an arbitrarily specified file. Return `undefined` if it has an unsupported extension. */ function resolvedIfExtensionMatches(extensions: Extensions, path: string): PathAndExtension | undefined { const ext = tryGetExtensionFromPath(path); return ext !== undefined && extensionIsOk(extensions, ext) ? { path, ext } : undefined; } /** True if `extension` is one of the supported `extensions`. */ function extensionIsOk(extensions: Extensions, extension: Extension): boolean { switch (extensions) { case Extensions.JavaScript: return extension === Extension.Js || extension === Extension.Jsx; case Extensions.TSConfig: case Extensions.Json: return extension === Extension.Json; case Extensions.TypeScript: return extension === Extension.Ts || extension === Extension.Tsx || extension === Extension.Dts || extension === Extension.Ets || extension === Extension.Dets; case Extensions.DtsOnly: return extension === Extension.Dts || extension === Extension.Dets; } } /* @internal */ export function parsePackageName(moduleName: string): { packageName: string, rest: string } { let idx = moduleName.indexOf(directorySeparator); if (moduleName[0] === "@") { idx = moduleName.indexOf(directorySeparator, idx + 1); } return idx === -1 ? { packageName: moduleName, rest: "" } : { packageName: moduleName.slice(0, idx), rest: moduleName.slice(idx + 1) }; } function loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectory(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, directory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState, cache: NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined): SearchResult { return loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectoryWorker(extensions, moduleName, directory, state, /*typesScopeOnly*/ false, cache, redirectedReference); } function loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectoryTypesScope(moduleName: string, directory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState): SearchResult { // Extensions parameter here doesn't actually matter, because typesOnly ensures we're just doing @types lookup, which is always DtsOnly. return loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectoryWorker(Extensions.DtsOnly, moduleName, directory, state, /*typesScopeOnly*/ true, /*cache*/ undefined, /*redirectedReference*/ undefined); } function loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectoryWorker(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, directory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState, typesScopeOnly: boolean, cache: NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined): SearchResult { const perModuleNameCache = cache && cache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(moduleName, redirectedReference); const packageManagerType = state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType; const modulePathPart = getModuleByPMType(packageManagerType); return forEachAncestorDirectory(normalizeSlashes(directory), ancestorDirectory => { if (getBaseFileName(ancestorDirectory) !== modulePathPart) { const resolutionFromCache = tryFindNonRelativeModuleNameInCache(perModuleNameCache, moduleName, ancestorDirectory, state); if (resolutionFromCache) { return resolutionFromCache; } return toSearchResult(loadModuleFromImmediateModulesDirectory(extensions, moduleName, ancestorDirectory, state, typesScopeOnly)); } }); } function loadModuleFromImmediateModulesDirectory(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, directory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState, typesScopeOnly: boolean): Resolved | undefined { const modulesFolder = combinePaths(directory, getModuleByPMType(state.compilerOptions.packageManagerType)); const modulesFolderExists = directoryProbablyExists(modulesFolder,; if (!modulesFolderExists && state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Directory_0_does_not_exist_skipping_all_lookups_in_it, modulesFolder); } const packageResult = typesScopeOnly ? undefined : loadModuleFromSpecificModulesDirectory(extensions, moduleName, modulesFolder, modulesFolderExists, state); if (packageResult) { return packageResult; } if (extensions === Extensions.TypeScript || extensions === Extensions.DtsOnly) { const modulesAtTypes = combinePaths(modulesFolder, "@types"); let modulesAtTypesExists = modulesFolderExists; if (modulesFolderExists && !directoryProbablyExists(modulesAtTypes, { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Directory_0_does_not_exist_skipping_all_lookups_in_it, modulesAtTypes); } modulesAtTypesExists = false; } return loadModuleFromSpecificModulesDirectory(Extensions.DtsOnly, mangleScopedPackageNameWithTrace(moduleName, state), modulesAtTypes, modulesAtTypesExists, state); } } function loadModuleFromSpecificModulesDirectory(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, nodeModulesDirectory: string, nodeModulesDirectoryExists: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): Resolved | undefined { const candidate = normalizePath(combinePaths(nodeModulesDirectory, moduleName)); // If oh_modules exist, look for a nested oh-package.json5, as in `oh_modules/foo/bar/oh-package.json5`. // Otherwise, look for a nested package.json, as in `node_modules/foo/bar/package.json`. let packageInfo = getPackageJsonInfo(candidate, !nodeModulesDirectoryExists, state); if (packageInfo) { const fromFile = loadModuleFromFile(extensions, candidate, !nodeModulesDirectoryExists, state); if (fromFile) { return noPackageId(fromFile); } const fromDirectory = loadModuleFromDirectoryWorker( extensions, candidate, !nodeModulesDirectoryExists, state, packageInfo.packageJsonContent, packageInfo.versionPaths ); return withPackageId(packageInfo, fromDirectory); } const loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader = (extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state) => { const pathAndExtension = loadModuleFromFile(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state) || loadModuleFromDirectoryWorker( extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state, packageInfo && packageInfo.packageJsonContent, packageInfo && packageInfo.versionPaths ); return withPackageId(packageInfo, pathAndExtension); }; const { packageName, rest } = parsePackageName(moduleName); if (rest !== "") { // If "rest" is empty, we just did this search above. const packageDirectory = combinePaths(nodeModulesDirectory, packageName); // Don't use a "types" or "main" from here because we're not loading the root, but a subdirectory -- just here for the packageId and path mappings. packageInfo = getPackageJsonInfo(packageDirectory, !nodeModulesDirectoryExists, state); if (packageInfo && packageInfo.versionPaths) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.package_json_has_a_typesVersions_entry_0_that_matches_compiler_version_1_looking_for_a_pattern_to_match_module_name_2, packageInfo.versionPaths.version, version, rest); } const packageDirectoryExists = nodeModulesDirectoryExists && directoryProbablyExists(packageDirectory,; const fromPaths = tryLoadModuleUsingPaths(extensions, rest, packageDirectory, packageInfo.versionPaths.paths, loader, !packageDirectoryExists, state); if (fromPaths) { return fromPaths.value; } } } return loader(extensions, candidate, !nodeModulesDirectoryExists, state); } function tryLoadModuleUsingPaths(extensions: Extensions, moduleName: string, baseDirectory: string, paths: MapLike, loader: ResolutionKindSpecificLoader, onlyRecordFailures: boolean, state: ModuleResolutionState): SearchResult { const matchedPattern = matchPatternOrExact(getOwnKeys(paths), moduleName); if (matchedPattern) { const matchedStar = isString(matchedPattern) ? undefined : matchedText(matchedPattern, moduleName); const matchedPatternText = isString(matchedPattern) ? matchedPattern : patternText(matchedPattern); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Module_name_0_matched_pattern_1, moduleName, matchedPatternText); } const resolved = forEach(paths[matchedPatternText], subst => { const path = matchedStar ? subst.replace("*", matchedStar) : subst; // When baseUrl is not specified, the command line parser resolves relative paths to the config file location. const candidate = normalizePath(combinePaths(baseDirectory, path)); if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Trying_substitution_0_candidate_module_location_Colon_1, subst, path); } // A path mapping may have an extension, in contrast to an import, which should omit it. const extension = tryGetExtensionFromPath(subst); if (extension !== undefined) { const path = tryFile(candidate, onlyRecordFailures, state); if (path !== undefined) { return noPackageId({ path, ext: extension }); } } return loader(extensions, candidate, onlyRecordFailures || !directoryProbablyExists(getDirectoryPath(candidate),, state); }); return { value: resolved }; } } /** Double underscores are used in DefinitelyTyped to delimit scoped packages. */ const mangledScopedPackageSeparator = "__"; /** For a scoped package, we must look in `@types/foo__bar` instead of `@types/@foo/bar`. */ function mangleScopedPackageNameWithTrace(packageName: string, state: ModuleResolutionState): string { const mangled = mangleScopedPackageName(packageName); if (state.traceEnabled && mangled !== packageName) { trace(, Diagnostics.Scoped_package_detected_looking_in_0, mangled); } return mangled; } /* @internal */ export function getTypesPackageName(packageName: string): string { return `@types/${mangleScopedPackageName(packageName)}`; } /* @internal */ export function mangleScopedPackageName(packageName: string): string { if (startsWith(packageName, "@")) { const replaceSlash = packageName.replace(directorySeparator, mangledScopedPackageSeparator); if (replaceSlash !== packageName) { return replaceSlash.slice(1); // Take off the "@" } } return packageName; } /* @internal */ export function getPackageNameFromTypesPackageName(mangledName: string): string { const withoutAtTypePrefix = removePrefix(mangledName, "@types/"); if (withoutAtTypePrefix !== mangledName) { return unmangleScopedPackageName(withoutAtTypePrefix); } return mangledName; } /* @internal */ export function unmangleScopedPackageName(typesPackageName: string): string { return stringContains(typesPackageName, mangledScopedPackageSeparator) ? "@" + typesPackageName.replace(mangledScopedPackageSeparator, directorySeparator) : typesPackageName; } function tryFindNonRelativeModuleNameInCache(cache: PerModuleNameCache | undefined, moduleName: string, containingDirectory: string, state: ModuleResolutionState): SearchResult { const result = cache && cache.get(containingDirectory); if (result) { if (state.traceEnabled) { trace(, Diagnostics.Resolution_for_module_0_was_found_in_cache_from_location_1, moduleName, containingDirectory); } state.resultFromCache = result; return { value: result.resolvedModule && { path: result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName, originalPath: result.resolvedModule.originalPath || true, extension: result.resolvedModule.extension, packageId: result.resolvedModule.packageId } }; } } export function classicNameResolver(moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, cache?: NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache, redirectedReference?: ResolvedProjectReference): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { const traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host); const failedLookupLocations: string[] = []; const state: ModuleResolutionState = { compilerOptions, host, traceEnabled, failedLookupLocations }; const containingDirectory = getDirectoryPath(containingFile); const resolved = tryResolve(Extensions.TypeScript) || tryResolve(Extensions.JavaScript); // No originalPath because classic resolution doesn't resolve realPath return createResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolved && resolved.value, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ false, failedLookupLocations, state.resultFromCache); function tryResolve(extensions: Extensions): SearchResult { const resolvedUsingSettings = tryLoadModuleUsingOptionalResolutionSettings(extensions, moduleName, containingDirectory, loadModuleFromFileNoPackageId, state); if (resolvedUsingSettings) { return { value: resolvedUsingSettings }; } if (!isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName)) { const perModuleNameCache = cache && cache.getOrCreateCacheForModuleName(moduleName, redirectedReference); // Climb up parent directories looking for a module. const resolved = forEachAncestorDirectory(containingDirectory, directory => { const resolutionFromCache = tryFindNonRelativeModuleNameInCache(perModuleNameCache, moduleName, directory, state); if (resolutionFromCache) { return resolutionFromCache; } const searchName = normalizePath(combinePaths(directory, moduleName)); return toSearchResult(loadModuleFromFileNoPackageId(extensions, searchName, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, state)); }); if (resolved) { return resolved; } if (extensions === Extensions.TypeScript) { // If we didn't find the file normally, look it up in @types. return loadModuleFromNearestModulesDirectoryTypesScope(moduleName, containingDirectory, state); } } else { const candidate = normalizePath(combinePaths(containingDirectory, moduleName)); return toSearchResult(loadModuleFromFileNoPackageId(extensions, candidate, /*onlyRecordFailures*/ false, state)); } } } /** * A host may load a module from a global cache of typings. * This is the minumum code needed to expose that functionality; the rest is in the host. */ /* @internal */ export function loadModuleFromGlobalCache(moduleName: string, projectName: string | undefined, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, globalCache: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations { const traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled(compilerOptions, host); if (traceEnabled) { trace(host, Diagnostics.Auto_discovery_for_typings_is_enabled_in_project_0_Running_extra_resolution_pass_for_module_1_using_cache_location_2, projectName, moduleName, globalCache); } const failedLookupLocations: string[] = []; const state: ModuleResolutionState = { compilerOptions, host, traceEnabled, failedLookupLocations }; const resolved = loadModuleFromImmediateModulesDirectory(Extensions.DtsOnly, moduleName, globalCache, state, /*typesScopeOnly*/ false); return createResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations(resolved, /*isExternalLibraryImport*/ true, failedLookupLocations, state.resultFromCache); } /** * Represents result of search. Normally when searching among several alternatives we treat value `undefined` as indicator * that search fails and we should try another option. * However this does not allow us to represent final result that should be used instead of further searching (i.e. a final result that was found in cache). * SearchResult is used to deal with this issue, its values represents following outcomes: * - undefined - not found, continue searching * - { value: undefined } - not found - stop searching * - { value: } - found - stop searching */ type SearchResult = { value: T | undefined } | undefined; /** * Wraps value to SearchResult. * @returns undefined if value is undefined or { value } otherwise */ function toSearchResult(value: T | undefined): SearchResult { return value !== undefined ? { value } : undefined; } }