namespace ts { // The following are deprecations for the public API. Deprecated exports are removed from the compiler itself // and compatible implementations are added here, along with an appropriate deprecation warning using // the `@deprecated` JSDoc tag as well as the `Debug.deprecate` API. // // Deprecations fall into one of three categories: // // * "soft" - Soft deprecations are indicated with the `@deprecated` JSDoc Tag. // * "warn" - Warning deprecations are indicated with the `@deprecated` JSDoc Tag and a diagnostic message (assuming a compatible host) // * "error" - Error deprecations are indicated with the `@deprecated` JSDoc tag and will throw a `TypeError` when invoked. // DEPRECATION: Node factory top-level exports // DEPRECATION PLAN: // - soft: 4.0 // - warn: 4.1 // - error: TBD // #region Node factory top-level exports // NOTE: These exports are deprecated in favor of using a `NodeFactory` instance and exist here purely for backwards compatibility reasons. const factoryDeprecation: DeprecationOptions = { since: "4.0", warnAfter: "4.1", message: "Use the appropriate method on 'ts.factory' or the 'factory' supplied by your transformation context instead." }; /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNodeArray` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNodeArray = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNodeArray, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNumericLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNumericLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNumericLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBigIntLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBigIntLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBigIntLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createStringLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createStringLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createStringLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createStringLiteralFromNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createStringLiteralFromNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createStringLiteralFromNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createRegularExpressionLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createRegularExpressionLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createRegularExpressionLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLoopVariable` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLoopVariable = Debug.deprecate(factory.createLoopVariable, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createUniqueName` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createUniqueName = Debug.deprecate(factory.createUniqueName, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPrivateIdentifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPrivateIdentifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPrivateIdentifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSuper` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSuper = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSuper, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createThis` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createThis = Debug.deprecate(factory.createThis, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNull` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNull = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNull, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTrue` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTrue = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTrue, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createFalse` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFalse = Debug.deprecate(factory.createFalse, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createModifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createModifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.createModifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createModifiersFromModifierFlags` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createModifiersFromModifierFlags = Debug.deprecate(factory.createModifiersFromModifierFlags, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createQualifiedName` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createQualifiedName = Debug.deprecate(factory.createQualifiedName, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateQualifiedName` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateQualifiedName = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateQualifiedName, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createComputedPropertyName` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createComputedPropertyName = Debug.deprecate(factory.createComputedPropertyName, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateComputedPropertyName` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateComputedPropertyName = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateComputedPropertyName, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeParameterDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeParameterDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeParameterDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeParameterDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createParameterDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createParameter = Debug.deprecate(factory.createParameterDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateParameterDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateParameter = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateParameterDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createDecorator` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createDecorator = Debug.deprecate(factory.createDecorator, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateDecorator` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateDecorator = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateDecorator, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPropertyDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createProperty = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPropertyDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePropertyDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateProperty = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePropertyDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createMethodDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createMethod = Debug.deprecate(factory.createMethodDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateMethodDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateMethod = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateMethodDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createConstructorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createConstructor = Debug.deprecate(factory.createConstructorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateConstructorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateConstructor = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateConstructorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createGetAccessorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createGetAccessor = Debug.deprecate(factory.createGetAccessorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateGetAccessorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateGetAccessor = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateGetAccessorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSetAccessorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSetAccessor = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSetAccessorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateSetAccessorDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateSetAccessor = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateSetAccessorDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCallSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCallSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCallSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCallSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCallSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCallSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createConstructSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createConstructSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.createConstructSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateConstructSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateConstructSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateConstructSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateIndexSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateIndexSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateIndexSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createKeywordTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createKeywordTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createKeywordTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypePredicateNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypePredicateNodeWithModifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypePredicateNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypePredicateNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypePredicateNodeWithModifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypePredicateNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeReferenceNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeReferenceNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeReferenceNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeReferenceNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeReferenceNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeReferenceNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createFunctionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFunctionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createFunctionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateFunctionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateFunctionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateFunctionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createConstructorTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createConstructorTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(( typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode ) => { return factory.createConstructorTypeNode(/*modifiers*/ undefined, typeParameters, parameters, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateConstructorTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateConstructorTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(( node: ConstructorTypeNode, typeParameters: NodeArray | undefined, parameters: NodeArray, type: TypeNode ) => { return factory.updateConstructorTypeNode(node, node.modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeQueryNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeQueryNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeQueryNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeQueryNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeQueryNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeQueryNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeLiteralNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeLiteralNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeLiteralNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeLiteralNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeLiteralNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeLiteralNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createArrayTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createArrayTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createArrayTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateArrayTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateArrayTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateArrayTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTupleTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTupleTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTupleTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTupleTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTupleTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTupleTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createOptionalTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createOptionalTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createOptionalTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateOptionalTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateOptionalTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateOptionalTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createRestTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createRestTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createRestTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateRestTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateRestTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateRestTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createUnionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createUnionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createUnionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateUnionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateUnionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateUnionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createIntersectionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createIntersectionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createIntersectionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateIntersectionTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateIntersectionTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateIntersectionTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createConditionalTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createConditionalTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createConditionalTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateConditionalTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateConditionalTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateConditionalTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createInferTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createInferTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createInferTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateInferTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateInferTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateInferTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImportTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImportTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImportTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateImportTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateImportTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateImportTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createParenthesizedType` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createParenthesizedType = Debug.deprecate(factory.createParenthesizedType, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateParenthesizedType` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateParenthesizedType = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateParenthesizedType, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createThisTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createThisTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createThisTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeOperatorNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeOperatorNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeOperatorNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createIndexedAccessTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createIndexedAccessTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createIndexedAccessTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateIndexedAccessTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateIndexedAccessTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateIndexedAccessTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createMappedTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createMappedTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createMappedTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateMappedTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateMappedTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateMappedTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLiteralTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLiteralTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.createLiteralTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateLiteralTypeNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateLiteralTypeNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateLiteralTypeNode, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createObjectBindingPattern` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createObjectBindingPattern = Debug.deprecate(factory.createObjectBindingPattern, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateObjectBindingPattern` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateObjectBindingPattern = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateObjectBindingPattern, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createArrayBindingPattern` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createArrayBindingPattern = Debug.deprecate(factory.createArrayBindingPattern, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateArrayBindingPattern` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateArrayBindingPattern = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateArrayBindingPattern, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBindingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBindingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBindingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateBindingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateBindingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateBindingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createArrayLiteralExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createArrayLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createArrayLiteralExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateArrayLiteralExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateArrayLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateArrayLiteralExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createObjectLiteralExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createObjectLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createObjectLiteralExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateObjectLiteralExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateObjectLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateObjectLiteralExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPropertyAccessExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPropertyAccess = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPropertyAccessExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePropertyAccessExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePropertyAccess = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePropertyAccessExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPropertyAccessChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPropertyAccessChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPropertyAccessChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePropertyAccessChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePropertyAccessChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePropertyAccessChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createElementAccessExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createElementAccess = Debug.deprecate(factory.createElementAccessExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateElementAccessExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateElementAccess = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateElementAccessExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createElementAccessChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createElementAccessChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.createElementAccessChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateElementAccessChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateElementAccessChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateElementAccessChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCallExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCall = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCallExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCallExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCall = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCallExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCallChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCallChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCallChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCallChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCallChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCallChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNewExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNew = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNewExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNewExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNew = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNewExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeAssertion` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeAssertion = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeAssertion, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeAssertion` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeAssertion = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeAssertion, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createParenthesizedExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createParen = Debug.deprecate(factory.createParenthesizedExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateParenthesizedExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateParen = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateParenthesizedExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createFunctionExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFunctionExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createFunctionExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateFunctionExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateFunctionExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateFunctionExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createDeleteExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createDelete = Debug.deprecate(factory.createDeleteExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateDeleteExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateDelete = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateDeleteExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeOfExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeOf = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeOfExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeOfExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeOf = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeOfExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createVoidExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createVoid = Debug.deprecate(factory.createVoidExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateVoidExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateVoid = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateVoidExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createAwaitExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createAwait = Debug.deprecate(factory.createAwaitExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateAwaitExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateAwait = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateAwaitExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPrefixExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPrefix = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPrefixUnaryExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePrefixExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePrefix = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePrefixUnaryExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPostfixUnaryExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPostfix = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPostfixUnaryExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePostfixUnaryExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePostfix = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePostfixUnaryExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBinaryExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBinary = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBinaryExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateConditionalExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateConditional = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateConditionalExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTemplateExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTemplateExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTemplateExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTemplateExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTemplateExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTemplateExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTemplateHead` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTemplateHead = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTemplateHead, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTemplateMiddle` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTemplateMiddle = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTemplateMiddle, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTemplateTail` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTemplateTail = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTemplateTail, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateYieldExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateYield = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateYieldExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSpreadExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSpread = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSpreadElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateSpreadExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateSpread = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateSpreadElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createOmittedExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createOmittedExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createOmittedExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createAsExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createAsExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createAsExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateAsExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateAsExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateAsExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNonNullExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNonNullExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNonNullExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNonNullExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNonNullExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNonNullExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNonNullChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNonNullChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNonNullChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNonNullChain` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNonNullChain = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNonNullChain, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createMetaProperty` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createMetaProperty = Debug.deprecate(factory.createMetaProperty, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateMetaProperty` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateMetaProperty = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateMetaProperty, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTemplateSpan` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTemplateSpan = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTemplateSpan, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTemplateSpan` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTemplateSpan = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTemplateSpan, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSemicolonClassElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSemicolonClassElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSemicolonClassElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createVariableStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createVariableStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createVariableStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateVariableStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateVariableStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateVariableStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createEmptyStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createEmptyStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createEmptyStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExpressionStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExpressionStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExpressionStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExpressionStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExpressionStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateExpressionStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExpressionStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExpressionStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExpressionStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateExpressionStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createIfStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createIf = Debug.deprecate(factory.createIfStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateIfStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateIf = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateIfStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createDoStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createDo = Debug.deprecate(factory.createDoStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateDoStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateDo = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateDoStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createWhileStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createWhile = Debug.deprecate(factory.createWhileStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateWhileStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateWhile = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateWhileStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createForStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFor = Debug.deprecate(factory.createForStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateForStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateFor = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateForStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createForInStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createForIn = Debug.deprecate(factory.createForInStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateForInStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateForIn = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateForInStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createForOfStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createForOf = Debug.deprecate(factory.createForOfStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateForOfStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateForOf = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateForOfStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createContinueStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createContinue = Debug.deprecate(factory.createContinueStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateContinueStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateContinue = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateContinueStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBreakStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBreak = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBreakStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateBreakStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateBreak = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateBreakStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createReturnStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createReturn = Debug.deprecate(factory.createReturnStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateReturnStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateReturn = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateReturnStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createWithStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createWith = Debug.deprecate(factory.createWithStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateWithStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateWith = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateWithStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSwitchStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSwitch = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSwitchStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateSwitchStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateSwitch = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateSwitchStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLabelStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLabel = Debug.deprecate(factory.createLabeledStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateLabelStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateLabel = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateLabeledStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createThrowStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createThrow = Debug.deprecate(factory.createThrowStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateThrowStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateThrow = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateThrowStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTryStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTry = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTryStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTryStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTry = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTryStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createDebuggerStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createDebuggerStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createDebuggerStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createVariableDeclarationList` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createVariableDeclarationList = Debug.deprecate(factory.createVariableDeclarationList, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateVariableDeclarationList` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateVariableDeclarationList = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateVariableDeclarationList, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createFunctionDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFunctionDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createFunctionDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateFunctionDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateFunctionDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateFunctionDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createClassDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createClassDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createClassDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateClassDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateClassDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateClassDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createInterfaceDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createInterfaceDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createInterfaceDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateInterfaceDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateInterfaceDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeAliasDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeAliasDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createTypeAliasDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypeAliasDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateTypeAliasDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createEnumDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createEnumDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createEnumDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateEnumDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateEnumDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateEnumDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createModuleDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createModuleDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createModuleDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateModuleDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateModuleDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateModuleDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createModuleBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createModuleBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.createModuleBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateModuleBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateModuleBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateModuleBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCaseBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCaseBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCaseBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCaseBlock` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCaseBlock = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCaseBlock, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNamespaceExportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNamespaceExportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNamespaceExportDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNamespaceExportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNamespaceExportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNamespaceExportDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImportEqualsDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImportEqualsDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImportEqualsDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateImportEqualsDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateImportEqualsDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateImportEqualsDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImportDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateImportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateImportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateImportDeclaration, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNamespaceImport` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNamespaceImport = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNamespaceImport, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNamespaceImport` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNamespaceImport = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNamespaceImport, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNamedImports` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNamedImports = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNamedImports, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNamedImports` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNamedImports = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNamedImports, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImportSpecifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImportSpecifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImportSpecifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateImportSpecifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateImportSpecifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateImportSpecifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExportAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExportAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExportAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExportAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExportAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateExportAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNamedExports` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNamedExports = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNamedExports, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNamedExports` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNamedExports = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNamedExports, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExportSpecifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExportSpecifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExportSpecifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExportSpecifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExportSpecifier = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateExportSpecifier, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExternalModuleReference` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExternalModuleReference = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExternalModuleReference, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExternalModuleReference` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExternalModuleReference = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateExternalModuleReference, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocTypeExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTypeExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocTypeExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocTypeTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTypeTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocTypeTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocReturnTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocReturnTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocReturnTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocThisTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocThisTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocThisTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocComment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocComment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocComment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocParameterTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocParameterTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocParameterTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocClassTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocClassTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocClassTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocAugmentsTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocAugmentsTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocAugmentsTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocEnumTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocEnumTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocEnumTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocTemplateTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTemplateTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocTemplateTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocTypedefTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTypedefTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocTypedefTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocCallbackTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocCallbackTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocCallbackTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocSignature = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocSignature, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocPropertyTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocPropertyTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocPropertyTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocTypeLiteral` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTypeLiteral = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocTypeLiteral, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocImplementsTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocImplementsTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocImplementsTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocAuthorTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocAuthorTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocAuthorTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocPublicTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocPublicTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocPublicTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocPrivateTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocPrivateTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocPrivateTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocProtectedTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocProtectedTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocProtectedTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocReadonlyTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocReadonlyTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocReadonlyTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocUnknownTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocTag = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJSDocUnknownTag, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxSelfClosingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxSelfClosingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxSelfClosingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxSelfClosingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxSelfClosingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxSelfClosingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxOpeningElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxOpeningElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxOpeningElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxOpeningElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxOpeningElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxOpeningElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxClosingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxClosingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxClosingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxClosingElement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxClosingElement = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxClosingElement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxFragment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxFragment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxFragment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxText` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxText = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxText, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxText` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxText = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxText, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxOpeningFragment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxOpeningFragment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxOpeningFragment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxJsxClosingFragment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxJsxClosingFragment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxJsxClosingFragment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxFragment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxFragment = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxFragment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxAttribute` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxAttribute = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxAttribute, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxAttribute` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxAttribute = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxAttribute, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxAttributes` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxAttributes = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxAttributes, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxAttributes` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxAttributes = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxAttributes, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxSpreadAttribute` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxSpreadAttribute = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxSpreadAttribute, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxSpreadAttribute` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxSpreadAttribute = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxSpreadAttribute, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJsxExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJsxExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createJsxExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateJsxExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateJsxExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateJsxExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCaseClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCaseClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCaseClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCaseClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCaseClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCaseClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createDefaultClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createDefaultClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.createDefaultClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateDefaultClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateDefaultClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateDefaultClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createHeritageClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createHeritageClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.createHeritageClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateHeritageClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateHeritageClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateHeritageClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCatchClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCatchClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCatchClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCatchClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCatchClause = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCatchClause, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPropertyAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPropertyAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPropertyAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePropertyAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePropertyAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePropertyAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createShorthandPropertyAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createShorthandPropertyAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createShorthandPropertyAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateShorthandPropertyAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateShorthandPropertyAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateShorthandPropertyAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSpreadAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSpreadAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.createSpreadAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateSpreadAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateSpreadAssignment = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateSpreadAssignment, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createEnumMember` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createEnumMember = Debug.deprecate(factory.createEnumMember, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateEnumMember` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateEnumMember = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateEnumMember, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateSourceFile` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateSourceFileNode = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateSourceFile, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNotEmittedStatement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNotEmittedStatement = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNotEmittedStatement, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPartiallyEmittedExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPartiallyEmittedExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createPartiallyEmittedExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePartiallyEmittedExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePartiallyEmittedExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.updatePartiallyEmittedExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createCommaListExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createCommaList = Debug.deprecate(factory.createCommaListExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateCommaListExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateCommaList = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateCommaListExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createBundle` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createBundle = Debug.deprecate(factory.createBundle, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateBundle` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateBundle = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateBundle, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction = Debug.deprecate(factory.createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createVoidZero` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createVoidZero = Debug.deprecate(factory.createVoidZero, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExportDefault` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExportDefault = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExportDefault, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExternalModuleExport` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExternalModuleExport = Debug.deprecate(factory.createExternalModuleExport, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createNamespaceExport` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createNamespaceExport = Debug.deprecate(factory.createNamespaceExport, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateNamespaceExport` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateNamespaceExport = Debug.deprecate(factory.updateNamespaceExport, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createToken` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createToken = Debug.deprecate(function createToken(kind: TKind): Token { return factory.createToken(kind); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createIdentifier` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createIdentifier = Debug.deprecate(function createIdentifier(text: string) { return factory.createIdentifier(text, /*typeArguments*/ undefined, /*originalKeywordKind*/ undefined); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTempVariable` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTempVariable = Debug.deprecate(function createTempVariable(recordTempVariable: ((node: Identifier) => void) | undefined): Identifier { return factory.createTempVariable(recordTempVariable, /*reserveInNestedScopes*/ undefined); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.getGeneratedNameForNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const getGeneratedNameForNode = Debug.deprecate(function getGeneratedNameForNode(node: Node | undefined): Identifier { return factory.getGeneratedNameForNode(node, /*flags*/ undefined); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createUniqueName(text, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic)` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createOptimisticUniqueName = Debug.deprecate(function createOptimisticUniqueName(text: string): Identifier { return factory.createUniqueName(text, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createUniqueName(text, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic | GeneratedIdentifierFlags.FileLevel)` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createFileLevelUniqueName = Debug.deprecate(function createFileLevelUniqueName(text: string): Identifier { return factory.createUniqueName(text, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic | GeneratedIdentifierFlags.FileLevel); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createIndexSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createIndexSignature = Debug.deprecate(function createIndexSignature(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode): IndexSignatureDeclaration { return factory.createIndexSignature(decorators, modifiers, parameters, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypePredicateNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypePredicateNode = Debug.deprecate(function createTypePredicateNode(parameterName: Identifier | ThisTypeNode | string, type: TypeNode): TypePredicateNode { return factory.createTypePredicateNode(/*assertsModifier*/ undefined, parameterName, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTypePredicateNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTypePredicateNode = Debug.deprecate(function updateTypePredicateNode(node: TypePredicateNode, parameterName: Identifier | ThisTypeNode, type: TypeNode): TypePredicateNode { return factory.updateTypePredicateNode(node, /*assertsModifier*/ undefined, parameterName, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createStringLiteral`, `factory.createStringLiteralFromNode`, `factory.createNumericLiteral`, `factory.createBigIntLiteral`, `factory.createTrue`, `factory.createFalse`, or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLiteral = Debug.deprecate(function createLiteral(value: string | number | PseudoBigInt | boolean | StringLiteral | NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral | NumericLiteral | Identifier): PrimaryExpression { if (typeof value === "number") { return factory.createNumericLiteral(value); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-in-operator if (typeof value === "object" && "base10Value" in value) { // PseudoBigInt return factory.createBigIntLiteral(value); } if (typeof value === "boolean") { return value ? factory.createTrue() : factory.createFalse(); } if (typeof value === "string") { return factory.createStringLiteral(value, /*isSingleQuote*/ undefined); } return factory.createStringLiteralFromNode(value); } as { (value: string | StringLiteral | NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral | NumericLiteral | Identifier): StringLiteral; (value: number | PseudoBigInt): NumericLiteral; (value: boolean): BooleanLiteral; (value: string | number | PseudoBigInt | boolean): PrimaryExpression; }, { since: "4.0", warnAfter: "4.1", message: "Use `factory.createStringLiteral`, `factory.createStringLiteralFromNode`, `factory.createNumericLiteral`, `factory.createBigIntLiteral`, `factory.createTrue`, `factory.createFalse`, or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead." }); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createMethodSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createMethodSignature = Debug.deprecate(function createMethodSignature( typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, name: string | PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined ) { return factory.createMethodSignature(/*modifiers*/ undefined, name, questionToken, typeParameters, parameters, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateMethodSignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateMethodSignature = Debug.deprecate(function updateMethodSignature( node: MethodSignature, typeParameters: NodeArray | undefined, parameters: NodeArray, type: TypeNode | undefined, name: PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined ) { return factory.updateMethodSignature(node, node.modifiers, name, questionToken, typeParameters, parameters, type); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTypeOperatorNode` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTypeOperatorNode = Debug.deprecate(function createTypeOperatorNode(operatorOrType: SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword | SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword | SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword | TypeNode, type?: TypeNode) { let operator: TypeOperatorNode["operator"]; if (type) { operator = operatorOrType as TypeOperatorNode["operator"]; } else { type = operatorOrType as TypeNode; operator = SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword; } return factory.createTypeOperatorNode(operator, type); } as { (type: TypeNode): TypeOperatorNode; (operator: SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword | SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword | SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword, type: TypeNode): TypeOperatorNode; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createTaggedTemplate` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createTaggedTemplate = Debug.deprecate(function createTaggedTemplate(tag: Expression, typeArgumentsOrTemplate: readonly TypeNode[] | TemplateLiteral | undefined, template?: TemplateLiteral) { let typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined; if (template) { typeArguments = typeArgumentsOrTemplate as readonly TypeNode[] | undefined; } else { template = typeArgumentsOrTemplate as TemplateLiteral; } return factory.createTaggedTemplateExpression(tag, typeArguments, template); } as { (tag: Expression, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; (tag: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateTaggedTemplate` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateTaggedTemplate = Debug.deprecate(function updateTaggedTemplate(node: TaggedTemplateExpression, tag: Expression, typeArgumentsOrTemplate: readonly TypeNode[] | TemplateLiteral | undefined, template?: TemplateLiteral) { let typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined; if (template) { typeArguments = typeArgumentsOrTemplate as readonly TypeNode[] | undefined; } else { template = typeArgumentsOrTemplate as TemplateLiteral; } return factory.updateTaggedTemplateExpression(node, tag, typeArguments, template); } as { (node: TaggedTemplateExpression, tag: Expression, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; (node: TaggedTemplateExpression, tag: Expression, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, template: TemplateLiteral): TaggedTemplateExpression; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateBinary` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateBinary = Debug.deprecate(function updateBinary(node: BinaryExpression, left: Expression, right: Expression, operator: BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorToken = node.operatorToken) { if (typeof operator === "number") { operator = operator === node.operatorToken.kind ? node.operatorToken : factory.createToken(operator); } return factory.updateBinaryExpression(node, left, operator, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createConditional` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createConditional = Debug.deprecate(function createConditional(condition: Expression, questionTokenOrWhenTrue: QuestionToken | Expression, whenTrueOrWhenFalse: Expression, colonToken?: ColonToken, whenFalse?: Expression) { return arguments.length === 5 ? factory.createConditionalExpression(condition, questionTokenOrWhenTrue as QuestionToken, whenTrueOrWhenFalse, colonToken, whenFalse!) : arguments.length === 3 ? factory.createConditionalExpression(condition, factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken), questionTokenOrWhenTrue as Expression, factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.ColonToken), whenTrueOrWhenFalse) :"Argument count mismatch"); } as { (condition: Expression, whenTrue: Expression, whenFalse: Expression): ConditionalExpression; (condition: Expression, questionToken: QuestionToken, whenTrue: Expression, colonToken: ColonToken, whenFalse: Expression): ConditionalExpression; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createYield` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createYield = Debug.deprecate(function createYield(asteriskTokenOrExpression?: AsteriskToken | Expression | undefined, expression?: Expression) { let asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined; if (expression) { asteriskToken = asteriskTokenOrExpression as AsteriskToken; } else { expression = asteriskTokenOrExpression as Expression; } return factory.createYieldExpression(asteriskToken, expression); } as { (expression?: Expression): YieldExpression; (asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, expression: Expression): YieldExpression; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createClassExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createClassExpression = Debug.deprecate(function createClassExpression( modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: string | Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[] ) { return factory.createClassExpression(/*decorators*/ undefined, modifiers, name, typeParameters, heritageClauses, members); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateClassExpression` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateClassExpression = Debug.deprecate(function updateClassExpression( node: ClassExpression, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: Identifier | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, heritageClauses: readonly HeritageClause[] | undefined, members: readonly ClassElement[] ) { return factory.updateClassExpression(node, /*decorators*/ undefined, modifiers, name, typeParameters, heritageClauses, members); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPropertySignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPropertySignature = Debug.deprecate(function createPropertySignature( modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName | string, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer?: Expression ): PropertySignature { const node = factory.createPropertySignature(modifiers, name, questionToken, type); node.initializer = initializer; return node; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updatePropertySignature` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updatePropertySignature = Debug.deprecate(function updatePropertySignature( node: PropertySignature, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, name: PropertyName, questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined ) { let updated = factory.updatePropertySignature(node, modifiers, name, questionToken, type); if (node.initializer !== initializer) { if (updated === node) { updated = factory.cloneNode(node); } updated.initializer = initializer; } return updated; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExpressionWithTypeArguments = Debug.deprecate(function createExpressionWithTypeArguments(typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, expression: Expression) { return factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeArguments); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExpressionWithTypeArguments` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExpressionWithTypeArguments = Debug.deprecate(function updateExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: ExpressionWithTypeArguments, typeArguments: readonly TypeNode[] | undefined, expression: Expression) { return factory.updateExpressionWithTypeArguments(node, expression, typeArguments); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createArrowFunction` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createArrowFunction = Debug.deprecate(function createArrowFunction(modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody: ConciseBody | EqualsGreaterThanToken | undefined, body?: ConciseBody) { return arguments.length === 6 ? factory.createArrowFunction(modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody as EqualsGreaterThanToken | undefined, body!) : arguments.length === 5 ? factory.createArrowFunction(modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type, /*equalsGreaterThanToken*/ undefined, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody as ConciseBody) :"Argument count mismatch"); } as { (modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken | undefined, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction; (modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateArrowFunction` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateArrowFunction = Debug.deprecate(function updateArrowFunction(node: ArrowFunction, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody: EqualsGreaterThanToken | ConciseBody, body?: ConciseBody) { return arguments.length === 7 ? factory.updateArrowFunction(node, modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody as EqualsGreaterThanToken, body!) : arguments.length === 6 ? factory.updateArrowFunction(node, modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type, node.equalsGreaterThanToken, equalsGreaterThanTokenOrBody as ConciseBody) :"Argument count mismatch"); } as { (node: ArrowFunction, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction; (node: ArrowFunction, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[] | undefined, parameters: readonly ParameterDeclaration[], type: TypeNode | undefined, body: ConciseBody): ArrowFunction; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createVariableDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createVariableDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(function createVariableDeclaration(name: string | BindingName, exclamationTokenOrType?: ExclamationToken | TypeNode, typeOrInitializer?: TypeNode | Expression, initializer?: Expression) { return arguments.length === 4 ? factory.createVariableDeclaration(name, exclamationTokenOrType as ExclamationToken | undefined, typeOrInitializer as TypeNode | undefined, initializer) : arguments.length >= 1 && arguments.length <= 3 ? factory.createVariableDeclaration(name, /*exclamationToken*/ undefined, exclamationTokenOrType as TypeNode | undefined, typeOrInitializer as Expression | undefined) :"Argument count mismatch"); } as { (name: string | BindingName, type?: TypeNode, initializer?: Expression): VariableDeclaration; (name: string | BindingName, exclamationToken: ExclamationToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): VariableDeclaration; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateVariableDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateVariableDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(function updateVariableDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration, name: BindingName, exclamationTokenOrType: ExclamationToken | TypeNode | undefined, typeOrInitializer: TypeNode | Expression | undefined, initializer?: Expression | undefined) { return arguments.length === 5 ? factory.updateVariableDeclaration(node, name, exclamationTokenOrType as ExclamationToken | undefined, typeOrInitializer as TypeNode | undefined, initializer) : arguments.length === 4 ? factory.updateVariableDeclaration(node, name, node.exclamationToken, exclamationTokenOrType as TypeNode | undefined, typeOrInitializer as Expression | undefined) :"Argument count mismatch"); } as { (node: VariableDeclaration, name: BindingName, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): VariableDeclaration; (node: VariableDeclaration, name: BindingName, exclamationToken: ExclamationToken | undefined, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined): VariableDeclaration; }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createImportClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createImportClause = Debug.deprecate(function createImportClause(name: Identifier | undefined, namedBindings: NamedImportBindings | undefined, isTypeOnly = false): ImportClause { return factory.createImportClause(isTypeOnly, name, namedBindings); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateImportClause` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateImportClause = Debug.deprecate(function updateImportClause(node: ImportClause, name: Identifier | undefined, namedBindings: NamedImportBindings | undefined, isTypeOnly: boolean) { return factory.updateImportClause(node, isTypeOnly, name, namedBindings); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createExportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createExportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(function createExportDeclaration(decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, exportClause: NamedExportBindings | undefined, moduleSpecifier?: Expression, isTypeOnly = false) { return factory.createExportDeclaration(decorators, modifiers, isTypeOnly, exportClause, moduleSpecifier); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.updateExportDeclaration` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const updateExportDeclaration = Debug.deprecate(function updateExportDeclaration( node: ExportDeclaration, decorators: readonly Decorator[] | undefined, modifiers: readonly Modifier[] | undefined, exportClause: NamedExportBindings | undefined, moduleSpecifier: Expression | undefined, isTypeOnly: boolean) { return factory.updateExportDeclaration(node, decorators, modifiers, isTypeOnly, exportClause, moduleSpecifier); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createJSDocParameterTag` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createJSDocParamTag = Debug.deprecate(function createJSDocParamTag(name: EntityName, isBracketed: boolean, typeExpression?: JSDocTypeExpression, comment?: string): JSDocParameterTag { return factory.createJSDocParameterTag(/*tagName*/ undefined, name, isBracketed, typeExpression, /*isNameFirst*/ false, comment); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createComma` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createComma = Debug.deprecate(function createComma(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression { return factory.createComma(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLessThan` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLessThan = Debug.deprecate(function createLessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression): Expression { return factory.createLessThan(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createAssignment` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createAssignment = Debug.deprecate(function createAssignment(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createAssignment(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createStrictEquality` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createStrictEquality = Debug.deprecate(function createStrictEquality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createStrictEquality(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createStrictInequality` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createStrictInequality = Debug.deprecate(function createStrictInequality(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createStrictInequality(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createAdd` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createAdd = Debug.deprecate(function createAdd(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createAdd(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createSubtract` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createSubtract = Debug.deprecate(function createSubtract(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createSubtract(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLogicalAnd` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLogicalAnd = Debug.deprecate(function createLogicalAnd(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createLogicalAnd(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLogicalOr` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLogicalOr = Debug.deprecate(function createLogicalOr(left: Expression, right: Expression): BinaryExpression { return factory.createLogicalOr(left, right); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createPostfixIncrement` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createPostfixIncrement = Debug.deprecate(function createPostfixIncrement(operand: Expression): PostfixUnaryExpression { return factory.createPostfixIncrement(operand); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use `factory.createLogicalNot` or the factory supplied by your transformation context instead. */ export const createLogicalNot = Debug.deprecate(function createLogicalNot(operand: Expression): PrefixUnaryExpression { return factory.createLogicalNot(operand); }, factoryDeprecation); /** @deprecated Use an appropriate `factory` method instead. */ export const createNode = Debug.deprecate(function createNode(kind: SyntaxKind, pos = 0, end = 0): Node { return setTextRangePosEnd( kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile ? parseBaseNodeFactory.createBaseSourceFileNode(kind) : kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier ? parseBaseNodeFactory.createBaseIdentifierNode(kind) : kind === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier ? parseBaseNodeFactory.createBasePrivateIdentifierNode(kind) : !isNodeKind(kind) ? parseBaseNodeFactory.createBaseTokenNode(kind) : parseBaseNodeFactory.createBaseNode(kind), pos, end ); }, { since: "4.0", warnAfter: "4.1", message: "Use an appropriate `factory` method instead." }); /** * Creates a shallow, memberwise clone of a node ~for mutation~ with its `pos`, `end`, and `parent` set. * * NOTE: It is unsafe to change any properties of a `Node` that relate to its AST children, as those changes won't be * captured with respect to transformations. * * @deprecated Use an appropriate `factory.update...` method instead, use `setCommentRange` or `setSourceMapRange`, and avoid setting `parent`. */ export const getMutableClone = Debug.deprecate(function getMutableClone(node: T): T { const clone = factory.cloneNode(node); setTextRange(clone, node); setParent(clone, node.parent); return clone; }, { since: "4.0", warnAfter: "4.1", message: "Use an appropriate `factory.update...` method instead, use `setCommentRange` or `setSourceMapRange`, and avoid setting `parent`." }); // #endregion Node Factory top-level exports // DEPRECATION: Renamed node tests // DEPRECATION PLAN: // - soft: 4.0 // - warn: 4.1 // - error: TBD // #region Renamed node Tests /** @deprecated Use `isTypeAssertionExpression` instead. */ export const isTypeAssertion = Debug.deprecate(function isTypeAssertion(node: Node): node is TypeAssertion { return node.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression; }, { since: "4.0", warnAfter: "4.1", message: "Use `isTypeAssertionExpression` instead." }); // #endregion Renamed node Tests // DEPRECATION: Renamed `Map` and `ReadonlyMap` interfaces // DEPRECATION PLAN: // - soft: 4.0 // - remove: TBD (will remove for at least one release before replacing with `ESMap`/`ReadonlyESMap`) // - replace: TBD (will eventually replace with `ESMap`/`ReadonlyESMap`) // #region Renamed `Map` and `ReadonlyMap` interfaces /** * @deprecated Use `ts.ReadonlyESMap` instead. */ export interface ReadonlyMap extends ReadonlyESMap { } /** * @deprecated Use `ts.ESMap` instead. */ export interface Map extends ESMap { } // #endregion }