namespace ts { /** The classifier is used for syntactic highlighting in editors via the TSServer */ export function createClassifier(): Classifier { const scanner = createScanner(ScriptTarget.Latest, /*skipTrivia*/ false); function getClassificationsForLine(text: string, lexState: EndOfLineState, syntacticClassifierAbsent: boolean): ClassificationResult { return convertClassificationsToResult(getEncodedLexicalClassifications(text, lexState, syntacticClassifierAbsent), text); } // If there is a syntactic classifier ('syntacticClassifierAbsent' is false), // we will be more conservative in order to avoid conflicting with the syntactic classifier. function getEncodedLexicalClassifications(text: string, lexState: EndOfLineState, syntacticClassifierAbsent: boolean): Classifications { let token = SyntaxKind.Unknown; let lastNonTriviaToken = SyntaxKind.Unknown; // Just a stack of TemplateHeads and OpenCurlyBraces, used to perform rudimentary (inexact) // classification on template strings. Because of the context free nature of templates, // the only precise way to classify a template portion would be by propagating the stack across // lines, just as we do with the end-of-line state. However, this is a burden for implementers, // and the behavior is entirely subsumed by the syntactic classifier anyway, so we instead // flatten any nesting when the template stack is non-empty and encode it in the end-of-line state. // Situations in which this fails are // 1) When template strings are nested across different lines: // `hello ${ `world // ` }` // // Where on the second line, you will get the closing of a template, // a closing curly, and a new template. // // 2) When substitution expressions have curly braces and the curly brace falls on the next line: // `hello ${ () => { // return "world" } } ` // // Where on the second line, you will get the 'return' keyword, // a string literal, and a template end consisting of '} } `'. const templateStack: SyntaxKind[] = []; const { prefix, pushTemplate } = getPrefixFromLexState(lexState); text = prefix + text; const offset = prefix.length; if (pushTemplate) { templateStack.push(SyntaxKind.TemplateHead); } scanner.setText(text); let endOfLineState = EndOfLineState.None; const spans: number[] = []; // We can run into an unfortunate interaction between the lexical and syntactic classifier // when the user is typing something generic. Consider the case where the user types: // // Foo tokens. It's a weak heuristic, but should // work well enough in practice. let angleBracketStack = 0; do { token = scanner.scan(); if (!isTrivia(token)) { handleToken(); lastNonTriviaToken = token; } const end = scanner.getTextPos(); pushEncodedClassification(scanner.getTokenPos(), end, offset, classFromKind(token), spans); if (end >= text.length) { const end = getNewEndOfLineState(scanner, token, lastOrUndefined(templateStack)); if (end !== undefined) { endOfLineState = end; } } } while (token !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken); function handleToken(): void { switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.SlashToken: case SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken: if (!noRegexTable[lastNonTriviaToken] && scanner.reScanSlashToken() === SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral) { token = SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral; } break; case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: if (lastNonTriviaToken === SyntaxKind.Identifier) { // Could be the start of something generic. Keep track of that by bumping // up the current count of generic contexts we may be in. angleBracketStack++; } break; case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken: if (angleBracketStack > 0) { // If we think we're currently in something generic, then mark that that // generic entity is complete. angleBracketStack--; } break; case SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword: case SyntaxKind.StringKeyword: case SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword: case SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword: case SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword: if (angleBracketStack > 0 && !syntacticClassifierAbsent) { // If it looks like we're could be in something generic, don't classify this // as a keyword. We may just get overwritten by the syntactic classifier, // causing a noisy experience for the user. token = SyntaxKind.Identifier; } break; case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: templateStack.push(token); break; case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: // If we don't have anything on the template stack, // then we aren't trying to keep track of a previously scanned template head. if (templateStack.length > 0) { templateStack.push(token); } break; case SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken: // If we don't have anything on the template stack, // then we aren't trying to keep track of a previously scanned template head. if (templateStack.length > 0) { const lastTemplateStackToken = lastOrUndefined(templateStack); if (lastTemplateStackToken === SyntaxKind.TemplateHead) { token = scanner.reScanTemplateToken(/* isTaggedTemplate */ false); // Only pop on a TemplateTail; a TemplateMiddle indicates there is more for us. if (token === SyntaxKind.TemplateTail) { templateStack.pop(); } else { Debug.assertEqual(token, SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle, "Should have been a template middle."); } } else { Debug.assertEqual(lastTemplateStackToken, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, "Should have been an open brace"); templateStack.pop(); } } break; default: if (!isKeyword(token)) { break; } if (lastNonTriviaToken === SyntaxKind.DotToken) { token = SyntaxKind.Identifier; } else if (isKeyword(lastNonTriviaToken) && isKeyword(token) && !canFollow(lastNonTriviaToken, token)) { // We have two keywords in a row. Only treat the second as a keyword if // it's a sequence that could legally occur in the language. Otherwise // treat it as an identifier. This way, if someone writes "private var" // we recognize that 'var' is actually an identifier here. token = SyntaxKind.Identifier; } } } return { endOfLineState, spans }; } return { getClassificationsForLine, getEncodedLexicalClassifications }; } /// We do not have a full parser support to know when we should parse a regex or not /// If we consider every slash token to be a regex, we could be missing cases like "1/2/3", where /// we have a series of divide operator. this list allows us to be more accurate by ruling out /// locations where a regexp cannot exist. const noRegexTable: true[] = arrayToNumericMap([ SyntaxKind.Identifier, SyntaxKind.StringLiteral, SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral, SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral, SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral, SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword, SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken, SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword, SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword, ], token => token, () => true); function getNewEndOfLineState(scanner: Scanner, token: SyntaxKind, lastOnTemplateStack: SyntaxKind | undefined): EndOfLineState | undefined { switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: { // Check to see if we finished up on a multiline string literal. if (!scanner.isUnterminated()) return undefined; const tokenText = scanner.getTokenText(); const lastCharIndex = tokenText.length - 1; let numBackslashes = 0; while (tokenText.charCodeAt(lastCharIndex - numBackslashes) === CharacterCodes.backslash) { numBackslashes++; } // If we have an odd number of backslashes, then the multiline string is unclosed if ((numBackslashes & 1) === 0) return undefined; return tokenText.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.doubleQuote ? EndOfLineState.InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral : EndOfLineState.InSingleQuoteStringLiteral; } case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia: // Check to see if the multiline comment was unclosed. return scanner.isUnterminated() ? EndOfLineState.InMultiLineCommentTrivia : undefined; default: if (isTemplateLiteralKind(token)) { if (!scanner.isUnterminated()) { return undefined; } switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.TemplateTail: return EndOfLineState.InTemplateMiddleOrTail; case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: return EndOfLineState.InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate; default: return"Only 'NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral's and 'TemplateTail's can be unterminated; got SyntaxKind #" + token); } } return lastOnTemplateStack === SyntaxKind.TemplateHead ? EndOfLineState.InTemplateSubstitutionPosition : undefined; } } function pushEncodedClassification(start: number, end: number, offset: number, classification: ClassificationType, result: Push): void { if (classification === ClassificationType.whiteSpace) { // Don't bother with whitespace classifications. They're not needed. return; } if (start === 0 && offset > 0) { // We're classifying the first token, and this was a case where we prepended text. // We should consider the start of this token to be at the start of the original text. start += offset; } const length = end - start; if (length > 0) { // All our tokens are in relation to the augmented text. Move them back to be // relative to the original text. result.push(start - offset, length, classification); } } function convertClassificationsToResult(classifications: Classifications, text: string): ClassificationResult { const entries: ClassificationInfo[] = []; const dense = classifications.spans; let lastEnd = 0; for (let i = 0; i < dense.length; i += 3) { const start = dense[i]; const length = dense[i + 1]; const type = dense[i + 2]; // Make a whitespace entry between the last item and this one. if (lastEnd >= 0) { const whitespaceLength = start - lastEnd; if (whitespaceLength > 0) { entries.push({ length: whitespaceLength, classification: TokenClass.Whitespace }); } } entries.push({ length, classification: convertClassification(type) }); lastEnd = start + length; } const whitespaceLength = text.length - lastEnd; if (whitespaceLength > 0) { entries.push({ length: whitespaceLength, classification: TokenClass.Whitespace }); } return { entries, finalLexState: classifications.endOfLineState }; } function convertClassification(type: ClassificationType): TokenClass { switch (type) { case ClassificationType.comment: return TokenClass.Comment; case ClassificationType.keyword: return TokenClass.Keyword; case ClassificationType.numericLiteral: return TokenClass.NumberLiteral; case ClassificationType.bigintLiteral: return TokenClass.BigIntLiteral; case ClassificationType.operator: return TokenClass.Operator; case ClassificationType.stringLiteral: return TokenClass.StringLiteral; case ClassificationType.whiteSpace: return TokenClass.Whitespace; case ClassificationType.punctuation: return TokenClass.Punctuation; case ClassificationType.identifier: case ClassificationType.className: case ClassificationType.enumName: case ClassificationType.interfaceName: case ClassificationType.moduleName: case ClassificationType.typeParameterName: case ClassificationType.typeAliasName: case ClassificationType.text: case ClassificationType.parameterName: return TokenClass.Identifier; default: return undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 Debug.assertNever(type); } } /** Returns true if 'keyword2' can legally follow 'keyword1' in any language construct. */ function canFollow(keyword1: SyntaxKind, keyword2: SyntaxKind): boolean { if (!isAccessibilityModifier(keyword1)) { // Assume any other keyword combination is legal. // This can be refined in the future if there are more cases we want the classifier to be better at. return true; } switch (keyword2) { case SyntaxKind.GetKeyword: case SyntaxKind.SetKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword: case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: return true; // Allow things like "public get", "public constructor" and "public static". default: return false; // Any other keyword following "public" is actually an identifier, not a real keyword. } } function getPrefixFromLexState(lexState: EndOfLineState): { readonly prefix: string, readonly pushTemplate?: true } { // If we're in a string literal, then prepend: "\ // (and a newline). That way when we lex we'll think we're still in a string literal. // // If we're in a multiline comment, then prepend: /* // (and a newline). That way when we lex we'll think we're still in a multiline comment. switch (lexState) { case EndOfLineState.InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral: return { prefix: "\"\\\n" }; case EndOfLineState.InSingleQuoteStringLiteral: return { prefix: "'\\\n" }; case EndOfLineState.InMultiLineCommentTrivia: return { prefix: "/*\n" }; case EndOfLineState.InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate: return { prefix: "`\n" }; case EndOfLineState.InTemplateMiddleOrTail: return { prefix: "}\n", pushTemplate: true }; case EndOfLineState.InTemplateSubstitutionPosition: return { prefix: "", pushTemplate: true }; case EndOfLineState.None: return { prefix: "" }; default: return Debug.assertNever(lexState); } } function isBinaryExpressionOperatorToken(token: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: case SyntaxKind.SlashToken: case SyntaxKind.PercentToken: case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: case SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken: case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken: case SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword: case SyntaxKind.InKeyword: case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword: case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken: case SyntaxKind.CaretToken: case SyntaxKind.BarToken: case SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken: case SyntaxKind.BarBarToken: case SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: case SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken: case SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken: case SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken: return true; default: return false; } } function isPrefixUnaryExpressionOperatorToken(token: SyntaxKind): boolean { switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: case SyntaxKind.TildeToken: case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: case SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken: case SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken: return true; default: return false; } } function classFromKind(token: SyntaxKind): ClassificationType { if (isKeyword(token)) { return ClassificationType.keyword; } else if (isBinaryExpressionOperatorToken(token) || isPrefixUnaryExpressionOperatorToken(token)) { return ClassificationType.operator; } else if (token >= SyntaxKind.FirstPunctuation && token <= SyntaxKind.LastPunctuation) { return ClassificationType.punctuation; } switch (token) { case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: return ClassificationType.numericLiteral; case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: return ClassificationType.bigintLiteral; case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: return ClassificationType.stringLiteral; case SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral: return ClassificationType.regularExpressionLiteral; case SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia: case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia: case SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia: return ClassificationType.comment; case SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia: case SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia: return ClassificationType.whiteSpace; case SyntaxKind.Identifier: default: if (isTemplateLiteralKind(token)) { return ClassificationType.stringLiteral; } return ClassificationType.identifier; } } /* @internal */ export function getSemanticClassifications(typeChecker: TypeChecker, cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFile: SourceFile, classifiableNames: ReadonlySet<__String>, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[] { return convertClassificationsToSpans(getEncodedSemanticClassifications(typeChecker, cancellationToken, sourceFile, classifiableNames, span)); } function checkForClassificationCancellation(cancellationToken: CancellationToken, kind: SyntaxKind) { // We don't want to actually call back into our host on every node to find out if we've // been canceled. That would be an enormous amount of chattyness, along with the all // the overhead of marshalling the data to/from the host. So instead we pick a few // reasonable node kinds to bother checking on. These node kinds represent high level // constructs that we would expect to see commonly, but just at a far less frequent // interval. // // For example, in checker.ts (around 750k) we only have around 600 of these constructs. // That means we're calling back into the host around every 1.2k of the file we process. // Lib.d.ts has similar numbers. switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction: cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); } } /* @internal */ export function getEncodedSemanticClassifications(typeChecker: TypeChecker, cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFile: SourceFile, classifiableNames: ReadonlySet<__String>, span: TextSpan): Classifications { const spans: number[] = []; sourceFile.forEachChild(function cb(node: Node): void { // Only walk into nodes that intersect the requested span. if (!node || !textSpanIntersectsWith(span, node.pos, node.getFullWidth())) { return; } checkForClassificationCancellation(cancellationToken, node.kind); // Only bother calling into the typechecker if this is an identifier that // could possibly resolve to a type name. This makes classification run // in a third of the time it would normally take. if (isIdentifier(node) && !nodeIsMissing(node) && classifiableNames.has(node.escapedText)) { const symbol = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(node); const type = symbol && classifySymbol(symbol, getMeaningFromLocation(node), typeChecker); if (type) { pushClassification(node.getStart(sourceFile), node.getEnd(), type); } } node.forEachChild(cb); }); return { spans, endOfLineState: EndOfLineState.None }; function pushClassification(start: number, end: number, type: ClassificationType): void { const length = end - start; Debug.assert(length > 0, `Classification had non-positive length of ${length}`); spans.push(start); spans.push(length); spans.push(type); } } function classifySymbol(symbol: Symbol, meaningAtPosition: SemanticMeaning, checker: TypeChecker): ClassificationType | undefined { const flags = symbol.getFlags(); if ((flags & SymbolFlags.Classifiable) === SymbolFlags.None) { return undefined; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Class) { return ClassificationType.className; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Enum) { return ClassificationType.enumName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.TypeAlias) { return ClassificationType.typeAliasName; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Module) { // Only classify a module as such if // - It appears in a namespace context. // - There exists a module declaration which actually impacts the value side. return meaningAtPosition & SemanticMeaning.Namespace || meaningAtPosition & SemanticMeaning.Value && hasValueSideModule(symbol) ? ClassificationType.moduleName : undefined; } else if (flags & SymbolFlags.Alias) { return classifySymbol(checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol), meaningAtPosition, checker); } else if (meaningAtPosition & SemanticMeaning.Type) { return flags & SymbolFlags.Interface ? ClassificationType.interfaceName : flags & SymbolFlags.TypeParameter ? ClassificationType.typeParameterName : undefined; } else { return undefined; } } /** Returns true if there exists a module that introduces entities on the value side. */ function hasValueSideModule(symbol: Symbol): boolean { return some(symbol.declarations, declaration => isModuleDeclaration(declaration) && getModuleInstanceState(declaration) === ModuleInstanceState.Instantiated); } function getClassificationTypeName(type: ClassificationType): ClassificationTypeNames { switch (type) { case ClassificationType.comment: return ClassificationTypeNames.comment; case ClassificationType.identifier: return ClassificationTypeNames.identifier; case ClassificationType.keyword: return ClassificationTypeNames.keyword; case ClassificationType.numericLiteral: return ClassificationTypeNames.numericLiteral; case ClassificationType.bigintLiteral: return ClassificationTypeNames.bigintLiteral; case ClassificationType.operator: return ClassificationTypeNames.operator; case ClassificationType.stringLiteral: return ClassificationTypeNames.stringLiteral; case ClassificationType.whiteSpace: return ClassificationTypeNames.whiteSpace; case ClassificationType.text: return ClassificationTypeNames.text; case ClassificationType.punctuation: return ClassificationTypeNames.punctuation; case ClassificationType.className: return ClassificationTypeNames.className; case ClassificationType.enumName: return ClassificationTypeNames.enumName; case ClassificationType.interfaceName: return ClassificationTypeNames.interfaceName; case ClassificationType.moduleName: return ClassificationTypeNames.moduleName; case ClassificationType.typeParameterName: return ClassificationTypeNames.typeParameterName; case ClassificationType.typeAliasName: return ClassificationTypeNames.typeAliasName; case ClassificationType.parameterName: return ClassificationTypeNames.parameterName; case ClassificationType.docCommentTagName: return ClassificationTypeNames.docCommentTagName; case ClassificationType.jsxOpenTagName: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxOpenTagName; case ClassificationType.jsxCloseTagName: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxCloseTagName; case ClassificationType.jsxSelfClosingTagName: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxSelfClosingTagName; case ClassificationType.jsxAttribute: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxAttribute; case ClassificationType.jsxText: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxText; case ClassificationType.jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue: return ClassificationTypeNames.jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue; default: return undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 throw Debug.assertNever(type); } } function convertClassificationsToSpans(classifications: Classifications): ClassifiedSpan[] { Debug.assert(classifications.spans.length % 3 === 0); const dense = classifications.spans; const result: ClassifiedSpan[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < dense.length; i += 3) { result.push({ textSpan: createTextSpan(dense[i], dense[i + 1]), classificationType: getClassificationTypeName(dense[i + 2]) }); } return result; } /* @internal */ export function getSyntacticClassifications(cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFile: SourceFile, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[] { return convertClassificationsToSpans(getEncodedSyntacticClassifications(cancellationToken, sourceFile, span)); } /* @internal */ export function getEncodedSyntacticClassifications(cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFile: SourceFile, span: TextSpan): Classifications { const spanStart = span.start; const spanLength = span.length; // Make a scanner we can get trivia from. const triviaScanner = createScanner(ScriptTarget.Latest, /*skipTrivia*/ false, sourceFile.languageVariant, sourceFile.text); const mergeConflictScanner = createScanner(ScriptTarget.Latest, /*skipTrivia*/ false, sourceFile.languageVariant, sourceFile.text); const result: number[] = []; processElement(sourceFile); return { spans: result, endOfLineState: EndOfLineState.None }; function pushClassification(start: number, length: number, type: ClassificationType) { result.push(start); result.push(length); result.push(type); } function classifyLeadingTriviaAndGetTokenStart(token: Node): number { triviaScanner.setTextPos(token.pos); while (true) { const start = triviaScanner.getTextPos(); // only bother scanning if we have something that could be trivia. if (!couldStartTrivia(sourceFile.text, start)) { return start; } const kind = triviaScanner.scan(); const end = triviaScanner.getTextPos(); const width = end - start; // The moment we get something that isn't trivia, then stop processing. if (!isTrivia(kind)) { return start; } switch (kind) { case SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia: case SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia: // Don't bother with newlines/whitespace. continue; case SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia: case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia: // Only bother with the trivia if it at least intersects the span of interest. classifyComment(token, kind, start, width); // Classifying a comment might cause us to reuse the trivia scanner // (because of jsdoc comments). So after we classify the comment make // sure we set the scanner position back to where it needs to be. triviaScanner.setTextPos(end); continue; case SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia: const text = sourceFile.text; const ch = text.charCodeAt(start); // for the <<<<<<< and >>>>>>> markers, we just add them in as comments // in the classification stream. if (ch === CharacterCodes.lessThan || ch === CharacterCodes.greaterThan) { pushClassification(start, width, ClassificationType.comment); continue; } // for the ||||||| and ======== markers, add a comment for the first line, // and then lex all subsequent lines up until the end of the conflict marker. Debug.assert(ch === || ch === CharacterCodes.equals); classifyDisabledMergeCode(text, start, end); break; case SyntaxKind.ShebangTrivia: // TODO: Maybe we should classify these. break; default: Debug.assertNever(kind); } } } function classifyComment(token: Node, kind: SyntaxKind, start: number, width: number) { if (kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) { // See if this is a doc comment. If so, we'll classify certain portions of it // specially. const docCommentAndDiagnostics = parseIsolatedJSDocComment(sourceFile.text, start, width); if (docCommentAndDiagnostics && docCommentAndDiagnostics.jsDoc) { // TODO: This should be predicated on `token["kind"]` being compatible with `HasJSDoc["kind"]` setParent(docCommentAndDiagnostics.jsDoc, token as HasJSDoc); classifyJSDocComment(docCommentAndDiagnostics.jsDoc); return; } } else if (kind === SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia) { if (tryClassifyTripleSlashComment(start, width)) { return; } } // Simple comment. Just add as is. pushCommentRange(start, width); } function pushCommentRange(start: number, width: number) { pushClassification(start, width, ClassificationType.comment); } function classifyJSDocComment(docComment: JSDoc) { let pos = docComment.pos; if (docComment.tags) { for (const tag of docComment.tags) { // As we walk through each tag, classify the portion of text from the end of // the last tag (or the start of the entire doc comment) as 'comment'. if (tag.pos !== pos) { pushCommentRange(pos, tag.pos - pos); } pushClassification(tag.pos, 1, ClassificationType.punctuation); // "@" pushClassification(tag.tagName.pos, tag.tagName.end - tag.tagName.pos, ClassificationType.docCommentTagName); // e.g. "param" pos = tag.tagName.end; switch (tag.kind) { case SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag: processJSDocParameterTag(tag); break; case SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag: processJSDocTemplateTag(tag); pos = tag.end; break; case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag: processElement((tag).typeExpression); pos = tag.end; break; case SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag: processElement((tag).typeExpression); pos = tag.end; break; } } } if (pos !== docComment.end) { pushCommentRange(pos, docComment.end - pos); } return; function processJSDocParameterTag(tag: JSDocParameterTag) { if (tag.isNameFirst) { pushCommentRange(pos, - pos); pushClassification(, -, ClassificationType.parameterName); pos =; } if (tag.typeExpression) { pushCommentRange(pos, tag.typeExpression.pos - pos); processElement(tag.typeExpression); pos = tag.typeExpression.end; } if (!tag.isNameFirst) { pushCommentRange(pos, - pos); pushClassification(, -, ClassificationType.parameterName); pos =; } } } function tryClassifyTripleSlashComment(start: number, width: number): boolean { const tripleSlashXMLCommentRegEx = /^(\/\/\/\s*)(<)(?:(\S+)((?:[^/]|\/[^>])*)(\/>)?)?/im; const attributeRegex = /(\S+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)('[^']+'|"[^"]+")/img; const text = sourceFile.text.substr(start, width); const match = tripleSlashXMLCommentRegEx.exec(text); if (!match) { return false; } // Limiting classification to exactly the elements and attributes // defined in `ts.commentPragmas` would be excessive, but we can avoid // some obvious false positives (e.g. in XML-like doc comments) by // checking the element name. // eslint-disable-next-line no-in-operator if (!match[3] || !(match[3] in commentPragmas)) { return false; } let pos = start; pushCommentRange(pos, match[1].length); // /// pos += match[1].length; pushClassification(pos, match[2].length, ClassificationType.punctuation); // < pos += match[2].length; pushClassification(pos, match[3].length, ClassificationType.jsxSelfClosingTagName); // element name pos += match[3].length; const attrText = match[4]; let attrPos = pos; while (true) { const attrMatch = attributeRegex.exec(attrText); if (!attrMatch) { break; } const newAttrPos = pos + attrMatch.index; if (newAttrPos > attrPos) { pushCommentRange(attrPos, newAttrPos - attrPos); attrPos = newAttrPos; } pushClassification(attrPos, attrMatch[1].length, ClassificationType.jsxAttribute); // attribute name attrPos += attrMatch[1].length; if (attrMatch[2].length) { pushCommentRange(attrPos, attrMatch[2].length); // whitespace attrPos += attrMatch[2].length; } pushClassification(attrPos, attrMatch[3].length, ClassificationType.operator); // = attrPos += attrMatch[3].length; if (attrMatch[4].length) { pushCommentRange(attrPos, attrMatch[4].length); // whitespace attrPos += attrMatch[4].length; } pushClassification(attrPos, attrMatch[5].length, ClassificationType.jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue); // attribute value attrPos += attrMatch[5].length; } pos += match[4].length; if (pos > attrPos) { pushCommentRange(attrPos, pos - attrPos); } if (match[5]) { pushClassification(pos, match[5].length, ClassificationType.punctuation); // /> pos += match[5].length; } const end = start + width; if (pos < end) { pushCommentRange(pos, end - pos); } return true; } function processJSDocTemplateTag(tag: JSDocTemplateTag) { for (const child of tag.getChildren()) { processElement(child); } } function classifyDisabledMergeCode(text: string, start: number, end: number) { // Classify the line that the ||||||| or ======= marker is on as a comment. // Then just lex all further tokens and add them to the result. let i: number; for (i = start; i < end; i++) { if (isLineBreak(text.charCodeAt(i))) { break; } } pushClassification(start, i - start, ClassificationType.comment); mergeConflictScanner.setTextPos(i); while (mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos() < end) { classifyDisabledCodeToken(); } } function classifyDisabledCodeToken() { const start = mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos(); const tokenKind = mergeConflictScanner.scan(); const end = mergeConflictScanner.getTextPos(); const type = classifyTokenType(tokenKind); if (type) { pushClassification(start, end - start, type); } } /** * Returns true if node should be treated as classified and no further processing is required. * False will mean that node is not classified and traverse routine should recurse into node contents. */ function tryClassifyNode(node: Node): boolean { if (isJSDoc(node)) { return true; } if (nodeIsMissing(node)) { return true; } const classifiedElementName = tryClassifyJsxElementName(node); if (!isToken(node) && node.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxText && classifiedElementName === undefined) { return false; } const tokenStart = node.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxText ? node.pos : classifyLeadingTriviaAndGetTokenStart(node); const tokenWidth = node.end - tokenStart; Debug.assert(tokenWidth >= 0); if (tokenWidth > 0) { const type = classifiedElementName || classifyTokenType(node.kind, node); if (type) { pushClassification(tokenStart, tokenWidth, type); } } return true; } function tryClassifyJsxElementName(token: Node): ClassificationType | undefined { switch (token.parent && token.parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement: if ((token.parent).tagName === token) { return ClassificationType.jsxOpenTagName; } break; case SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement: if ((token.parent).tagName === token) { return ClassificationType.jsxCloseTagName; } break; case SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement: if ((token.parent).tagName === token) { return ClassificationType.jsxSelfClosingTagName; } break; case SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.jsxAttribute; } break; } return undefined; } // for accurate classification, the actual token should be passed in. however, for // cases like 'disabled merge code' classification, we just get the token kind and // classify based on that instead. function classifyTokenType(tokenKind: SyntaxKind, token?: Node): ClassificationType | undefined { if (isKeyword(tokenKind)) { return ClassificationType.keyword; } // Special case `<` and `>`: If they appear in a generic context they are punctuation, // not operators. if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || tokenKind === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) { // If the node owning the token has a type argument list or type parameter list, then // we can effectively assume that a '<' and '>' belong to those lists. if (token && getTypeArgumentOrTypeParameterList(token.parent)) { return ClassificationType.punctuation; } } if (isPunctuation(tokenKind)) { if (token) { const parent = token.parent; if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { // the '=' in a variable declaration is special cased here. if (parent.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.Parameter || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute) { return ClassificationType.operator; } } if (parent.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression) { return ClassificationType.operator; } } return ClassificationType.punctuation; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral) { return ClassificationType.numericLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral) { return ClassificationType.bigintLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { return token && token.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute ? ClassificationType.jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue : ClassificationType.stringLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral) { // TODO: we should get another classification type for these literals. return ClassificationType.stringLiteral; } else if (isTemplateLiteralKind(tokenKind)) { // TODO (drosen): we should *also* get another classification type for these literals. return ClassificationType.stringLiteral; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.JsxText) { return ClassificationType.jsxText; } else if (tokenKind === SyntaxKind.Identifier) { if (token) { switch (token.parent.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.className; } return; case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.typeParameterName; } return; case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.interfaceName; } return; case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.enumName; } return; case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return ClassificationType.moduleName; } return; case SyntaxKind.Parameter: if ((token.parent).name === token) { return isThisIdentifier(token) ? ClassificationType.keyword : ClassificationType.parameterName; } return; } } return ClassificationType.identifier; } } function processElement(element: Node | undefined) { if (!element) { return; } // Ignore nodes that don't intersect the original span to classify. if (decodedTextSpanIntersectsWith(spanStart, spanLength, element.pos, element.getFullWidth())) { checkForClassificationCancellation(cancellationToken, element.kind); for (const child of element.getChildren(sourceFile)) { if (!tryClassifyNode(child)) { // Recurse into our child nodes. processElement(child); } } } } } }