namespace ts { export interface DocumentHighlights { fileName: string; highlightSpans: HighlightSpan[]; } /* @internal */ export namespace DocumentHighlights { export function getDocumentHighlights(program: Program, cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, sourceFilesToSearch: readonly SourceFile[]): DocumentHighlights[] | undefined { const node = getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); if (node.parent && (isJsxOpeningElement(node.parent) && node.parent.tagName === node || isJsxClosingElement(node.parent))) { // For a JSX element, just highlight the matching tag, not all references. const { openingElement, closingElement } = node.parent.parent; const highlightSpans = [openingElement, closingElement].map(({ tagName }) => getHighlightSpanForNode(tagName, sourceFile)); return [{ fileName: sourceFile.fileName, highlightSpans }]; } return getSemanticDocumentHighlights(position, node, program, cancellationToken, sourceFilesToSearch) || getSyntacticDocumentHighlights(node, sourceFile); } function getHighlightSpanForNode(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): HighlightSpan { return { fileName: sourceFile.fileName, textSpan: createTextSpanFromNode(node, sourceFile), kind: HighlightSpanKind.none }; } function getSemanticDocumentHighlights(position: number, node: Node, program: Program, cancellationToken: CancellationToken, sourceFilesToSearch: readonly SourceFile[]): DocumentHighlights[] | undefined { const sourceFilesSet = new Set( => f.fileName)); const referenceEntries = FindAllReferences.getReferenceEntriesForNode(position, node, program, sourceFilesToSearch, cancellationToken, /*options*/ undefined, sourceFilesSet); if (!referenceEntries) return undefined; const map = arrayToMultiMap(, e => e.fileName, e => e.span); return arrayFrom(map.entries(), ([fileName, highlightSpans]) => { if (!sourceFilesSet.has(fileName)) { Debug.assert(program.redirectTargetsMap.has(fileName)); const redirectTarget = program.getSourceFile(fileName); const redirect = find(sourceFilesToSearch, f => !!f.redirectInfo && f.redirectInfo.redirectTarget === redirectTarget)!; fileName = redirect.fileName; Debug.assert(sourceFilesSet.has(fileName)); } return { fileName, highlightSpans }; }); } function getSyntacticDocumentHighlights(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): DocumentHighlights[] | undefined { const highlightSpans = getHighlightSpans(node, sourceFile); return highlightSpans && [{ fileName: sourceFile.fileName, highlightSpans }]; } function getHighlightSpans(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile): HighlightSpan[] | undefined { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.IfKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword: return isIfStatement(node.parent) ? getIfElseOccurrences(node.parent, sourceFile) : undefined; case SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, isReturnStatement, getReturnOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, isThrowStatement, getThrowOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.TryKeyword: case SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword: case SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword: const tryStatement = node.kind === SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword ? node.parent.parent : node.parent; return useParent(tryStatement, isTryStatement, getTryCatchFinallyOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, isSwitchStatement, getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword: case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword: { if (isDefaultClause(node.parent) || isCaseClause(node.parent)) { return useParent(node.parent.parent.parent, isSwitchStatement, getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences); } return undefined; } case SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, isBreakOrContinueStatement, getBreakOrContinueStatementOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.ForKeyword: case SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword: case SyntaxKind.DoKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, (n): n is IterationStatement => isIterationStatement(n, /*lookInLabeledStatements*/ true), getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword: return getFromAllDeclarations(isConstructorDeclaration, [SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword]); case SyntaxKind.GetKeyword: case SyntaxKind.SetKeyword: return getFromAllDeclarations(isAccessor, [SyntaxKind.GetKeyword, SyntaxKind.SetKeyword]); case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: return useParent(node.parent, isAwaitExpression, getAsyncAndAwaitOccurrences); case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: return highlightSpans(getAsyncAndAwaitOccurrences(node)); case SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword: return highlightSpans(getYieldOccurrences(node)); default: return isModifierKind(node.kind) && (isDeclaration(node.parent) || isVariableStatement(node.parent)) ? highlightSpans(getModifierOccurrences(node.kind, node.parent)) : undefined; } function getFromAllDeclarations(nodeTest: (node: Node) => node is T, keywords: readonly SyntaxKind[]): HighlightSpan[] | undefined { return useParent(node.parent, nodeTest, decl => mapDefined(decl.symbol.declarations, d => nodeTest(d) ? find(d.getChildren(sourceFile), c => contains(keywords, c.kind)) : undefined)); } function useParent(node: Node, nodeTest: (node: Node) => node is T, getNodes: (node: T, sourceFile: SourceFile) => readonly Node[] | undefined): HighlightSpan[] | undefined { return nodeTest(node) ? highlightSpans(getNodes(node, sourceFile)) : undefined; } function highlightSpans(nodes: readonly Node[] | undefined): HighlightSpan[] | undefined { return nodes && => getHighlightSpanForNode(node, sourceFile)); } } /** * Aggregates all throw-statements within this node *without* crossing * into function boundaries and try-blocks with catch-clauses. */ function aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(node: Node): readonly ThrowStatement[] | undefined { if (isThrowStatement(node)) { return [node]; } else if (isTryStatement(node)) { // Exceptions thrown within a try block lacking a catch clause are "owned" in the current context. return concatenate( node.catchClause ? aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(node.catchClause) : node.tryBlock && aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(node.tryBlock), node.finallyBlock && aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(node.finallyBlock)); } // Do not cross function boundaries. return isFunctionLike(node) ? undefined : flatMapChildren(node, aggregateOwnedThrowStatements); } /** * For lack of a better name, this function takes a throw statement and returns the * nearest ancestor that is a try-block (whose try statement has a catch clause), * function-block, or source file. */ function getThrowStatementOwner(throwStatement: ThrowStatement): Node | undefined { let child: Node = throwStatement; while (child.parent) { const parent = child.parent; if (isFunctionBlock(parent) || parent.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) { return parent; } // A throw-statement is only owned by a try-statement if the try-statement has // a catch clause, and if the throw-statement occurs within the try block. if (isTryStatement(parent) && parent.tryBlock === child && parent.catchClause) { return child; } child = parent; } return undefined; } function aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(node: Node): readonly BreakOrContinueStatement[] | undefined { return isBreakOrContinueStatement(node) ? [node] : isFunctionLike(node) ? undefined : flatMapChildren(node, aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements); } function flatMapChildren(node: Node, cb: (child: Node) => readonly T[] | T | undefined): readonly T[] { const result: T[] = []; node.forEachChild(child => { const value = cb(child); if (value !== undefined) { result.push(...toArray(value)); } }); return result; } function ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(owner: Node, statement: BreakOrContinueStatement): boolean { const actualOwner = getBreakOrContinueOwner(statement); return !!actualOwner && actualOwner === owner; } function getBreakOrContinueOwner(statement: BreakOrContinueStatement): Node | undefined { return findAncestor(statement, node => { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement: if (statement.kind === SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement) { return false; } // falls through case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: return !statement.label || isLabeledBy(node, statement.label.escapedText); default: // Don't cross function boundaries. // TODO: GH#20090 return isFunctionLike(node) && "quit"; } }); } function getModifierOccurrences(modifier: Modifier["kind"], declaration: Node): Node[] { return mapDefined(getNodesToSearchForModifier(declaration, modifierToFlag(modifier)), node => findModifier(node, modifier)); } function getNodesToSearchForModifier(declaration: Node, modifierFlag: ModifierFlags): readonly Node[] | undefined { // Types of node whose children might have modifiers. const container = declaration.parent as ModuleBlock | SourceFile | Block | CaseClause | DefaultClause | ConstructorDeclaration | MethodDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | ObjectTypeDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression; switch (container.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock: case SyntaxKind.SourceFile: case SyntaxKind.Block: case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: case SyntaxKind.DefaultClause: // Container is either a class declaration or the declaration is a classDeclaration if (modifierFlag & ModifierFlags.Abstract && isClassDeclaration(declaration)) { return [...declaration.members, declaration]; } else { return container.statements; } case SyntaxKind.Constructor: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: return [...container.parameters, ...(isClassLike(container.parent) ? container.parent.members : [])]; case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral: const nodes = container.members; // If we're an accessibility modifier, we're in an instance member and should search // the constructor's parameter list for instance members as well. if (modifierFlag & (ModifierFlags.AccessibilityModifier | ModifierFlags.Readonly)) { const constructor = find(container.members, isConstructorDeclaration); if (constructor) { return [...nodes, ...constructor.parameters]; } } else if (modifierFlag & ModifierFlags.Abstract) { return [...nodes, container]; } return nodes; // Syntactically invalid positions that the parser might produce anyway case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression: return undefined; default: Debug.assertNever(container, "Invalid container kind."); } } function pushKeywordIf(keywordList: Push, token: Node | undefined, ...expected: SyntaxKind[]): boolean { if (token && contains(expected, token.kind)) { keywordList.push(token); return true; } return false; } function getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(loopNode: IterationStatement): Node[] { const keywords: Node[] = []; if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, loopNode.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.ForKeyword, SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword, SyntaxKind.DoKeyword)) { // If we succeeded and got a do-while loop, then start looking for a 'while' keyword. if (loopNode.kind === SyntaxKind.DoStatement) { const loopTokens = loopNode.getChildren(); for (let i = loopTokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, loopTokens[i], SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword)) { break; } } } } forEach(aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(loopNode.statement), statement => { if (ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(loopNode, statement)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, statement.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword, SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword); } }); return keywords; } function getBreakOrContinueStatementOccurrences(breakOrContinueStatement: BreakOrContinueStatement): Node[] | undefined { const owner = getBreakOrContinueOwner(breakOrContinueStatement); if (owner) { switch (owner.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: return getLoopBreakContinueOccurrences(owner); case SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement: return getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(owner); } } return undefined; } function getSwitchCaseDefaultOccurrences(switchStatement: SwitchStatement): Node[] { const keywords: Node[] = []; pushKeywordIf(keywords, switchStatement.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword); // Go through each clause in the switch statement, collecting the 'case'/'default' keywords. forEach(switchStatement.caseBlock.clauses, clause => { pushKeywordIf(keywords, clause.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword, SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword); forEach(aggregateAllBreakAndContinueStatements(clause), statement => { if (ownsBreakOrContinueStatement(switchStatement, statement)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, statement.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword); } }); }); return keywords; } function getTryCatchFinallyOccurrences(tryStatement: TryStatement, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node[] { const keywords: Node[] = []; pushKeywordIf(keywords, tryStatement.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.TryKeyword); if (tryStatement.catchClause) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, tryStatement.catchClause.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword); } if (tryStatement.finallyBlock) { const finallyKeyword = findChildOfKind(tryStatement, SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword, sourceFile)!; pushKeywordIf(keywords, finallyKeyword, SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword); } return keywords; } function getThrowOccurrences(throwStatement: ThrowStatement, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node[] | undefined { const owner = getThrowStatementOwner(throwStatement); if (!owner) { return undefined; } const keywords: Node[] = []; forEach(aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(owner), throwStatement => { keywords.push(findChildOfKind(throwStatement, SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword, sourceFile)!); }); // If the "owner" is a function, then we equate 'return' and 'throw' statements in their // ability to "jump out" of the function, and include occurrences for both. if (isFunctionBlock(owner)) { forEachReturnStatement(owner, returnStatement => { keywords.push(findChildOfKind(returnStatement, SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword, sourceFile)!); }); } return keywords; } function getReturnOccurrences(returnStatement: ReturnStatement, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node[] | undefined { const func = getContainingFunction(returnStatement); if (!func) { return undefined; } const keywords: Node[] = []; forEachReturnStatement(cast(func.body, isBlock), returnStatement => { keywords.push(findChildOfKind(returnStatement, SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword, sourceFile)!); }); // Include 'throw' statements that do not occur within a try block. forEach(aggregateOwnedThrowStatements(func.body!), throwStatement => { keywords.push(findChildOfKind(throwStatement, SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword, sourceFile)!); }); return keywords; } function getAsyncAndAwaitOccurrences(node: Node): Node[] | undefined { const func = getContainingFunction(node); if (!func) { return undefined; } const keywords: Node[] = []; if (func.modifiers) { func.modifiers.forEach(modifier => { pushKeywordIf(keywords, modifier, SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword); }); } forEachChild(func, child => { traverseWithoutCrossingFunction(child, node => { if (isAwaitExpression(node)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, node.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword); } }); }); return keywords; } function getYieldOccurrences(node: Node): Node[] | undefined { const func = getContainingFunction(node) as FunctionDeclaration; if (!func) { return undefined; } const keywords: Node[] = []; forEachChild(func, child => { traverseWithoutCrossingFunction(child, node => { if (isYieldExpression(node)) { pushKeywordIf(keywords, node.getFirstToken(), SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword); } }); }); return keywords; } // Do not cross function/class/interface/module/type boundaries. function traverseWithoutCrossingFunction(node: Node, cb: (node: Node) => void) { cb(node); if (!isFunctionLike(node) && !isClassLike(node) && !isInterfaceDeclaration(node) && !isModuleDeclaration(node) && !isTypeAliasDeclaration(node) && !isTypeNode(node)) { forEachChild(node, child => traverseWithoutCrossingFunction(child, cb)); } } function getIfElseOccurrences(ifStatement: IfStatement, sourceFile: SourceFile): HighlightSpan[] { const keywords = getIfElseKeywords(ifStatement, sourceFile); const result: HighlightSpan[] = []; // We'd like to highlight else/ifs together if they are only separated by whitespace // (i.e. the keywords are separated by no comments, no newlines). for (let i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) { if (keywords[i].kind === SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword && i < keywords.length - 1) { const elseKeyword = keywords[i]; const ifKeyword = keywords[i + 1]; // this *should* always be an 'if' keyword. let shouldCombineElseAndIf = true; // Avoid recalculating getStart() by iterating backwards. for (let j = ifKeyword.getStart(sourceFile) - 1; j >= elseKeyword.end; j--) { if (!isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(j))) { shouldCombineElseAndIf = false; break; } } if (shouldCombineElseAndIf) { result.push({ fileName: sourceFile.fileName, textSpan: createTextSpanFromBounds(elseKeyword.getStart(), ifKeyword.end), kind: HighlightSpanKind.reference }); i++; // skip the next keyword continue; } } // Ordinary case: just highlight the keyword. result.push(getHighlightSpanForNode(keywords[i], sourceFile)); } return result; } function getIfElseKeywords(ifStatement: IfStatement, sourceFile: SourceFile): Node[] { const keywords: Node[] = []; // Traverse upwards through all parent if-statements linked by their else-branches. while (isIfStatement(ifStatement.parent) && ifStatement.parent.elseStatement === ifStatement) { ifStatement = ifStatement.parent; } // Now traverse back down through the else branches, aggregating if/else keywords of if-statements. while (true) { const children = ifStatement.getChildren(sourceFile); pushKeywordIf(keywords, children[0], SyntaxKind.IfKeyword); // Generally the 'else' keyword is second-to-last, so we traverse backwards. for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pushKeywordIf(keywords, children[i], SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword)) { break; } } if (!ifStatement.elseStatement || !isIfStatement(ifStatement.elseStatement)) { break; } ifStatement = ifStatement.elseStatement; } return keywords; } /** * Whether or not a 'node' is preceded by a label of the given string. * Note: 'node' cannot be a SourceFile. */ function isLabeledBy(node: Node, labelName: __String): boolean { return !!findAncestor(node.parent, owner => !isLabeledStatement(owner) ? "quit" : owner.label.escapedText === labelName); } } }