namespace project { // Test case is json of below type in tests/cases/project/ interface ProjectRunnerTestCase { scenario: string; projectRoot: string; // project where it lives - this also is the current directory when compiling inputFiles: readonly string[]; // list of input files to be given to program resolveMapRoot?: boolean; // should we resolve this map root and give compiler the absolute disk path as map root? resolveSourceRoot?: boolean; // should we resolve this source root and give compiler the absolute disk path as map root? baselineCheck?: boolean; // Verify the baselines of output files, if this is false, we will write to output to the disk but there is no verification of baselines runTest?: boolean; // Run the resulting test bug?: string; // If there is any bug associated with this test case } interface ProjectRunnerTestCaseResolutionInfo extends ProjectRunnerTestCase { // Apart from actual test case the results of the resolution resolvedInputFiles: readonly string[]; // List of files that were asked to read by compiler emittedFiles: readonly string[]; // List of files that were emitted by the compiler } interface CompileProjectFilesResult { configFileSourceFiles: readonly ts.SourceFile[]; moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind; program?: ts.Program; compilerOptions?: ts.CompilerOptions; errors: readonly ts.Diagnostic[]; sourceMapData?: readonly ts.SourceMapEmitResult[]; } interface BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult extends CompileProjectFilesResult { outputFiles?: readonly documents.TextDocument[]; } export class ProjectRunner extends Harness.RunnerBase { public enumerateTestFiles() { const all = this.enumerateFiles("tests/cases/project", /\.json$/, { recursive: true }); if (Harness.shards === 1) { return all; } return all.filter((_val, idx) => idx % Harness.shards === (Harness.shardId - 1)); } public kind(): Harness.TestRunnerKind { return "project"; } public initializeTests() { describe("projects tests", () => { const tests = this.tests.length === 0 ? this.enumerateTestFiles() : this.tests; for (const test of tests) { this.runProjectTestCase(typeof test === "string" ? test : test.file); } }); } private runProjectTestCase(testCaseFileName: string) { for (const { name, payload } of ProjectTestCase.getConfigurations(testCaseFileName)) { describe("Compiling project for " + payload.testCase.scenario + ": testcase " + testCaseFileName + (name ? ` (${name})` : ``), () => { let projectTestCase: ProjectTestCase | undefined; before(() => { projectTestCase = new ProjectTestCase(testCaseFileName, payload); }); it(`Correct module resolution tracing for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyResolution()); it(`Correct errors for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyDiagnostics()); it(`Correct JS output for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyJavaScriptOutput()); // NOTE: This check was commented out in previous code. Leaving this here to eventually be restored if needed. // it(`Correct sourcemap content for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifySourceMapRecord()); it(`Correct declarations for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyDeclarations()); after(() => { projectTestCase = undefined; }); }); } } } class ProjectCompilerHost extends fakes.CompilerHost { private _testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions; private _projectParseConfigHost: ProjectParseConfigHost | undefined; constructor(sys: fakes.System | vfs.FileSystem, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions, _testCaseJustName: string, testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions, _moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { super(sys, compilerOptions); this._testCase = testCase; } public get parseConfigHost(): fakes.ParseConfigHost { return this._projectParseConfigHost || (this._projectParseConfigHost = new ProjectParseConfigHost(this.sys, this._testCase)); } public getDefaultLibFileName(_options: ts.CompilerOptions) { return vpath.resolve(this.getDefaultLibLocation(), "lib.es5.d.ts"); } } class ProjectParseConfigHost extends fakes.ParseConfigHost { private _testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions; constructor(sys: fakes.System, testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions) { super(sys); this._testCase = testCase; } public readDirectory(path: string, extensions: string[], excludes: string[], includes: string[], depth: number): string[] { const result = super.readDirectory(path, extensions, excludes, includes, depth); const projectRoot = vpath.resolve(vfs.srcFolder, this._testCase.projectRoot); return => vpath.relative( projectRoot, vpath.resolve(projectRoot, item), this.vfs.ignoreCase )); } } interface ProjectTestConfiguration { name: string; payload: ProjectTestPayload; } interface ProjectTestPayload { testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions; moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind; vfs: vfs.FileSystem; } class ProjectTestCase { private testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions; private testCaseJustName: string; private sys: fakes.System; private compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions; private compilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult; constructor(testCaseFileName: string, { testCase, moduleKind, vfs }: ProjectTestPayload) { this.testCase = testCase; this.testCaseJustName = testCaseFileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, "").replace(/\.json/, ""); this.compilerOptions = createCompilerOptions(testCase, moduleKind); this.sys = new fakes.System(vfs); let configFileName: string | undefined; let inputFiles = testCase.inputFiles; if (this.compilerOptions.project) { // Parse project configFileName = ts.normalizePath(ts.combinePaths(this.compilerOptions.project, "tsconfig.json")); assert(!inputFiles || inputFiles.length === 0, "cannot specify input files and project option together"); } else if (!inputFiles || inputFiles.length === 0) { configFileName = ts.findConfigFile("", path => this.sys.fileExists(path)); } let errors: ts.Diagnostic[] | undefined; const configFileSourceFiles: ts.SourceFile[] = []; if (configFileName) { const result = ts.readJsonConfigFile(configFileName, path => this.sys.readFile(path)); configFileSourceFiles.push(result); const configParseHost = new ProjectParseConfigHost(this.sys, this.testCase); const configParseResult = ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(result, configParseHost, ts.getDirectoryPath(configFileName), this.compilerOptions); inputFiles = configParseResult.fileNames; this.compilerOptions = configParseResult.options; errors = [...result.parseDiagnostics, ...configParseResult.errors]; } const compilerHost = new ProjectCompilerHost(this.sys, this.compilerOptions, this.testCaseJustName, this.testCase, moduleKind); const projectCompilerResult = this.compileProjectFiles(moduleKind, configFileSourceFiles, () => inputFiles, compilerHost, this.compilerOptions); this.compilerResult = { configFileSourceFiles, moduleKind, program: projectCompilerResult.program, compilerOptions: this.compilerOptions, sourceMapData: projectCompilerResult.sourceMapData, outputFiles: compilerHost.outputs, errors: errors ? ts.concatenate(errors, projectCompilerResult.errors) : projectCompilerResult.errors, }; } private get vfs() { return this.sys.vfs; } public static getConfigurations(testCaseFileName: string): ProjectTestConfiguration[] { let testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions; let testFileText: string | undefined; try { testFileText = Harness.IO.readFile(testCaseFileName); } catch (e) { assert(false, "Unable to open testcase file: " + testCaseFileName + ": " + e.message); } try { testCase = JSON.parse(testFileText!); } catch (e) { throw assert(false, "Testcase: " + testCaseFileName + " does not contain valid json format: " + e.message); } const fs = vfs.createFromFileSystem(Harness.IO, /*ignoreCase*/ false); fs.mountSync(vpath.resolve(Harness.IO.getWorkspaceRoot(), "tests"), vpath.combine(vfs.srcFolder, "tests"), vfs.createResolver(Harness.IO)); fs.mkdirpSync(vpath.combine(vfs.srcFolder, testCase.projectRoot)); fs.chdir(vpath.combine(vfs.srcFolder, testCase.projectRoot)); fs.makeReadonly(); return [ { name: `@module: commonjs`, payload: { testCase, moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS, vfs: fs } }, { name: `@module: amd`, payload: { testCase, moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind.AMD, vfs: fs } } ]; } public verifyResolution() { const cwd = this.vfs.cwd(); const ignoreCase = this.vfs.ignoreCase; const resolutionInfo: ProjectRunnerTestCaseResolutionInfo & ts.CompilerOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.testCase)); resolutionInfo.resolvedInputFiles = this.compilerResult.program!.getSourceFiles() .map(({ fileName: input }) => vpath.beneath(vfs.builtFolder, input, this.vfs.ignoreCase) || vpath.beneath(vfs.testLibFolder, input, this.vfs.ignoreCase) ? Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(input) : vpath.isAbsolute(input) ? vpath.relative(cwd, input, ignoreCase) : input); resolutionInfo.emittedFiles = this.compilerResult.outputFiles! .map(output => output.meta.get("fileName") || output.file) .map(output => Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(vpath.isAbsolute(output) ? vpath.relative(cwd, output, ignoreCase) : output)); const content = JSON.stringify(resolutionInfo, undefined, " "); Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(this.getBaselineFolder(this.compilerResult.moduleKind) + this.testCaseJustName + ".json", content); } public verifyDiagnostics() { if (this.compilerResult.errors.length) { Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(this.getBaselineFolder(this.compilerResult.moduleKind) + this.testCaseJustName + ".errors.txt", getErrorsBaseline(this.compilerResult)); } } public verifyJavaScriptOutput() { if (this.testCase.baselineCheck) { const errs: Error[] = []; let nonSubfolderDiskFiles = 0; for (const output of this.compilerResult.outputFiles!) { try { // convert file name to rooted name // if filename is not rooted - concat it with project root and then expand project root relative to current directory const fileName = output.meta.get("fileName") || output.file; const diskFileName = vpath.isAbsolute(fileName) ? fileName : vpath.resolve(this.vfs.cwd(), fileName); // compute file name relative to current directory (expanded project root) let diskRelativeName = vpath.relative(this.vfs.cwd(), diskFileName, this.vfs.ignoreCase); if (vpath.isAbsolute(diskRelativeName) || diskRelativeName.startsWith("../")) { // If the generated output file resides in the parent folder or is rooted path, // we need to instead create files that can live in the project reference folder // but make sure extension of these files matches with the fileName the compiler asked to write diskRelativeName = `diskFile${nonSubfolderDiskFiles}${vpath.extname(fileName, ["", ".js", ".d.ts"], this.vfs.ignoreCase)}`; nonSubfolderDiskFiles++; } const content = Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(output.text, /*retainTrailingDirectorySeparator*/ true); Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(this.getBaselineFolder(this.compilerResult.moduleKind) + diskRelativeName, content as string | null); // TODO: GH#18217 } catch (e) { errs.push(e); } } if (errs.length) { throw Error(errs.join("\n ")); } } } public verifySourceMapRecord() { // NOTE: This check was commented out in previous code. Leaving this here to eventually be restored if needed. // if (compilerResult.sourceMapData) { // Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + ".sourcemap.txt", () => { // return Harness.SourceMapRecorder.getSourceMapRecord(compilerResult.sourceMapData, compilerResult.program, // ts.filter(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => Harness.Compiler.isJS(outputFile.emittedFileName))); // }); // } } public verifyDeclarations() { if (!this.compilerResult.errors.length && this.testCase.declaration) { const dTsCompileResult = this.compileDeclarations(this.compilerResult); if (dTsCompileResult && dTsCompileResult.errors.length) { Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(this.getBaselineFolder(this.compilerResult.moduleKind) + this.testCaseJustName + ".dts.errors.txt", getErrorsBaseline(dTsCompileResult)); } } } // Project baselines verified go in project/testCaseName/moduleKind/ private getBaselineFolder(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { return "project/" + this.testCaseJustName + "/" + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + "/"; } private cleanProjectUrl(url: string) { let diskProjectPath = ts.normalizeSlashes(Harness.IO.resolvePath(this.testCase.projectRoot)!); let projectRootUrl = "file:///" + diskProjectPath; const normalizedProjectRoot = ts.normalizeSlashes(this.testCase.projectRoot); diskProjectPath = diskProjectPath.substr(0, diskProjectPath.lastIndexOf(normalizedProjectRoot)); projectRootUrl = projectRootUrl.substr(0, projectRootUrl.lastIndexOf(normalizedProjectRoot)); if (url && url.length) { if (url.indexOf(projectRootUrl) === 0) { // replace the disk specific project url path into project root url url = "file:///" + url.substr(projectRootUrl.length); } else if (url.indexOf(diskProjectPath) === 0) { // Replace the disk specific path into the project root path url = url.substr(diskProjectPath.length); if (url.charCodeAt(0) !== ts.CharacterCodes.slash) { url = "/" + url; } } } return url; } private compileProjectFiles(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind, configFileSourceFiles: readonly ts.SourceFile[], getInputFiles: () => readonly string[], compilerHost: ts.CompilerHost, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions): CompileProjectFilesResult { const program = ts.createProgram(getInputFiles(), compilerOptions, compilerHost); const errors = ts.getPreEmitDiagnostics(program); const { sourceMaps: sourceMapData, diagnostics: emitDiagnostics } = program.emit(); // Clean up source map data that will be used in baselining if (sourceMapData) { for (const data of sourceMapData) { data.sourceMap = {, sources: => this.cleanProjectUrl(source)), sourceRoot: data.sourceMap.sourceRoot && this.cleanProjectUrl(data.sourceMap.sourceRoot) }; } } return { configFileSourceFiles, moduleKind, program, errors: ts.concatenate(errors, emitDiagnostics), sourceMapData }; } private compileDeclarations(compilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult) { if (!compilerResult.program) { return; } const compilerOptions = compilerResult.program.getCompilerOptions(); const allInputFiles: documents.TextDocument[] = []; const rootFiles: string[] = []; ts.forEach(compilerResult.program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => { if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) { if (!vpath.isDefaultLibrary(sourceFile.fileName)) { allInputFiles.unshift(new documents.TextDocument(sourceFile.fileName, sourceFile.text)); } rootFiles.unshift(sourceFile.fileName); } else if (!(compilerOptions.outFile || compilerOptions.out)) { let emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension: string | undefined; if (compilerOptions.outDir) { let sourceFilePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, compilerResult.program!.getCurrentDirectory()); sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath.replace(compilerResult.program!.getCommonSourceDirectory(), ""); emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(ts.combinePaths(compilerOptions.outDir, sourceFilePath)); } else { emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension = ts.removeFileExtension(sourceFile.fileName); } const outputDtsFileName = emitOutputFilePathWithoutExtension + ts.Extension.Dts; const file = findOutputDtsFile(outputDtsFileName); if (file) { allInputFiles.unshift(file); rootFiles.unshift(file.meta.get("fileName") || file.file); } } else { const outputDtsFileName = ts.removeFileExtension(compilerOptions.outFile || compilerOptions.out!) + ts.Extension.Dts; const outputDtsFile = findOutputDtsFile(outputDtsFileName)!; if (!ts.contains(allInputFiles, outputDtsFile)) { allInputFiles.unshift(outputDtsFile); rootFiles.unshift(outputDtsFile.meta.get("fileName") || outputDtsFile.file); } } }); const _vfs = vfs.createFromFileSystem(Harness.IO, /*ignoreCase*/ false, { documents: allInputFiles, cwd: vpath.combine(vfs.srcFolder, this.testCase.projectRoot) }); // Dont allow config files since we are compiling existing source options const compilerHost = new ProjectCompilerHost(_vfs, compilerResult.compilerOptions!, this.testCaseJustName, this.testCase, compilerResult.moduleKind); return this.compileProjectFiles(compilerResult.moduleKind, compilerResult.configFileSourceFiles, () => rootFiles, compilerHost, compilerResult.compilerOptions!); function findOutputDtsFile(fileName: string) { return ts.forEach(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => outputFile.meta.get("fileName") === fileName ? outputFile : undefined); } } } function moduleNameToString(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { return moduleKind === ts.ModuleKind.AMD ? "amd" : moduleKind === ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS ? "node" : "none"; } function getErrorsBaseline(compilerResult: CompileProjectFilesResult) { const inputSourceFiles = compilerResult.configFileSourceFiles.slice(); if (compilerResult.program) { for (const sourceFile of compilerResult.program.getSourceFiles()) { if (!Harness.isDefaultLibraryFile(sourceFile.fileName)) { inputSourceFiles.push(sourceFile); } } } const inputFiles = => ({ unitName: ts.isRootedDiskPath(sourceFile.fileName) ? Harness.RunnerBase.removeFullPaths(sourceFile.fileName) : sourceFile.fileName, content: sourceFile.text })); return Harness.Compiler.getErrorBaseline(inputFiles, compilerResult.errors); } function createCompilerOptions(testCase: ProjectRunnerTestCase & ts.CompilerOptions, moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) { // Set the special options that depend on other testcase options const compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = { noErrorTruncation: false, skipDefaultLibCheck: false, moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.Classic, module: moduleKind, newLine: ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed, mapRoot: testCase.resolveMapRoot && testCase.mapRoot ? vpath.resolve(vfs.srcFolder, testCase.mapRoot) : testCase.mapRoot, sourceRoot: testCase.resolveSourceRoot && testCase.sourceRoot ? vpath.resolve(vfs.srcFolder, testCase.sourceRoot) : testCase.sourceRoot }; // Set the values specified using json const optionNameMap = ts.arrayToMap(ts.optionDeclarations, option =>; for (const name in testCase) { if (name !== "mapRoot" && name !== "sourceRoot") { const option = optionNameMap.get(name); if (option) { const optType = option.type; let value = testCase[name]; if (!ts.isString(optType)) { const key = value.toLowerCase(); const optTypeValue = optType.get(key); if (optTypeValue) { value = optTypeValue; } } compilerOptions[] = value; } } } return compilerOptions; } }