Lines Matching defs:opregion_asle
83 struct opregion_asle { struct
84 u32 ardy; /* driver readiness */
85 u32 aslc; /* ASLE interrupt command */
86 u32 tche; /* technology enabled indicator */
87 u32 alsi; /* current ALS illuminance reading */
88 u32 bclp; /* backlight brightness to set */
89 u32 pfit; /* panel fitting state */
90 u32 cblv; /* current brightness level */
91 u16 bclm[20]; /* backlight level duty cycle mapping table */
92 u32 cpfm; /* current panel fitting mode */
93 u32 epfm; /* enabled panel fitting modes */
94 u8 plut[74]; /* panel LUT and identifier */
95 u32 pfmb; /* PWM freq and min brightness */
96 u8 rsvd[102];