/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ECMASCRIPT_MODULE_JS_MODULE_SOURCE_TEXT_H #define ECMASCRIPT_MODULE_JS_MODULE_SOURCE_TEXT_H #include "ecmascript/base/string_helper.h" #include "ecmascript/mem/c_containers.h" #include "ecmascript/module/js_module_record.h" #include "ecmascript/module/js_module_entry.h" #include "ecmascript/tagged_array.h" namespace panda::ecmascript { enum class ModuleStatus : uint8_t { UNINSTANTIATED = 0x01, INSTANTIATING, INSTANTIATED, EVALUATING, EVALUATED }; enum class ModuleTypes : uint8_t { ECMA_MODULE = 0x01, CJS_MODULE, JSON_MODULE, NATIVE_MODULE, OHOS_MODULE, APP_MODULE, INTERNAL_MODULE, UNKNOWN }; enum class LoadingTypes : uint8_t { STABLE_MODULE = 0x01, DYNAMITC_MODULE, OTHERS }; class SourceTextModule final : public ModuleRecord { public: static constexpr int UNDEFINED_INDEX = -1; static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_DICTIONART_CAPACITY = 2; static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_ARRAY_CAPACITY = 2; static constexpr uint8_t DEREGISTER_MODULE_TAG = 1; CAST_CHECK(SourceTextModule, IsSourceTextModule); // Runtime Semantics: HostResolveImportedModule ( referencingModule, specifier ) static JSHandle HostResolveImportedModule(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &moduleRequest); static JSHandle HostResolveImportedModuleWithMerge(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &moduleRequest); // GetExportedNames(exportStarSet) static CVector GetExportedNames(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportStarSet); // ResolveExport(exportName, resolveVector) static JSHandle ResolveExport(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportName, CVector, JSHandle>> &resolveVector); static JSHandle ResolveExportObject(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportObject, const JSHandle &exportName); // InnerModuleInstantiation ( module, stack, index ) static int InnerModuleInstantiation(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &moduleRecord, CVector> &stack, int index, bool excuteFromJob = false); // ModuleDeclarationEnvironmentSetup ( module ) static void ModuleDeclarationEnvironmentSetup(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); static void ModuleDeclarationArrayEnvironmentSetup(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); // InnerModuleEvaluation ( module, stack, index ) static int InnerModuleEvaluation(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &moduleRecord, CVector> &stack, int index, const void *buffer = nullptr, size_t size = 0, bool excuteFromJob = false); static int ModuleEvaluation(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &moduleRecord, CVector> &stack, int index); // ModuleExecution ( module ) static void ModuleExecution(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const void *buffer = nullptr, size_t size = 0, bool excuteFromJob = false); // Runtime Semantics: GetModuleNamespace ( module ) static JSHandle GetModuleNamespace(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); static void AddImportEntry(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &importEntry, size_t idx, uint32_t len); static void AddLocalExportEntry(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportEntry, size_t idx, uint32_t len); static void AddIndirectExportEntry(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportEntry, size_t idx, uint32_t len); static void AddStarExportEntry(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportEntry, size_t idx, uint32_t len); static std::pair CheckNativeModule(const CString &moduleRequestName); static Local GetRequireNativeModuleFunc(EcmaVM *vm, ModuleTypes moduleType); static void MakeAppArgs(const EcmaVM *vm, std::vector> &arguments, const CString &moduleName); static void MakeInternalArgs(const EcmaVM *vm, std::vector> &arguments, const CString &moduleRequestName); static bool LoadNativeModule(JSThread *thread, JSHandle &requiredModule, const JSHandle &moduleRequest, ModuleTypes moduleType); inline static bool IsNativeModule(ModuleTypes moduleType) { return moduleType == ModuleTypes::OHOS_MODULE || moduleType == ModuleTypes::APP_MODULE || moduleType == ModuleTypes::NATIVE_MODULE || moduleType == ModuleTypes::INTERNAL_MODULE; } static constexpr size_t SOURCE_TEXT_MODULE_OFFSET = ModuleRecord::SIZE; ACCESSORS(Environment, SOURCE_TEXT_MODULE_OFFSET, NAMESPACE_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(Namespace, NAMESPACE_OFFSET, ECMA_MODULE_FILENAME); ACCESSORS(EcmaModuleFilename, ECMA_MODULE_FILENAME, ECMA_MODULE_RECORDNAME); ACCESSORS(EcmaModuleRecordName, ECMA_MODULE_RECORDNAME, REQUESTED_MODULES_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(RequestedModules, REQUESTED_MODULES_OFFSET, IMPORT_ENTRIES_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(ImportEntries, IMPORT_ENTRIES_OFFSET, LOCAL_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(LocalExportEntries, LOCAL_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET, INDIRECT_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(IndirectExportEntries, INDIRECT_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET, START_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(StarExportEntries, START_EXPORT_ENTTRIES_OFFSET, NAME_DICTIONARY_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(NameDictionary, NAME_DICTIONARY_OFFSET, EVALUATION_ERROR_OFFSET); ACCESSORS_PRIMITIVE_FIELD(EvaluationError, int32_t, EVALUATION_ERROR_OFFSET, DFS_ANCESTOR_INDEX_OFFSET); ACCESSORS_PRIMITIVE_FIELD(DFSAncestorIndex, int32_t, DFS_ANCESTOR_INDEX_OFFSET, DFS_INDEX_OFFSET); ACCESSORS_PRIMITIVE_FIELD(DFSIndex, int32_t, DFS_INDEX_OFFSET, BIT_FIELD_OFFSET); ACCESSORS_BIT_FIELD(BitField, BIT_FIELD_OFFSET, LAST_OFFSET) DEFINE_ALIGN_SIZE(LAST_OFFSET); // define BitField static constexpr size_t STATUS_BITS = 3; static constexpr size_t MODULE_TYPE_BITS = 4; static constexpr size_t IS_NEW_BC_VERSION_BITS = 1; static constexpr size_t LOADING_TYPE_BITS = 3; static constexpr uint16_t REGISTER_COUNTS = 16; FIRST_BIT_FIELD(BitField, Status, ModuleStatus, STATUS_BITS) NEXT_BIT_FIELD(BitField, Types, ModuleTypes, MODULE_TYPE_BITS, Status) NEXT_BIT_FIELD(BitField, IsNewBcVersion, bool, IS_NEW_BC_VERSION_BITS, Types) NEXT_BIT_FIELD(BitField, LoadingTypes, LoadingTypes, LOADING_TYPE_BITS, IsNewBcVersion) NEXT_BIT_FIELD(BitField, RegisterCounts, uint16_t, REGISTER_COUNTS, LoadingTypes) DECL_DUMP() DECL_VISIT_OBJECT(SOURCE_TEXT_MODULE_OFFSET, EVALUATION_ERROR_OFFSET) // Evaluate() static int Evaluate(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module, const void *buffer = nullptr, size_t size = 0, bool excuteFromJob = false); static int EvaluateForConcurrent(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); // Instantiate() static int Instantiate(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &moduleHdl, bool excuteFromJob = false); static void InstantiateCJS(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle ¤tModule, const JSHandle &requiredModule); static void InstantiateNativeModule(JSThread *thread, JSHandle ¤tModule, JSHandle &requiredModule, const JSHandle &moduleRequest, ModuleTypes moduleType); JSTaggedValue GetModuleValue(JSThread *thread, int32_t index, bool isThrow); void StoreModuleValue(JSThread *thread, int32_t index, const JSHandle &value); JSTaggedValue GetModuleValue(JSThread *thread, JSTaggedValue key, bool isThrow); void StoreModuleValue(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &key, const JSHandle &value); static JSHandle ResolveIndirectExport(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &exportEntry, const JSHandle &exportName, const JSHandle &module, CVector, JSHandle>> &resolveVector); static JSTaggedValue GetModuleName(JSTaggedValue currentModule); static bool IsDynamicModule(LoadingTypes types); private: static void SetExportName(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &moduleRequest, const JSHandle &module, CVector &exportedNames, JSHandle &newExportStarSet); static JSHandle GetStarResolution(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &exportName, const JSHandle &moduleRequest, const JSHandle &module, JSMutableHandle &starResolution, CVector, JSHandle>> &resolveVector); template static void AddExportName(JSThread *thread, const JSTaggedValue &exportEntry, CVector &exportedNames); static JSHandle ResolveLocalExport(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &exportEntry, const JSHandle &exportName, const JSHandle &module); static JSHandle ResolveElementOfObject(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &hclass, const JSHandle &exportName, const JSHandle &module); static bool CheckCircularImport(const JSHandle &module, const JSHandle &exportName, CVector, JSHandle>> &resolveVector); static void InitializeEnvironment(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle ¤tModule, JSHandle &moduleName, JSHandle &exports, bool isBundle); static void CheckResolvedBinding(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); static void CheckResolvedIndexBinding(JSThread *thread, const JSHandle &module); static JSTaggedValue FindByExport(const JSTaggedValue &exportEntriesTv, const JSTaggedValue &key, const JSTaggedValue &dictionary); static JSHandle GetModuleFromBinding(JSThread *thread, const JSTaggedValue &JSTaggedValue); }; class ResolvedBinding final : public Record { public: CAST_CHECK(ResolvedBinding, IsResolvedBinding); static constexpr size_t MODULE_OFFSET = Record::SIZE; ACCESSORS(Module, MODULE_OFFSET, BINDING_NAME_OFFSET); ACCESSORS(BindingName, BINDING_NAME_OFFSET, SIZE); DECL_DUMP() DECL_VISIT_OBJECT(MODULE_OFFSET, SIZE) }; class ResolvedIndexBinding final : public Record { public: CAST_CHECK(ResolvedIndexBinding, IsResolvedIndexBinding); static constexpr size_t MODULE_OFFSET = Record::SIZE; ACCESSORS(Module, MODULE_OFFSET, INDEX_OFFSET); ACCESSORS_PRIMITIVE_FIELD(Index, int32_t, INDEX_OFFSET, END_OFFSET); DEFINE_ALIGN_SIZE(END_OFFSET); DECL_DUMP() DECL_VISIT_OBJECT(MODULE_OFFSET, INDEX_OFFSET) }; } // namespace panda::ecmascript #endif // ECMASCRIPT_MODULE_JS_MODULE_SOURCE_TEXT_H