/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "dump_broker_stub.h" #include #include "dump_errors.h" #include "hidumper_service_ipc_interface_code.h" #include "hilog_wrapper.h" namespace OHOS { namespace HiviewDFX { int DumpBrokerStub::OnRemoteRequest(uint32_t code, MessageParcel &data, MessageParcel &reply, MessageOption &option) { std::u16string descripter = DumpBrokerStub::GetDescriptor(); std::u16string remoteDescripter = data.ReadInterfaceToken(); if (descripter != remoteDescripter) { return ERROR_GET_DUMPER_SERVICE; } int ret = ERR_OK; switch (code) { case static_cast(HidumperServiceInterfaceCode::DUMP_REQUEST_FILEFD): { DUMPER_HILOGD(MODULE_ZIDL, "debug|RequestFileFdStub"); ret = RequestFileFdStub(data, reply); break; } case static_cast(HidumperServiceInterfaceCode::SCAN_PID_OVER_LIMIT): { DUMPER_HILOGD(MODULE_ZIDL, "debug|ScanPidOverLimitStub"); ret = ScanPidOverLimitStub(data, reply); break; } case static_cast(HidumperServiceInterfaceCode::COUNT_FD_NUMS): { DUMPER_HILOGD(MODULE_ZIDL, "debug|CountFdNumsStub"); ret = CountFdNumsStub(data, reply); break; } default: { ret = IPCObjectStub::OnRemoteRequest(code, data, reply, option); break; } } return ret; } int32_t DumpBrokerStub::RequestFileFdStub(MessageParcel& data, MessageParcel& reply) { int32_t ret = ERR_OK; std::vector args; if (!data.ReadString16Vector(&args)) { return ERROR_READ_PARCEL; } int outfd = data.ReadFileDescriptor(); int32_t res = Request(args, outfd); if (!reply.WriteInt32(res)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } return ret; } int32_t DumpBrokerStub::ScanPidOverLimitStub(MessageParcel& data, MessageParcel& reply) { int32_t ret = ERR_OK; std::vector pidList; std::string requestType = data.ReadString(); int32_t limitSize = data.ReadInt32(); ret = ScanPidOverLimit(requestType, limitSize, pidList); if (!reply.WriteInt32Vector(pidList)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } if (!reply.WriteInt32(ret)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } return ret; } int32_t DumpBrokerStub::CountFdNumsStub(MessageParcel& data, MessageParcel& reply) { int32_t ret = ERR_OK; uint32_t fdNums = 0; std::string detailFdInfo; std::string topLeakedType; int32_t pid = data.ReadInt32(); ret = CountFdNums(pid, fdNums, detailFdInfo, topLeakedType); if (!reply.WriteInt32(fdNums)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } if (!reply.WriteString(detailFdInfo)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } if (!reply.WriteString(topLeakedType)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } if (!reply.WriteInt32(ret)) { return ERROR_WRITE_PARCEL; } return ret; } } // namespace HiviewDFX } // namespace OHOS