/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mms_body_part.h" #include #include "securec.h" #include "utils/mms_base64.h" #include "utils/mms_quoted_printable.h" #include "telephony_log_wrapper.h" namespace OHOS { namespace Telephony { static constexpr uint32_t MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN = 300 * 1024; const std::string ENCODE_BINARY = "binary"; const std::string ENCODE_BASE64 = "base64"; const std::string ENCODE_QUOTED_PRINTABLE = "quoted-printable"; using namespace std; static constexpr const char *APP_SAND_ABSOLUTE_DIR = "/data/app"; static constexpr const char *APP_SAND_RELATIVE_DIR = "/data/storage"; MmsBodyPart::MmsBodyPart() : headerLen_(0), bodyLen_(0) {} MmsBodyPart::MmsBodyPart(const MmsBodyPart &srcBodyPart) : headerLen_(0), bodyLen_(0) { *this = srcBodyPart; } MmsBodyPart::~MmsBodyPart() { if (pbodyPartBuffer_ != nullptr) { pbodyPartBuffer_.reset(); } } void MmsBodyPart::DumpMmsBodyPart() { TELEPHONY_LOGI("============== Start BodyPart Info =========="); std::string isSmil = isSmilFile_ ? "ture" : "false"; TELEPHONY_LOGI("isSmilFile : %{public}s", isSmil.c_str()); TELEPHONY_LOGI("strFileName : %{public}s", strFileName_.c_str()); TELEPHONY_LOGI("headerLen : %{public}u", headerLen_); TELEPHONY_LOGI("bodyPartLen : %{public}u", bodyLen_); bodyPartContentType_.DumpMmsContentType(); mmsBodyPartHeader_.DumpBodyPartHeader(); TELEPHONY_LOGI("============== End BodyPart Info =========="); } MmsBodyPart &MmsBodyPart::operator=(const MmsBodyPart &srcBodyPart) { if (this == &srcBodyPart) { return *this; } if (srcBodyPart.bodyLen_ > MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("srcBodyPart.bodyLen_ over size error"); return *this; } bodyLen_ = srcBodyPart.bodyLen_; pbodyPartBuffer_ = std::make_unique(bodyLen_); if (pbodyPartBuffer_ == nullptr || srcBodyPart.pbodyPartBuffer_ == nullptr) { bodyLen_ = 0; AssignBodyPart(srcBodyPart); TELEPHONY_LOGE("Assignment Buffer Nullptr Error."); return *this; } if (memcpy_s(pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), bodyLen_, srcBodyPart.pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), bodyLen_) != EOK) { bodyLen_ = 0; TELEPHONY_LOGE("Copy BodyPart Buffer Memory Error."); } AssignBodyPart(srcBodyPart); return *this; } void MmsBodyPart::AssignBodyPart(const MmsBodyPart &obj) { headerLen_ = obj.headerLen_; mmsBodyPartHeader_ = obj.mmsBodyPartHeader_; strFileName_ = obj.strFileName_; bodyPartContentType_ = obj.bodyPartContentType_; } /** * @brief DecodePart * wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section:8.5.3 Multipart Entry * HeadersLen Uintvar * DataLen Uintvar * ContentType Multiple octets * Headers (HeadersLen – length of ContentType) octets * Data DataLen octets * @param decodeBuffer * @return true * @return false */ bool MmsBodyPart::DecodePart(MmsDecodeBuffer &decodeBuffer) { uint32_t headerLength = 0; uint32_t bodyLength = 0; uint32_t length = 0; if (!decodeBuffer.DecodeUintvar(headerLength, length)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part Header Uintvar Error."); return false; } if (!decodeBuffer.DecodeUintvar(bodyLength, length)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part Body Lenght Uintvar Error."); return false; } int32_t contentLength = 0; if (!bodyPartContentType_.DecodeMmsContentType(decodeBuffer, contentLength)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part ContentType Error."); return false; } headerLen_ = headerLength; bodyLen_ = bodyLength; if (headerLen_ < static_cast(contentLength)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part HeaderLen Less Than ContentLength Error."); return false; } if (!DecodePartHeader(decodeBuffer, headerLen_ - static_cast(contentLength))) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part Header Error."); return false; } if (!DecodePartBody(decodeBuffer, bodyLen_)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part Body Error."); return false; } DecodeSetFileName(); return true; } /** * @brief DecodePartHeader * wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section: Header * Message-header = Well-known-header | Application-header * Application-header = Token-text Application-specific-value * Well-known-field-name = Short-integer * Application-specific-value = Text-string * @param decodeBuffer * @param headerLen * @return true * @return false */ bool MmsBodyPart::DecodePartHeader(MmsDecodeBuffer &decodeBuffer, uint32_t headerLen) { const uint8_t headerAccept = 0x80; const uint8_t headerCacheControl = 0xC7; const uint8_t textMin = 32; const uint8_t textMax = 127; uint8_t oneByte = 0; while (headerLen > 0) { if (!decodeBuffer.PeekOneByte(oneByte)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part PeekOneByte Error."); return false; } if (headerAccept <= oneByte && headerCacheControl >= oneByte) { if (!mmsBodyPartHeader_.DecodeWellKnownHeader(decodeBuffer, headerLen)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part DecodeWellKnownHeader Error."); return false; } } else if ((oneByte >= textMin) && (oneByte <= textMax)) { if (!mmsBodyPartHeader_.DecodeApplicationHeader(decodeBuffer, headerLen)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part DecodeApplicationHeader Error."); return false; } } else { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Header Field[%{pulbic}02X] is not support.", oneByte); return false; } } return true; } bool MmsBodyPart::DecodePartBody(MmsDecodeBuffer &decodeBuffer, uint32_t bodyLength) { uint32_t offset = decodeBuffer.GetCurPosition(); if (offset + bodyLength > decodeBuffer.GetSize() || bodyLength > MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part buffer size err."); return false; } std::unique_ptr bodyPartBuffer = decodeBuffer.ReadDataBuffer(offset, bodyLength); if (bodyPartBuffer == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part buffer is null."); return false; } std::string transferEncoding; if (!mmsBodyPartHeader_.GetContentTransferEncoding(transferEncoding)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("bodyPartHeader GetContentTransferEncoding Error"); return false; } std::string encodebuffer = ""; std::string encodeString(bodyPartBuffer.get(), bodyLength); if (transferEncoding == ENCODE_BASE64) { encodebuffer = MmsBase64::Decode(encodeString); } else if (transferEncoding == ENCODE_QUOTED_PRINTABLE) { MmsQuotedPrintable::Decode(encodeString, encodebuffer); } if (encodebuffer.length()) { bodyLen_ = 0; uint32_t tempLen = encodebuffer.length(); if (tempLen > MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("tempLen over size error"); return false; } pbodyPartBuffer_ = std::make_unique(tempLen); if (pbodyPartBuffer_ == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("pbodyPartBuffer_ nullptr Error"); return false; } if (memcpy_s(pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), tempLen, encodebuffer.data(), tempLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Memcpy_s pbodyPartBuffer_ Error"); return false; } bodyLen_ = tempLen; } else { pbodyPartBuffer_ = std::move(bodyPartBuffer); } if (!decodeBuffer.IncreasePointer(bodyLength)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Decode Body Part IncreasePointer err."); return false; } return true; } bool MmsBodyPart::SetAttachment(MmsAttachment &attachment) { std::string filePathName = attachment.GetAttachmentFilePath(); bool readFileRes = WriteBodyFromFile(filePathName); if (readFileRes) { std::string tempFileName = attachment.GetFileName(); if (tempFileName.empty()) { std::size_t pos = filePathName.find_last_of('/'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { tempFileName = filePathName.substr(pos + 1); } } SetFileName(tempFileName); } /** If Read Attatemt Body Buffer From File Error Will Temp Read From Buffer **/ if (!readFileRes) { if (!WriteBodyFromAttachmentBuffer(attachment)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Attachment Not Any Body Data Error."); return false; } SetFileName(attachment.GetFileName()); } if (strFileName_.empty()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Get Attachment FileName Invalid error!"); return false; } if (!SetContentType(attachment.GetContentType())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Mms BodyPart SetContentType is fail!"); return false; } if (!SetContentId(attachment.GetContentId())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Mms BodyPart GetContentId is fail!"); return false; } if (!SetContentLocation(attachment.GetContentLocation())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Mms BodyPart SetContentLocation is fail!"); return false; } if (!mmsBodyPartHeader_.SetContentTransferEncoding(attachment.GetContentTransferEncoding())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Mms BodyPartHeader SetContentTransferEncoding is fail!"); return false; } SetSmilFile(attachment.IsSmilFile()); SetContentDisposition(attachment.GetContentDisposition()); GetContentType().GetContentParam().SetFileName(strFileName_); GetContentType().GetContentParam().SetCharSet(attachment.GetCharSet()); return true; } bool MmsBodyPart::IsSmilFile() { return isSmilFile_; } void MmsBodyPart::SetSmilFile(bool isSmil) { isSmilFile_ = isSmil; } bool MmsBodyPart::SetContentType(std::string strContentType) { return bodyPartContentType_.SetContentType(strContentType); } bool MmsBodyPart::GetContentType(std::string &strContentType) { return bodyPartContentType_.GetContentType(strContentType); } bool MmsBodyPart::SetContentId(std::string contentId) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.SetContentId(contentId); } bool MmsBodyPart::GetContentId(std::string &contentId) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.GetContentId(contentId); } bool MmsBodyPart::SetContentLocation(std::string contentLocation) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.SetContentLocation(contentLocation); } bool MmsBodyPart::GetContentLocation(std::string &contentLocation) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.GetContentLocation(contentLocation); } bool MmsBodyPart::SetContentDisposition(std::string contentDisposition) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.SetContentDisposition(contentDisposition); } bool MmsBodyPart::GetContentDisposition(std::string &contentDisposition) { return mmsBodyPartHeader_.GetContentDisposition(contentDisposition); } /** * @brief EncodeMmsBodyPart * wap-230-wsp-20010705-a section:8.5.3 Multipart Entry * HeadersLen Uintvar * DataLen Uintvar * ContentType Multiple octets * Headers (HeadersLen – length of ContentType) octets * Data DataLen octets * @param encodeBuffer * @return true * @return false */ bool MmsBodyPart::EncodeMmsBodyPart(MmsEncodeBuffer &encodeBuffer) { MmsEncodeBuffer tmpEncodeBuffer; if (!bodyPartContentType_.EncodeMmsBodyPartContentType(tmpEncodeBuffer)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Encode MmsBodyPart ContentType Error."); return false; } if (!mmsBodyPartHeader_.EncodeMmsBodyPartHeader(tmpEncodeBuffer)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Encode MmsBodyPart Header Error."); return false; } if (!encodeBuffer.EncodeUintvar(tmpEncodeBuffer.GetCurPosition())) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Encode MmsBodyPart Body Uintvar Error."); return false; } if (!encodeBuffer.EncodeUintvar(bodyLen_)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Encode MmsBodyPart Body Len Uintvar Error."); return false; } if (!encodeBuffer.WriteBuffer(tmpEncodeBuffer)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Encode MmsBodyPart WriteBuffer Error."); return false; } uint32_t bodyLen = 0; std::unique_ptr bodyBuff = ReadBodyPartBuffer(bodyLen); if (bodyBuff == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("bodyBuff nullptr Error."); return false; } if (!encodeBuffer.WriteBuffer(std::move(bodyBuff), bodyLen)) { return false; } return true; } void MmsBodyPart::DecodeSetFileName() { std::string fileName = ""; GetContentType().GetContentParam().GetFileName(fileName); if (fileName.length() > 0) { strFileName_ = fileName; return; } std::string contentLocation = ""; GetPartHeader().GetContentLocation(contentLocation); if (contentLocation.length() > 0) { strFileName_ = contentLocation; return; } std::string contentId = ""; GetPartHeader().GetContentId(contentId); if (contentId.length() > 0) { strFileName_ = contentId; return; } const unsigned char timeBufferLen = 64; time_t currentTime = time(nullptr); if (currentTime == -1) { return; } char chCurrentTime[timeBufferLen] = {0}; struct tm tmInfo; if (memset_s(&tmInfo, sizeof(struct tm), 0x00, sizeof(tm)) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("DisplayTime memset fail."); return; } tm *timeptr = localtime_r(¤tTime, &tmInfo); if (currentTime == static_cast(-1) || timeptr == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("obtain current time Error."); } if (timeptr != nullptr) { (void)strftime(chCurrentTime, sizeof(chCurrentTime), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", timeptr); } strFileName_ = chCurrentTime; return; } bool MmsBodyPart::WriteBodyFromFile(std::string path) { FILE *pFile = nullptr; char realPath[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; if (path.empty() || realpath(path.c_str(), realPath) == NULL) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("path or realPath is NULL"); return false; } std::string filePath = realPath; std::string absDir = APP_SAND_ABSOLUTE_DIR; std::string relDir = APP_SAND_RELATIVE_DIR; if ((absDir.compare(filePath.substr(0, absDir.size())) != 0) && (relDir.compare(filePath.substr(0, relDir.size())) != 0)) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("filePath no app sand box."); return false; } pFile = fopen(realPath, "rb"); if (pFile == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGI("Write Body Part from File notFind, try to use buffer"); return false; } (void)fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); long fileLen = ftell(pFile); if (fileLen <= 0 || fileLen > static_cast(MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN)) { (void)fclose(pFile); TELEPHONY_LOGE("fileLen is invalid [%{public}ld]", fileLen); return false; } if (pbodyPartBuffer_) { pbodyPartBuffer_.reset(); } pbodyPartBuffer_ = std::make_unique(fileLen); if (!pbodyPartBuffer_) { (void)fclose(pFile); TELEPHONY_LOGE("Buffer initialize fail!"); return false; } (void)fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); bodyLen_ = fread(pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), 1, fileLen, pFile); (void)fclose(pFile); return true; } bool MmsBodyPart::WriteBodyFromAttachmentBuffer(MmsAttachment &attachment) { if (attachment.GetFileName().empty()) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Attachment must set fileName, else error!"); return false; } uint32_t dataLen = 0; std::unique_ptr tempBuffer = nullptr; tempBuffer = attachment.GetDataBuffer(dataLen); if (tempBuffer == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Read Attachment Data Buffer nullptr error."); return false; } if (dataLen == 0 || dataLen > MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Attachment DataLen is invalid Error"); return false; } if (pbodyPartBuffer_) { pbodyPartBuffer_.reset(); } pbodyPartBuffer_ = std::make_unique(dataLen); if (!pbodyPartBuffer_) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Buffer initialize fail!"); return false; } if (memcpy_s(pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), dataLen, tempBuffer.get(), dataLen) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Attachment Buffer MemCopy Error."); bodyLen_ = 0; return false; } bodyLen_ = dataLen; return true; } std::string MmsBodyPart::GetPartFileName() { return strFileName_; } void MmsBodyPart::SetFileName(std::string fileName) { strFileName_ = fileName; } MmsContentType &MmsBodyPart::GetContentType() { return bodyPartContentType_; } MmsBodyPartHeader &MmsBodyPart::GetPartHeader() { return mmsBodyPartHeader_; } std::unique_ptr MmsBodyPart::ReadBodyPartBuffer(uint32_t &len) { if (bodyLen_ > MAX_MMS_MSG_PART_LEN) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("srcBodyPart.bodyLen_ over size error"); return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr result = std::make_unique(bodyLen_); if (result == nullptr) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Read BodyPart Buffer MakeUnique Error."); return nullptr; } if (memcpy_s(result.get(), bodyLen_, pbodyPartBuffer_.get(), bodyLen_) != EOK) { TELEPHONY_LOGE("Read BodyPart Buffer Memcpy_s Error."); return nullptr; } len = bodyLen_; return result; } } // namespace Telephony } // namespace OHOS