#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import os import os.path import sys import argparse import glob import json import re import shutil # Rust path RUST_PATH = '//third_party/rust/' # import content added to all generated BUILD.gn files. IMPORT_CONTENT = '//build/templates/rust/ohos.gni' # The name of the temporary output directory. TARGET_TEMP = 'target_temp' # Header added to all generated BUILD.gn files. BUILD_GN_HEADER = ( '# Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.\n' + '# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n' + '# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n' + '# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n' + '#\n' + '# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n' + '#\n' + '# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n' + '# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n' + '# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n' + '# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n' + '# limitations under the License.\n') # Message to be displayed when this script is called without the --run flag. DRY_RUN_CONTENT = ( 'Dry-run: This script uses ./' + TARGET_TEMP + ' for output directory,\n' + 'runs cargo clean, runs cargo build -v, saves output to ./cargo.out,\n' + 'and writes to BUILD.gn in the current and subdirectories.\n\n' + 'To do do all of the above, use the --run flag.\n' + 'See --help for other flags, and more usage notes in this script.\n') # Rust package name with suffix -d1.d2.d3(+.*)?. VERSION_SUFFIX_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*)-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:\+.*)?$') # Crate types corresponding to a library LIBRARY_CRATE_TYPES = ['staticlib', 'cdylib', 'lib', 'rlib', 'dylib', 'proc-macro'] def escape_quotes(s): # replace '"' with '\\"' return s.replace('"', '\\"') def file_base_name(path): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] def pkg_to_crate_name(s): return s.replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_') def get_base_name(path): return pkg_to_crate_name(file_base_name(path)) def get_crate_name(crate): # to sort crates in a list return crate.crate_name def get_designated_pkg_info(lines, designated): package = re.compile(r'^ *\[package\]') designated_re = re.compile('^ *' + designated + ' *= * "([^"]*)') is_package = False for line in lines: if is_package: if designated_re.match(line): line = eval(repr(line).replace(f'\\"', '')) return designated_re.match(line).group(1) else: is_package = package.match(line) is not None return '' def is_build_script(name): # Judge whether it is build script. return name.startswith('build_script_') def is_dependent_path(path): # Absolute('/') or dependent('.../') paths are not main files of this crate. return path.startswith('/') or path.startswith('.../') def unquote(s): # remove quotes around str if s and len(s) > 1 and s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"': return s[1:-1] return s def remove_version_suffix(s): # remove -d1.d2.d3 suffix if VERSION_SUFFIX_RE.match(s): return VERSION_SUFFIX_RE.match(s).group(1) return s def short_out_name(pkg, s): # replace /.../pkg-*/out/* with .../out/* return re.sub('^/.*/' + pkg + '-[0-9a-f]*/out/', '.../out/', s) class Crate(object): """Information of a Rust crate to collect/emit for an BUILD.gn module.""" def __init__(self, runner, outfile_name): # Remembered global runner self.runner = runner self.debug = runner.args.debug self.cargo_dir = '' # directory of my Cargo.toml self.outfile = None # open file handle of outfile_name during dump* self.outfile_name = outfile_name # path to BUILD.gn # GN module properties derived from rustc parameters. self.module_type = '' # lib,crate_name,test etc. self.root_pkg_name = '' # parent package name of a sub/test packge # Save parsed status self.error_infos = '' # all errors found during parsing self.line = '' # original rustc command line parameters self.line_num = 1 # runner told input source line number # Parameters collected from rustc command line. self.cap_lints = '' self.crate_name = '' self.edition = '2015' # cargo default is 2015, you can specify the edition as 2018 or 2021 self.emit_list = '' # --emit=dep-info,metadata,link self.main_src = '' self.target = '' self.cfgs = list() self.core_deps = list() # first part of self.deps elements self.crate_types = list() self.deps = list() self.features = list() self.ignore_options = list() self.srcs = list() # main_src or merged multiple source files self.shared_libs = list() # -l dylib=wayland-client, -l z self.static_libs = list() # -l static=host_cpuid # Parameters collected from Cargo.toml. self.cargo_pkg_version = '' # value extracted from Cargo.toml version field self.cargo_pkg_authors = '' # value extracted from Cargo.toml authors field self.cargo_pkg_name = '' # value extracted from Cargo.toml name field self.cargo_pkg_description = '' # value extracted from Cargo.toml description field # Parameters related to build.rs. self.build_root = '' self.checked_out_files = False # to check only once self.build_script_outputs = [] # output files generated by build.rs def write(self, s): # convenient way to output one line at a time with EOL. self.outfile.write(s + '\n') def parse_rustc(self, line_num, line): """Find important rustc arguments to convert to BUILD.gn properties.""" self.line_num = line_num self.line = line args = line.split() # Loop through every argument of rustc. self.parse_args(args) if not self.crate_name: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: missing --crate-name\n' if not self.crate_types: if 'test' in self.cfgs: self.crate_types.append('test') else: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: missing --crate-type or --test\n' elif len(self.crate_types) > 1: if 'lib' in self.crate_types and 'rlib' in self.crate_types: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: cannot generate both lib and rlib crate types\n' if 'test' in self.crate_types: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: cannot handle both --crate-type and --test\n' if not self.main_src: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: missing main source file\n' else: self.srcs.append(self.main_src) if self.cargo_dir: self.get_root_pkg_name() if not self.root_pkg_name: self.root_pkg_name = self.crate_name # Process crate with build.rs if not self.skip_crate(): if not self.runner.args.no_pkg_info: self.find_pkg_info() self.find_build_root() if self.runner.args.copy_out: self.copy_out_files() elif self.find_out_files() and self.has_used_out_dir(): self.copy_out_files() self.cfgs = sorted(set(self.cfgs)) self.core_deps = sorted(set(self.core_deps)) self.crate_types = sorted(set(self.crate_types)) self.deps = sorted(set(self.deps)) self.features = sorted(set(self.features)) self.ignore_options = sorted(set(self.ignore_options)) self.static_libs = sorted(set(self.static_libs)) self.shared_libs = sorted(set(self.shared_libs)) self.decide_module_type() return self def parse_args(self, args): num = 0 while num < len(args): arg = args[num] if arg == '--crate-name': num += 1 self.crate_name = args[num] elif arg == '--crate-type': num += 1 self.crate_types.append(args[num]) elif arg == '--cfg': num += 1 self.deal_cfg(args[num]) elif arg == '-C': num += 1 self.add_ignore_options_flag(args[num]) # codegen options elif arg.startswith('-C'): self.add_ignore_options_flag(arg[2:]) elif arg == '--cap-lints': num += 1 self.cap_lints = args[num] elif arg.startswith('--edition='): self.edition = arg.replace('--edition=', '') elif arg.startswith('--emit='): self.emit_list = arg.replace('--emit=', '') elif arg == '--extern': num += 1 self.deal_extern(args[num]) elif (arg.startswith('--error-format=') or arg.startswith('--json=') or arg.startswith('\'-Aclippy')): _ = arg # ignored elif arg == '-L': num += 1 self.set_root_pkg_name(args[num]) elif arg == '-l': num += 1 self.deal_static_and_dylib(args[num]) elif arg == '--out-dir' or arg == '--color': # ignored num += 1 elif arg == '--target': num += 1 self.target = args[num] elif arg == '--test': self.crate_types.append('test') elif not arg.startswith('-'): self.set_main_src(args[num]) else: self.error_infos += 'ERROR: unknown ' + arg + '\n' num += 1 def deal_cfg(self, arg): if arg.startswith('\'feature='): feature = unquote(arg.replace('\'feature=', '')[:-1]) # 'runtime' feature removed because it conflicts with static if feature == 'runtime': feature = 'static' self.features.append(feature) else: self.cfgs.append(arg) def add_ignore_options_flag(self, flag): """Ignore options not used in GN.""" # 'codegen-units' is set in GN global config or by default # 'embed-bitcode' is ignored; we might control LTO with other .gn flag # 'prefer-dynamic' does not work with common flag -C lto if not (flag.startswith('codegen-units=') or flag.startswith('debuginfo=') or flag.startswith('embed-bitcode=') or flag.startswith('extra-filename=') or flag.startswith('incremental=') or flag.startswith('metadata=') or flag == 'prefer-dynamic'): self.ignore_options.append(flag) def deal_extern(self, arg): deps = re.sub('=/[^ ]*/deps/', ' = ', arg) self.deps.append(deps) self.core_deps.append(re.sub(' = .*', '', deps)) def set_root_pkg_name(self, arg): if arg.startswith('dependency=') and arg.endswith('/deps'): if '/' + TARGET_TEMP + '/' in arg: self.root_pkg_name = re.sub('^.*/', '', re.sub('/' + TARGET_TEMP + '/.*/deps$', '', arg)) else: self.root_pkg_name = re.sub('^.*/', '', re.sub('/[^/]+/[^/]+/deps$', '', arg)) self.root_pkg_name = remove_version_suffix(self.root_pkg_name) def deal_static_and_dylib(self, arg): if arg.startswith('static='): self.static_libs.append(re.sub('static=', '', arg)) elif arg.startswith('dylib='): self.shared_libs.append(re.sub('dylib=', '', arg)) else: self.shared_libs.append(arg) def set_main_src(self, arg): self.main_src = re.sub(r'^/[^ ]*/registry/src/', '.../', arg) self.main_src = re.sub(r'^\.\.\./github.com-[0-9a-f]*/', '.../', self.main_src) self.find_cargo_dir() if self.cargo_dir: if self.runner.args.no_subdir: # all .gn content to /dev/null self.outfile_name = '/dev/null' elif not self.runner.args.one_file: # Use Cargo.toml to write BUILD.gn in the subdirectory. self.outfile_name = os.path.join(self.cargo_dir, 'BUILD.gn') self.main_src = self.main_src[len(self.cargo_dir) + 1:] def find_cargo_dir(self): """Deepest directory with Cargo.toml and contains the main_src.""" if not is_dependent_path(self.main_src): dir_name = os.path.dirname(self.main_src) while dir_name: if dir_name.endswith('.'): dir_name = os.path.dirname(dir_name) continue if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, 'Cargo.toml')): self.cargo_dir = dir_name return dir_name = os.path.dirname(dir_name) def skip_crate(self): """Return crate_name or a message if this crate should be skipped.""" # Some Rust packages include extra unwanted crates. # This set contains all such excluded crate names. excluded_crates = set(['protobuf_bin_gen_rust_do_not_use']) if (is_build_script(self.crate_name) or self.crate_name in excluded_crates): return self.crate_name if is_dependent_path(self.main_src): return 'dependent crate' return '' def get_root_pkg_name(self): """Read name of [package] in ./Cargo.toml.""" cargo_toml_path = './Cargo.toml' if self.cargo_dir: cargo_toml_path = os.path.join( os.path.join('.', self.cargo_dir), 'Cargo.toml') if not os.path.exists(cargo_toml_path): return with open(cargo_toml_path, 'r') as infile: self.root_pkg_name = get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'name') return def find_pkg_info(self): """Read package info of [package] in ./Cargo.toml.""" cargo_toml_path = './Cargo.toml' if self.cargo_dir: cargo_toml_path = os.path.join( os.path.join('.', self.cargo_dir), 'Cargo.toml') if not os.path.exists(cargo_toml_path): return with open(cargo_toml_path, 'r') as infile: if self.root_pkg_name: self.cargo_pkg_name = self.root_pkg_name else: self.cargo_pkg_name = get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'name') infile.seek(0) self.cargo_pkg_version = get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'version') infile.seek(0) pkg_description = get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'description') pkg_description = pkg_description.replace('\n', '').replace(r'\n', '').strip() self.cargo_pkg_description = pkg_description infile.seek(0) authors_re = re.compile(' *authors *= * \[(.*?)\]', re.S) authors_section = authors_re.search(infile.read()) if authors_section: authors = authors_section.group(1) authors = authors.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', ' ').replace('"', '').strip() if authors.endswith(','): authors = authors[:-1] self.cargo_pkg_authors = authors def find_build_root(self): """Read build of [package] in ./Cargo.toml.""" cargo_toml_path = './Cargo.toml' if self.cargo_dir: cargo_toml_path = os.path.join( os.path.join('.', self.cargo_dir), 'Cargo.toml') if not os.path.exists(cargo_toml_path): return with open(cargo_toml_path, 'r') as infile: self.build_root = get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'build') if not self.build_root: build_rs_path = './build.rs' if self.cargo_dir: build_rs_path = os.path.join(os.path.join('.', self.cargo_dir), 'build.rs') if os.path.exists(build_rs_path): self.build_root = 'build.rs' def find_out_files(self): # normal_output_list has build.rs output for normal crates normal_output_list = glob.glob( TARGET_TEMP + '/*/*/build/' + self.root_pkg_name + '-*/out/*') # other_output_list has build.rs output for proc-macro crates other_output_list = glob.glob( TARGET_TEMP + '/*/build/' + self.root_pkg_name + '-*/out/*') return normal_output_list + other_output_list def has_used_out_dir(self): """Returns true if env!("OUT_DIR") is found.""" cmd = 'grep -rl --exclude build.rs --include \\*.rs \'env!("OUT_DIR")\' * > /dev/null' if self.cargo_dir: cmd = 'grep -rl --exclude ' cmd += os.path.join(self.cargo_dir, 'build.rs') cmd += ' --include \\*.rs \'env!("OUT_DIR")\' * > /dev/null' return 0 == os.system(cmd) def copy_out_files(self): """Copy build.rs output files to ./out and set up build_script_outputs.""" if self.checked_out_files: return self.checked_out_files = True cargo_out_files = self.find_out_files() out_files = set() out_path = 'out' if self.cargo_dir: out_path = os.path.join(self.cargo_dir, out_path) if cargo_out_files: os.makedirs(out_path, exist_ok=True) for path in cargo_out_files: file_name = path.split('/')[-1] out_files.add(file_name) self.build_script_outputs = sorted(out_files) def decide_module_type(self): # Use the first crate type for the default/first module. crate_type = self.crate_types[0] if self.crate_types else '' self.decide_one_module_type(crate_type) def decide_one_module_type(self, crate_type): """Decide which GN module type to use.""" if crate_type == 'bin': self.module_type = self.crate_name elif crate_type in LIBRARY_CRATE_TYPES: self.module_type = 'lib' elif crate_type == 'test': self.module_type = 'test' else: self.module_type = '' def merge_crate(self, other, outfile_name): """Try to merge crate into self.""" # Cargo build --tests could recompile a library for tests. # We need to merge such duplicated calls to rustc, with the # algorithm in is_should_merge. should_merge = self.is_should_merge(other) should_merge_test = False if not should_merge: should_merge_test = self.merge_test(other) if should_merge or should_merge_test: self.runner.init_gn_file(outfile_name) # to write debug info with open(outfile_name, 'a') as outfile: self.outfile = outfile other.outfile = outfile self.execute_merge(other, should_merge_test) return True return False def is_should_merge(self, other): return (self.crate_name == other.crate_name and self.crate_types == other.crate_types and self.main_src == other.main_src and self.root_pkg_name == other.root_pkg_name and not self.skip_crate() and self.is_same_flags(other)) def merge_test(self, other): """Returns true if self and other are tests of same root_pkg_name.""" # Before merger, each test has its own crate_name. A merged test uses # its source file base name as output file name, so a test is mergeable # only if its base name equals to its crate name. return (self.crate_types == other.crate_types and self.crate_types == ['test'] and self.root_pkg_name == other.root_pkg_name and not self.skip_crate() and other.crate_name == get_base_name(other.main_src) and (len(self.srcs) > 1 or (self.crate_name == get_base_name(self.main_src))) and self.is_same_flags(other)) def is_same_flags(self, other): return (not self.error_infos and not other.error_infos and self.cap_lints == other.cap_lints and self.cfgs == other.cfgs and self.core_deps == other.core_deps and self.edition == other.edition and self.emit_list == other.emit_list and self.features == other.features and self.ignore_options == other.ignore_options and self.static_libs == other.static_libs and self.shared_libs == other.shared_libs) def execute_merge(self, other, should_merge_test): """Merge attributes of other to self.""" if self.debug: self.write('\n// Before merge definition(self):') self.dump_debug_info() self.write('\n// Before merge definition(other):') other.dump_debug_info() if not self.target: # okay to keep only the first target triple self.target = other.target self.decide_module_type() if should_merge_test: if (self.runner.should_ignore_test(self.main_src) and not self.runner.should_ignore_test(other.main_src)): self.main_src = other.main_src self.srcs.append(other.main_src) self.crate_name = pkg_to_crate_name(self.root_pkg_name) if self.debug: self.write('\n// After merge definition:') self.dump_debug_info() def dump(self): """Dump all error/debug/module code to the output .gn file.""" self.runner.init_gn_file(self.outfile_name) with open(self.outfile_name, 'a') as outfile: self.outfile = outfile if self.error_infos: self.dump_line() self.write(self.error_infos) elif self.skip_crate(): self.dump_skip_crate(self.skip_crate()) else: if self.debug: self.dump_debug_info() self.dump_gn_module() def dump_debug_info(self): """Dump parsed data, when cargo2gn is called with --debug.""" def dump(name, value): self.write('//%12s = %s' % (name, value)) def dump_list(fmt, values): for v in values: self.write(fmt % v) def opt_dump(name, value): if value: dump(name, value) self.dump_line() dump('crate_name', self.crate_name) dump('crate_types', self.crate_types) opt_dump('edition', self.edition) opt_dump('emit_list', self.emit_list) dump('main_src', self.main_src) dump('module_type', self.module_type) opt_dump('target', self.target) opt_dump('cap_lints', self.cap_lints) dump_list('// cfg = %s', self.cfgs) dump_list('// cfg = \'feature "%s"\'', self.features) dump_list('// codegen = %s', self.ignore_options) dump_list('// deps = %s', self.deps) dump_list('// -l (dylib) = %s', self.shared_libs) dump_list('// -l static = %s', self.static_libs) def dump_line(self): self.write('\n// Line ' + str(self.line_num) + ' ' + self.line) def dump_skip_crate(self, kind): if self.debug: self.write('\n// IGNORED: ' + kind + ' ' + self.main_src) return self def dump_gn_module(self): """Dump one or more GN module definition, depending on crate_types.""" if len(self.crate_types) == 1: self.dump_single_type_gn_module() return if 'test' in self.crate_types: self.write('\nERROR: multiple crate types cannot include test type') return # Dump one GN module per crate_type. for crate_type in self.crate_types: self.decide_one_module_type(crate_type) self.dump_one_gn_module(crate_type) def dump_single_type_gn_module(self): """Dump one simple GN module, which has only one crate_type.""" crate_type = self.crate_types[0] if crate_type != 'test': self.dump_one_gn_module(crate_type) return # Dump one test module per source file. self.srcs = [ src for src in self.srcs if not self.runner.should_ignore_test(src)] if len(self.srcs) > 1: self.srcs = sorted(set(self.srcs)) saved_srcs = self.srcs for src in saved_srcs: self.srcs = [src] saved_main_src = self.main_src self.main_src = src self.decide_one_module_type(crate_type) self.dump_one_gn_module(crate_type) self.main_src = saved_main_src self.srcs = saved_srcs def dump_one_gn_module(self, crate_type): """Dump one GN module definition.""" if not self.module_type: self.write('\nERROR: unknown crate_type ' + crate_type) return self.write('\nohos_cargo_crate("' + self.module_type + '") {') self.dump_gn_first_properties(crate_type) self.dump_gn_core_properties() self.write('}') def dump_gn_first_properties(self, crate_type): if crate_type != 'bin': self.write(' crate_name = "' + self.crate_name + '"') if crate_type: if crate_type == 'lib': crate_type = 'rlib' self.write(' crate_type = "' + crate_type + '"') if self.main_src: self.write(' crate_root = "' + self.main_src + '"') if self.crate_name.startswith('lib'): self.write(' output_name = "lib' + self.crate_name + '"') self.write('') def dump_gn_core_properties(self): self.dump_sources_list() if self.edition: self.write(' edition = "' + self.edition + '"') if not self.runner.args.no_pkg_info: if self.cargo_pkg_version: self.write(' cargo_pkg_version = "' + self.cargo_pkg_version + '"') if self.cargo_pkg_authors: self.write(' cargo_pkg_authors = "' + self.cargo_pkg_authors + '"') if self.cargo_pkg_name: self.write(' cargo_pkg_name = "' + self.cargo_pkg_name + '"') if self.cargo_pkg_description: self.write(' cargo_pkg_description = "' + self.cargo_pkg_description + '"') if self.deps: self.dump_gn_deps() if self.build_root and self.root_pkg_name in self.runner.build_deps: self.dump_gn_build_deps() self.dump_gn_property_list('features', '"%s"', self.features) if self.build_root: self.write(' build_root = "' + self.build_root + '"') build_sources = list() build_sources.append(self.build_root) self.dump_gn_property_list('build_sources', '"%s"', build_sources) if self.build_script_outputs: self.dump_gn_property_list( 'build_script_outputs', '"%s"', self.build_script_outputs) def dump_sources_list(self): """Dump the srcs list, for defaults or regular modules.""" if len(self.srcs) > 1: srcs = sorted(set(self.srcs)) # make a copy and dedup for num in range(len(self.srcs)): srcs[num] = srcs[num] else: srcs = [self.main_src] self.dump_gn_property_list('sources', '"%s"', srcs) def dump_gn_deps(self): """Dump the deps.""" rust_deps = list() deps_libname = re.compile('^.* = lib(.*)-[0-9a-f]*.(rlib|so|rmeta)$') for lib in self.deps: libname_groups = deps_libname.match(lib) if libname_groups is not None: lib_name = libname_groups.group(1) else: lib_name = re.sub(' .*$', '', lib) if lib_name in self.runner.args.dependency_blocklist: continue if lib.endswith('.rlib') or lib.endswith('.rmeta') or lib.endswith('.so'): # On MacOS .rmeta is used when Linux uses .rlib or .rmeta. rust_lib = self.get_rust_lib(lib_name) if rust_lib: rust_lib += ':lib' rust_deps.append(rust_lib) elif lib != 'proc_macro': # --extern proc_macro is special and ignored rust_deps.append('// unknown type of lib: '.join(lib)) if rust_deps: self.dump_gn_property_list('deps', '"%s"', rust_deps) def dump_gn_build_deps(self): """Dump the build deps.""" rust_build_deps = list() build_deps_libname = re.compile('^.* = lib(.*)-[0-9a-f]*.(rlib|so|rmeta)$') build_deps = self.runner.build_deps.get(self.root_pkg_name) if not build_deps: return for lib in build_deps: libname_groups = build_deps_libname.match(lib) if libname_groups is not None: lib_name = libname_groups.group(1) else: lib_name = re.sub(' .*$', '', lib) if lib_name in self.runner.args.dependency_blocklist: continue if lib.endswith('.rlib') or lib.endswith('.rmeta') or lib.endswith('.so'): # On MacOS .rmeta is used when Linux uses .rlib or .rmeta. rust_lib = self.get_rust_lib(lib_name) if rust_lib: rust_build_deps.append(rust_lib + ':lib') elif lib != 'proc_macro': # --extern proc_macro is special and ignored rust_build_deps.append('// unknown type of lib: '.join(lib)) if rust_build_deps: self.dump_gn_property_list('build_deps', '"%s"', rust_build_deps) def dump_gn_property_list(self, name, fmt, values): if not values: return if len(values) > 1: self.write(' ' + name + ' = [') self.dump_gn_property_list_items(fmt, values) self.write(' ]') else: self.write(' ' + name + ' = [' + (fmt % escape_quotes(values[0])) + ']') def dump_gn_property_list_items(self, fmt, values): for v in values: # fmt has quotes, so we need escape_quotes(v) self.write(' ' + (fmt % escape_quotes(v)) + ',') def get_rust_lib(self, lib_name): rust_lib = '' if lib_name: crate_name = pkg_to_crate_name(lib_name) deps_libname = self.runner.deps_libname_map.get(crate_name) if deps_libname: rust_lib = RUST_PATH + deps_libname return rust_lib class Runner(object): """Main class to parse cargo -v output""" def __init__(self, args): self.gn_files = set() # Remember all output BUILD.gn files. self.root_pkg_name = '' # name of package in ./Cargo.toml self.args = args self.dry_run = not args.run self.skip_cargo = args.skipcargo self.cargo_path = './cargo' # path to cargo self.crates = list() # all crates self.error_infos = '' # all error infos self.test_error_infos = '' # all test error infos self.warning_files = set() # all warning files self.set_cargo_path() # Default operation is cargo clean, followed by build or user given operation. if args.cargo: self.cargo = ['clean'] + args.cargo else: # Use the same target for both host and default device builds. self.cargo = ['clean', 'build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'] self.empty_tests = set() self.empty_unittests = False self.build_deps = {} self.deps_libname_map = {} def set_cargo_path(self): """Find cargo in the --cargo_bin and set cargo path""" if self.args.cargo_bin: self.cargo_path = os.path.join(self.args.cargo_bin, 'cargo') if os.path.isfile(self.cargo_path): print('INFO: using cargo in ' + self.args.cargo_bin) return else: sys.exit('ERROR: cannot find cargo in ' + self.args.cargo_bin) else: sys.exit('ERROR: the prebuilt cargo is not available; please use the --cargo_bin flag.') return def run_cargo(self): """Run cargo -v and save its output to ./cargo.out.""" if self.skip_cargo: return self cargo_toml = './Cargo.toml' cargo_out = './cargo.out' if not os.access(cargo_toml, os.R_OK): print('ERROR: Cannot find ', cargo_toml) return self cargo_lock = './Cargo.lock' cargo_lock_save = './cargo.lock.save' have_cargo_lock = os.path.exists(cargo_lock) if not self.dry_run: if os.path.exists(cargo_out): os.remove(cargo_out) if not self.args.use_cargo_lock and have_cargo_lock: os.rename(cargo_lock, cargo_lock_save) # set up search PATH for cargo to find the correct rustc save_path = os.environ['PATH'] os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname(self.cargo_path) + ':' + save_path # Add [workspace] to Cargo.toml if it is non-existent. is_add_workspace = False if self.args.add_workspace: with open(cargo_toml, 'r') as in_file: cargo_toml_lines = in_file.readlines() if '[workspace]\n' in cargo_toml_lines: print('WARNING: found [workspace] in Cargo.toml') else: with open(cargo_toml, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write('[workspace]\n') is_add_workspace = True self.deal_cargo_cmd(cargo_out) # restore original Cargo.toml if is_add_workspace: with open(cargo_toml, 'w') as out_file: out_file.writelines(cargo_toml_lines) if not self.dry_run: if not have_cargo_lock: # restore to no Cargo.lock state if os.path.exists(cargo_lock): os.remove(cargo_lock) elif not self.args.use_cargo_lock: # restore saved Cargo.lock os.rename(cargo_lock_save, cargo_lock) os.environ['PATH'] = save_path return self def deal_cargo_cmd(self, cargo_out): cargo_cmd_v_flag = ' -vv ' if self.args.vv else ' -v ' cargo_cmd_target_dir = ' --target-dir ' + TARGET_TEMP cargo_cmd_redir = ' >> ' + cargo_out + ' 2>&1' for cargo in self.cargo: cargo_cmd = self.cargo_path + cargo_cmd_v_flag features = '' if cargo != 'clean': if self.args.features is not None: features = ' --no-default-features' if self.args.features: features += ' --features ' + self.args.features cargo_cmd += cargo + features + cargo_cmd_target_dir + cargo_cmd_redir if self.args.rustflags and cargo != 'clean': cargo_cmd = 'RUSTFLAGS="' + self.args.rustflags + '" ' + cargo_cmd self.run_cargo_cmd(cargo_cmd, cargo_out) def run_cargo_cmd(self, cargo_cmd, cargo_out): if self.dry_run: print('Dry-run skip:', cargo_cmd) else: with open(cargo_out, 'a') as file: file.write('### Running: ' + cargo_cmd + '\n') ret = os.system(cargo_cmd) if ret != 0: print('ERROR: There was an error while running cargo.' + ' See the cargo.out file for details.') def generate_gn(self): """Parse cargo.out and generate BUILD.gn files.""" cargo_out = 'cargo.out' # The file name used to save cargo build -v output. errors_line = 'Errors in ' + cargo_out + ':' if self.dry_run: print('Dry-run skip: read', cargo_out, 'write BUILD.gn') elif os.path.exists(cargo_out): self.find_root_pkg() with open(cargo_out, 'r') as cargo_out: self.parse(cargo_out, 'BUILD.gn') self.crates.sort(key=get_crate_name) for crate in self.crates: crate.dump() if self.error_infos: self.append_to_gn('\n' + errors_line + '\n' + self.error_infos) if self.test_error_infos: self.append_to_gn('\n// Errors when listing tests:\n' + self.test_error_infos) return self def find_root_pkg(self): """Read name of [package] in ./Cargo.toml.""" if os.path.exists('./Cargo.toml'): return with open('./Cargo.toml', 'r') as infile: get_designated_pkg_info(infile, 'name') def parse(self, infile, outfile_name): """Parse rustc, test, and warning messages in infile, return a list of Crates.""" # cargo test --list output of the start of running a binary. cargo_test_list_start_re = re.compile('^\s*Running (.*) \(.*\)$') # cargo test --list output of the end of running a binary. cargo_test_list_end_re = re.compile('^(\d+) tests, (\d+) benchmarks$') compiling_pat = re.compile('^ +Compiling (.*)$') current_test_name = None for line in infile: # We read the file in two passes, where the first simply checks for empty tests. # Otherwise we would add and merge tests before seeing they're empty. if cargo_test_list_start_re.match(line): current_test_name = cargo_test_list_start_re.match(line).group(1) elif current_test_name and cargo_test_list_end_re.match(line): match = cargo_test_list_end_re.match(line) if int(match.group(1)) + int(match.group(2)) == 0: self.add_empty_test(current_test_name) current_test_name = None #Get Compiling information if compiling_pat.match(line): self.add_deps_libname_map(compiling_pat.match(line).group(1)) infile.seek(0) self.parse_cargo_out(infile, outfile_name) def add_empty_test(self, name): if name == 'unittests': self.empty_unittests = True else: self.empty_tests.add(name) def add_deps_libname_map(self, line): line_list = line.split() if len(line_list) > 1: self.deps_libname_map[pkg_to_crate_name(line_list[0])] = line_list[0] def parse_cargo_out(self, infile, outfile_name): # Cargo -v output of a call to rustc. rustc_re = re.compile('^ +Running `rustc (.*)`$') # Cargo -vv output of a call to rustc could be split into multiple lines. # Assume that the first line will contain some CARGO_* env definition. rustc_vv_re = re.compile('^ +Running `.*CARGO_.*=.*$') # Rustc output of file location path pattern for a warning message. warning_output_file_re = re.compile('^ *--> ([^:]*):[0-9]+') cargo_to_gn_running_re = re.compile('^### Running: .*$') line_num = 0 previous_warning = False # true if the previous line was warning rustc_line = '' # previous line matching rustc_vv_re in_tests = False for line in infile: line_num += 1 if line.startswith('warning: '): previous_warning = True rustc_line = self.assert_empty_rustc_line(rustc_line) continue new_rustc_line = '' if rustc_re.match(line): args_line = rustc_re.match(line).group(1) self.add_crate(Crate(self, outfile_name).parse_rustc(line_num, args_line)) self.assert_empty_rustc_line(rustc_line) elif rustc_line or rustc_vv_re.match(line): new_rustc_line = self.deal_rustc_command( line_num, rustc_line, line, outfile_name) elif previous_warning and warning_output_file_re.match(line): file_path = warning_output_file_re.match(line).group(1) if file_path[0] != '/': # ignore absolute path self.warning_files.add(file_path) self.assert_empty_rustc_line(rustc_line) elif line.startswith('error: ') or line.startswith('error[E'): if not self.args.ignore_cargo_errors: self.add_error_infos(in_tests, line) elif cargo_to_gn_running_re.match(line): in_tests = "cargo test" in line and "--list" in line previous_warning = False rustc_line = new_rustc_line def assert_empty_rustc_line(self, line): # report error if line is not empty if line: self.append_to_gn('ERROR -vv line: ' + line) return '' def append_to_gn(self, line): self.init_gn_file('BUILD.gn') with open('BUILD.gn', 'a') as outfile: outfile.write(line) print(line) def init_gn_file(self, name): # name could be BUILD.gn or sub_dir_path/BUILD.gn if name in self.gn_files: return self.gn_files.add(name) if os.path.exists(name): os.remove(name) with open(name, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(BUILD_GN_HEADER) outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('import("%s")\n' % IMPORT_CONTENT) def add_error_infos(self, in_tests, line): if in_tests: self.test_error_infos += '// '.join(line) else: self.error_infos += line def deal_rustc_command(self, line_num, rustc_line, line, outfile_name): """Process a rustc command line from cargo -vv output.""" # cargo build -vv output can have multiple lines for a rustc command due to '\n' in strings # for environment variables. strip removes leading spaces and '\n' at the end new_rustc_line = (rustc_line.strip() + line) if rustc_line else line # The combined -vv output rustc command line pattern. rustc_vv_cmd_args = re.compile('^ *Running `.*CARGO_.*=.* rustc (.*)`$') if not line.endswith('`\n') or (new_rustc_line.count('`') % 2) != 0: return new_rustc_line if rustc_vv_cmd_args.match(new_rustc_line): args = rustc_vv_cmd_args.match(new_rustc_line).group(1) self.add_crate(Crate(self, outfile_name).parse_rustc(line_num, args)) else: self.assert_empty_rustc_line(new_rustc_line) return '' def add_crate(self, new_crate): """Merge crate with someone in crates, or append to it. Return crates.""" if (is_build_script(new_crate.crate_name) and not is_dependent_path(new_crate.main_src) and new_crate.root_pkg_name and len(new_crate.deps) > 0): self.build_deps[new_crate.root_pkg_name] = new_crate.deps if new_crate.skip_crate(): # include debug info of all crates if self.args.debug: self.crates.append(new_crate) else: for crate in self.crates: if crate.merge_crate(new_crate, 'BUILD.gn'): return # If not merged, decide module type and name now. new_crate.decide_module_type() self.crates.append(new_crate) def should_ignore_test(self, src): # cargo test outputs the source file for integration tests but "unittests" for unit tests. # To figure out to which crate this corresponds, we check if the current source file is # the main source of a non-test crate, e.g., a library or a binary. return (src in self.empty_tests or src in self.args.test_blocklist or (self.empty_unittests and src in [c.main_src for c in self.crates if c.crate_types != ['test']])) def get_arg_parser(): """Parse main arguments.""" argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser('cargo2gn') argparser.add_argument('--add-workspace', action='store_true', default=False, help=('append [workspace] to Cargo.toml before calling cargo, to treat' + ' current directory as root of package source; otherwise the relative' + ' source file path in generated .gn file will be from the parent directory.')) argparser.add_argument('--cargo', action='append', metavar='args_string', help=('extra cargo build -v args in a string, ' + 'each --cargo flag calls cargo build -v once')) argparser.add_argument('--cargo-bin', type=str, help='use cargo in the cargo_bin directory instead of the prebuilt one') argparser.add_argument('--config', type=str, help=('Load command-line options from the given config file. ' + 'Options in this file will override those passed on the command line.')) argparser.add_argument('--copy-out', action='store_true', default=False, help=('only for root directory, copy build.rs output to ./out/* and ' + 'add a genrule to copy ./out/*.')) argparser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='dump debug info into BUILD.gn') argparser.add_argument('--dependency-blocklist', nargs='*', default=[], help='Do not emit the given dependencies (without lib prefixes).') argparser.add_argument('--features', type=str, help=('pass features to cargo build, ' + 'empty string means no default features')) argparser.add_argument('--ignore-cargo-errors', action='store_true', default=False, help='do not append cargo/rustc error messages to BUILD.gn') argparser.add_argument('--no-pkg-info', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not attempt to determine the package info automatically.') argparser.add_argument('--no-subdir', action='store_true', default=False, help='do not output anything for sub-directories') argparser.add_argument('--one-file', action='store_true', default=False, help=('output all into one BUILD.gn, default will generate one BUILD.gn ' + 'per Cargo.toml in subdirectories')) argparser.add_argument('--run', action='store_true', default=False, help='run it, default is dry-run') argparser.add_argument('--rustflags', type=str, help='passing flags to rustc') argparser.add_argument('--skipcargo', action='store_true', default=False, help='skip cargo command, parse cargo.out, and generate BUILD.gn') argparser.add_argument('--test-blocklist', nargs='*', default=[], help=('Do not emit the given tests. ' + 'Pass the path to the test file to exclude.')) argparser.add_argument('--use-cargo-lock', action='store_true', default=False, help=('run cargo build with existing Cargo.lock ' + '(used when some latest dependent crates failed)')) argparser.add_argument('--vv', action='store_true', default=False, help='run cargo with -vv instead of default -v') return argparser def get_parse_args(argparser): """Parses command-line options.""" args = argparser.parse_args() # Use the values specified in a config file if one was found. if args.config: with open(args.config, 'r') as file: config_data = json.load(file) args_dict = vars(args) for arg in config_data: args_dict[arg.replace('-', '_')] = config_data[arg] return args def main(): argparser = get_arg_parser() args = get_parse_args(argparser) if not args.run: # default is dry-run print(DRY_RUN_CONTENT) Runner(args).run_cargo().generate_gn() if __name__ == '__main__': main()