/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "icodec.h" #include "proxy_msgproc.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define HDF_LOG_TAG codec_hdi_proxy static int32_t CodecProxyCall(struct ICodec *self, int32_t id, struct HdfSBuf *data, struct HdfSBuf *reply) { if (self->remote == NULL || self->remote->dispatcher == NULL || self->remote->dispatcher->Dispatch == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: obj is null", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT; } return self->remote->dispatcher->Dispatch(self->remote, id, data, reply); } static int32_t CodecProxyReqSBuf(struct HdfSBuf **data, struct HdfSBuf **reply) { *data = HdfSbufTypedObtain(SBUF_IPC); if (*data == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: Failed to obtain", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } *reply = HdfSbufTypedObtain(SBUF_IPC); if (*reply == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: Failed to obtain reply", __func__); HdfSbufRecycle(*data); return HDF_FAILURE; } return HDF_SUCCESS; } static void CodecProxySBufRecycle(struct HdfSBuf *data, struct HdfSBuf *reply) { if (data != NULL) { HdfSbufRecycle(data); } if (reply != NULL) { HdfSbufRecycle(reply); } return; } static int32_t CodecPorxyInit(struct ICodec *self) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_INIT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyDeinit(struct ICodec *self) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_DEINIT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyEnumerateCapability(struct ICodec *self, uint32_t index, CodecCapability *cap) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || cap == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, index)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input index failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_ENUM_CAP, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (CodecProxyParseGottenCapability(reply, cap) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: CodecProxyParseGottenCapability failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyGetCapability(struct ICodec *self, AvCodecMime mime, CodecType type, uint32_t flags, CodecCapability *cap) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || cap == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)mime)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input mime failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)type)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input type failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, flags)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input flags failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_GET_CAP, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (CodecProxyParseGottenCapability(reply, cap) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: CodecProxyParseGottenCapability failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyCreate(struct ICodec *self, const char* name, CODEC_HANDLETYPE *handle) { struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; uint64_t codecHandle = 0; if (self == NULL || name == NULL || handle == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data) || !HdfSbufWriteString(data, name)) { CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } int32_t ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_CREATE, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call create failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (!HdfSbufReadUint64(reply, &codecHandle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } *handle = (CODEC_HANDLETYPE)codecHandle; CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecCreateByType(struct ICodec *self, CodecType type, AvCodecMime mime, CODEC_HANDLETYPE *handle) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; uint64_t codecHandle = 0; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)type)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input type failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)mime)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input mime failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_CREATE_BY_TYPE, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call CreateByType failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (!HdfSbufReadUint64(reply, &codecHandle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: failed to read handle!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } *handle = (CODEC_HANDLETYPE)codecHandle; CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyDestroy(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: Write handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_DESTROY, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxySetPortMode(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, DirectionType direct, AllocateBufferMode mode, BufferType type) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)direct)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write DirectionType failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)mode)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write AllocateBufferMode failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)type)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write BufferType failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_SET_MODE, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyGetPortMode(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, DirectionType direct, AllocateBufferMode *mode, BufferType *type) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)direct)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write DirectionType failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_GET_MODE, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (!HdfSbufReadUint32(reply, (uint32_t*)mode)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read AllocateBufferMode failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfSbufReadUint32(reply, (uint32_t*)type)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read BufferType failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_FAILURE; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_SUCCESS; } static int32_t CodecProxySetParameter(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, const Param *params, int paramCnt) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || params == NULL || paramCnt < 0 || paramCnt > PARAM_COUNT_MAX) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: param is invalid!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write size failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteInt32(data, paramCnt)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write paramCnt failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramCnt; i++) { if (CodecProxyPackParam(data, ¶ms[i]) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write params failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_FAILURE; } } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_SET_PARAMS, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } // params需客户端调用点释放 static int32_t CodecProxyGetParameter(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, Param *params, int paramCnt) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || params == NULL || paramCnt < 0 || paramCnt > PARAM_COUNT_MAX) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: param is invalid!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data) || !HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write interface token or size failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteInt32(data, paramCnt)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write paramCnt failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramCnt; i++) { if (CodecProxyPackParam(data, ¶ms[i]) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: CodecProxyPackParam!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_FAILURE; } } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_GET_PARAMS, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < paramCnt; i++) { if (CodecProxyParseParam(reply, ¶ms[i]) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read params failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyStart(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_START, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyStop(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_STOP, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyReset(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_RESET, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyFlush(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, DirectionType directType) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, (uint32_t)directType)) { CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input directType failed!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_FLUSH, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecPorxyQueueInput(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, const CodecBuffer *inputData, uint32_t timeoutMs, int releaseFenceFd) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL || inputData == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyPackCodecBuffer(data, inputData)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input buffer failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, timeoutMs)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input timeoutMs failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyPackFenceFd(data, releaseFenceFd) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write releaseFenceFd failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_QUEQUE_INPUT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyDequeueInputParseReply(struct HdfSBuf *reply, int32_t *acquireFd, CodecBuffer *inputData) { if (CodecProxyParseFenceFd(reply, acquireFd) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read acquireFd failed!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyParseCodecBuffer(reply, inputData)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read input CodecBuffer failed!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } return HDF_SUCCESS; } static int32_t CodecProxyDequeueInput(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, uint32_t timeoutMs, int32_t *acquireFd, CodecBuffer *inputData) { struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL || inputData == NULL || inputData->bufferCnt == 0) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, timeoutMs)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input timeoutMs failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, inputData->bufferCnt)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write bufferCnt failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } int32_t ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_DEQUEQUE_INPUT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { if (ret != HDF_ERR_TIMEOUT) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } ret = CodecProxyDequeueInputParseReply(reply, acquireFd, inputData); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read data failed!", __func__); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyQueueOutput(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, CodecBuffer *outInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs, int releaseFenceFd) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL || outInfo == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyPackCodecBuffer(data, outInfo)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write buffer failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, timeoutMs)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write timeoutMs failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyPackFenceFd(data, releaseFenceFd) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write releaseFenceFd failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_QUEQUE_OUTPUT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxyDequeueOutput(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, uint32_t timeoutMs, int32_t *acquireFd, CodecBuffer *outInfo) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || handle == NULL || acquireFd == NULL || outInfo == NULL || outInfo->bufferCnt == 0) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: params null!", __func__); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data) || !HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write interface token or input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, timeoutMs)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write timeoutMs failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint32(data, outInfo->bufferCnt)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read bufferCnt failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_DEQUEQUE_OUTPUT, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { if (ret != HDF_ERR_TIMEOUT) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } if (CodecProxyParseFenceFd(reply, acquireFd) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read acquireFd failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyParseCodecBuffer(reply, outInfo)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: read output CodecBuffer failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static int32_t CodecProxySetCallback(struct ICodec *self, CODEC_HANDLETYPE handle, struct ICodecCallback *cb, UINTPTR instance) { int32_t ret; struct HdfSBuf *data = NULL; struct HdfSBuf *reply = NULL; if (self == NULL || cb == NULL) { return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (CodecProxyReqSBuf(&data, &reply) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfSubf malloc failed!", __func__); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceWriteInterfaceToken(self->remote, data)) { HDF_LOGE("write interface token failed"); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)handle)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input handle failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (HdfSbufWriteRemoteService(data, cb->remote) != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write cb failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } if (!HdfSbufWriteUint64(data, (uint64_t)instance)) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: write input instance failed!", __func__); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } ret = CodecProxyCall(self, CMD_CODEC_SET_CBK, data, reply); if (ret != HDF_SUCCESS) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: call failed! error code is %{public}d", __func__, ret); CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } CodecProxySBufRecycle(data, reply); return ret; } static void CodecIpmlConstruct(struct ICodec *instance) { instance->CodecInit = CodecPorxyInit; instance->CodecDeinit = CodecProxyDeinit; instance->CodecEnumerateCapability = CodecProxyEnumerateCapability; instance->CodecGetCapability = CodecProxyGetCapability; instance->CodecCreate = CodecProxyCreate; instance->CodecCreateByType = CodecCreateByType; instance->CodecDestroy = CodecProxyDestroy; instance->CodecSetPortMode = CodecProxySetPortMode; instance->CodecGetPortMode = CodecProxyGetPortMode; instance->CodecSetParameter = CodecProxySetParameter; instance->CodecGetParameter = CodecProxyGetParameter; instance->CodecStart = CodecProxyStart; instance->CodecStop = CodecProxyStop; instance->CodecReset = CodecProxyReset; instance->CodecFlush = CodecProxyFlush; instance->CodecQueueInput = CodecPorxyQueueInput; instance->CodecDequeueInput = CodecProxyDequeueInput; instance->CodecQueueOutput = CodecProxyQueueOutput; instance->CodecDequeueOutput = CodecProxyDequeueOutput; instance->CodecSetCallback = CodecProxySetCallback; return; } struct ICodec *HdiCodecGet(const char *serviceName) { struct HDIServiceManager *serviceMgr = HDIServiceManagerGet(); if (serviceMgr == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HDIServiceManager not found!", __func__); return NULL; } struct HdfRemoteService *remote = serviceMgr->GetService(serviceMgr, serviceName); if (remote == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: HdfRemoteService not found!", __func__); return NULL; } if (!HdfRemoteServiceSetInterfaceDesc(remote, "ohos.hdi.codec_service")) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: failed to init interface desc", __func__); HdfRemoteServiceRecycle(remote); return NULL; } struct ICodec *codecClient = (struct ICodec *)OsalMemAlloc(sizeof(struct ICodec)); if (codecClient == NULL) { HDF_LOGE("%{public}s: malloc codec instance failed!", __func__); HdfRemoteServiceRecycle(remote); return NULL; } codecClient->remote = remote; CodecIpmlConstruct(codecClient); return codecClient; } void HdiCodecRelease(struct ICodec *instance) { if (instance == NULL) { return; } HdfRemoteServiceRecycle(instance->remote); OsalMemFree(instance); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */