void FormatInit(void);
Initializes the format.
void FormatDeInit(void);
Deinitializes the format.
int32_t FormatDemuxerCreate(const FormatSource *source, FormatHandle * const handle);
Creates a demuxer and returns its context handle.
int32_t FormatDemuxerSetParameter(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t trackId, const ParameterItem *metaData, int32_t metaDataCnt);
Sets demuxer attributes.
int32_t FormatDemuxerGetParameter(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t trackId, ParameterItem *metaData);
Obtains demuxer attributes.
int32_t FormatDemuxerSetCallBack(const FormatHandle handle, const FormatCallback *callBack);
Sets a callback for the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerSetBufferConfig(const FormatHandle handle, const FormatBufferSetting *setting);
(Optional) Sets buffer information for the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerGetBufferConfig(const FormatHandle handle, FormatBufferSetting *setting);
(Optional) Obtains the buffer information of the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerPrepare(const FormatHandle handle);
Makes preparations for the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerGetFileInfo(const FormatHandle handle, FileInfo *info);
Obtains the attributes of a media file.
int32_t FormatDemuxerSelectTrack(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t programId, int32_t trackId);
Selects a specified media track from which the demuxer reads data frames by calling FormatDemuxerReadFrame.)
int32_t FormatDemuxerUnselectTrack(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t programId, int32_t trackId);
Unselects a specified media track from which the demuxer will not read data frames when calling FormatDemuxerReadFrame.
int32_t FormatDemuxerStart(const FormatHandle handle);
Starts the demuxer. After being started, the caller can read data frames from the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerGetSelectedTrack(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t *programId, int32_t trackId[], int32_t *nums);
Obtains the ID of the media track selected by the demuxer for output.
int32_t FormatDemuxerReadFrame(const FormatHandle handle, FormatFrame *frame, int32_t timeOutMs);
Reads data frames.
int32_t FormatDemuxerFreeFrame(const FormatHandle handle, FormatFrame *frame);
Frees data frames.
int32_t FormatDemuxerSeek(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t streamIndex, int64_t timeStampUs, FormatSeekMode mode);
Seeks for a specified position for the demuxer.
int32_t FormatDemuxerStop(const FormatHandle handle);
Stops the demuxer from working.
int32_t FormatDemuxerDestory(const FormatHandle handle);
Destroys demuxer resources.
int32_t FormatMuxerCreate(FormatHandle * const handle, const FormatOutputConfig *outputConfig);
Creates a muxer and returns its context handle.
int32_t FormatMuxerDestory(const FormatHandle handle);
Destroys a muxer and releases its resources created by calling FormatMuxerCreate.
int32_t FormatMuxerAddTrack(const FormatHandle handle, const TrackSource *trackSource);
Adds a media track source for the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetCallBack(const FormatHandle handle, const FormatCallback *callBack);
Sets a callback for the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetOrientation(const FormatHandle handle, int degrees);
Sets the orientation of the video track for the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetLocation(const FormatHandle handle, int latitude, int longitude);
Sets the geographical information for the output file of the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetMaxFileSize(const FormatHandle handle, int64_t bytes);
Sets the maximum size (in bytes) for the output file of the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetMaxFileDuration(const FormatHandle handle, int64_t durationUs);
Sets the maximum duration (in seconds) for the output file.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetFileSplitDuration(const FormatHandle handle, ManualSplitType type, int64_t timestampUs, uint32_t durationUs);
Manually splits a file.
int32_t FormatMuxerStart(const FormatHandle handle);
Starts the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerWriteFrame(const FormatHandle handle, const FormatFrame *frameData);
Writes data frames into the muxer.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetNextOutputFile(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t fd);
Sets the descriptor for the next output file.
int32_t FormatMuxerStop(const FormatHandle handle, bool block);
Stops the muxer that was started by calling FormatMuxerStart.
int32_t FormatMuxerSetParameter(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t trackId, const ParameterItem *item, int32_t itemNum);
Sets muxer attributes.
int32_t FormatMuxerGetParameter(const FormatHandle handle, int32_t trackId, ParameterItem *item, int32_t itemNum);
Obtains muxer attributes.