/* __ _____ _____ _____ __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ (test suite) | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.10.0 |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json Licensed under the MIT License . SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Niels Lohmann . Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "doctest_compatibility.h" // disable -Wnoexcept due to class Evil DOCTEST_GCC_SUPPRESS_WARNING_PUSH DOCTEST_GCC_SUPPRESS_WARNING("-Wnoexcept") #include using nlohmann::json; #include #include #include #include #include namespace udt { enum class country { china, france, russia }; struct age { int m_val; age(int rhs = 0) : m_val(rhs) {} }; struct name { std::string m_val; name(std::string rhs = "") : m_val(std::move(rhs)) {} }; struct address { std::string m_val; address(std::string rhs = "") : m_val(std::move(rhs)) {} }; struct person { age m_age{}; name m_name{}; country m_country{}; person() = default; person(const age& a, name n, const country& c) : m_age(a), m_name(std::move(n)), m_country(c) {} }; struct contact { person m_person{}; address m_address{}; contact() = default; contact(person p, address a) : m_person(std::move(p)), m_address(std::move(a)) {} }; struct contact_book { name m_book_name{}; std::vector m_contacts{}; contact_book() = default; contact_book(name n, std::vector c) : m_book_name(std::move(n)), m_contacts(std::move(c)) {} }; } // namespace udt // to_json methods namespace udt { // templates because of the custom_json tests (see below) template static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, age a) { j = a.m_val; } template static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const name& n) { j = n.m_val; } template static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, country c) { switch (c) { case country::china: j = "中华人民共和国"; return; case country::france: j = "France"; return; case country::russia: j = "Российская Федерация"; return; default: break; } } template static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const person& p) { j = BasicJsonType{{"age", p.m_age}, {"name", p.m_name}, {"country", p.m_country}}; } static void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const address& a) { j = a.m_val; } static void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const contact& c) { j = json{{"person", c.m_person}, {"address", c.m_address}}; } static void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const contact_book& cb) { j = json{{"name", cb.m_book_name}, {"contacts", cb.m_contacts}}; } // operators static bool operator==(age lhs, age rhs) { return lhs.m_val == rhs.m_val; } static bool operator==(const address& lhs, const address& rhs) { return lhs.m_val == rhs.m_val; } static bool operator==(const name& lhs, const name& rhs) { return lhs.m_val == rhs.m_val; } static bool operator==(const person& lhs, const person& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.m_name, lhs.m_age) == std::tie(rhs.m_name, rhs.m_age); } static bool operator==(const contact& lhs, const contact& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.m_person, lhs.m_address) == std::tie(rhs.m_person, rhs.m_address); } static bool operator==(const contact_book& lhs, const contact_book& rhs) { return std::tie(lhs.m_book_name, lhs.m_contacts) == std::tie(rhs.m_book_name, rhs.m_contacts); } } // namespace udt // from_json methods namespace udt { template static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, age& a) { a.m_val = j.template get(); } template static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, name& n) { n.m_val = j.template get(); } template static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, country& c) { const auto str = j.template get(); const std::map m = { {"中华人民共和国", country::china}, {"France", country::france}, {"Российская Федерация", country::russia} }; const auto it = m.find(str); // TODO(nlohmann) test exceptions c = it->second; } template static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, person& p) { p.m_age = j["age"].template get(); p.m_name = j["name"].template get(); p.m_country = j["country"].template get(); } static void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, address& a) { a.m_val = j.get(); } static void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, contact& c) { c.m_person = j["person"].get(); c.m_address = j["address"].get
(); } static void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, contact_book& cb) { cb.m_book_name = j["name"].get(); cb.m_contacts = j["contacts"].get>(); } } // namespace udt TEST_CASE("basic usage" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { // a bit narcissistic maybe :) ? const udt::age a { 23 }; const udt::name n{"theo"}; const udt::country c{udt::country::france}; const udt::person sfinae_addict{a, n, c}; const udt::person senior_programmer{{42}, {"王芳"}, udt::country::china}; const udt::address addr{"Paris"}; const udt::contact cpp_programmer{sfinae_addict, addr}; const udt::contact_book book{{"C++"}, {cpp_programmer, {senior_programmer, addr}}}; SECTION("conversion to json via free-functions") { CHECK(json(a) == json(23)); CHECK(json(n) == json("theo")); CHECK(json(c) == json("France")); CHECK(json(sfinae_addict) == R"({"name":"theo", "age":23, "country":"France"})"_json); CHECK(json("Paris") == json(addr)); CHECK(json(cpp_programmer) == R"({"person" : {"age":23, "name":"theo", "country":"France"}, "address":"Paris"})"_json); CHECK( json(book) == R"({"name":"C++", "contacts" : [{"person" : {"age":23, "name":"theo", "country":"France"}, "address":"Paris"}, {"person" : {"age":42, "country":"中华人民共和国", "name":"王芳"}, "address":"Paris"}]})"_json); } SECTION("conversion from json via free-functions") { const auto big_json = R"({"name":"C++", "contacts" : [{"person" : {"age":23, "name":"theo", "country":"France"}, "address":"Paris"}, {"person" : {"age":42, "country":"中华人民共和国", "name":"王芳"}, "address":"Paris"}]})"_json; SECTION("via explicit calls to get") { const auto parsed_book = big_json.get(); const auto book_name = big_json["name"].get(); const auto contacts = big_json["contacts"].get>(); const auto contact_json = big_json["contacts"].at(0); const auto contact = contact_json.get(); const auto person = contact_json["person"].get(); const auto address = contact_json["address"].get(); const auto age = contact_json["person"]["age"].get(); const auto country = contact_json["person"]["country"].get(); const auto name = contact_json["person"]["name"].get(); CHECK(age == a); CHECK(name == n); CHECK(country == c); CHECK(address == addr); CHECK(person == sfinae_addict); CHECK(contact == cpp_programmer); CHECK(contacts == book.m_contacts); CHECK(book_name == udt::name{"C++"}); CHECK(book == parsed_book); } SECTION("via explicit calls to get_to") { udt::person person; udt::name name; json person_json = big_json["contacts"][0]["person"]; CHECK(person_json.get_to(person) == sfinae_addict); // correct reference gets returned person_json["name"].get_to(name).m_val = "new name"; CHECK(name.m_val == "new name"); } #if JSON_USE_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS SECTION("implicit conversions") { const udt::contact_book parsed_book = big_json; const udt::name book_name = big_json["name"]; const std::vector contacts = big_json["contacts"]; const auto contact_json = big_json["contacts"].at(0); const udt::contact contact = contact_json; const udt::person person = contact_json["person"]; const udt::address address = contact_json["address"]; const udt::age age = contact_json["person"]["age"]; const udt::country country = contact_json["person"]["country"]; const udt::name name = contact_json["person"]["name"]; CHECK(age == a); CHECK(name == n); CHECK(country == c); CHECK(address == addr); CHECK(person == sfinae_addict); CHECK(contact == cpp_programmer); CHECK(contacts == book.m_contacts); CHECK(book_name == udt::name{"C++"}); CHECK(book == parsed_book); } #endif } } namespace udt { struct legacy_type { std::string number{}; legacy_type() = default; legacy_type(std::string n) : number(std::move(n)) {} }; } // namespace udt namespace nlohmann { template struct adl_serializer> { static void to_json(json& j, const std::shared_ptr& opt) { if (opt) { j = *opt; } else { j = nullptr; } } static void from_json(const json& j, std::shared_ptr& opt) { if (j.is_null()) { opt = nullptr; } else { opt.reset(new T(j.get())); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory) } } }; template <> struct adl_serializer { static void to_json(json& j, const udt::legacy_type& l) { j = std::stoi(l.number); } static void from_json(const json& j, udt::legacy_type& l) { l.number = std::to_string(j.get()); } }; } // namespace nlohmann TEST_CASE("adl_serializer specialization" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { SECTION("partial specialization") { SECTION("to_json") { std::shared_ptr optPerson; json j = optPerson; CHECK(j.is_null()); optPerson.reset(new udt::person{{42}, {"John Doe"}, udt::country::russia}); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory,modernize-make-shared) j = optPerson; CHECK_FALSE(j.is_null()); CHECK(j.get() == *optPerson); } SECTION("from_json") { auto person = udt::person{{42}, {"John Doe"}, udt::country::russia}; json j = person; auto optPerson = j.get>(); REQUIRE(optPerson); CHECK(*optPerson == person); j = nullptr; optPerson = j.get>(); CHECK(!optPerson); } } SECTION("total specialization") { SECTION("to_json") { udt::legacy_type lt{"4242"}; json j = lt; CHECK(j.get() == 4242); } SECTION("from_json") { json j = 4242; auto lt = j.get(); CHECK(lt.number == "4242"); } } } namespace nlohmann { template <> struct adl_serializer> { using type = std::vector; static void to_json(json& j, const type& /*type*/) { j = "hijacked!"; } static void from_json(const json& /*unnamed*/, type& opt) { opt = {42.0, 42.0, 42.0}; } // preferred version static type from_json(const json& /*unnamed*/) { return {4.0, 5.0, 6.0}; } }; } // namespace nlohmann TEST_CASE("even supported types can be specialized" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { json j = std::vector {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}; CHECK(j.dump() == R"("hijacked!")"); auto f = j.get>(); // the single argument from_json method is preferred CHECK((f == std::vector {4.0, 5.0, 6.0})); } namespace nlohmann { template struct adl_serializer> { static void to_json(json& j, const std::unique_ptr& opt) { if (opt) { j = *opt; } else { j = nullptr; } } // this is the overload needed for non-copyable types, static std::unique_ptr from_json(const json& j) { if (j.is_null()) { return nullptr; } return std::unique_ptr(new T(j.get())); } }; } // namespace nlohmann TEST_CASE("Non-copyable types" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { SECTION("to_json") { std::unique_ptr optPerson; json j = optPerson; CHECK(j.is_null()); optPerson.reset(new udt::person{{42}, {"John Doe"}, udt::country::russia}); // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory,modernize-make-unique) j = optPerson; CHECK_FALSE(j.is_null()); CHECK(j.get() == *optPerson); } SECTION("from_json") { auto person = udt::person{{42}, {"John Doe"}, udt::country::russia}; json j = person; auto optPerson = j.get>(); REQUIRE(optPerson); CHECK(*optPerson == person); j = nullptr; optPerson = j.get>(); CHECK(!optPerson); } } // custom serializer - advanced usage // pack structs that are pod-types (but not scalar types) // relies on adl for any other type template struct pod_serializer { // use adl for non-pods, or scalar types template < typename BasicJsonType, typename U = T, typename std::enable_if < !(std::is_pod::value && std::is_class::value), int >::type = 0 > static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, U& t) { using nlohmann::from_json; from_json(j, t); } // special behaviour for pods template < typename BasicJsonType, typename U = T, typename std::enable_if < std::is_pod::value && std::is_class::value, int >::type = 0 > static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, U& t) { std::uint64_t value = 0; // The following block is no longer relevant in this serializer, make another one that shows the issue // the problem arises only when one from_json method is defined without any constraint // // Why cannot we simply use: j.get() ? // Well, with the current experiment, the get method looks for a from_json // function, which we are currently defining! // This would end up in a stack overflow. Calling nlohmann::from_json is a // workaround (is it?). // I shall find a good way to avoid this once all constructors are converted // to free methods // // In short, constructing a json by constructor calls to_json // calling get calls from_json, for now, we cannot do this in custom // serializers nlohmann::from_json(j, value); auto* bytes = static_cast(static_cast(&value)); std::memcpy(&t, bytes, sizeof(value)); } template < typename BasicJsonType, typename U = T, typename std::enable_if < !(std::is_pod::value && std::is_class::value), int >::type = 0 > static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const T& t) { using nlohmann::to_json; to_json(j, t); } template < typename BasicJsonType, typename U = T, typename std::enable_if < std::is_pod::value && std::is_class::value, int >::type = 0 > static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const T& t) noexcept { const auto* bytes = static_cast< const unsigned char*>(static_cast(&t)); std::uint64_t value = 0; std::memcpy(&value, bytes, sizeof(value)); nlohmann::to_json(j, value); } }; namespace udt { struct small_pod { int begin; char middle; short end; }; struct non_pod { std::string s{}; non_pod() = default; non_pod(std::string S) : s(std::move(S)) {} }; template static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const non_pod& np) { j = np.s; } template static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, non_pod& np) { np.s = j.template get(); } static bool operator==(small_pod lhs, small_pod rhs) noexcept { return std::tie(lhs.begin, lhs.middle, lhs.end) == std::tie(rhs.begin, rhs.middle, rhs.end); } static bool operator==(const non_pod& lhs, const non_pod& rhs) noexcept { return lhs.s == rhs.s; } static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, small_pod l) { return os << "begin: " << l.begin << ", middle: " << l.middle << ", end: " << l.end; } } // namespace udt TEST_CASE("custom serializer for pods" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { using custom_json = nlohmann::basic_json; auto p = udt::small_pod{42, '/', 42}; custom_json j = p; auto p2 = j.get(); CHECK(p == p2); auto np = udt::non_pod{{"non-pod"}}; custom_json j2 = np; auto np2 = j2.get(); CHECK(np == np2); } template struct another_adl_serializer; using custom_json = nlohmann::basic_json; template struct another_adl_serializer { static void from_json(const custom_json& j, T& t) { using nlohmann::from_json; from_json(j, t); } static void to_json(custom_json& j, const T& t) { using nlohmann::to_json; to_json(j, t); } }; TEST_CASE("custom serializer that does adl by default" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { auto me = udt::person{{23}, {"theo"}, udt::country::france}; json j = me; custom_json cj = me; CHECK(j.dump() == cj.dump()); CHECK(me == j.get()); CHECK(me == cj.get()); } TEST_CASE("different basic_json types conversions") { SECTION("null") { json j; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == nullptr); } SECTION("boolean") { json j = true; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == true); } SECTION("discarded") { json j(json::value_t::discarded); custom_json cj; CHECK_NOTHROW(cj = j); CHECK(cj.type() == custom_json::value_t::discarded); } SECTION("array") { json j = {1, 2, 3}; custom_json cj = j; CHECK((cj == std::vector {1, 2, 3})); } SECTION("integer") { json j = 42; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == 42); } SECTION("float") { json j = 42.0; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == 42.0); } SECTION("unsigned") { json j = 42u; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == 42u); } SECTION("string") { json j = "forty-two"; custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj == "forty-two"); } SECTION("binary") { json j = json::binary({1, 2, 3}, 42); custom_json cj = j; CHECK(cj.get_binary().subtype() == 42); std::vector cv = cj.get_binary(); std::vector v = j.get_binary(); CHECK(cv == v); } SECTION("object") { json j = {{"forty", "two"}}; custom_json cj = j; auto m = j.get>(); CHECK(cj == m); } SECTION("get") { json j = 42; custom_json cj = j.get(); CHECK(cj == 42); } } namespace { struct incomplete; // std::is_constructible is broken on macOS' libc++ // use the cppreference implementation template struct is_constructible_patched : std::false_type {}; template struct is_constructible_patched())))> : std::true_type {}; } // namespace TEST_CASE("an incomplete type does not trigger a compiler error in non-evaluated context" * doctest::test_suite("udt")) { static_assert(!is_constructible_patched::value, ""); } namespace { class Evil { public: Evil() = default; template Evil(T t) : m_i(sizeof(t)) { static_cast(t); // fix MSVC's C4100 warning } int m_i = 0; }; void from_json(const json& /*unused*/, Evil& /*unused*/) {} } // namespace TEST_CASE("Issue #924") { // Prevent get>() to throw auto j = json::array(); CHECK_NOTHROW(j.get()); CHECK_NOTHROW(j.get>()); // silence Wunused-template warnings Evil e(1); CHECK(e.m_i >= 0); } TEST_CASE("Issue #1237") { struct non_convertible_type {}; static_assert(!std::is_convertible::value, ""); } DOCTEST_GCC_SUPPRESS_WARNING_POP