/* * Copyright © 2016 Red Hat. * Copyright © 2016 Bas Nieuwenhuizen * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * based in part on anv driver which is: * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation */ #include "tu_image.h" #include "fdl/fd6_format_table.h" #include "util/debug.h" #include "util/format/u_format.h" #include "vk_util.h" #include "drm-uapi/drm_fourcc.h" #include "tu_android.h" #include "tu_cs.h" #include "tu_descriptor_set.h" #include "tu_device.h" #include "tu_formats.h" uint32_t tu6_plane_count(VkFormat format) { switch (format) { default: return 1; case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM: case VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT: return 2; case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM: return 3; } } enum pipe_format tu6_plane_format(VkFormat format, uint32_t plane) { switch (format) { case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM: return plane ? PIPE_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM : PIPE_FORMAT_Y8_UNORM; case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM: return PIPE_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; case VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT: return plane ? PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT : PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT; default: return tu_vk_format_to_pipe_format(format); } } uint32_t tu6_plane_index(VkFormat format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) { switch (aspect_mask) { default: assert(aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_3_BIT_EXT); return 0; case VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_1_BIT: case VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_1_BIT_EXT: return 1; case VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_2_BIT: case VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_MEMORY_PLANE_2_BIT_EXT: return 2; case VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT: return format == VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT; } } enum pipe_format tu_format_for_aspect(enum pipe_format format, VkImageAspectFlags aspect_mask) { switch (format) { case PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT: if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) return PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT_AS_R8G8B8A8; if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) { if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) return PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT; else return PIPE_FORMAT_X24S8_UINT; } else { return PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM; } case PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM: if (aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) return PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT_AS_R8G8B8A8; return PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM; default: return format; } } static bool tu_is_r8g8(enum pipe_format format) { return (util_format_get_blocksize(format) == 2) && (util_format_get_nr_components(format) == 2); } static bool tu_is_r8g8_compatible(enum pipe_format format) { return (util_format_get_blocksize(format) == 2) && !util_format_is_depth_or_stencil(format); } void tu_cs_image_ref(struct tu_cs *cs, const struct fdl6_view *iview, uint32_t layer) { tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->PITCH); tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->layer_size >> 6); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, iview->base_addr + iview->layer_size * layer); } void tu_cs_image_stencil_ref(struct tu_cs *cs, const struct tu_image_view *iview, uint32_t layer) { tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->stencil_PITCH); tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->stencil_layer_size >> 6); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, iview->stencil_base_addr + iview->stencil_layer_size * layer); } void tu_cs_image_depth_ref(struct tu_cs *cs, const struct tu_image_view *iview, uint32_t layer) { tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->depth_PITCH); tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->depth_layer_size >> 6); tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, iview->depth_base_addr + iview->depth_layer_size * layer); } void tu_cs_image_ref_2d(struct tu_cs *cs, const struct fdl6_view *iview, uint32_t layer, bool src) { tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, iview->base_addr + iview->layer_size * layer); /* SP_PS_2D_SRC_PITCH has shifted pitch field */ tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->PITCH << (src ? 9 : 0)); } void tu_cs_image_flag_ref(struct tu_cs *cs, const struct fdl6_view *iview, uint32_t layer) { tu_cs_emit_qw(cs, iview->ubwc_addr + iview->ubwc_layer_size * layer); tu_cs_emit(cs, iview->FLAG_BUFFER_PITCH); } static void tu_image_view_init(struct tu_device *device, struct tu_image_view *iview, const VkImageViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, bool has_z24uint_s8uint) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_image, image, pCreateInfo->image); const VkImageSubresourceRange *range = &pCreateInfo->subresourceRange; VkFormat vk_format = pCreateInfo->format; VkImageAspectFlagBits aspect_mask = pCreateInfo->subresourceRange.aspectMask; const struct VkSamplerYcbcrConversionInfo *ycbcr_conversion = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, SAMPLER_YCBCR_CONVERSION_INFO); const struct tu_sampler_ycbcr_conversion *conversion = ycbcr_conversion ? tu_sampler_ycbcr_conversion_from_handle(ycbcr_conversion->conversion) : NULL; vk_image_view_init(&device->vk, &iview->vk, false, pCreateInfo); iview->image = image; const struct fdl_layout *layouts[3]; layouts[0] = &image->layout[tu6_plane_index(image->vk.format, aspect_mask)]; enum pipe_format format; if (aspect_mask != VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) format = tu6_plane_format(vk_format, tu6_plane_index(vk_format, aspect_mask)); else format = tu_vk_format_to_pipe_format(vk_format); if (image->vk.format == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM && aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_PLANE_0_BIT) { if (vk_format == VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM) { /* The 0'th plane of this format has a different UBWC compression. */ format = PIPE_FORMAT_Y8_UNORM; } else { /* If the user wants to reinterpret this plane, then they should've * set MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT which should disable UBWC and tiling. */ assert(!layouts[0]->ubwc); } } if (aspect_mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT && (vk_format == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM || vk_format == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM)) { layouts[1] = &image->layout[1]; layouts[2] = &image->layout[2]; } struct fdl_view_args args = {}; args.iova = image->iova; args.base_array_layer = range->baseArrayLayer; args.base_miplevel = range->baseMipLevel; args.layer_count = vk_image_subresource_layer_count(&image->vk, range); args.level_count = vk_image_subresource_level_count(&image->vk, range); args.min_lod_clamp = iview->vk.min_lod; args.format = tu_format_for_aspect(format, aspect_mask); vk_component_mapping_to_pipe_swizzle(pCreateInfo->components, args.swiz); if (conversion) { unsigned char conversion_swiz[4], create_swiz[4]; memcpy(create_swiz, args.swiz, sizeof(create_swiz)); vk_component_mapping_to_pipe_swizzle(conversion->components, conversion_swiz); util_format_compose_swizzles(create_swiz, conversion_swiz, args.swiz); } switch (pCreateInfo->viewType) { case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D: case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_1D_ARRAY: args.type = FDL_VIEW_TYPE_1D; break; case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D: case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY: args.type = FDL_VIEW_TYPE_2D; break; case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE: case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE_ARRAY: args.type = FDL_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE; break; case VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_3D: args.type = FDL_VIEW_TYPE_3D; break; default: unreachable("unknown view type"); } STATIC_ASSERT((unsigned)VK_CHROMA_LOCATION_COSITED_EVEN == (unsigned)FDL_CHROMA_LOCATION_COSITED_EVEN); STATIC_ASSERT((unsigned)VK_CHROMA_LOCATION_MIDPOINT == (unsigned)FDL_CHROMA_LOCATION_MIDPOINT); if (conversion) { args.chroma_offsets[0] = (enum fdl_chroma_location) conversion->chroma_offsets[0]; args.chroma_offsets[1] = (enum fdl_chroma_location) conversion->chroma_offsets[1]; } fdl6_view_init(&iview->view, layouts, &args, has_z24uint_s8uint); if (image->vk.format == VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT) { struct fdl_layout *layout = &image->layout[0]; iview->depth_base_addr = image->iova + fdl_surface_offset(layout, range->baseMipLevel, range->baseArrayLayer); iview->depth_layer_size = fdl_layer_stride(layout, range->baseMipLevel); iview->depth_PITCH = A6XX_RB_DEPTH_BUFFER_PITCH(fdl_pitch(layout, range->baseMipLevel)).value; layout = &image->layout[1]; iview->stencil_base_addr = image->iova + fdl_surface_offset(layout, range->baseMipLevel, range->baseArrayLayer); iview->stencil_layer_size = fdl_layer_stride(layout, range->baseMipLevel); iview->stencil_PITCH = A6XX_RB_STENCIL_BUFFER_PITCH(fdl_pitch(layout, range->baseMipLevel)).value; } } bool tiling_possible(VkFormat format) { if (format == VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM || format == VK_FORMAT_G8B8G8R8_422_UNORM || format == VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8G8_422_UNORM) return false; return true; } bool ubwc_possible(VkFormat format, VkImageType type, VkImageUsageFlags usage, VkImageUsageFlags stencil_usage, const struct fd_dev_info *info, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples, bool use_z24uint_s8uint) { /* no UBWC with compressed formats, E5B9G9R9, S8_UINT * (S8_UINT because separate stencil doesn't have UBWC-enable bit) */ if (vk_format_is_compressed(format) || format == VK_FORMAT_E5B9G9R9_UFLOAT_PACK32 || format == VK_FORMAT_S8_UINT) return false; /* In copy_format, we treat snorm as unorm to avoid clamping. But snorm * and unorm are UBWC incompatible for special values such as all 0's or * all 1's. Disable UBWC for snorm. */ if (vk_format_is_snorm(format)) return false; if (!info->a6xx.has_8bpp_ubwc && (format == VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM || format == VK_FORMAT_R8_SNORM || format == VK_FORMAT_R8_UINT || format == VK_FORMAT_R8_SINT || format == VK_FORMAT_R8_SRGB)) return false; if (type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) { tu_finishme("UBWC with 3D textures"); return false; } /* Disable UBWC for storage images. * * The closed GL driver skips UBWC for storage images (and additionally * uses linear for writeonly images). We seem to have image tiling working * in freedreno in general, so turnip matches that. freedreno also enables * UBWC on images, but it's not really tested due to the lack of * UBWC-enabled mipmaps in freedreno currently. Just match the closed GL * behavior of no UBWC. */ if ((usage | stencil_usage) & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT) return false; /* Disable UBWC for D24S8 on A630 in some cases * * VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT image view requires to be able to sample * from the stencil component as UINT, however no format allows this * on a630 (the special FMT6_Z24_UINT_S8_UINT format is missing) * * It must be sampled as FMT6_8_8_8_8_UINT, which is not UBWC-compatible * * If we wish to get the border colors correct without knowing the format * when creating the sampler, we also have to use the A630 workaround. * * Additionally, the special AS_R8G8B8A8 format is broken without UBWC, * so we have to fallback to 8_8_8_8_UNORM when UBWC is disabled */ if (!use_z24uint_s8uint && format == VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT && (stencil_usage & (VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT))) return false; if (!info->a6xx.has_z24uint_s8uint && samples > VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) return false; return true; } static VkResult tu_image_init(struct tu_device *device, struct tu_image *image, const VkImageCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, uint64_t modifier, const VkSubresourceLayout *plane_layouts) { vk_image_init(&device->vk, &image->vk, pCreateInfo); image->vk.drm_format_mod = modifier; enum a6xx_tile_mode tile_mode = TILE6_3; bool ubwc_enabled = true; /* use linear tiling if requested */ if (pCreateInfo->tiling == VK_IMAGE_TILING_LINEAR || modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) { tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; ubwc_enabled = false; } /* Force linear tiling for formats with "fake" optimalTilingFeatures */ if (!tiling_possible(image->vk.format)) { tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; ubwc_enabled = false; } /* No sense in tiling a 1D image, you'd just waste space and cache locality. */ if (pCreateInfo->imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D) { tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; ubwc_enabled = false; } enum pipe_format format = tu_vk_format_to_pipe_format(image->vk.format); /* Whether a view of the image with an R8G8 format could be made. */ bool has_r8g8 = tu_is_r8g8(format); /* Mutable images can be reinterpreted as any other compatible format. * This is a problem with UBWC (compression for different formats is different), * but also tiling ("swap" affects how tiled formats are stored in memory) * Depth and stencil formats cannot be reintepreted as another format, and * cannot be linear with sysmem rendering, so don't fall back for those. * * TODO: * - if the fmt_list contains only formats which are swapped, but compatible * with each other (B8G8R8A8_UNORM and B8G8R8A8_UINT for example), then * tiling is still possible * - figure out which UBWC compressions are compatible to keep it enabled */ if ((pCreateInfo->flags & VK_IMAGE_CREATE_MUTABLE_FORMAT_BIT) && !vk_format_is_depth_or_stencil(image->vk.format)) { const VkImageFormatListCreateInfo *fmt_list = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST_CREATE_INFO); bool may_be_swapped = true; /* Whether a view of the image with a non-R8G8 but R8G8 compatible format * could be made. */ bool has_r8g8_compatible = false; if (fmt_list) { may_be_swapped = false; has_r8g8_compatible = !has_r8g8 && tu_is_r8g8_compatible(format); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fmt_list->viewFormatCount; i++) { enum pipe_format format = tu_vk_format_to_pipe_format(fmt_list->pViewFormats[i]); bool is_r8g8 = tu_is_r8g8(format); has_r8g8 = has_r8g8 || is_r8g8; has_r8g8_compatible = has_r8g8_compatible || (!is_r8g8 && tu_is_r8g8_compatible(format)); if (tu6_format_texture(format, TILE6_LINEAR).swap) { may_be_swapped = true; break; } } } else { /* If there is no format list it could be reinterpreted as * any compatible format. */ has_r8g8 = tu_is_r8g8_compatible(format); has_r8g8_compatible = has_r8g8; } if (may_be_swapped) tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; /* R8G8 have a different block width/height and height alignment from other * formats that would normally be compatible (like R16), and so if we are * trying to, for example, sample R16 as R8G8 we need to demote to linear. */ if (has_r8g8 && has_r8g8_compatible) tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; ubwc_enabled = false; } if (!ubwc_possible(image->vk.format, pCreateInfo->imageType, pCreateInfo->usage, image->vk.stencil_usage, device->physical_device->info, pCreateInfo->samples, device->use_z24uint_s8uint)) ubwc_enabled = false; /* expect UBWC enabled if we asked for it */ if (modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED) assert(ubwc_enabled); else if (device->physical_device->instance->debug_flags & TU_DEBUG_NOUBWC) ubwc_enabled = false; /* Non-UBWC tiled R8G8 is probably buggy since media formats are always * either linear or UBWC. There is no simple test to reproduce the bug. * However it was observed in the wild leading to an unrecoverable hang * on a650/a660. */ if (has_r8g8 && tile_mode == TILE6_3 && !ubwc_enabled) { tile_mode = TILE6_LINEAR; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tu6_plane_count(image->vk.format); i++) { struct fdl_layout *layout = &image->layout[i]; enum pipe_format format = tu6_plane_format(image->vk.format, i); uint32_t width0 = pCreateInfo->extent.width; uint32_t height0 = pCreateInfo->extent.height; if (i > 0) { switch (image->vk.format) { case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8R8_2PLANE_420_UNORM: case VK_FORMAT_G8_B8_R8_3PLANE_420_UNORM: /* half width/height on chroma planes */ width0 = (width0 + 1) >> 1; height0 = (height0 + 1) >> 1; break; case VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT: /* no UBWC for separate stencil */ ubwc_enabled = false; break; default: break; } } struct fdl_explicit_layout plane_layout; if (plane_layouts) { /* only expect simple 2D images for now */ if (pCreateInfo->mipLevels != 1 || pCreateInfo->arrayLayers != 1 || pCreateInfo->extent.depth != 1) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_INVALID_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_PLANE_LAYOUT_EXT); plane_layout.offset = plane_layouts[i].offset; plane_layout.pitch = plane_layouts[i].rowPitch; /* note: use plane_layouts[0].arrayPitch to support array formats */ } layout->tile_mode = tile_mode; layout->ubwc = ubwc_enabled; if (!fdl6_layout(layout, format, pCreateInfo->samples, width0, height0, pCreateInfo->extent.depth, pCreateInfo->mipLevels, pCreateInfo->arrayLayers, pCreateInfo->imageType == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D, plane_layouts ? &plane_layout : NULL)) { assert(plane_layouts); /* can only fail with explicit layout */ return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_INVALID_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_PLANE_LAYOUT_EXT); } if (device->instance->debug_flags & TU_DEBUG_LAYOUT) fdl_dump_layout(layout); /* fdl6_layout can't take explicit offset without explicit pitch * add offset manually for extra layouts for planes */ if (!plane_layouts && i > 0) { uint32_t offset = ALIGN_POT(image->total_size, 4096); for (int i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->mipLevels; i++) { layout->slices[i].offset += offset; layout->ubwc_slices[i].offset += offset; } layout->size += offset; } image->total_size = MAX2(image->total_size, layout->size); } const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(image->layout[0].format); if (util_format_has_depth(desc) && !(device->instance->debug_flags & TU_DEBUG_NOLRZ)) { /* Depth plane is the first one */ struct fdl_layout *layout = &image->layout[0]; unsigned width = layout->width0; unsigned height = layout->height0; /* LRZ buffer is super-sampled */ switch (layout->nr_samples) { case 4: width *= 2; FALLTHROUGH; case 2: height *= 2; break; default: break; } unsigned lrz_pitch = align(DIV_ROUND_UP(width, 8), 32); unsigned lrz_height = align(DIV_ROUND_UP(height, 8), 16); image->lrz_height = lrz_height; image->lrz_pitch = lrz_pitch; image->lrz_offset = image->total_size; unsigned lrz_size = lrz_pitch * lrz_height * 2; image->total_size += lrz_size; unsigned nblocksx = DIV_ROUND_UP(DIV_ROUND_UP(width, 8), 16); unsigned nblocksy = DIV_ROUND_UP(DIV_ROUND_UP(height, 8), 4); /* Fast-clear buffer is 1bit/block */ image->lrz_fc_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(nblocksx * nblocksy, 8); /* Fast-clear buffer cannot be larger than 512 bytes (HW limitation) */ bool has_lrz_fc = image->lrz_fc_size <= 512 && device->physical_device->info->a6xx.enable_lrz_fast_clear && !unlikely(device->physical_device->instance->debug_flags & TU_DEBUG_NOLRZFC); if (has_lrz_fc || device->physical_device->info->a6xx.has_lrz_dir_tracking) { image->lrz_fc_offset = image->total_size; image->total_size += 512; if (device->physical_device->info->a6xx.has_lrz_dir_tracking) { /* Direction tracking uses 1 byte */ image->total_size += 1; /* GRAS_LRZ_DEPTH_VIEW needs 5 bytes: 4 for view data and 1 for padding */ image->total_size += 5; } } if (!has_lrz_fc) { image->lrz_fc_size = 0; } } else { image->lrz_height = 0; } return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_CreateImage(VkDevice _device, const VkImageCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc, VkImage *pImage) { uint64_t modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID; const VkSubresourceLayout *plane_layouts = NULL; TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); struct tu_image *image = vk_object_zalloc(&device->vk, alloc, sizeof(*image), VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE); if (!image) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); if (pCreateInfo->tiling == VK_IMAGE_TILING_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXT) { const VkImageDrmFormatModifierListCreateInfoEXT *mod_info = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_LIST_CREATE_INFO_EXT); const VkImageDrmFormatModifierExplicitCreateInfoEXT *drm_explicit_info = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXPLICIT_CREATE_INFO_EXT); assert(mod_info || drm_explicit_info); if (mod_info) { modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mod_info->drmFormatModifierCount; i++) { if (mod_info->pDrmFormatModifiers[i] == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED) modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED; } } else { modifier = drm_explicit_info->drmFormatModifier; assert(modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR || modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_QCOM_COMPRESSED); plane_layouts = drm_explicit_info->pPlaneLayouts; } } else { const struct wsi_image_create_info *wsi_info = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, WSI_IMAGE_CREATE_INFO_MESA); if (wsi_info && wsi_info->scanout) modifier = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR; } #ifdef ANDROID const VkNativeBufferANDROID *gralloc_info = vk_find_struct_const(pCreateInfo->pNext, NATIVE_BUFFER_ANDROID); int dma_buf; if (gralloc_info) { VkResult result = tu_gralloc_info(device, gralloc_info, &dma_buf, &modifier); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) return result; } #endif VkResult result = tu_image_init(device, image, pCreateInfo, modifier, plane_layouts); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { vk_object_free(&device->vk, alloc, image); return result; } *pImage = tu_image_to_handle(image); #ifdef ANDROID if (gralloc_info) return tu_import_memory_from_gralloc_handle(_device, dma_buf, alloc, *pImage); #endif return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_DestroyImage(VkDevice _device, VkImage _image, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_image, image, _image); if (!image) return; #ifdef ANDROID if (image->owned_memory != VK_NULL_HANDLE) tu_FreeMemory(_device, image->owned_memory, pAllocator); #endif vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, image); } static void tu_get_image_memory_requirements(struct tu_image *image, VkMemoryRequirements2 *pMemoryRequirements) { pMemoryRequirements->memoryRequirements = (VkMemoryRequirements) { .memoryTypeBits = 1, .alignment = image->layout[0].base_align, .size = image->total_size }; vk_foreach_struct(ext, pMemoryRequirements->pNext) { switch (ext->sType) { case VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_DEDICATED_REQUIREMENTS: { VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements *req = (VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements *) ext; req->requiresDedicatedAllocation = image->vk.external_handle_types != 0; req->prefersDedicatedAllocation = req->requiresDedicatedAllocation; break; } default: break; } } } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetImageMemoryRequirements2(VkDevice device, const VkImageMemoryRequirementsInfo2 *pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2 *pMemoryRequirements) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_image, image, pInfo->image); tu_get_image_memory_requirements(image, pMemoryRequirements); } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetImageSparseMemoryRequirements2( VkDevice device, const VkImageSparseMemoryRequirementsInfo2 *pInfo, uint32_t *pSparseMemoryRequirementCount, VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2 *pSparseMemoryRequirements) { tu_stub(); } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetDeviceImageMemoryRequirements( VkDevice _device, const VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements *pInfo, VkMemoryRequirements2 *pMemoryRequirements) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); struct tu_image image = {0}; tu_image_init(device, &image, pInfo->pCreateInfo, DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID, NULL); tu_get_image_memory_requirements(&image, pMemoryRequirements); } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetDeviceImageSparseMemoryRequirements( VkDevice device, const VkDeviceImageMemoryRequirements *pInfo, uint32_t *pSparseMemoryRequirementCount, VkSparseImageMemoryRequirements2 *pSparseMemoryRequirements) { tu_stub(); } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_GetImageSubresourceLayout(VkDevice _device, VkImage _image, const VkImageSubresource *pSubresource, VkSubresourceLayout *pLayout) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_image, image, _image); struct fdl_layout *layout = &image->layout[tu6_plane_index(image->vk.format, pSubresource->aspectMask)]; const struct fdl_slice *slice = layout->slices + pSubresource->mipLevel; pLayout->offset = fdl_surface_offset(layout, pSubresource->mipLevel, pSubresource->arrayLayer); pLayout->rowPitch = fdl_pitch(layout, pSubresource->mipLevel); pLayout->arrayPitch = fdl_layer_stride(layout, pSubresource->mipLevel); pLayout->depthPitch = slice->size0; pLayout->size = pLayout->depthPitch * layout->depth0; if (fdl_ubwc_enabled(layout, pSubresource->mipLevel)) { /* UBWC starts at offset 0 */ pLayout->offset = 0; /* UBWC scanout won't match what the kernel wants if we have levels/layers */ assert(image->vk.mip_levels == 1 && image->vk.array_layers == 1); } } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_CreateImageView(VkDevice _device, const VkImageViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkImageView *pView) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); struct tu_image_view *view; view = vk_object_alloc(&device->vk, pAllocator, sizeof(*view), VK_OBJECT_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW); if (view == NULL) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); tu_image_view_init(device, view, pCreateInfo, device->use_z24uint_s8uint); *pView = tu_image_view_to_handle(view); return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_DestroyImageView(VkDevice _device, VkImageView _iview, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_image_view, iview, _iview); if (!iview) return; vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, iview); } void tu_buffer_view_init(struct tu_buffer_view *view, struct tu_device *device, const VkBufferViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_buffer, buffer, pCreateInfo->buffer); view->buffer = buffer; uint32_t range; if (pCreateInfo->range == VK_WHOLE_SIZE) range = buffer->size - pCreateInfo->offset; else range = pCreateInfo->range; uint8_t swiz[4] = { PIPE_SWIZZLE_X, PIPE_SWIZZLE_Y, PIPE_SWIZZLE_Z, PIPE_SWIZZLE_W }; fdl6_buffer_view_init( view->descriptor, tu_vk_format_to_pipe_format(pCreateInfo->format), swiz, buffer->iova + pCreateInfo->offset, range); } VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL tu_CreateBufferView(VkDevice _device, const VkBufferViewCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkBufferView *pView) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); struct tu_buffer_view *view; view = vk_object_alloc(&device->vk, pAllocator, sizeof(*view), VK_OBJECT_TYPE_BUFFER_VIEW); if (!view) return vk_error(device, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); tu_buffer_view_init(view, device, pCreateInfo); *pView = tu_buffer_view_to_handle(view); return VK_SUCCESS; } VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL tu_DestroyBufferView(VkDevice _device, VkBufferView bufferView, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device); TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_buffer_view, view, bufferView); if (!view) return; vk_object_free(&device->vk, pAllocator, view); }