#include #include #include // TODO: use large period prng static uint64_t seed = -1; static uint32_t rand32(void) { seed = 6364136223846793005ULL*seed + 1; return seed >> 32; } static uint64_t rand64(void) { uint64_t u = rand32(); return u<<32 | rand32(); } static double frand() { return rand64() * 0x1p-64; } static float frandf() { return rand32() * 0x1p-32f; } static long double frandl() { return rand64() * 0x1p-64L #if LDBL_MANT_DIG > 64 + rand64() * 0x1p-128L #endif ; } void t_randseed(uint64_t s) { seed = s; } /* uniform random in [0,n), n > 0 must hold */ uint64_t t_randn(uint64_t n) { uint64_t r, m; /* m is the largest multiple of n */ m = -1; m -= m%n; while ((r = rand64()) >= m); return r%n; } /* uniform on [a,b], a <= b must hold */ uint64_t t_randint(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { uint64_t n = b - a + 1; if (n) return a + t_randn(n); return rand64(); } /* shuffle the elements of p and q until the elements in p are well shuffled */ static void shuffle2(uint64_t *p, uint64_t *q, size_t np, size_t nq) { size_t r; uint64_t t; while (np) { r = t_randn(nq+np--); t = p[np]; if (r < nq) { p[np] = q[r]; q[r] = t; } else { p[np] = p[r-nq]; p[r-nq] = t; } } } /* shuffle the elements of p */ void t_shuffle(uint64_t *p, size_t n) { shuffle2(p,0,n,0); } void t_randrange(uint64_t *p, size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = i; t_shuffle(p, n); } /* hash table insert, 0 means empty, v > 0 must hold, len is power-of-2 */ static int insert(uint64_t *tab, size_t len, uint64_t v) { size_t i = v & (len-1); size_t j = 1; while (tab[i]) { if (tab[i] == v) return -1; i += j++; i &= len-1; } tab[i] = v; return 0; } /* choose k unique numbers from [0,n), k <= n */ int t_choose(uint64_t n, size_t k, uint64_t *p) { uint64_t *tab; size_t i, j, len; if (n < k) return -1; if (n < 16) { /* no alloc */ while (k) if (t_randn(n--) < k) p[--k] = n; return 0; } if (k < 8) { /* no alloc, n > 15 > 2*k */ for (i = 0; i < k;) { p[i] = t_randn(n); for (j = 0; p[j] != p[i]; j++); if (j == i) i++; } return 0; } // TODO: if k < n/k use k*log(k) solution without alloc if (n < 5*k && (n-k)*sizeof *tab < (size_t)-1) { /* allocation is n-k < 4*k */ tab = malloc((n-k) * sizeof *tab); if (!tab) return -1; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) p[i] = i; for (; i < n; i++) tab[i-k] = i; if (k < n-k) shuffle2(p, tab, k, n-k); else shuffle2(tab, p, n-k, k); free(tab); return 0; } /* allocation is 2*k <= len < 4*k */ for (len = 16; len < 2*k; len *= 2); tab = calloc(len, sizeof *tab); if (!tab) return -1; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) while (insert(tab, len, t_randn(n)+1)); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (tab[i]) *p++ = tab[i]-1; free(tab); return 0; }