import '../common/index.mjs'; import tmpdir from '../common/tmpdir.js'; import assert from 'assert'; import { spawnSync } from 'child_process'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import util from 'util'; const debuglog = util.debuglog('test'); const versionsTool = fileURLToPath( new URL('../../tools/doc/versions.mjs', import.meta.url)); // At the time of writing these are the minimum expected versions. // New versions of Node.js do not have to be explicitly added here. const expected = [ '12.x', '11.x', '10.x', '9.x', '8.x', '7.x', '6.x', '5.x', '4.x', '0.12.x', '0.10.x', ]; tmpdir.refresh(); const versionsFile = path.join(tmpdir.path, 'versions.json'); debuglog(`${process.execPath} ${versionsTool} ${versionsFile}`); const opts = { cwd: tmpdir.path, encoding: 'utf8' }; const cp = spawnSync(process.execPath, [ versionsTool, versionsFile ], opts); debuglog(cp.stderr); debuglog(cp.stdout); assert.strictEqual(cp.stdout, ''); assert.strictEqual(cp.signal, null); assert.strictEqual(cp.status, 0); const versions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(versionsFile)); debuglog(versions); // Coherence checks for each returned version. for (const version of versions) { const tested = util.inspect(version); const parts = version.num.split('.'); const expectedLength = parts[0] === '0' ? 3 : 2; assert.strictEqual(parts.length, expectedLength, `'num' from ${tested} should be '.x'.`); assert.strictEqual(parts[parts.length - 1], 'x', `'num' from ${tested} doesn't end in '.x'.`); const isEvenRelease = Number.parseInt(parts[expectedLength - 2]) % 2 === 0; const hasLtsProperty = version.hasOwnProperty('lts'); if (hasLtsProperty) { // Odd-numbered versions of Node.js are never LTS. assert.ok(isEvenRelease, `${tested} should not be an 'lts' release.`); assert.ok(version.lts, `'lts' from ${tested} should 'true'.`); } } // Check that the minimum number of versions were returned. // Later versions are allowed, but not checked for here (they were checked // above). // Also check for the previous semver major -- From master this will be the // most recent major release. const thisMajor = Number.parseInt(process.versions.node.split('.')[0]); const prevMajorString = `${thisMajor - 1}.x`; if (!expected.includes(prevMajorString)) { expected.unshift(prevMajorString); } for (const version of expected) { assert.ok(versions.find((x) => x.num === version), `Did not find entry for '${version}' in ${util.inspect(versions)}`); }