'use strict'; const common = require('../../common'); const assert = require('assert'); // Testing api calls for objects const test_object = require(`./build/${common.buildType}/test_object`); const object = { hello: 'world', array: [ 1, 94, 'str', 12.321, { test: 'obj in arr' }, ], newObject: { test: 'obj in obj' } }; assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(object, 'hello'), 'world'); assert.strictEqual(test_object.GetNamed(object, 'hello'), 'world'); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.Get(object, 'array'), [ 1, 94, 'str', 12.321, { test: 'obj in arr' } ]); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.Get(object, 'newObject'), { test: 'obj in obj' }); assert(test_object.Has(object, 'hello')); assert(test_object.HasNamed(object, 'hello')); assert(test_object.Has(object, 'array')); assert(test_object.Has(object, 'newObject')); const newObject = test_object.New(); assert(test_object.Has(newObject, 'test_number')); assert.strictEqual(newObject.test_number, 987654321); assert.strictEqual(newObject.test_string, 'test string'); { // Verify that napi_get_property() walks the prototype chain. function MyObject() { this.foo = 42; this.bar = 43; } MyObject.prototype.bar = 44; MyObject.prototype.baz = 45; const obj = new MyObject(); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(obj, 'foo'), 42); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(obj, 'bar'), 43); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(obj, 'baz'), 45); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(obj, 'toString'), Object.prototype.toString); } { // Verify that napi_has_own_property() fails if property is not a name. [true, false, null, undefined, {}, [], 0, 1, () => {}].forEach((value) => { assert.throws(() => { test_object.HasOwn({}, value); }, /^Error: A string or symbol was expected$/); }); } { // Verify that napi_has_own_property() does not walk the prototype chain. const symbol1 = Symbol(); const symbol2 = Symbol(); function MyObject() { this.foo = 42; this.bar = 43; this[symbol1] = 44; } MyObject.prototype.bar = 45; MyObject.prototype.baz = 46; MyObject.prototype[symbol2] = 47; const obj = new MyObject(); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, 'foo'), true); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, 'bar'), true); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, symbol1), true); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, 'baz'), false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, 'toString'), false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.HasOwn(obj, symbol2), false); } { // test_object.Inflate increases all properties by 1 const cube = { x: 10, y: 10, z: 10 }; assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.Inflate(cube), { x: 11, y: 11, z: 11 }); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.Inflate(cube), { x: 12, y: 12, z: 12 }); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.Inflate(cube), { x: 13, y: 13, z: 13 }); cube.t = 13; assert.deepStrictEqual( test_object.Inflate(cube), { x: 14, y: 14, z: 14, t: 14 }); const sym1 = Symbol('1'); const sym2 = Symbol('2'); const sym3 = Symbol('3'); const sym4 = Symbol('4'); const object2 = { [sym1]: '@@iterator', [sym2]: sym3 }; assert(test_object.Has(object2, sym1)); assert(test_object.Has(object2, sym2)); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(object2, sym1), '@@iterator'); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(object2, sym2), sym3); assert(test_object.Set(object2, 'string', 'value')); assert(test_object.SetNamed(object2, 'named_string', 'value')); assert(test_object.Set(object2, sym4, 123)); assert(test_object.Has(object2, 'string')); assert(test_object.HasNamed(object2, 'named_string')); assert(test_object.Has(object2, sym4)); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(object2, 'string'), 'value'); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Get(object2, sym4), 123); } { // Wrap a pointer in a JS object, then verify the pointer can be unwrapped. const wrapper = {}; test_object.Wrap(wrapper); assert(test_object.Unwrap(wrapper)); } { // Verify that wrapping doesn't break an object's prototype chain. const wrapper = {}; const protoA = { protoA: true }; Object.setPrototypeOf(wrapper, protoA); test_object.Wrap(wrapper); assert(test_object.Unwrap(wrapper)); assert(wrapper.protoA); } { // Verify the pointer can be unwrapped after inserting in the prototype chain. const wrapper = {}; const protoA = { protoA: true }; Object.setPrototypeOf(wrapper, protoA); test_object.Wrap(wrapper); const protoB = { protoB: true }; Object.setPrototypeOf(protoB, Object.getPrototypeOf(wrapper)); Object.setPrototypeOf(wrapper, protoB); assert(test_object.Unwrap(wrapper)); assert(wrapper.protoA, true); assert(wrapper.protoB, true); } { // Verify that objects can be type-tagged and type-tag-checked. const obj1 = test_object.TypeTaggedInstance(0); const obj2 = test_object.TypeTaggedInstance(1); // Verify that type tags are correctly accepted. assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(0, obj1), true); assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(1, obj2), true); // Verify that wrongly tagged objects are rejected. assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(0, obj2), false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(1, obj1), false); // Verify that untagged objects are rejected. assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(0, {}), false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.CheckTypeTag(1, {}), false); } { // Verify that normal and nonexistent properties can be deleted. const sym = Symbol(); const obj = { foo: 'bar', [sym]: 'baz' }; assert.strictEqual('foo' in obj, true); assert.strictEqual(sym in obj, true); assert.strictEqual('does_not_exist' in obj, false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Delete(obj, 'foo'), true); assert.strictEqual('foo' in obj, false); assert.strictEqual(sym in obj, true); assert.strictEqual('does_not_exist' in obj, false); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Delete(obj, sym), true); assert.strictEqual('foo' in obj, false); assert.strictEqual(sym in obj, false); assert.strictEqual('does_not_exist' in obj, false); } { // Verify that non-configurable properties are not deleted. const obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj, 'foo', { configurable: false }); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Delete(obj, 'foo'), false); assert.strictEqual('foo' in obj, true); } { // Verify that prototype properties are not deleted. function Foo() { this.foo = 'bar'; } Foo.prototype.foo = 'baz'; const obj = new Foo(); assert.strictEqual(obj.foo, 'bar'); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Delete(obj, 'foo'), true); assert.strictEqual(obj.foo, 'baz'); assert.strictEqual(test_object.Delete(obj, 'foo'), true); assert.strictEqual(obj.foo, 'baz'); } { // Verify that napi_get_property_names gets the right set of property names, // i.e.: includes prototypes, only enumerable properties, skips symbols, // and includes indices and converts them to strings. const object = Object.create({ inherited: 1 }); const fooSymbol = Symbol('foo'); object.normal = 2; object[fooSymbol] = 3; Object.defineProperty(object, 'unenumerable', { value: 4, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }); object[5] = 5; assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.GetPropertyNames(object), ['5', 'normal', 'inherited']); assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.GetSymbolNames(object), [fooSymbol]); } // Verify that passing NULL to napi_set_property() results in the correct // error. assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.TestSetProperty(), { envIsNull: 'Invalid argument', objectIsNull: 'Invalid argument', keyIsNull: 'Invalid argument', valueIsNull: 'Invalid argument' }); // Verify that passing NULL to napi_has_property() results in the correct // error. assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.TestHasProperty(), { envIsNull: 'Invalid argument', objectIsNull: 'Invalid argument', keyIsNull: 'Invalid argument', resultIsNull: 'Invalid argument' }); // Verify that passing NULL to napi_get_property() results in the correct // error. assert.deepStrictEqual(test_object.TestGetProperty(), { envIsNull: 'Invalid argument', objectIsNull: 'Invalid argument', keyIsNull: 'Invalid argument', resultIsNull: 'Invalid argument' }); { const obj = { x: 'a', y: 'b', z: 'c' }; test_object.TestSeal(obj); assert.strictEqual(Object.isSealed(obj), true); assert.throws(() => { obj.w = 'd'; }, /Cannot add property w, object is not extensible/); assert.throws(() => { delete obj.x; }, /Cannot delete property 'x' of #/); // Sealed objects allow updating existing properties, // so this should not throw. obj.x = 'd'; } { const obj = { x: 10, y: 10, z: 10 }; test_object.TestFreeze(obj); assert.strictEqual(Object.isFrozen(obj), true); assert.throws(() => { obj.x = 10; }, /Cannot assign to read only property 'x' of object '#/); assert.throws(() => { obj.w = 15; }, /Cannot add property w, object is not extensible/); assert.throws(() => { delete obj.x; }, /Cannot delete property 'x' of #/); }