#!/bin/bash #******************************************************************************* # Encoder binary comparison test model # -- Compared with benchmark version using SHA-1 string # -- Test bit stream under folder openh264/res # -- SHA-1 string of benchmark version for all cases of all bit streams # under folder openh264/test/encoder_binary_comparion/SHA1Table # -- For more detail,please refer to file AboutTest. # #brief: # -- Usage: run_OneBitStream.sh $BitStreamName $TestType # -- WorkingDir # 1) For local test: WorkingDir=openh264/test/encoder_binary_comparison # 2) For travis test: WorkingDir=openh264 # There will be an auto detection for working directory # -- Before using this script, need to run below command: # ./run_PrepareAllTestData.sh 32(or 64) # cd $WorkingDir # # date: 10/06/2014 Created #******************************************************************************* runInitial() { TestYUVName="" StreamName="" BitStreamToYUVLog="Bit2YUV.log" SHA1Table="${BitStreamName}_AllCases_SHA1_Table.csv" #dir info WorkingDir=`pwd` EncoderTestDir="" BitStreamTestDir="" FinalResultDir="" StreamFileFullPath="" BitSreamDir="" if [[ "${WorkingDir}" =~ "test/encoder_binary_comparison" ]] then #for local test: working dir is openh264/test/encoder_binary_comparison EncoderTestDir=${WorkingDir} BitStreamTestDir="${EncoderTestDir}/AllTestData/${BitStreamName}" FinalResultDir="${EncoderTestDir}/FinalResult" BitSreamDir="../../res" else #for travis test: working dir is openh264/ EncoderTestDir=${WorkingDir}/test/encoder_binary_comparison BitStreamTestDir="${EncoderTestDir}/AllTestData/${BitStreamName}" FinalResultDir="${EncoderTestDir}/FinalResult" BitSreamDir="${WorkingDir}/res" fi cd ${BitSreamDir} StreamFileFullPath=`pwd` StreamFileFullPath=${StreamFileFullPath}/${BitStreamName} cd ${WorkingDir} } runBitStreamToYUV() { ./run_BitStreamToYUV.sh ${StreamFileFullPath}>${BitStreamToYUVLog} if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] then echo "failed to translate bit stream to yuv !" exit 1 fi #parse basic info TestYUVName=`runGetCurrentYUVName ` TestYUVName=`echo ${TestYUVName} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $NF} ' ` StreamName=`echo ${StreamFileFullPath} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $NF} ' ` echo "" echo "TestYUVName is ${TestYUVName}" echo "StreamName is ${StreamName}" echo "SHA1Table is ${SHA1Table}" echo "" } runGetCurrentYUVName() { local YUVName="" while read line do if [[ "$line" =~ "renamed as" ]] then YUVName=`echo $line | awk 'BEGIN {FS=":"} {print $3}'` fi done <${BitStreamToYUVLog} echo ${YUVName} } runSHA1TableCheck() { if [ ! -e "${SHA1Table}" ] then echo "SHA1 table does not exist: ${SHA1Table} " echo "SHA1 table should be named as \${StreamName}_AllCases_SHA1_Table.csv" exit 0 fi return 0 } runBitStreamCheck() { local BitSreamName=`echo ${StreamFileFullPath} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $NF}'` echo "bit stream is $BitSreamName" if [ ! -e ${StreamFileFullPath} ] then echo -e "\033[31m bit stream does not exist: $BitSreamName \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m please double check under openh264/res folder \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m -----detected by run_OneBitStream.sh \033[0m" exit 0 fi return 0 } runTestSpaceCheck() { if [ ! -d ${BitStreamTestDir} ] then echo "" echo -e "\033[31m ----Test space for bitsream does not exist!--- ${BitStreamTestDir} \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m ---- before running this test locally, please follow step below: \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m ---- 1)cd test/encoder_binary_comparison/ \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m ---- 2)run script file: ./run_PrepareAllTestData.sh \033[0m" echo "" exit 1 fi return 0 } #brief: delete temp files based on test type runPostAction() { echo "" echo "deleting temp data,entire folder will be deleted........ " if [ -d ${BitStreamTestDir} ] then ${EncoderTestDir}/Scripts/run_SafeDelete.sh ${BitStreamTestDir} fi if [ ${TestType} = "TravisTest" ] then if [ -d ${FinalResultDir} ] then ${EncoderTestDir}/Scripts/run_SafeDelete.sh ${FinalResultDir} fi fi } #usage: usage: runMain $BitStreamName $TestType runMain() { if [ ! $# -eq 2 ] then echo "usage: runMain \$BitStreamName \$TestType" echo "detected by run_OneBitStream.sh" exit 1 fi BitStreamName=$1 TestType=$2 runInitial runBitStreamCheck runTestSpaceCheck #go to Bitstream test space cd ${BitStreamTestDir} runSHA1TableCheck #bit stream to YUV runBitStreamToYUV #binary comparison ./run_BinarySHA1Comparison.sh ${TestYUVName} ${SHA1Table} if [ ! $? -eq 0 ] then echo "" echo -e "\033[31m not all cases passed .....\033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m this may caused by: \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m --1) you changed encoder algorithm which changed the final bit stream \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m if so, you need to update the SHA1 table in folder ./test/encoder_binary_comparison/SHA1Table \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m --2) the decoder has been changed and since the test YUV is generated by h264dec,the input YUV changed,so bit stream will also change \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m if so, you need to update the SHA1 table in folder ./test/encoder_binary_comparison/SHA1Table \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m for how to update, please refer to doc: ./test/encoder_binary_comparison/AboutTest \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m --3) there may be something wrong in you code change (encoder or decoder) \033[0m" echo -e "\033[31m if so, please fix bug in your code \033[0m" cp ./result/* ${FinalResultDir} cd ${WorkingDir} #delete the test data runPostAction exit 1 else echo -e "\033[32m all cases passed!! ----bit stream: ${StreamName} \033[0m" cp ./result/* ${FinalResultDir} cd ${WorkingDir} #delete the test data runPostAction exit 0 fi } BitSteamName=$1 TestType=$2 runMain "${BitSteamName}" "${TestType}"