//! A non-blocking, off-thread writer.
//! This spawns a dedicated worker thread which is responsible for writing log
//! lines to the provided writer. When a line is written using the returned
//! `NonBlocking` struct's `make_writer` method, it will be enqueued to be
//! written by the worker thread.
//! The queue has a fixed capacity, and if it becomes full, any logs written
//! to it will be dropped until capacity is once again available. This may
//! occur if logs are consistently produced faster than the worker thread can
//! output them. The queue capacity and behavior when full (i.e., whether to
//! drop logs or to exert backpressure to slow down senders) can be configured
//! using [`NonBlockingBuilder::default()`][builder].
//! This function returns the default configuration. It is equivalent to:
//! ```rust
//! # use tracing_appender::non_blocking::{NonBlocking, WorkerGuard};
//! # fn doc() -> (NonBlocking, WorkerGuard) {
//! tracing_appender::non_blocking(std::io::stdout())
//! # }
//! ```
//! [builder]: NonBlockingBuilder::default
This function returns a tuple of `NonBlocking` and `WorkerGuard`.
//! `NonBlocking` implements [`MakeWriter`] which integrates with `tracing_subscriber`.
//! `WorkerGuard` is a drop guard that is responsible for flushing any remaining logs when
//! the program terminates.
//! Note that the `WorkerGuard` returned by `non_blocking` _must_ be assigned to a binding that
//! is not `_`, as `_` will result in the `WorkerGuard` being dropped immediately.
//! Unintentional drops of `WorkerGuard` remove the guarantee that logs will be flushed
//! during a program's termination, in a panic or otherwise.
//! See [`WorkerGuard`][worker_guard] for examples of using the guard.
//! [worker_guard]: WorkerGuard
//! # Examples
//! ``` rust
//! # fn docs() {
//! let (non_blocking, _guard) = tracing_appender::non_blocking(std::io::stdout());
//! let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_writer(non_blocking);
//! tracing::subscriber::with_default(subscriber.finish(), || {
//! tracing::event!(tracing::Level::INFO, "Hello");
//! });
//! # }
//! ```
use crate::worker::Worker;
use crate::Msg;
use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, SendTimeoutError, Sender};
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
use std::time::Duration;
use tracing_subscriber::fmt::MakeWriter;
/// The default maximum number of buffered log lines.
/// If [`NonBlocking`][non-blocking] is lossy, it will drop spans/events at capacity.
/// If [`NonBlocking`][non-blocking] is _not_ lossy,
/// backpressure will be exerted on senders, causing them to block their
/// respective threads until there is available capacity.
/// [non-blocking]: NonBlocking
/// Recommended to be a power of 2.
pub const DEFAULT_BUFFERED_LINES_LIMIT: usize = 128_000;
/// A guard that flushes spans/events associated to a [`NonBlocking`] on a drop
/// Writing to a [`NonBlocking`] writer will **not** immediately write a span or event to the underlying
/// output. Instead, the span or event will be written by a dedicated logging thread at some later point.
/// To increase throughput, the non-blocking writer will flush to the underlying output on
/// a periodic basis rather than every time a span or event is written. This means that if the program
/// terminates abruptly (such as through an uncaught `panic` or a `std::process::exit`), some spans
/// or events may not be written.
/// Since spans/events and events recorded near a crash are often necessary for diagnosing the failure,
/// `WorkerGuard` provides a mechanism to ensure that _all_ buffered logs are flushed to their output.
/// `WorkerGuard` should be assigned in the `main` function or whatever the entrypoint of the program is.
/// This will ensure that the guard will be dropped during an unwinding or when `main` exits
/// successfully.
/// # Examples
/// ``` rust
/// # #[clippy::allow(needless_doctest_main)]
/// fn main () {
/// # fn doc() {
/// let (non_blocking, _guard) = tracing_appender::non_blocking(std::io::stdout());
/// let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_writer(non_blocking);
/// tracing::subscriber::with_default(subscriber.finish(), || {
/// // Emit some tracing events within context of the non_blocking `_guard` and tracing subscriber
/// tracing::event!(tracing::Level::INFO, "Hello");
/// });
/// // Exiting the context of `main` will drop the `_guard` and any remaining logs should get flushed
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct WorkerGuard {
_guard: Option>,
sender: Sender,
shutdown: Sender<()>,
/// A non-blocking writer.
/// While the line between "blocking" and "non-blocking" IO is fuzzy, writing to a file is typically
/// considered to be a _blocking_ operation. For an application whose `Subscriber` writes spans and events
/// as they are emitted, an application might find the latency profile to be unacceptable.
/// `NonBlocking` moves the writing out of an application's data path by sending spans and events
/// to a dedicated logging thread.
/// This struct implements [`MakeWriter`][make_writer] from the `tracing-subscriber`
/// crate. Therefore, it can be used with the [`tracing_subscriber::fmt`][fmt] module
/// or with any other subscriber/layer implementation that uses the `MakeWriter` trait.
/// [make_writer]: tracing_subscriber::fmt::MakeWriter
/// [fmt]: mod@tracing_subscriber::fmt
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NonBlocking {
error_counter: ErrorCounter,
channel: Sender,
is_lossy: bool,
/// Tracks the number of times a log line was dropped by the background thread.
/// If the non-blocking writer is not configured in [lossy mode], the error
/// count should always be 0.
/// [lossy mode]: NonBlockingBuilder::lossy
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ErrorCounter(Arc);
impl NonBlocking {
/// Returns a new `NonBlocking` writer wrapping the provided `writer`.
/// The returned `NonBlocking` writer will have the [default configuration][default] values.
/// Other configurations can be specified using the [builder] interface.
/// [default]: NonBlockingBuilder::default
/// [builder]: NonBlockingBuilder
pub fn new(writer: T) -> (NonBlocking, WorkerGuard) {
fn create(
writer: T,
buffered_lines_limit: usize,
is_lossy: bool,
) -> (NonBlocking, WorkerGuard) {
let (sender, receiver) = bounded(buffered_lines_limit);
let (shutdown_sender, shutdown_receiver) = bounded(0);
let worker = Worker::new(receiver, writer, shutdown_receiver);
let worker_guard =
WorkerGuard::new(worker.worker_thread(), sender.clone(), shutdown_sender);
Self {
channel: sender,
error_counter: ErrorCounter(Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0))),
/// Returns a counter for the number of times logs where dropped. This will always return zero if
/// `NonBlocking` is not lossy.
pub fn error_counter(&self) -> ErrorCounter {
/// A builder for [`NonBlocking`][non-blocking].
/// [non-blocking]: NonBlocking
pub struct NonBlockingBuilder {
buffered_lines_limit: usize,
is_lossy: bool,
impl NonBlockingBuilder {
/// Sets the number of lines to buffer before dropping logs or exerting backpressure on senders
pub fn buffered_lines_limit(mut self, buffered_lines_limit: usize) -> NonBlockingBuilder {
self.buffered_lines_limit = buffered_lines_limit;
/// Sets whether `NonBlocking` should be lossy or not.
/// If set to `true`, logs will be dropped when the buffered limit is reached. If `false`, backpressure
/// will be exerted on senders, blocking them until the buffer has capacity again.
/// By default, the built `NonBlocking` will be lossy.
pub fn lossy(mut self, is_lossy: bool) -> NonBlockingBuilder {
self.is_lossy = is_lossy;
/// Completes the builder, returning the configured `NonBlocking`.
pub fn finish(self, writer: T) -> (NonBlocking, WorkerGuard) {
NonBlocking::create(writer, self.buffered_lines_limit, self.is_lossy)
impl Default for NonBlockingBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
NonBlockingBuilder {
buffered_lines_limit: DEFAULT_BUFFERED_LINES_LIMIT,
is_lossy: true,
impl std::io::Write for NonBlocking {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result {
let buf_size = buf.len();
if self.is_lossy {
if self.channel.try_send(Msg::Line(buf.to_vec())).is_err() {
} else {
return match self.channel.send(Msg::Line(buf.to_vec())) {
Ok(_) => Ok(buf_size),
Err(_) => Err(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::Other)),
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
fn write_all(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
self.write(buf).map(|_| ())
impl<'a> MakeWriter<'a> for NonBlocking {
type Writer = NonBlocking;
fn make_writer(&'a self) -> Self::Writer {
impl WorkerGuard {
fn new(handle: JoinHandle<()>, sender: Sender, shutdown: Sender<()>) -> Self {
WorkerGuard {
_guard: Some(handle),
impl Drop for WorkerGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
match self
.send_timeout(Msg::Shutdown, Duration::from_millis(100))
Ok(_) => {
// Attempt to wait for `Worker` to flush all messages before dropping. This happens
// when the `Worker` calls `recv()` on a zero-capacity channel. Use `send_timeout`
// so that drop is not blocked indefinitely.
// TODO: Make timeout configurable.
let _ = self.shutdown.send_timeout((), Duration::from_millis(1000));
Err(SendTimeoutError::Disconnected(_)) => (),
Err(SendTimeoutError::Timeout(e)) => println!(
"Failed to send shutdown signal to logging worker. Error: {:?}",
// === impl ErrorCounter ===
impl ErrorCounter {
/// Returns the number of log lines that have been dropped.
/// If the non-blocking writer is not configured in [lossy mode], the error
/// count should always be 0.
/// [lossy mode]: NonBlockingBuilder::lossy
pub fn dropped_lines(&self) -> usize {
fn incr_saturating(&self) {
let mut curr = self.0.load(Ordering::Acquire);
// We don't need to enter the CAS loop if the current value is already
// `usize::MAX`.
if curr == usize::MAX {
// This is implemented as a CAS loop rather than as a simple
// `fetch_add`, because we don't want to wrap on overflow. Instead, we
// need to ensure that saturating addition is performed.
loop {
let val = curr.saturating_add(1);
match self
.compare_exchange(curr, val, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Acquire)
Ok(_) => return,
Err(actual) => curr = actual,
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
struct MockWriter {
tx: mpsc::SyncSender,
impl MockWriter {
fn new(capacity: usize) -> (Self, mpsc::Receiver) {
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::sync_channel(capacity);
(Self { tx }, rx)
impl std::io::Write for MockWriter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result {
let buf_len = buf.len();
let _ = self.tx.send(String::from_utf8_lossy(buf).to_string());
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
fn backpressure_exerted() {
let (mock_writer, rx) = MockWriter::new(1);
let (mut non_blocking, _guard) = self::NonBlockingBuilder::default()
let error_count = non_blocking.error_counter();
non_blocking.write_all(b"Hello").expect("Failed to write");
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
non_blocking.write_all(b", World").expect("Failed to write");
// Sleep a little to ensure previously spawned thread gets blocked on write.
// We should not drop logs when blocked.
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());
// Read the first message to unblock sender.
let mut line = rx.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(line, "Hello");
// Wait for thread to finish.
handle.join().expect("thread should not panic");
// Thread has joined, we should be able to read the message it sent.
line = rx.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(line, ", World");
fn write_non_blocking(non_blocking: &mut NonBlocking, msg: &[u8]) {
non_blocking.write_all(msg).expect("Failed to write");
// Sleep a bit to prevent races.
#[ignore] // flaky, see https://github.com/tokio-rs/tracing/issues/751
fn logs_dropped_if_lossy() {
let (mock_writer, rx) = MockWriter::new(1);
let (mut non_blocking, _guard) = self::NonBlockingBuilder::default()
let error_count = non_blocking.error_counter();
// First write will not block
write_non_blocking(&mut non_blocking, b"Hello");
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());
// Second write will not block as Worker will have called `recv` on channel.
// "Hello" is not yet consumed. MockWriter call to write_all will block until
// "Hello" is consumed.
write_non_blocking(&mut non_blocking, b", World");
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());
// Will sit in NonBlocking channel's buffer.
write_non_blocking(&mut non_blocking, b"Test");
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());
// Allow a line to be written. "Hello" message will be consumed.
// ", World" will be able to write to MockWriter.
// "Test" will block on call to MockWriter's `write_all`
let line = rx.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(line, "Hello");
// This will block as NonBlocking channel is full.
write_non_blocking(&mut non_blocking, b"Universe");
assert_eq!(1, error_count.dropped_lines());
// Finally the second message sent will be consumed.
let line = rx.recv().unwrap();
assert_eq!(line, ", World");
assert_eq!(1, error_count.dropped_lines());
fn multi_threaded_writes() {
let (mock_writer, rx) = MockWriter::new(DEFAULT_BUFFERED_LINES_LIMIT);
let (non_blocking, _guard) = self::NonBlockingBuilder::default()
let error_count = non_blocking.error_counter();
let mut join_handles: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(10);
for _ in 0..10 {
let cloned_non_blocking = non_blocking.clone();
join_handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::fmt().with_writer(cloned_non_blocking);
tracing::subscriber::with_default(subscriber.finish(), || {
tracing::event!(tracing::Level::INFO, "Hello");
for handle in join_handles {
handle.join().expect("Failed to join thread");
let mut hello_count: u8 = 0;
while let Ok(event_str) = rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) {
hello_count += 1;
assert_eq!(10, hello_count);
assert_eq!(0, error_count.dropped_lines());