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3 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
4  * Vulkan CTS Framework
5  * --------------------
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc.
8  * Copyright (c) 2015 Imagination Technologies Ltd.
9  * Copyright (c) 2015 Google Inc.
10  *
11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  *
15  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
16  *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21  * limitations under the License.
22  *
23  *//*!
24  * \file
25  * \brief Utilities for images.
26  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 #include "vkDefs.hpp"
29 #include "tcuTexture.hpp"
30 #include "tcuCompressedTexture.hpp"
31 #include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
32 #include "vkImageWithMemory.hpp"
33 #include "vkBufferWithMemory.hpp"
34 #include "vkMemUtil.hpp"
35 #include "vkTypeUtil.hpp"
36 #include <memory>
38 namespace vk
39 {
41 bool						isFloatFormat				(VkFormat format);
42 bool						isUfloatFormat				(VkFormat format);
43 bool						isSfloatFormat				(VkFormat format);
44 bool						isUnormFormat				(VkFormat format);
45 bool						isSnormFormat				(VkFormat format);
46 bool						isIntFormat					(VkFormat format);
47 bool						isUintFormat				(VkFormat format);
48 bool						isDepthStencilFormat		(VkFormat format);
49 bool						isCompressedFormat			(VkFormat format);
50 bool						isSrgbFormat				(VkFormat format);
52 bool						is64BitIntegerFormat		(VkFormat format);
54 bool						isSupportedByFramework		(VkFormat format);
55 void						checkImageSupport			(const InstanceInterface& vki, VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkImageCreateInfo& imageCreateInfo);
57 tcu::TextureFormat			mapVkFormat					(VkFormat format);
58 tcu::CompressedTexFormat	mapVkCompressedFormat		(VkFormat format);
59 tcu::TextureFormat			getDepthCopyFormat			(VkFormat combinedFormat);
60 tcu::TextureFormat			getStencilCopyFormat		(VkFormat combinedFormat);
62 tcu::Sampler				mapVkSampler				(const VkSamplerCreateInfo& samplerCreateInfo);
63 tcu::Sampler::CompareMode	mapVkSamplerCompareOp		(VkCompareOp compareOp);
64 tcu::Sampler::WrapMode		mapVkSamplerAddressMode		(VkSamplerAddressMode addressMode);
65 tcu::Sampler::ReductionMode mapVkSamplerReductionMode	(VkSamplerReductionMode reductionMode);
66 tcu::Sampler::FilterMode	mapVkMinTexFilter			(VkFilter filter, VkSamplerMipmapMode mipMode);
67 tcu::Sampler::FilterMode	mapVkMagTexFilter			(VkFilter filter);
69 VkFilter					mapFilterMode				(tcu::Sampler::FilterMode filterMode);
70 VkSamplerMipmapMode			mapMipmapMode				(tcu::Sampler::FilterMode filterMode);
71 VkSamplerAddressMode		mapWrapMode					(tcu::Sampler::WrapMode wrapMode);
72 VkCompareOp					mapCompareMode				(tcu::Sampler::CompareMode mode);
73 VkFormat					mapTextureFormat			(const tcu::TextureFormat& format);
74 VkFormat					mapCompressedTextureFormat	(const tcu::CompressedTexFormat format);
75 VkSamplerCreateInfo			mapSampler					(const tcu::Sampler& sampler, const tcu::TextureFormat& format, float minLod = 0.0f, float maxLod = 1000.0f, bool unnormal = false);
76 rr::GenericVec4				mapVkColor					(const VkClearColorValue& color);
77 VkClearColorValue			mapVkColor					(const rr::GenericVec4& color);
79 void						imageUtilSelfTest			(void);
81 float						getRepresentableDiffUnorm	(const VkFormat format, const deUint32 componentNdx);
82 float						getRepresentableDiffSnorm	(const VkFormat format, const deUint32 componentNdx);
83 deUint32					getFormatComponentWidth		(const VkFormat format, const deUint32 componentNdx);
84 deUint32					getBlockSizeInBytes			(const VkFormat compressedFormat);
85 deUint32					getBlockWidth				(const VkFormat compressedFormat);
86 deUint32					getBlockHeight				(const VkFormat compressedFormat);
88 bool						hasSpirvFormat				(VkFormat fmt);
89 const std::string			getSpirvFormat				(VkFormat fmt);
93 // \todo [2017-05-18 pyry] Consider moving this to tcu
94 struct PlanarFormatDescription
95 {
96 	enum
97 	{
98 		MAX_CHANNELS	= 4,
99 		MAX_PLANES		= 3
100 	};
102 	enum ChannelFlags
103 	{
104 		CHANNEL_R	= (1u<<0),	// Has "R" (0) channel
105 		CHANNEL_G	= (1u<<1),	// Has "G" (1) channel
106 		CHANNEL_B	= (1u<<2),	// Has "B" (2) channel
107 		CHANNEL_A	= (1u<<3),	// Has "A" (3) channel
108 	};
110 	struct Plane
111 	{
112 		deUint8		elementSizeBytes;
113 		deUint8		widthDivisor;
114 		deUint8		heightDivisor;
115 		VkFormat	planeCompatibleFormat;
116 	};
118 	struct Channel
119 	{
120 		deUint8		planeNdx;
121 		deUint8		type;				// tcu::TextureChannelClass value
122 		deUint8		offsetBits;			// Offset in element in bits
123 		deUint8		sizeBits;			// Value size in bits
124 		deUint8		strideBytes;		// Pixel stride (in bytes), usually plane elementSize
125 	};
127 	deUint8		numPlanes;
128 	deUint8		presentChannels;
129 	deUint8		blockWidth;
130 	deUint8		blockHeight;
131 	Plane		planes[MAX_PLANES];
132 	Channel		channels[MAX_CHANNELS];
hasChannelNdxvk::PlanarFormatDescription134 	inline bool hasChannelNdx (deUint32 ndx) const
135 	{
136 		DE_ASSERT(de::inBounds(ndx, 0u, 4u));
137 		return (presentChannels & (1u<<ndx)) != 0;
138 	}
139 };
141 class ImageWithBuffer {
142 	std::unique_ptr<ImageWithMemory>	image;
143 	Move<vk::VkImageView>				imageView;
144 	std::unique_ptr<BufferWithMemory>	buffer;
145 	VkDeviceSize						size;
147 	public:
148 	ImageWithBuffer(
149 			const DeviceInterface&		vkd,
150 			const VkDevice				device,
151 			Allocator&					alloc,
152 			vk::VkExtent3D				extent,
153 			vk::VkFormat				imageFormat,
154 			vk::VkImageUsageFlags		usage,
155 			vk::VkImageType				imageType,
156 			vk::VkImageSubresourceRange ssr = makeImageSubresourceRange(VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0u, 1u, 0u, 1u),
157 			uint32_t					arrayLayers = 1,
158 			vk::VkSampleCountFlagBits   samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT,
159 			vk::VkImageTiling			tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL,
160 			uint32_t					mipLevels = 1,
161 			vk::VkSharingMode			sharingMode = VK_SHARING_MODE_EXCLUSIVE);
163 	VkImage			getImage();
164 	VkImageView		getImageView();
165 	VkBuffer		getBuffer();
166 	VkDeviceSize	getBufferSize();
167 	Allocation&		getImageAllocation();
168 	Allocation&		getBufferAllocation();
169 };
171 bool							isYCbCrFormat					(VkFormat						format);
172 bool							isYCbCrExtensionFormat			(VkFormat						format);
173 bool							isYCbCrConversionFormat			(VkFormat						format);
174 PlanarFormatDescription			getPlanarFormatDescription		(VkFormat						format);
175 int								getPlaneCount					(VkFormat						format);
176 deUint32						getMipmapCount					(VkFormat						format,
177 																 const vk::PlanarFormatDescription&	formatDescription,
178 																 const vk::VkImageFormatProperties& imageFormatProperties,
179 																 const vk::VkExtent3D&				extent);
181 deUint32						getPlaneSizeInBytes				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
182 																 const VkExtent3D&				baseExtents,
183 																 const deUint32					planeNdx,
184 																 const deUint32					mipmapLevel,
185 																 const deUint32					mipmapMemoryAlignment);
186 deUint32						getPlaneSizeInBytes				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
187 																 const tcu::UVec2&				baseExtents,
188 																 const deUint32					planeNdx,
189 																 const deUint32					mipmapLevel,
190 																 const deUint32					mipmapMemoryAlignment);
191 VkExtent3D						getPlaneExtent					(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
192 																 const VkExtent3D&				baseExtents,
193 																 const deUint32					planeNdx,
194 																 const deUint32					mipmapLevel);
195 tcu::UVec2						getPlaneExtent					(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
196 																 const tcu::UVec2&				baseExtents,
197 																 const deUint32					planeNdx,
198 																 const deUint32					mipmapLevel);
199 tcu::UVec3						getImageSizeAlignment			(VkFormat						format);
200 tcu::UVec3						getImageSizeAlignment			(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo);
201 tcu::UVec2						getBlockExtent					(VkFormat						format);
202 tcu::UVec2						getBlockExtent					(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo);
203 VkFormat						getPlaneCompatibleFormat		(VkFormat						format,
204 																 deUint32						planeNdx);
205 VkFormat						getPlaneCompatibleFormat		(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
206 																 deUint32						planeNdx);
208 VkImageAspectFlagBits			getPlaneAspect					(deUint32						planeNdx);
209 deUint32						getAspectPlaneNdx				(VkImageAspectFlagBits			planeAspect);
210 bool							isChromaSubsampled				(VkFormat						format);
211 bool							isYCbCr422Format				(VkFormat						format);
212 bool							isYCbCr420Format				(VkFormat						format);
214 tcu::PixelBufferAccess			getChannelAccess				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
215 																 const tcu::UVec2&				size,
216 																 const deUint32*				planeRowPitches,
217 																 void* const*					planePtrs,
218 																 deUint32						channelNdx);
219 tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess		getChannelAccess				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
220 																 const tcu::UVec2&				size,
221 																 const deUint32*				planeRowPitches,
222 																 const void* const*				planePtrs,
223 																 deUint32						channelNdx);
224 tcu::PixelBufferAccess			getChannelAccess				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
225 																 const tcu::UVec3&				size,
226 																 const deUint32*				planeRowPitches,
227 																 void* const*					planePtrs,
228 																 deUint32						channelNdx);
229 tcu::ConstPixelBufferAccess		getChannelAccess				(const PlanarFormatDescription&	formatInfo,
230 																 const tcu::UVec3&				size,
231 																 const deUint32*				planeRowPitches,
232 																 const void* const*				planePtrs,
233 																 deUint32						channelNdx);
234 VkImageAspectFlags				getImageAspectFlags				(const tcu::TextureFormat		textureFormat);
235 VkExtent3D						mipLevelExtents					(const VkExtent3D&				baseExtents,
236 																 const deUint32					mipLevel);
237 tcu::UVec3						alignedDivide					(const VkExtent3D&				extent,
238 																 const VkExtent3D&				divisor);
240 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
241  * Copies buffer data into an image. The buffer is expected to be
242  * in a state after host write.
243 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
244 void	copyBufferToImage						(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
245 												 vk::VkDevice									device,
246 												 vk::VkQueue									queue,
247 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
248 												 const vk::VkBuffer&							buffer,
249 												 vk::VkDeviceSize								bufferSize,
250 												 const std::vector<vk::VkBufferImageCopy>&		copyRegions,
251 												 const vk::VkSemaphore*							waitSemaphore,
252 												 vk::VkImageAspectFlags							imageAspectFlags,
253 												 deUint32										mipLevels,
254 												 deUint32										arrayLayers,
255 												 vk::VkImage									destImage,
256 												 VkImageLayout									destImageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL,
257 												 VkPipelineStageFlags							destImageDstStageFlags = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT,
258 												const VkCommandPool*							externalCommandPool = DE_NULL,
259 												 deUint32										baseMipLevel = 0);
261 void	copyBufferToImage						(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
262 												 const VkCommandBuffer&							cmdBuffer,
263 												 const VkBuffer&								buffer,
264 												 vk::VkDeviceSize								bufferSize,
265 												 const std::vector<VkBufferImageCopy>&			copyRegions,
266 												 VkImageAspectFlags								imageAspectFlags,
267 												 deUint32										mipLevels,
268 												 deUint32										arrayLayers,
269 												 VkImage										destImage,
270 												 VkImageLayout									destImageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL,
271 												 VkPipelineStageFlags							destImageDstStageFlags = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT,
272 												 deUint32										baseMipLevel = 0);
274 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
275  * Copies image data into a buffer. The buffer is expected to be
276  * read by the host.
277 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
278 void	copyImageToBuffer						(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
279 												 vk::VkCommandBuffer							cmdBuffer,
280 												 vk::VkImage									image,
281 												 vk::VkBuffer									buffer,
282 												 tcu::IVec2										size,
283 												 vk::VkAccessFlags								srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT,
284 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
285 												 deUint32										numLayers = 1u,
286 												 VkImageAspectFlags								barrierAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
287 												 VkImageAspectFlags								copyAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
288 												 VkPipelineStageFlags							srcMask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_ALL_COMMANDS_BIT);
290 void	copyImageToBuffer						(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
291 												 vk::VkCommandBuffer							cmdBuffer,
292 												 vk::VkImage									image,
293 												 vk::VkBuffer									buffer,
294 												 vk::VkFormat									format,
295 												 tcu::IVec2										size,
296 												 deUint32										mipLevel = 0u,
297 												 vk::VkAccessFlags								srcAccessMask = VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT,
298 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL,
299 												 deUint32										numLayers = 1u,
300 												 VkImageAspectFlags								barrierAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
301 												 VkImageAspectFlags								copyAspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
303 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
304  * Clear a color image
305 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
306 void	clearColorImage							(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
307 												 const vk::VkDevice								device,
308 												 const vk::VkQueue								queue,
309 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
310 												 vk::VkImage									image,
311 												 tcu::Vec4										clearColor,
312 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
313 												 vk::VkImageLayout								newLayout,
314 												 vk::VkPipelineStageFlags						dstStageFlags,
315 												 deUint32										baseArrayLayer = 0u,
316 												 deUint32										layerCount = 1u,
317 												 deUint32										baseMipLevel = 0u,
318 												 deUint32										levelCount = 1u);
320 void	clearColorImage							(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
321 												 const vk::VkDevice								device,
322 												 const vk::VkQueue								queue,
323 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
324 												 vk::VkImage									image,
325 												 vk::VkClearColorValue							clearColor,
326 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
327 												 vk::VkImageLayout								newLayout,
328 												 vk::VkAccessFlags								dstAccessFlags,
329 												 vk::VkPipelineStageFlags						dstStageFlags,
330 												 deUint32										baseArrayLayer = 0u,
331 												 deUint32										layerCount = 1u,
332 												 deUint32										baseMipLevel = 0u,
333 												 deUint32										levelCount = 1u);
335 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
336  * Initialize color image with a chessboard pattern
337 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
338 void	initColorImageChessboardPattern			(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
339 												 const vk::VkDevice								device,
340 												 const vk::VkQueue								queue,
341 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
342 												 Allocator&										allocator,
343 												 vk::VkImage									image,
344 												 vk::VkFormat									format,
345 												 tcu::Vec4										colorValue0,
346 												 tcu::Vec4										colorValue1,
347 												 deUint32										imageWidth,
348 												 deUint32										imageHeight,
349 												 deUint32										tileSize,
350 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
351 												 vk::VkImageLayout								newLayout,
352 												 vk::VkPipelineStageFlags						dstStageFlags);
354 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
355  * Copies depth/stencil image data into two separate buffers.
356  * The buffers are expected to be read by the host.
357 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
358 void	copyDepthStencilImageToBuffers			(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
359 												 vk::VkCommandBuffer							cmdBuffer,
360 												 vk::VkImage									image,
361 												 vk::VkBuffer									depthBuffer,
362 												 vk::VkBuffer									stencilBuffer,
363 												 tcu::IVec2										size,
364 												 vk::VkAccessFlags								srcAccessMask,
365 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
366 												 deUint32										numLayers = 1u);
368 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
369  * Clear a depth/stencil image
370 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
371 void	clearDepthStencilImage					(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
372 												 const vk::VkDevice								device,
373 												 const vk::VkQueue								queue,
374 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
375 												 vk::VkImage									image,
376 												 vk::VkFormat									format,
377 												 float											depthValue,
378 												 deUint32										stencilValue,
379 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
380 												 vk::VkImageLayout								newLayout,
381 												 vk::VkAccessFlags								dstAccessFlags,
382 												 vk::VkPipelineStageFlags						dstStageFlags);
384 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
385  * Initialize depth and stencil channels with a chessboard pattern
386 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
387 void	initDepthStencilImageChessboardPattern	(const DeviceInterface&							vk,
388 												 const vk::VkDevice								device,
389 												 const vk::VkQueue								queue,
390 												 deUint32										queueFamilyIndex,
391 												 Allocator&										allocator,
392 												 vk::VkImage									image,
393 												 vk::VkFormat									format,
394 												 float											depthValue0,
395 												 float											depthValue1,
396 												 deUint32										stencilValue0,
397 												 deUint32										stencilValue1,
398 												 deUint32										imageWidth,
399 												 deUint32										imageHeight,
400 												 deUint32										tileSize,
401 												 vk::VkImageLayout								oldLayout,
402 												 vk::VkImageLayout								newLayout,
403 												 vk::VkPipelineStageFlags						dstStageFlags);
405 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
406  * Makes common image subresource structures with common defaults
407 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
408 vk::VkImageSubresourceRange makeDefaultImageSubresourceRange();
410 vk::VkImageSubresourceLayers makeDefaultImageSubresourceLayers();
413 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
414  * Checks if the physical device supports creation of the specified
415  * image format.
416  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
417 bool	checkSparseImageFormatSupport			(const VkPhysicalDevice							physicalDevice,
418 												 const InstanceInterface&						instance,
419 												 const VkFormat									format,
420 												 const VkImageType								imageType,
421 												 const VkSampleCountFlagBits					sampleCount,
422 												 const VkImageUsageFlags						usageFlags,
423 												 const VkImageTiling							imageTiling);
425 bool	checkSparseImageFormatSupport			(const vk::VkPhysicalDevice						physicalDevice,
426 												 const vk::InstanceInterface&					instance,
427 												 const vk::VkImageCreateInfo&					imageCreateInfo);
429 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*//*!
430  * Allocates memory for a sparse image and handles the memory binding.
431  *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
432 void	allocateAndBindSparseImage				(const vk::DeviceInterface&						vk,
433 												 vk::VkDevice									device,
434 												 const vk::VkPhysicalDevice						physicalDevice,
435 												 const vk::InstanceInterface&					instance,
436 												 const vk::VkImageCreateInfo&					imageCreateInfo,
437 												 const vk::VkSemaphore&							signalSemaphore,
438 												 vk::VkQueue									queue,
439 												 vk::Allocator&									allocator,
440 												 std::vector<de::SharedPtr<vk::Allocation> >&	allocations,
441 												 tcu::TextureFormat								format,
442 												 vk::VkImage									destImage);
443 #endif // CTS_USES_VULKANSC
444 } // vk
446 #endif // _VKIMAGEUTIL_HPP