1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 *
7 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 *
9 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 #include "usb_device_manager.h"
17 #include <hdf_base.h>
18 #include "common_event_data.h"
19 #include "common_event_manager.h"
20 #include "common_event_support.h"
21 #include "hisysevent.h"
22 #include "usb_errors.h"
23 #include "usb_srv_support.h"
24 #include "usbd_type.h"
26 using namespace OHOS::AAFwk;
27 using namespace OHOS::EventFwk;
28 using namespace OHOS::HiviewDFX;
29 using namespace OHOS::HDI::Usb::V1_0;
31 namespace OHOS {
32 namespace USB {
33 constexpr int32_t PARAM_COUNT_TWO = 2;
34 constexpr int32_t PARAM_COUNT_THR = 3;
35 constexpr uint32_t CMD_INDEX = 1;
36 constexpr uint32_t PARAM_INDEX = 2;
37 const std::map<std::string_view, uint32_t> UsbDeviceManager::FUNCTION_MAPPING_N2C = {
38 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_NONE, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NONE},
39 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_ACM, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_ACM},
40 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_ECM, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_ECM},
41 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_HDC, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_HDC},
42 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_MTP, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_MTP},
43 {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_PTP, UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_PTP},
46 };
UsbDeviceManager()48 UsbDeviceManager::UsbDeviceManager()
49 {
50 USB_HILOGI(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager::Init start");
51 usbd_ = IUsbInterface::Get();
52 if (usbd_ == nullptr) {
53 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager::Get inteface failed");
54 }
55 }
Init()57 int32_t UsbDeviceManager::Init()
58 {
59 std::shared_ptr<UsbFunctionSwitchWindow> window_ = UsbFunctionSwitchWindow::GetInstance();
60 int32_t ret = window_->Init();
61 if (ret != UEC_OK) {
62 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "Init usb function switch window failed");
63 }
64 return ret;
65 }
SetUsbd(const sptr<IUsbInterface> & usbd)67 int32_t UsbDeviceManager::SetUsbd(const sptr<IUsbInterface> &usbd)
68 {
69 if (usbd == nullptr) {
70 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager usbd is nullptr");
72 }
73 usbd_ = usbd;
74 return UEC_OK;
75 }
AreSettableFunctions(int32_t funcs)77 bool UsbDeviceManager::AreSettableFunctions(int32_t funcs)
78 {
79 return static_cast<uint32_t>(funcs) == UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NONE ||
80 ((~functionSettable_ & static_cast<uint32_t>(funcs)) == 0);
81 }
ConvertFromString(std::string_view strFun)83 uint32_t UsbDeviceManager::ConvertFromString(std::string_view strFun)
84 {
85 if (strFun == UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_NONE) {
86 return UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NONE;
87 }
89 size_t len = strFun.length();
90 if (len == 0) {
92 }
94 std::vector<std::string_view> vModeStr;
95 size_t pos = 0;
96 while (pos < len) {
97 size_t findPos = strFun.find(",", pos);
98 if (findPos == strFun.npos) {
99 vModeStr.push_back(strFun.substr(pos, len - pos));
100 break;
101 }
102 vModeStr.push_back(strFun.substr(pos, findPos - pos));
103 pos = findPos + 1;
104 }
106 uint32_t ret = 0;
107 for (auto &&item : vModeStr) {
108 auto it = FUNCTION_MAPPING_N2C.find(item);
109 if (it != FUNCTION_MAPPING_N2C.end()) {
110 ret |= it->second;
111 } else {
112 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager::ConvertFromString Invalid argument of usb function");
114 }
115 }
117 return ret;
118 }
ConvertToString(uint32_t function)120 std::string UsbDeviceManager::ConvertToString(uint32_t function)
121 {
122 std::string stream;
123 if (function <= UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NONE || function > functionSettable_) {
124 stream = std::string {UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_NAME_NONE};
125 return stream;
126 }
127 bool flag = false;
128 for (auto it = FUNCTION_MAPPING_N2C.begin(); it != FUNCTION_MAPPING_N2C.end(); ++it) {
129 if ((function & it->second) != 0) {
130 if (flag) {
131 stream += ",";
132 }
133 stream += std::string {it->first};
134 flag = true;
135 }
136 }
137 USB_HILOGI(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager::ConvertToString success");
138 return stream;
139 }
UpdateFunctions(int32_t func)141 void UsbDeviceManager::UpdateFunctions(int32_t func)
142 {
143 ReportFuncChangeSysEvent(currentFunctions_, func);
144 currentFunctions_ = func;
145 }
GetCurrentFunctions()147 int32_t UsbDeviceManager::GetCurrentFunctions()
148 {
149 return currentFunctions_;
150 }
HandleEvent(int32_t status)152 void UsbDeviceManager::HandleEvent(int32_t status)
153 {
154 if (usbd_ == nullptr) {
155 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "UsbDeviceManager::usbd_ is nullptr");
156 return;
157 }
158 switch (status) {
159 case ACT_UPDEVICE: {
160 connected_ = true;
161 usbd_->GetCurrentFunctions(currentFunctions_);
162 break;
163 }
164 case ACT_DOWNDEVICE: {
165 connected_ = false;
166 break;
167 }
168 default:
169 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "invalid status %{public}d", status);
170 return;
171 }
173 Want want;
174 want.SetAction(CommonEventSupport::COMMON_EVENT_USB_STATE);
176 want.SetParam(std::string {UsbSrvSupport::CONNECTED}, connected_);
177 uint32_t remainderFunc = static_cast<uint32_t>(currentFunctions_);
178 // start from bit 1
179 uint32_t bit = 1;
180 while (remainderFunc != 0) {
181 if (remainderFunc & bit) {
182 want.SetParam(ConvertToString(bit), true);
183 // set current bit to zero
184 remainderFunc &= ~bit;
185 }
186 // 1 means to next bit
187 bit = bit << 1;
188 }
190 CommonEventData data(want);
191 CommonEventPublishInfo publishInfo;
192 USB_HILOGI(MODULE_SERVICE, "send COMMON_EVENT_USB_STATE broadcast connected:%{public}d, "
193 "currentFunctions:%{public}d", connected_, currentFunctions_);
194 CommonEventManager::PublishCommonEvent(data, publishInfo);
195 ReportDevicePlugSysEvent(currentFunctions_, connected_);
196 ProcessFunctionSwitchWindow(status);
197 }
ProcessFunctionSwitchWindow(int32_t status)199 void UsbDeviceManager::ProcessFunctionSwitchWindow(int32_t status)
200 {
201 std::shared_ptr<UsbFunctionSwitchWindow> window_ = UsbFunctionSwitchWindow::GetInstance();
202 if (status == ACT_UPDEVICE) {
203 USB_HILOGD(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "start pop up usb service switch window");
204 if (!window_->PopUpFunctionSwitchWindow()) {
205 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "start pop up usb service switch window failed");
206 }
207 } else if (status == ACT_DOWNDEVICE) {
208 USB_HILOGD(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "start dismiss usb service switch window");
209 if (!window_->DismissFunctionSwitchWindow()) {
210 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "start dismiss usb service switch window failed");
211 }
212 uint32_t targetFunction = static_cast<uint32_t>(currentFunctions_);
213 targetFunction &= ~(UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_MTP | UsbSrvSupport::FUNCTION_PTP);
214 int32_t ret = usbd_->SetCurrentFunctions(targetFunction);
215 if (ret != UEC_OK) {
216 USB_HILOGE(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "restore function from %{public}d to %{public}d failed: %{public}d",
217 currentFunctions_, targetFunction, ret);
218 }
219 }
220 }
GetDumpHelp(int32_t fd)222 void UsbDeviceManager::GetDumpHelp(int32_t fd)
223 {
224 dprintf(fd, "========= dump the all device function =========\n");
225 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -a: Query all function\n");
226 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f Q: Query Current function\n");
227 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 0: Switch to function:none\n");
228 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 1: Switch to function:acm\n");
229 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 2: Switch to function:ecm\n");
230 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 3: Switch to function:acm&ecm\n");
231 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 4: Switch to function:hdc\n");
232 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 5: Switch to function:acm&hdc\n");
233 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 6: Switch to function:ecm&hdc\n");
234 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 32: Switch to function:rndis\n");
235 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 512:Switch to function:storage\n");
236 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 36: Switch to function:rndis&hdc\n");
237 dprintf(fd, "usb_device -f 516:Switch to function:storage&hdc\n");
238 dprintf(fd, "------------------------------------------------\n");
239 }
DumpGetSupportFunc(int32_t fd)241 void UsbDeviceManager::DumpGetSupportFunc(int32_t fd)
242 {
243 dprintf(fd, "Usb Device function list info:\n");
244 dprintf(fd, "current function: %s\n", ConvertToString(currentFunctions_).c_str());
245 dprintf(fd, "supported functions list: %s\n", ConvertToString(functionSettable_).c_str());
246 }
DumpSetFunc(int32_t fd,const std::string & args)248 void UsbDeviceManager::DumpSetFunc(int32_t fd, const std::string &args)
249 {
250 int32_t currentFunction;
251 int32_t ret;
252 if (args.compare("Q") == 0) {
253 ret = usbd_->GetCurrentFunctions(currentFunction);
254 if (ret != UEC_OK) {
255 dprintf(fd, "GetCurrentFunctions failed: %d\n", __LINE__);
256 return;
257 }
258 dprintf(fd, "current function: %s\n", ConvertToString(currentFunction).c_str());
259 return;
260 }
262 int32_t mode = stoi(args);
263 ret = usbd_->SetCurrentFunctions(mode);
264 if (ret != UEC_OK) {
265 dprintf(fd, "SetCurrentFunctions failed");
266 return;
267 }
268 ret = usbd_->GetCurrentFunctions(currentFunction);
269 if (ret != UEC_OK) {
270 dprintf(fd, "GetCurrentFunctions failed: %d\n", __LINE__);
271 return;
272 }
274 dprintf(fd, "current function: %s\n", ConvertToString(currentFunction).c_str());
275 }
Dump(int32_t fd,const std::vector<std::string> & args)277 void UsbDeviceManager::Dump(int32_t fd, const std::vector<std::string> &args)
278 {
279 if (args.size() < PARAM_COUNT_TWO || args.size() > PARAM_COUNT_THR) {
280 GetDumpHelp(fd);
281 return;
282 }
284 if (args[CMD_INDEX] == "-a" && args.size() == PARAM_COUNT_TWO) {
285 DumpGetSupportFunc(fd);
286 } else if (args[CMD_INDEX] == "-f" && args.size() == PARAM_COUNT_THR) {
287 DumpSetFunc(fd, args[PARAM_INDEX]);
288 } else {
289 dprintf(fd, "func param error, please enter again\n");
290 GetDumpHelp(fd);
291 }
292 }
ReportFuncChangeSysEvent(int32_t currentFunctions,int32_t updateFunctions)294 void UsbDeviceManager::ReportFuncChangeSysEvent(int32_t currentFunctions, int32_t updateFunctions)
295 {
296 USB_HILOGI(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "Device function Indicates the switch point information:");
297 HiSysEventWrite(HiSysEvent::Domain::USB, "FUNCTION_CHANGED",
298 HiSysEvent::EventType::BEHAVIOR, "CURRENT_FUNCTION",
299 currentFunctions_, "UPDATE_FUNCTION", updateFunctions);
300 }
ReportDevicePlugSysEvent(int32_t currentFunctions,bool connected)302 void UsbDeviceManager::ReportDevicePlugSysEvent(int32_t currentFunctions, bool connected)
303 {
304 USB_HILOGI(MODULE_USB_SERVICE, "Device mode Indicates the insertion and removal information:");
305 HiSysEventWrite(HiSysEvent::Domain::USB, "PLUG_IN_OUT_DEVICE_MODE",
307 currentFunctions, "CONNECTED", connected);
308 }
IsGadgetConnected(void)309 bool UsbDeviceManager::IsGadgetConnected(void)
310 {
311 return connected_;
312 }
313 } // namespace USB
314 } // namespace OHOS