1 /*
2 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8 #include "gm/gm.h"
10 #include "include/effects/SkGradientShader.h"
11 #include "include/gpu/GrRecordingContext.h"
12 #include "src/core/SkCanvasPriv.h"
13 #include "src/core/SkGpuBlurUtils.h"
14 #include "src/gpu/GrRecordingContextPriv.h"
15 #include "src/gpu/GrStyle.h"
16 #include "src/gpu/SkGr.h"
17 #include "src/gpu/effects/GrBlendFragmentProcessor.h"
18 #include "src/gpu/effects/GrTextureEffect.h"
19 #include "src/gpu/v1/SurfaceDrawContext_v1.h"
20 #include "src/image/SkImage_Base.h"
22 namespace {
blur(GrRecordingContext * ctx,GrSurfaceProxyView src,SkIRect dstB,SkIRect srcB,float sigmaX,float sigmaY,SkTileMode mode)24 static GrSurfaceProxyView blur(GrRecordingContext* ctx,
25 GrSurfaceProxyView src,
26 SkIRect dstB,
27 SkIRect srcB,
28 float sigmaX,
29 float sigmaY,
30 SkTileMode mode) {
31 auto resultSDC = SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur(ctx,
32 src,
33 GrColorType::kRGBA_8888,
34 kPremul_SkAlphaType,
35 nullptr,
36 dstB,
37 srcB,
38 sigmaX,
39 sigmaY,
40 mode);
41 if (!resultSDC) {
42 return {};
43 }
44 return resultSDC->readSurfaceView();
45 };
47 // Performs tiling first of the src into dst bounds with a surrounding skirt so the blur can use
48 // clamp. Does repeated blurs rather than invoking downsampling.
slow_blur(GrRecordingContext * rContext,GrSurfaceProxyView src,SkIRect dstB,SkIRect srcB,float sigmaX,float sigmaY,SkTileMode mode)49 static GrSurfaceProxyView slow_blur(GrRecordingContext* rContext,
50 GrSurfaceProxyView src,
51 SkIRect dstB,
52 SkIRect srcB,
53 float sigmaX,
54 float sigmaY,
55 SkTileMode mode) {
56 auto tileInto = [rContext](GrSurfaceProxyView src,
57 SkIRect srcTileRect,
58 SkISize resultSize,
59 SkIPoint offset,
60 SkTileMode mode) {
61 GrImageInfo info(GrColorType::kRGBA_8888, kPremul_SkAlphaType, nullptr, resultSize);
62 auto sfc = rContext->priv().makeSFC(info);
63 if (!sfc) {
64 return GrSurfaceProxyView{};
65 }
66 GrSamplerState sampler(SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode), SkFilterMode::kNearest);
67 auto fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(src,
68 kPremul_SkAlphaType,
69 SkMatrix::Translate(-offset.x(), -offset.y()),
70 sampler,
71 SkRect::Make(srcTileRect),
72 *rContext->priv().caps());
73 sfc->fillWithFP(std::move(fp));
74 return sfc->readSurfaceView();
75 };
77 SkIPoint outset = {SkGpuBlurUtils::SigmaRadius(sigmaX), SkGpuBlurUtils::SigmaRadius(sigmaY)};
78 SkISize size = {dstB.width() + 2*outset.x(), dstB.height() + 2*outset.y()};
79 src = tileInto(std::move(src), srcB, size, outset - dstB.topLeft(), mode);
80 if (!src) {
81 return {};
82 }
83 dstB = SkIRect::MakePtSize(outset, dstB.size());
85 while (sigmaX || sigmaY) {
86 float stepX = sigmaX;
87 if (stepX > SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma) {
88 stepX = SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma;
89 // A blur of sigma1 followed by a blur of sigma2 is equiv. to a single blur of
90 // sqrt(sigma1^2 + sigma2^2).
91 sigmaX = sqrt(sigmaX*sigmaX - SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma*SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma);
92 } else {
93 sigmaX = 0.f;
94 }
95 float stepY = sigmaY;
96 if (stepY > SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma) {
97 stepY = SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma;
98 sigmaY = sqrt(sigmaY*sigmaY- SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma*SkGpuBlurUtils::kMaxSigma);
99 } else {
100 sigmaY = 0.f;
101 }
102 auto bounds = SkIRect::MakeSize(src.dimensions());
103 auto sdc = SkGpuBlurUtils::GaussianBlur(rContext,
104 std::move(src),
105 GrColorType::kRGBA_8888,
106 kPremul_SkAlphaType,
107 nullptr,
108 bounds,
109 bounds,
110 stepX,
111 stepY,
112 SkTileMode::kClamp);
113 if (!sdc) {
114 return {};
115 }
116 src = sdc->readSurfaceView();
117 }
118 // We have o use the original mode here because we may have only blurred in X or Y and then
119 // the other dimension was not expanded.
120 auto srcRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(src.dimensions());
121 return tileInto(std::move(src), srcRect, dstB.size(), -outset, SkTileMode::kClamp);
122 };
124 // Makes a src texture for as a source for blurs. If 'contentArea' then the content will
125 // be in that rect, the 1-pixel surrounding border will be transparent black, and red outside of
126 // that. Otherwise, the content fills the dimensions.
make_src_image(GrRecordingContext * rContext,SkISize dimensions,const SkIRect * contentArea=nullptr)127 GrSurfaceProxyView make_src_image(GrRecordingContext* rContext,
128 SkISize dimensions,
129 const SkIRect* contentArea = nullptr) {
130 auto srcII = SkImageInfo::Make(dimensions, kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType);
131 auto surf = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(rContext, SkBudgeted::kYes, srcII);
132 if (!surf) {
133 return {};
134 }
136 float w, h;
137 if (contentArea) {
138 surf->getCanvas()->clear(SK_ColorRED);
139 surf->getCanvas()->clipIRect(contentArea->makeOutset(1, 1));
140 surf->getCanvas()->clear(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT);
141 surf->getCanvas()->clipIRect(*contentArea);
142 surf->getCanvas()->translate(contentArea->top(), contentArea->left());
143 w = contentArea->width();
144 h = contentArea->height();
145 } else {
146 w = dimensions.width();
147 h = dimensions.height();
148 }
150 surf->getCanvas()->drawColor(SK_ColorDKGRAY);
151 SkPaint paint;
152 paint.setAntiAlias(true);
153 paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
154 // Draw four horizontal lines at 1/8, 1/4, 3/4, 7/8.
155 paint.setStrokeWidth(h/12.f);
156 paint.setColor(SK_ColorRED);
157 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({0.f, 1.f*h/8.f}, {w, 1.f*h/8.f}, paint);
158 paint.setColor(/* sea foam */ 0xFF71EEB8);
159 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({0.f, 1.f*h/4.f}, {w, 1.f*h/4.f}, paint);
160 paint.setColor(SK_ColorYELLOW);
161 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({0.f, 3.f*h/4.f}, {w, 3.f*h/4.f}, paint);
162 paint.setColor(SK_ColorCYAN);
163 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({0.f, 7.f*h/8.f}, {w, 7.f*h/8.f}, paint);
165 // Draw four vertical lines at 1/8, 1/4, 3/4, 7/8.
166 paint.setStrokeWidth(w/12.f);
167 paint.setColor(/* orange */ 0xFFFFA500);
168 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({1.f*w/8.f, 0.f}, {1.f*h/8.f, h}, paint);
169 paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLUE);
170 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({1.f*w/4.f, 0.f}, {1.f*h/4.f, h}, paint);
171 paint.setColor(SK_ColorMAGENTA);
172 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({3.f*w/4.f, 0.f}, {3.f*h/4.f, h}, paint);
173 paint.setColor(SK_ColorGREEN);
174 surf->getCanvas()->drawLine({7.f*w/8.f, 0.f}, {7.f*h/8.f, h}, paint);
176 auto img = surf->makeImageSnapshot();
177 auto [src, ct] = as_IB(img)->asView(rContext, GrMipmapped::kNo);
178 return src;
179 }
181 } // namespace
183 namespace skiagm {
run(GrRecordingContext * rContext,SkCanvas * canvas,SkString * errorMsg,bool subsetSrc,bool ref)185 static GM::DrawResult run(GrRecordingContext* rContext, SkCanvas* canvas, SkString* errorMsg,
186 bool subsetSrc, bool ref) {
187 GrSurfaceProxyView src = make_src_image(rContext, {60, 60});
188 if (!src) {
189 *errorMsg = "Failed to create source image";
190 return DrawResult::kSkip;
191 }
193 auto sdc = SkCanvasPriv::TopDeviceSurfaceDrawContext(canvas);
194 if (!sdc) {
195 *errorMsg = GM::kErrorMsg_DrawSkippedGpuOnly;
196 return DrawResult::kSkip;
197 }
199 SkIRect srcRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(src.dimensions());
200 if (subsetSrc) {
201 srcRect = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2.f*srcRect.width() /8.f,
202 1.f*srcRect.height()/8.f,
203 5.f*srcRect.width() /8.f,
204 6.f*srcRect.height()/8.f);
205 }
206 int srcW = srcRect.width();
207 int srcH = srcRect.height();
208 // Each set of rects is drawn in one test area so they probably should not abut or overlap
209 // to visualize the blurs separately.
210 const std::vector<SkIRect> dstRectSets[] = {
211 // encloses source bounds.
212 {
213 srcRect.makeOutset(srcW/5, srcH/5)
214 },
216 // partial overlap from above/below.
217 {
218 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(srcRect.x(), srcRect.y() + 3*srcH/4, srcW, srcH),
219 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(srcRect.x(), srcRect.y() - 3*srcH/4, srcW, srcH)
220 },
222 // adjacent to each side of src bounds.
223 {
224 srcRect.makeOffset( 0, srcH),
225 srcRect.makeOffset( srcW, 0),
226 srcRect.makeOffset( 0, -srcH),
227 srcRect.makeOffset(-srcW, 0),
228 },
230 // fully outside src bounds in one direction.
231 {
232 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(-6.f*srcW/8.f, -7.f*srcH/8.f, 4.f*srcW/8.f, 20.f*srcH/8.f)
233 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
234 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(-1.f*srcW/8.f, -7.f*srcH/8.f, 16.f*srcW/8.f, 2.f*srcH/8.f)
235 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
236 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(10.f*srcW/8.f, -3.f*srcH/8.f, 4.f*srcW/8.f, 16.f*srcH/8.f)
237 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
238 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(-7.f*srcW/8.f, 14.f*srcH/8.f, 18.f*srcW/8.f, 1.f*srcH/8.f)
239 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
240 },
242 // outside of src bounds in both directions.
243 {
244 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(-5.f*srcW/8.f, -5.f*srcH/8.f, 2.f*srcW/8.f, 2.f*srcH/8.f)
245 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
246 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(-5.f*srcW/8.f, 12.f*srcH/8.f, 2.f*srcW/8.f, 2.f*srcH/8.f)
247 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
248 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(12.f*srcW/8.f, -5.f*srcH/8.f, 2.f*srcW/8.f, 2.f*srcH/8.f)
249 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
250 SkIRect::MakeXYWH(12.f*srcW/8.f, 12.f*srcH/8.f, 2.f*srcW/8.f, 2.f*srcH/8.f)
251 .makeOffset(srcRect.topLeft()),
252 },
253 };
255 const auto& caps = *rContext->priv().caps();
257 static constexpr SkScalar kPad = 10;
258 SkVector trans = {kPad, kPad};
260 sdc->clear(SK_PMColor4fWHITE);
262 SkIRect testArea = srcRect;
263 testArea.outset(testArea.width(), testArea.height());
264 for (const auto& dstRectSet : dstRectSets) {
265 for (int t = 0; t < kSkTileModeCount; ++t) {
266 auto mode = static_cast<SkTileMode>(t);
267 GrSamplerState sampler(SkTileModeToWrapMode(mode), GrSamplerState::Filter::kNearest);
268 SkMatrix m = SkMatrix::Translate(trans.x() - testArea.x(), trans.y() - testArea.y());
269 // Draw the src subset in the tile mode faded as a reference before drawing the blur
270 // on top.
271 {
272 static constexpr float kAlpha = 0.2f;
273 auto fp = GrTextureEffect::MakeSubset(src, kPremul_SkAlphaType, SkMatrix::I(),
274 sampler, SkRect::Make(srcRect), caps);
275 fp = GrFragmentProcessor::ModulateRGBA(std::move(fp),
276 {kAlpha, kAlpha, kAlpha, kAlpha});
277 GrPaint paint;
278 paint.setColorFragmentProcessor(std::move(fp));
279 sdc->drawRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, m, SkRect::Make(testArea));
280 }
281 // Do a blur for each dstRect in the set over our testArea-sized background.
282 for (const auto& dstRect : dstRectSet) {
283 const SkScalar sigmaX = src.width() / 10.f;
284 const SkScalar sigmaY = src.height() / 10.f;
285 auto blurFn = ref ? slow_blur : blur;
286 // Blur using the rect and draw on top.
287 if (auto blurView = blurFn(rContext,
288 src,
289 dstRect,
290 srcRect,
291 sigmaX,
292 sigmaY,
293 mode)) {
294 auto fp = GrTextureEffect::Make(blurView,
295 kPremul_SkAlphaType,
296 SkMatrix::I(),
297 sampler,
298 caps);
299 // Compose against white (default paint color)
300 fp = GrBlendFragmentProcessor::Make(std::move(fp),
301 /*dst=*/nullptr,
302 SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
303 GrPaint paint;
304 // Compose against white (default paint color) and then replace the dst
305 // (SkBlendMode::kSrc).
306 fp = GrBlendFragmentProcessor::Make(std::move(fp),
307 /*dst=*/nullptr,
308 SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
309 paint.setColorFragmentProcessor(std::move(fp));
310 paint.setPorterDuffXPFactory(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
311 sdc->fillRectToRect(nullptr,
312 std::move(paint),
313 GrAA::kNo,
314 m,
315 SkRect::Make(dstRect),
316 SkRect::Make(blurView.dimensions()));
317 }
318 // Show the outline of the dst rect. Mostly for kDecal but also allows visual
319 // confirmation that the resulting blur is the right size and in the right place.
320 {
321 GrPaint paint;
322 static constexpr float kAlpha = 0.6f;
323 paint.setColor4f({0, kAlpha, 0, kAlpha});
324 SkPaint stroke;
325 stroke.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
326 stroke.setStrokeWidth(1.f);
327 GrStyle style(stroke);
328 auto dstR = SkRect::Make(dstRect).makeOutset(0.5f, 0.5f);
329 sdc->drawRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, m, dstR, &style);
330 }
331 }
332 // Show the rect that's being blurred.
333 {
334 GrPaint paint;
335 static constexpr float kAlpha = 0.3f;
336 paint.setColor4f({0, 0, 0, kAlpha});
337 SkPaint stroke;
338 stroke.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
339 stroke.setStrokeWidth(1.f);
340 GrStyle style(stroke);
341 auto srcR = SkRect::Make(srcRect).makeOutset(0.5f, 0.5f);
342 sdc->drawRect(nullptr, std::move(paint), GrAA::kNo, m, srcR, &style);
343 }
344 trans.fX += testArea.width() + kPad;
345 }
346 trans.fX = kPad;
347 trans.fY += testArea.height() + kPad;
348 }
350 return DrawResult::kOk;
351 }
353 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(gpu_blur_utils, rContext, canvas, errorMsg, 765, 955) {
354 return run(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, false, false);
355 }
357 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(gpu_blur_utils_ref, rContext, canvas, errorMsg, 765, 955) {
358 return run(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, false, true);
359 }
361 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(gpu_blur_utils_subset_rect, rContext, canvas, errorMsg, 485, 730) {
362 return run(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, true, false);
363 }
365 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(gpu_blur_utils_subset_ref, rContext, canvas, errorMsg, 485, 730) {
366 return run(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, true, true);
367 }
369 // Because of the way blur sigmas concat (sigTotal = sqrt(sig1^2 + sig2^2) generating these images
370 // for very large sigmas is incredibly slow. This can be enabled while working on the blur code to
371 // check results.
372 static bool constexpr kShowSlowRefImages = false;
do_very_large_blur_gm(GrRecordingContext * rContext,SkCanvas * canvas,SkString * errorMsg,GrSurfaceProxyView src,SkIRect srcB)374 static DrawResult do_very_large_blur_gm(GrRecordingContext* rContext,
375 SkCanvas* canvas,
376 SkString* errorMsg,
377 GrSurfaceProxyView src,
378 SkIRect srcB) {
379 auto sdc = SkCanvasPriv::TopDeviceSurfaceDrawContext(canvas);
380 if (!sdc) {
381 *errorMsg = GM::kErrorMsg_DrawSkippedGpuOnly;
382 return DrawResult::kSkip;
383 }
385 // Clear to a color other than gray to contrast with test image.
386 sdc->clear(SkColor4f{0.3f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 1});
388 int x = 10;
389 int y = 10;
390 for (auto blurDirs : {0b01, 0b10, 0b11}) {
391 for (int t = 0; t <= static_cast<int>(SkTileMode::kLastTileMode); ++t) {
392 auto tm = static_cast<SkTileMode>(t);
393 auto dstB = srcB.makeOutset(30, 30);
394 for (float sigma : {0.f, 5.f, 25.f, 80.f}) {
395 std::vector<decltype(blur)*> blurs;
396 blurs.push_back(blur);
397 if (kShowSlowRefImages) {
398 blurs.push_back(slow_blur);
399 }
400 for (auto b : blurs) {
401 float sigX = sigma*((blurDirs & 0b01) >> 0);
402 float sigY = sigma*((blurDirs & 0b10) >> 1);
403 GrSurfaceProxyView result = b(rContext, src, dstB, srcB, sigX, sigY, tm);
404 auto dstRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(dstB.size()).makeOffset(x, y);
405 // Draw a rect to show where the result should be so it's obvious if it's
406 // missing.
407 GrPaint paint;
408 paint.setColor4f(b == blur ? SkPMColor4f{0, 0, 1, 1} : SkPMColor4f{1, 0, 0, 1});
409 sdc->drawRect(nullptr,
410 std::move(paint),
411 GrAA::kNo,
412 SkMatrix::I(),
413 SkRect::Make(dstRect).makeOutset(0.5, 0.5),
414 &GrStyle::SimpleHairline());
415 if (result) {
416 std::unique_ptr<GrFragmentProcessor> fp =
417 GrTextureEffect::Make(std::move(result), kPremul_SkAlphaType);
418 fp = GrBlendFragmentProcessor::Make(std::move(fp),
419 /*dst=*/nullptr,
420 SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
421 sdc->fillRectToRectWithFP(SkIRect::MakeSize(dstB.size()),
422 dstRect,
423 std::move(fp));
424 }
425 x += dstB.width() + 10;
426 }
427 }
428 x = 10;
429 y += dstB.height() + 10;
430 }
431 }
433 return DrawResult::kOk;
434 }
436 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(very_large_sigma_gpu_blur, rContext, canvas, errorMsg, 350, 1030) {
437 auto src = make_src_image(rContext, {15, 15});
438 auto srcB = SkIRect::MakeSize(src.dimensions());
439 return do_very_large_blur_gm(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, std::move(src), srcB);
440 }
442 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(very_large_sigma_gpu_blur_subset,
443 rContext,
444 canvas,
445 errorMsg,
446 350, 1030) {
447 auto srcB = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(2, 2, 15, 15);
448 SkISize imageSize = SkISize{srcB.width() + 4, srcB.height() + 4};
449 auto src = make_src_image(rContext, imageSize, &srcB);
450 return do_very_large_blur_gm(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, std::move(src), srcB);
451 }
453 DEF_SIMPLE_GPU_GM_CAN_FAIL(very_large_sigma_gpu_blur_subset_transparent_border,
454 rContext,
455 canvas,
456 errorMsg,
457 355, 1055) {
458 auto srcB = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(3, 3, 15, 15);
459 SkISize imageSize = SkISize{srcB.width() + 4, srcB.height() + 4};
460 auto src = make_src_image(rContext, imageSize, &srcB);
461 return do_very_large_blur_gm(rContext, canvas, errorMsg, std::move(src), srcB.makeOutset(1, 1));
462 }
464 } // namespace skiagm