/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/test/typeinfer/automatedcases/ |
D | typeArgInference.ts | 45 let t1: { c: number; d: string }; variable 59 let t2: { c: number; d: string }; variable 73 let t3: { c: number; d: string }; variable 87 let t4: { c: number; d: string }; variable
D | emitOneLineVariableDeclarationRemoveCommentsFalse.ts | 36 let d: any /*[[${something}]]*/ = {}; variable 44 let f = /* comment1 */ d(e); variable 50 let g: any = /* comment2 */ d(e); variable
D | declFileInternalAliases.ts | 28 export let d = new x(); // emit the type as m.c variable 32 export let d = new x(); // emit the type as x variable
D | typeArgumentInferenceTransitiveConstraints.ts | 29 let d = fn(new Date(), new Date(), new Date()); variable 40 let d: Date[]; // Should be OK (d should be Date[]) variable
D | parenthesizedTypes.ts | 60 let d: Array<((x: string) => string) | ((x: number) => number)>; variable 65 let d: Array<{ (x: string): string } | { (x: number): number }>; variable 70 let d: (Array<{ (x: string): string } | { (x: number): number }>); variable
D | privateNameStaticFieldUnaryMutation.ts | 55 const d = --C.#test; constant 149 const d = --this.getClass().#test; constant
D | overloadCrash.ts | 22 interface I2 {c:number; d:number;}; property 23 interface I3 {a:number; b:number; c:number; d:number;}; property
D | newOperatorConformance.ts | 72 let d = new anyCtor; variable 77 let d: any; variable 81 let d = new anyCtor1(undefined); variable
D | mergedInterfacesWithMultipleBases2.ts | 37 d: string; property in C4 53 d: string; property in D 80 d: T; property in C4 95 d: string; property in D
D | parserParenthesizedVariableAndParenthesizedFunctionInTernary.ts | 33 const d = true ? (a) : ((function() {})); constant
D | declFileModuleAssignmentInObjectLiteralProperty.ts | 25 let d = { variable
D | privateNameFieldUnaryMutation.ts | 62 const d = --this.#test; constant 273 const d = --this.getInstance().#test; constant
/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/test/workload/objaccess/ |
D | objaccess.js | 17 var extendStatics = function (d, b) { argument 19 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || argument 23 return function (d, b) { argument 28 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); class
/arkcompiler/runtime_core/disassembler/tests/ |
D | instructions_test.cpp.in | 28 Disassembler d {}; local 39 Disassembler d {}; local 219 Disassembler d {}; local 265 Disassembler d {}; local 279 Disassembler d {}; local 307 Disassembler d; local
D | records_test.cpp.in | 28 Disassembler d {}; local 39 Disassembler d {}; local 60 Disassembler d {}; local
D | literals_test.cpp.in | 28 Disassembler d {}; local 44 Disassembler d {}; local
D | functions_test.cpp.in | 28 Disassembler d {}; local 39 Disassembler d {}; local
D | labels_test.cpp.in | 28 Disassembler d {}; local 53 Disassembler d {}; local 88 Disassembler d {}; local
/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/es2panda/test/parser/ts/type_checker/ |
D | interfaceAssignment.ts | 26 d(a: number, b: string): number[]; method 30 a: 2, b: "bar", c: false, d: function (a: number, b: string) { variable 55 d: string[] property 74 var d: D5 = { a: 2, b: 3, c: "bar", d: ["foo", "bar", "baz"], e: [1, "foo"] } variable 85 d: (a: number, b: string) => {} variable
D | interfaceAssignment3.ts | 30 d: [number, number]; property 33 var d: D; variable
D | objectLiteralAssignability16.ts | 32 interface d extends a, b, c { interface 33 d: number property
/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/es2panda/test/compiler/ts/cases/conformance/expressions/ |
D | ts-test-expression-1.ts | 36 var d = c != c; variable 47 d: () => { return 1 }, variable
/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/arkguard/test/grammar/class_validation/ |
D | class_demo_3_use.ts | 18 const d = require('./class_demo_3'); constant
D | class_demo_4_use.ts | 18 const d = require('./class_demo_4'); constant
/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/es2panda/test/parser/js/ |
D | test-for-4.js | 17 for (let d,c of {d,c}); property